
Gospel Quotes

There are 3401 quotes

"The gospel is the solution here, where we learn in the gospel that there's no Jew or Greek or slave or free."
"If this message has touched you...all I'm trying to do is to preach the gospel so that we can finally answer Jesus' prayer that we might be one, even as He and the Father are also one."
"The greatest gift of love we can offer our fellow men is to share with them the joy of the gospel."
"The gospel is not about money... The gospel is a message. Repent and believe, follow Christ, trust in Him."
"The gospel in its entirety is the answer to man's decadence."
"The gospel is not only a message that saves; now receive the ideology that transforms."
"The essence of the gospel: God came down to die on our behalf, and he was like us in every way."
"The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of transformation."
"The gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to unite us."
"We're all one race, Adam's race. It's very important to understand because we take the gospel to every tribe and nation. Why? Because we're all one family, we're all one race, we're all Adam's race, the human race."
"We want to bring as many people to heaven as we can. That's why we preach the gospel of Jesus."
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel...it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes."
"Isaiah 53 contains the root of gospel theology."
"The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes."
"Even if we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel to you than what we've preached to you, let him be accursed."
"The gospel creates these inflection points in our lives. The power of the love of Jesus Christ, through the atonement, can change us drastically."
"The beauty of the gospel is it is the answer to every issue in every season in every period in human history."
"The Gospel is not about money. The Gospel is not about healing. The Gospel is about being saved from the wrath of God that your sins have earned."
"The gospel is good news and have the joy of the Lord."
"The gospel is truly the way to a happy, abundant life."
"The gospel is less about you and more about what God did to get God glory."
"The beautiful thing about the gospel: Do you trust in Christ? It's so beautifully simple."
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes."
"The gospel is the very foundation stone of the three angels' messages. If we study the three angels' messages and miss the gospel, we've missed the very foundation of the three angels' messages."
"The gospel is the focus. So whatever nation, whatever government we're in, there we spread the kingdom of God that is not of this world."
"Release the weight of your worldly cares as you focus on the lightness of the gospel."
"I don't think that we have anything that's been discovered archaeologically that contradicts the gospel accounts about Jesus."
"I invite you to gain a solid testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ."
"Pray also for me that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given to me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel."
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes."
"The kingdom of God does not advance when people consume the gospel; it advances when people contribute."
"In every generation, someone has to stand up and say, 'I'm not backing off. The Gospel is the Gospel.'"
"The entire Gospel message hinges on the resurrection."
"The gospel took place in real time and real space, in flesh and blood, dusty dirty reality. God came into this world."
"In early Christianity, the term 'gospel' was just the term 'good news' and could be more broadly understood as extolling that good news."
"The Gospel of Christ is not about saving us from hell and delivering us into heaven; it's about redeeming, reconciling, and restoring mankind to the family of God."
"A gospel preached from a wicked man for wicked motives is still the gospel, and people still get saved because it's not that man that does anything; it's the Holy Spirit that saves a person's life, regenerates them, changes them."
"Christianity is the religion of resurrection; that's the cornerstone of the gospel."
"Nobody could author and think of a message like the Gospel but God."
"The authority of the Gospel is the name of Jesus."
"To run and work, the law commands, but gives me neither feet nor hands. But better news the gospel brings. It bids me fly and gives me wings."
"Sharing the gospel... really make sure that the heart of it is getting the word of God into the lives of people."
"Aquinas says there are...supernatural, grace-inspired virtues that are part and parcel of what it means to have embraced the gospel...faith, hope, and love."
"You will know a tree by its fruit... if we're seeing people who are being transformed by the power of the gospel, there's something to that."
"Christians stand up for the gospel itself, stand up for truth in the public square."
"The disease is sin, and the cure is the gospel."
"The strongest argument for the gospel is a transformed life."
"The gospel comes along and it shakes things up, it says no, all men are created equal in the image of God."
"This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."
"The mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the Gospel."
"We have a cerebral gospel... but show a Jewish person one miracle, and it settles the argument."
