
Emotional Intensity Quotes

There are 395 quotes

"Emotions ran very high for both of us, and it's a shame because there were a lot of good things we did together."
"Healing can occur rapidly if we manage to create a powerful enough internal experience."
"The magic of Horus requires the passionate union of opposites."
"I love you so much that I have to shut my eyes so tight. And when I opened them, I see stars."
"Simon's heart races as he lines up for the crucial penalty. Win or lose, it's all on the line."
"That moment right there was better and bigger than any rush any high any moment I've really ever had."
"This person's gonna fight for this connection."
"This explanation grants us knowledge over the width burning out incident in part one but also grants us a much more important piece of character information on ban, his heart and his utter love for Elaine."
"Once all of the players are in place and those waterworks start flowing, they do not stop."
"It's like when you're isolated and you're in this surreal experience, your emotions are so high, everything just feels more intense."
"You're all I've ever wanted love to be and it scares me to death."
"I cried probably more than I have in my whole life."
"Their heart is on fire for you, they feel intensely passionate about you."
"Atmospheric overload pours gas on the fire of what we're feeling."
"This game was not really a game to me. Like it was, I guess it was a serious game because we didn't get to laugh at all."
"It's better than happiness, but it's almost unbearable."
"I've never experienced chemistry like I do with you it overwhelms my thoughts and body I feel so many emotions so many deep emotions with you."
"The love and intensity that comes with the love a parent has for their child is the most powerful force I feel in the universe."
"Obsession is a good thing. Obsession for your man is a good thing."
"If you've never had a woman obsessed with you, wanting to be with you, it's a different level."
"Let us fall together, Endeavor. Come dance with your son in hell."
"Xenoblade Chronicles 3 delivers all of this and so much more in a game that ramps up the emotional intensity, gives us the best combat the franchise has seen to date..."
"Destroyed relationship, not shattered, not broken, destroyed. If you destroy something you cannot put it back together."
"The first time I held my little girl in my arms, the love was so overwhelming I couldn't comprehend the emotions that I was feeling."
"The physical tension is there, the emotional tension is there."
"The severity of the betrayal is also important."
"You're overwhelmed, there's a lot of passionate situations going on here."
"Not filled with regret, just that I felt so, um, I don't know, alive. Kind of like eating a hot sauce really, that's what it does, blew my mind, it does, yeah, gets the blood pumping, gets the heart racing."
"But a lot of people are really, really angry and they're getting angrier."
"They're so afraid of commitment, overwhelmed by the intensity of the connection."
"Scorpios, some of you are planning revenge... seriously plotting."
"It's time to expect heightened emotions, obsessive energy, and an overwhelming desire to deepen connections."
"You want to feel something. We want to f**king stimulate our senses."
"It's gonna be rather drastic... and I feel like it's gonna be rather emotional and intense."
"Since you've been going, their feelings haven't even, I wouldn't even say, you don't think I'm crazy, but I'm gonna say it anyways, since you've been going, their feelings have intensified, I would even say it's multiplied now."
"The absolute terror that Michael Myers can bring out of anybody... it's just pure carnage that we're about to see."
"Drop heavily down, burst shattered everywhere."
"They've never cared so deeply for someone before."
"Love is strong as death, and jealousy is as cruel as hell. It flashes fire, the very flame of God."
"Passion is coming in like a whirlwind with the Eight of Wands. Get ready for a passionate seven days!"
"The way that this book broke me and had me legit hyperventilating."
"Imagine the panic and imagine the feeling that is right."
"I would have lifted you, your soul would have levitated. Stop playing with me, man. I'm not that."
"Passion simply defines as a strong and barely controllable emotion."
"It's pretty easy for me to get into luna. I feel a lot of things really, really hard. So, if I did not do this kind of job, I might become a serial killer."
"There's never going to be enough Justice on this Earth. Hell hath no fury enough for baby murderers."
"I was thinking when I was young teenager in college for sure... I remember vividly I could not have a political conversation with my parents... by the end I would be screaming... it was charged."
"The Last of Us will break your heart and crush your soul, and then once you're curled up in a corner, it'll pull off tears around you."
"She equated anger and violence with passion."
"The push-pull, running and chasing—it's intensified within twin flame connections."
"There's definitely a spark here and strong desires."
"This connection is very intense, very intense."
"They're still extremely in love with you, dude. Look, king and queen of cups."
"Intensity, the thing that turns a campaign into a movement, matters."
"This attraction, this burning passion, just lives on in you."
"We're going to become whole again, Norman." - Emotion and intensity in one line.
"I hope to my very core that he rots away behind those bars for eternity."
"This is the most intense week of our lives."
"They feel very joyful with you, joy amplified to the nines."
"Force your protagonist to make a choice, the harder the choice, the stronger the emotion."
"A holy terror is going to strike into their hearts."
"This person is obsessed. They are highly obsessed, they're incredibly sexually attracted to you."
"All places all things have souls all souls can be devoured you will all be alone in the end holy [ __ ] man damn like that this [ __ ] is insane man like I don't even know what to say."
