
Media Coverage Quotes

There are 639 quotes

"You will see more posts about Alexei Navalny in the last 48 hours than you will see about Julian Assange."
"It's like our dirty secret; there are far more suicides than there are homicides, yet homicides are what tend to make it on the news."
"Misogyny also oozed from the press coverage of battered women, raped women, and murdered ones too."
"Hours and miles of peaceful protesting yesterday that got little to no coverage. We chanted, people beeped and cheered along. We were passionate, we were loud, we were loving. Cover this too, please. #BlackLivesMatter."
"The rise of social media has resulted in a shift when it comes to media coverage... celebrities can put themselves on social media, they're able to tell their own side of the story and directly contradict the narrative the media tries to paint of them."
"Starvation in Sudan might not make the TV as much as atrocities in Ukraine, but it's going to happen, and probably more lives will be lost that way."
"The Western media will ignore this story. They have been ignoring the story."
"In Britain, you're not allowed to do this because they are afraid that it will bias the jurors if you actually film people outside."
"It's a big story and it needs to be talked about even more."
"Don't forget, we're going to be covering some other very interesting cases."
"The most powerful video that came out today was Rebel Media when they showed the Mounties, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, walking away."
"The media doesn't even want to cover it. You're actually very brave because you're doing something the media doesn't want to talk about."
"It's wild to me that this story isn't as covered as you think it would be because, like between the different layers of hell and stuff, the seven deadly sins, it's one of the most referenced pieces of media ever."
"I think it's offensive, quite frankly. It's antithetical to the healing process to continue to show the tragedy that happened here that Donald Trump has condemned."
"Legal Eagle says, 'Lady C, what do you think about New York Judge Louis Kaplan setting a date of January the 4th next year for Prince Andrew's legal team who will make a motion to dismiss the sexual assault case brought against him by Virginia Giuffre?' Well, I think the sooner the better."
"Although the Cairo exclusion zone was primarily intended to prevent any media coverage of the crab and the surrounding destruction, several journalists managed to record footage of the site through the assistance of private helicopter pilots."
"Everybody knows Kev's story: convicted, he always pled his innocence. He's everywhere - TV shows, now books. The man's everywhere."
"Murderer was captured this morning and tried today. Guilty. Sentence: death. Execution tonight at 6:00. All net, all channel. Would you like to know more?"
"The January 6 committee's major reports when released this year will force every candidate to discuss Trump in 2022."
"Thank you for covering the story. I thought I was going crazy."
"There's a news item today broke okay patty Jenkins was interviewed hey Jenkins patty Jenkins director of wonder woman 84 which is now going to open in August wonderful lady they've moved Wonder Woman to August to August"
"Long live the king and I think this segment's going to go on."
"I learned what was happening to me had a name. It was called being canceled."
"Burger King is selling a Big Mac and they're calling it a Big King. How is this not front page news?"
"People have been following this story around the world."
"Trump does not have to make a headline every day."
"I contemplated covering this or not but I think as it relates to the richens case you can tell I'm uncomfortable cuz I'm babbling it this case is horrendously sad."
"It's on a cover of Forbes Magazine January issue... no one ever heard of it... and now it's living up to the hype."
"Donald Trump isn't president anymore, he might not even run for president again, so why are we still talking about him and why is he still defining contemporary politics?"
"Believe it or not, in the last few days, it's been nearly 6 million different videos on YouTube that have my name in them."
"Every single news station in the country is now spouting fantastical news about the Boston Tea Party."
"If this were violence against Biden supporters by Trump supporters, it would be front-page news."
"Join Blaze media this Friday in Iowa as Tucker sits down one on one with each of the candidates."
"I think this is the most incompetent police work that I have ever covered."
"This is happening too often. I've been noticing it for a long time, this uptick in just missing persons cases ending with terrible press conferences like this."
"There's a story about a Democrat that would be a front-page story if it were a Republican."
"Roswell made the front page of many newspapers across the country."
"We'll keep an eye on this case as it continues to progress and to any more developments that we hear on the Brian Butler front."
"CD Projekt RED has released no materials of this particular gameplay demo, but this game is so huge and significant we need to cover it."
"What an incredible turn of events. It's great for our numbers, thank you Nate and Hamzad."
"His first season was electrifying—literally anything the guy did ended up on Bleacher Report or SportsCenter."