"This is a story of the Gospel changing somebody's life and giving somebody a fresh life."
"This gospel was designed to prepare us to meet God."
"Divine Mercy is the nucleus of the Gospel. This is the heart of the Gospel."
"The gospel is the heart of God, and it is the power to save our friends and family."
"Our ultimate security and our only enduring happiness lies in holding to the iron rod of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ."
"The key to lasting happiness is living the gospel of Jesus Christ and keeping our covenants."
"A watered-down gospel is no better than a false one."
"For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake and for the sake of the gospel will save it."
"Preach the Gospel at all times; if necessary, use words."
"The gospel is...you're a great sinner and Christ is a great savior and the only way you may have the great salvation that the great savior has come to provide is through repentance and faith."
"In rare cases, some will reconstruct back to a more historically Christian faith that has the historic Christian Gospel at its center."
"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the Gospel's will save it."
"It's the gospel. The miracle is this: Just in, God will take your sin-loving heart and transform you overnight."
"It's a show-and-tell gospel. You preach the kingdom and heal the sick or you heal the sick and then share the kingdom."
"Jesus explained salvation as believing in the gospel, carrying your cross, and following him."
"Capturing political structures isn't necessary for cultural reform; manifest the power of the gospel in every corner."
"People say, 'Hey, that gospel is going to anger people.'"
"If the gospel isn't getting us into trouble, we need to re-examine it."
"It's like the good news; it wasn't subtracting the gospel from as a protestant; it was adding."
"I testify that when life brings you disappointment or sorrow, and on occasion it will, that the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the church that espouses the fullness of it, are true and strong."
"A greater blending of gospel and secular Styles particularly with soul and R&B elements made for some of the best music to ever grace our Collective ears."
"If there ever was a time not to circle the wagons but to trust in the power of the Gospel, it is now."
"Revival, heart change, true conversion comes from the gospel."
"The gospel gives you a fresh start, it's real, there's life-changing power."
"All it takes is one dogma. If the dogma is claimed to be infallible, that's why it's so important not to yoke the consciences of Christians to believe things that are beyond what the gospel would require of us."
"We need to be as passionate about resisting sin and our own lies as we are passionate to defend the gospel."
"At the heart of the Gospel is this promise that the voiceless will be listened to."
"Be a part of what God is doing, help us continue to spread the gospel."
"Simple assent to the gospel divorced from a transforming commitment to the Living Christ is by biblical standards less than faith and less than saving." - J I Packer
"God just wants to wrap his arms around you and just love on you, man. He loves you, that's the gospel."
"Our faith, which rests upon the doctrines of the gospel and upon the God of the gospel, embraces the power of prayer."
"God never stops communicating his love to us in the gospel."
"The gospel is love. You can't be truthful if you don't have love."
"Gospel methodology, concepts, and insights can help us to do what the world cannot do in its own frame of reference…."
"The good news of the gospel is that God loves you and has made a way for you to escape His wrath."
"Pointing out the good news is the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"You know you're preaching good news when your reaction is that is too good to be true but it is."
"Even if Kanye has bad motives, there's a level of the gospel when he's talking about Jesus saved me, now I'm sane."
"Now the ground is more fertile today for the gospel than at any point in my lifetime simply because people have no way out underneath the burden of cancel culture."
"Read the rest of it and it goes into great detail about how the gospel is being preached."
"Bottom line: souls are being saved, believers are being strengthened, the gospel is being preached, and the world is being changed by the power of the Holy Spirit."
"The just shall live by faith; righteousness produces the unashamed news of the gospel."
"If you believe in what he did, the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"Repent and be baptized every one of you because to put your confidence and trust in the person and work of the Lord Jesus is actually to believe the gospel."
"Whenever the church loses confidence in the truth, the power, and the relevance of the gospel, it loses any compelling sense of mission."
"The time is urgent... if there was ever a time for the gospel that can transform the human heart it's now..."
"God purpose that repentance and remission of sins be preaching His name according to Acts 2:38."
"Why deny the testimonies of anointed Godly women that are proclaiming the gospel?"