"It's not like a total alter ego where you're a gibbering wreck sort of madness. It is an ecstatic madness."
"The deeply emotional and thrillingly berserk sit side by side."
"Your beloved is feeling ignited, passionate about you."
"You can't have hate without love you have to be the most polarizing thing ever and that's why we're so loved you can't have hate if you can't have love."
"It's really emotional heightened storytelling."
"She is burning with passion and specifically with hatred for Doma."
"It feels different... Everything feels so much more urgent."
"My goal is to defeat and humiliate and demoralize them. I want to destroy everything they stand for."
"It's the worst moment from a kid's life put to screen."
"Love is the strongest one, you can't play with people's emotions."
"Dread is a kind of septic fear, a grim certainty that bad things are coming."
"Make us desperate, so desperate that we don't care about shame, so desperate that we don't care about what other people think."
"Numbers don't matter, it's the urgency and genuineness of the feelings."
"Overwhelming flood of emotions, can't contain."
"Some of you are going to fall in love in Scorpio season and I think it's going to be absolutely intense."
"Honestly, this feels like a very intense game of tennis."
"The level of intensity of our connection during that time was something that we have, that was the pinnacle of the intensity of our singular connection to each other this year."
"I've cried with you, cried about you, and cried against you, but at the end of the day, it was all for love."
"The reunion between 11 and Cali was intense."
"She utterly sacrificed herself for him and that like ugh that was an intense scene."
"Unbelievable, by far the most harrowing experience I've ever had in this game."
"She was like a tornado hurricane and sunbeam all at once she came into your life and made you feel alive."
"You tell me something real important today. That's okay. All this [expletive] [expletive] is okay, I guess, somehow when I look in your eyes."
"Return of the Living Dead: A genuinely grotesque emotional overload."
"This is such intense energy... such big energy."
"They're totally head over heels for you, infatuated and captivated."
"When there are events of peak emotional intensity, we witness interruptions in the chaos—interruptions in the randomness of data."
"The anxiety picks up right where we left off...holy [ __ ] go!"
"I need them I want them just to run through that front door and just grab me or just barrel to tackle me knocked me to the floor bust my head I don't care."
"The anger I feel transcends everything, even the pain."
"First loves are always just so intense. You'll always remember that person for the rest of your life."
"You have evolved, love is a fire you set their heart on fire and the soul."
"She clings to her chest, her face burning brighter than a thousand splendid suns."
"Hours of boredom punctuated by minutes of mayhem."
"What a man the scenes at Goodison Park oh my God the balls on that man ice cold."
"They're feeling so much love, so much heightened emotions for you."
"The more extreme you could make a situation, the more extreme language you could use, the more emotional ammunition you have."
"I really gotta have that attraction and I go crazy."
"Shut the [__] up, I want you to know that, I love you."
"Utterly relentless and totally heartbreaking."
"This love is going to send a shockwave through the planet."
"There will be no remorse, no forgiveness, no mercy."
"They feel this intense energy between you... that pure love... beyond this earth plane."
"They feel this intense sexual tension... fascinated by you... inspired by you."
"Again, you’re never going to 'logic' your way back into someone’s heart… ESPECIALLY if you’re screaming at the top of your lungs."
"Life can be dull sometimes, so we enjoy the intensity they bring."
"I didn't care if I was gonna die, I had cancer, I didn't have cancer, I was just in love with the moment."
"Hey, I've been dreaming about you every night. What you do, I can barely breathe."
"It literally was like years and years of therapy condensed into eight hellish hours."
"Secret Little Haven captures the intensity and bigness of the emotions of a teenager."
"I'm experiencing a level of excitement heretofore unknown." - Karina
"You gotta tap into that scorpio essence of it, that raw dog, that raw darkness."
"What I'm seeing is like your person just feeling very powerful when it comes to you, their thoughts, their feelings about you is just like very powerful."
"When you feel head-over-heels for someone it means that you're really in love with them."
"It's clear that the intensity behind Bucky's stares take on a different hue with Sam."
"The reason why this person is obsessed with you is because they feel like you can fulfill their every single sexual fantasy. You're like an addictive drug."
"The most important risotto you've made in your [ __ ] life."
"The connection is intense, they're like obsessing over it, they can't get you off their mind."
"You make them feel safe, and they're different in your presence."
"The intensity of their feelings freaks them out a little bit."
"They're getting close. They are getting fucking close."
"Do not pick this book up expecting a light read. This is incredibly emotional."
"Be careful of that, that you don't get into no competition or competitive energies."
"This is not like any other breakup ever, not even."
"A storm of Revival is coming, storms can look and feel scary but it's me working."
"That love energy is chaos, like Brother Bob used to say. It's that chaotic energy that can make you kill somebody, can make you heal somebody, it can make you love somebody."
"When you're trying to be one of God's Champions, your heart is pounding."
"It's gonna be a very sort of sexual connection but also very, very deep."
"The emotional stakes and tension are so captivating."
"This is not a laughing matter. Okay, the actual anger and outrage here is pretty [ __ ] justified."