"Our goal is not to condemn, but to correct with kindness, bringing light to the truth of the Gospel."
"If you lose your life for my sake in the gospel, you'll find it."
"There is nothing more essential to the world than the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"Repent or you will likewise perish. Believe the gospel, receive salvation."
"In general, we would highly recommend MacArthur's teachings. He boldly and unashamedly teaches the full gospel message of sin and salvation."
"The gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest cause in the world." - President Ezra Taft Benson
"The gospel of Jesus Christ will sink deeper in all our hearts as we focus on these principles: relationships, revelation, agency, repentance, and sacrifice." - President Henry B. Irene
"The heart and soul of the Christian faith, the heart and soul of the gospel is a right view of Jesus Christ."
"I think all the men in this movie feel the same way. We've got to get back to the true gospel because it's the only hope for the world."
"God sent me to you so you can have a chance to escape going to hell."
"Stand with the truth of the Gospel, stand on your feet today if you want it!"
"God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son."
"The gospel or good news of the Bible which was foreshadowed in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New Testament is that God our Eternal Father sent his eternal Son Jesus Christ into the world to save us from our sins."
"And we marvel that in your wrath you remember mercy, and that in the gospel you have provided the answer to our own rebellious hearts."
"The gospel is free. The Lord has freely given to me, and I'm freely giving to you."
"It's certainly within the realm of possibility that Gospel writers 2,000 years ago would have exaggerated or invented stories."
"If the world loves you, you are not preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
"The gospel is not to coddle the culture but to confront it."
"We've got to start preaching a real gospel, stop sugar-coating and watering down the word."
"Even the small details matter in understanding the Gospel."
"It's the Gospel that makes it so that I don't want to do that, not the law."
"Doctrine matters... if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received let him be a curse... Doctrine matters."
"I would that we could get back to the gospel."
"The true gospel and jesus... it was satisfying."
"The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only power for true change because it's the only power that actually changes people."
"Only the gospel of Jesus Christ can unite and bring peace to people of all races and nationalities."
"Luke is going to give you a very balanced gospel where he's explaining things. He's focusing a lot on not just the story but on people who often get overlooked and the margins of society."
"Almost everybody agrees that Mark was the first gospel."
"The gospel is about grace, redemption, and restoration."
"It's all about encouraging one another to continually pour into the truths of the gospel."
"There's so much power in the gospel if you'll preach it raw."
"The gospel alone deals with the sinner's main problem: pride."
"I don't want you to believe the Bible. I just want you to believe the gospel."
"Kanye making gospel isn't something that's new to him because gospel music has always been influenced by black people."
"The gospel is the source of all saving truth and moral discipline."
"The gospel is the answer for people who profess to be Christians but don't actually adhere to God's sexual ethics."
"Jesus didn't Commission us to scold people for the sins of their ancestors or to demean whole people groups for the idiosyncrasies and sins of whatever culture they happened to be born into."
"The gospel has never sounded stylish; it's not supposed to."
"The assumption that the Gospels were intentionally written anonymously has become nearly standard."
"This is the gospel: Jesus came, He died on that cross, He was buried, and He rose again on the third day."
"There is nothing more important than the gospel of Jesus Christ, and Salvation."
"That's false. Prosperity Gospel has no interest in the biblical gospel. It only offers financial prosperity."
"The Holy Spirit would never misrepresent the gospel. So wherever the devaluing of the Gospel truth is visible, we know that's not the work of the Holy Spirit."
"The gospel message rarely changes - it's about Jesus Christ, His life, death, and resurrection, and our salvation through faith in Him."
"Evangelicalism means these kinds of emphases on the gospel message of free grace in Christ for needy sinners."
"It's not fair, but if the gospel is true, then it has to be good news."
"Thank you very much for your speaking out on behalf of the Gospel truth and church teaching."
"The only answer on a personal level is Christ and the Gospel."
"The gospel has two sides: the message that saves and the ideology that transforms society."
"Encounter Jesus yourself, just read the gospel for yourself."
"Thank you, Lord, for blessing me because of Jesus. It's the gospel of Christ that is the power of God, not a mixture of self-effort and Christ."
"The Gospel of Jesus Christ is buried and He rose again on the third day."
"The gospel itself tells people that they are sinners and they need to repent, and it's not a popular message... but it must be given. People need to be saved."
"The power of the Gospel is... transformation."
"Spread the truth of the Gospel... that's the only way we're all going to have eternal peace and salvation."
"Live without fear... the gospel makes you fearless."
"The best apology for the gospel is to let the gospel out."
"Make sure that in your plans you have at the center the priority of expanding the kingdom by way of the Gospel."
"Your blindness to see the goodness and the wonder of the gospel and the truth of God is related to a rejection of God and an embracing of sin and pride."
"Never ever lose the gospel the gospel has the power to change hearts and until you believe the gospel you never Ascent to any of the other things the problem of evil you never see it in a Christian way unless first your heart is transformed."
"Racial reconciliation is essential to gospel proclamation."
"Every story in the Gospels actually happened."
"Any gospel that does not speak to liberation is not truly gospel."
"Traditional gospel bass lines... all those churchy black gospel songs."
"You're never going to deserve it in your own strength, that's the point of the Gospel."
"We're not ashamed of the gospel because it's the power of god unto salvation to everyone who believes."
"I'm glad that God gave us a gospel that's not stuck. We're not sitting in one spot."
"The whole gospel is to turn us from darkness to light."
"God Bless America and God bring us back to the old-fashioned gospel of Jesus first."
"Learning to be ministers of the kingdom is the real essence of the gospel."
"His Dominion is an everlasting Dominion that will not pass away. It's the heart of the gospel."
"The only way to receive the spirit of God is to hear the gospel truth."
"That's the news of the gospel that he cares about what others don't care about and in the midst of all the haters in the midst of all the chatter God is saying I have hope for you somebody say hope."
"Jesus Christ died because he was preaching the gospel."
"Damn does the gospel, you get lipo Josh? You'll never get it. You'll die for."
"He came to establish his church... 'I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not be able to withstand the onslaught of the truth of the gospel.'"
"By buying a ticket for the webinar and watching these great speakers, you're actually helping me fund the gospel."
"The temptation to adapt the gospel to the current trends of the world was warned against by St Paul."
"His return happens when the gospel has reached all nations."
"Understanding what truly happened at Nicaea helps combat ignorance and spread the truth of the gospel."
"The prayer of the Holy Rosary... it's the prayer of the gospel and the gospel is the good news."
"Let's just believe the gospel and leave all that other stuff alone."
"We are delivered, therefore, a gospel which is in fact an impossible religion."
"The whole point of the Gospel is to be free from the consequences of sin through the merits of Our Lord earned for us on the cross."
"The Gospel is good news... it's good news for you, it's good news for me."
"The Gospel unfiltered, truthful, honest, and even raw. Christ has the answers."
"We shine a spotlight on this crazy chaotic World in which we live and recognize that the answer in the solution is indeed the gospel Proclamation."
"Are you standing in the gospel of the finished work of Jesus Christ in His blood atonement?"
"It's a perversion of the gospel to say you must do something to achieve unity."
"Keeping truth means being bound to Christ and devoted to his gospel Truth."
"The gospel is not about what we can do but what Christ has already done."
"The world needs the gospel, and I mean the true gospel, not the prosperity gospel."
"When we understand the story of the gospel, then we can walk fearless."
"The message of the Gospel is not that people should clean themselves up and come to God; it's that Jesus has paid the price and offers forgiveness of sins."
"Evangelicalism sacrifice everything else on the altar of the gospel."
"That is the gospel, a radical passion for the restoration of all things and all creation."
"A betrayal that began 60 years ago with the abdication of the hierarchy from its duty to preach the gospel of Christ against the anti-gospel of the world."
"The gospel of Jesus Christ alone has the power to save your soul from the condemnation of sin."
"We are only God's servants through whom you believe the good news."
"Jesus preached repentance and repentance is absolutely part of the gospel."