"It's almost the electricity of what love is."
"Love is raw, intense, vulnerable, and sometimes painful."
"It was a nail-biting 2-1 victory in extra time."
"Aries really really really care about people like they care a little bit so much sometimes."
"Just know they are going to hold down because they care so much about the people that they care about that fire runs so deep so don't take advantage of them."
"They want to fight for you, they want to have this makeup sex so bad."
"I want to hug you right now, my love for you is as deep as the ocean."
"That England Columbia game was like a f****** movie, like it really was that dramatic."
"The best way I can describe The Last of Us Part Two is that it is emotionally exhausting."
"The shriek that followed was deafening, blood-curdling, and absolutely terrible to hear."
"This was a crime of passion, of seething malice."
"There's no words that you could describe what I'm feeling right now. It's overwhelming."
"I love you. Oh God, hey, those are my true feelings, so there's no way you could like me more than I liked you."
"My heart cannot take this, my heart's about to explode in my chest."
"It creates a sinking feeling of dread because this is too much for the Doctor to handle."
"If you love your people, you gotta be crazy."
"The relationship is far deeper than we dare to imagine."
"Your love is freeing, unshackling, unbinding—potent and ecstatic."
"I can't get you out of my head, and I became obsessed with you, and it scared me."
"There's like electricity between you two, it's just super intense."
"2017 ended with more drama than it did in the beginning."
"It was beginning to look like this was a crime of passion."
"On the path of destruction, he's like, 'I am going to get vengeance for this.'"
"You should always want it to hurt when you lose someone. You should want it to hurt real bad because at least then it meant something."
"Bipolar disorder can cause the most excruciatingly intense feelings that something is very wrong with our lives."
"I had no right to claim him. I knew it. But in a solitary life there are rare moments when another soul dips near yours as stars once a year brush the earth. Such a constellation was he to me."
"As I was being shot all over again I couldn't understand why, with the pain that I felt at that moment, it was like if God was just holding me telling me it's gonna be okay."
"What some would call volatility, others might call passion."
"Nothing is spikier than the emotions being displayed here."
"I've never wished harm. Just seeing that picture, like, I need them, I want them just to run through that front door and just grab me or just barely tackle me, knock me to the floor, bust my head, I don't care."
"I've murdered your sister, I've murdered your brother, I've murdered your wife. I would not murder your mom."
"The overwhelming, never any reckless love of God."
"Blazing alt-rock anguish roars like an uncaged lion on Radiohead's sophomore album, The Bends."
"Many blessings, love and light. A very intense intense story."
"This total solar eclipse is bringing you heightened emotions in terms of all things romance."
"You're all not good enough to wear that shirt. You're all not fit to wear that shirt. Get out of my club and don't bother coming back because you've absolutely abused that shirt this season."
"His depiction of the sunken eyes and the horrifying grin really make this painting what it is."
"It hurts like you wouldn't believe but it felt damn good to feel something."
"Teen feelings are grandiose; everything feels like a first."
"If people are fucking around, that's a great time for a moment of dread, a moment of horror, raising the stakes."
"Your emotions are definitely gonna be popping like you're gonna be feeling strong emotions, strong rage, strong happiness."
"This is the most intense ending before I've ever had."
"Just imagine sitting writing your final letter to your family knowing that in a few hours time you're going to be executed and hanged by the neck until dead."
"Scorpio does not do well in the shallow end of the pool. We like to deep dive."
"They see you as something that is very passionate to connect to."
"It felt like such a mature and intense and deeply consequential story."
"I can't describe how I feel every single time."
"Making a movie must be an enjoyable but stressful process, especially if the subject is particularly dark or traumatic."
"I've cried over you, I've had very vivid dreams of you, I can't get you out of my head."
"She was covered in blood while bizarrely kissing her dogs."
"I don't see anger, I see fire, like big-time."
"Whether it lasts a day or 10 years, we don't know. Thank you guys so much for this moment, for whatever it is that I'm feeling right now. Thank you so [expletive] much."
"What do you do when you're angry? Not just mad, but filled with this ugly consuming rage."
"Feel a fire intensity or a spark behind whatever it is that you choose to do."
"Oh father, if this is already scaring you, you have no idea what hell awaits you in here."
"Their emotions towards you are very strong, sensitive to the moon."
"They find you very magnetic, very addictive, they can't keep away from you."
"Scorpio full moons in general can often amplify the already heightened emotional states that we can experience during full moons and eclipses."
"Sagittarius anger is super intense... there's no getting in their heads."
"I honestly could feel my body shaking with rage, so I got up with hatred and darkness in my heart..."
"New passion coming on in, and this is actually quite a passionate relationship."
"I live for your smile and would die for."
"That was the first moment I truly felt alive."
"The desire burns very strongly in this person for you, and there is still a sense in this person to rekindle, despite the pain."
"It's about making that bastard feel what it's like to lose everything." - Mafia 3 Story Trailer
"To say that I was terrified was an understatement."
"He's terrifying in this chilling performance."