"The big story over the weekend continued to be the Fallout from what appeared to be a criminal Hammer attack."
"You got the hardcore fans covered, you've got the social media fans covered, you got the MMA fans covered. This is fun, it's a little smorgasbord." - Ariel Helwani
"Keep up the good work Wrestle Talk, and my thoughts are with the talents being released today."
"At that point it would just be funny that you almost couldn't not cover it, you know what I mean?"
"To wish upon a star is to raise your eyes above the horizon and to focus on something transcendent."
"Thanks for tuning in to the special breaking news edition of youtube.com/timcast."
"You're the only T channel I watch because you cover topics that matter not just drama."
"The big story of the day is the looting and burning in Minnesota, and that follows hard on what is another video of an awful incident involving the police."
"We reported it like it's a football game. It's not a football game."
"We have to make room for some other news of course, other news that we have going on in Florida and across the country."
"Entertainment Tonight has put out a video, and now Demi Lovato has reacted to Taylor Swift reacting to their VMAs performance."
"I really wish for coverage like when people covered kind of BLM that they actually talked about the policies that they're like that the protesters even if it's going to be disparate."
"Since the November 2017 announcement of the royal engagement hit the news, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's romance has become a mainstay of daily media consumption."
"The reviews have not been particularly kind nonetheless and I don't know if this is true or not there's reporting in the Daily Mail Dan that they're still going to be invited to King Charles coronation is that true it is true it's absolutely true."
"Dragon Ball Z was such a huge pop culture staple that it even received an article in The Wall Street Journal."
"The media have been covering this particular issue for the last day and a half...Trump administration alleges without evidence that the Iranians are behind the bombing of ships."
"Thank you for that, I appreciate it because something just told me, 'cause I had covered this and I got a lot of backlash because I didn't burn R. Kelly to a cross in my other videos."
"Violent riots result in negative coverage, swinging public opinion against the party."
"It's all lies. They hate Trump so much that we can have 81 nights of rioting, 30 people dead, buildings being burned down, and Democratic politicians getting charged with felonies and it is still Trump's fault."
"It's a sad state of affairs that Charlie or pretty much any other commentary channel has to cover this sort of thing in the first place."
"We cannot wait till we see a black person on the news who has been slain."
"NXIVM hit headlines as a cult revolved around a man named Keith Raniere."
"It was clear that the more bad press, the more hit pieces that came out on me, the more of these stories of Mr. Heard and her righteous chase against me... it wasn't stopping."
"Headlines that trail in the wake of Dillinger's death were incredible."
"Your coverage of the great reset has been bloody inspirational thank you for doing what you're doing."
"As Bloomberg and NBC and Rachel have been reporting, Pecker may have played himself here and blown up his own immunity deal."
"No one has an issue with Harry talking about his family, but what Harry is doing is he is attacking his family on a world stage."
"One thing I think that's happening is she's getting pretty angry at Trump and he's attacking her a lot..."
"It sent a shockwave through the tech industry and beyond, receiving millions of dollars worth of free media coverage."
"Nobody believed it. It was so unbelievable it didn't make the news."
"Getting press doesn't mean you're successful."
"No one's gonna cover it, it's too complicated for people to really digest."
"The tides are turning in favor of school choice."
"We have a good friend Patrick Lancaster that can definitely tell you that that's not the case."
"You will not get news any better on the geopolitical landscape that is going on in the world today."
"Chrono Trigger resurrection started to receive a ton of coverage on different game websites basically any gaming forum you could go to it became the talk of the town."
"We're handling image reconstruction coverage in a meaningful way."
"All this event coverage, negative or positive, makes it more popular."
"Never in the history of newsreels have such vast plans been made for the coverage of the last great act of liberation."
"This is the biggest scam we've ever covered."
"Before Yang, it wasn't really talked about that much in mainstream media."
"Our front line is gonna be full of iconic moments."
"There's so much to cover, not the least of which is the war between Trump and DeSantis."
"It's tinged with knowing that the conviction does not stand and that he will be a free man now." - Kate Snow
"Why is the corporate media showering Elizabeth Warren with attention?"
"His story will have multiple layers, outlets that normally wouldn't cover this sport would suddenly be covering it."
"Nobody's paying attention to this, we've covered this here on this channel since day one."
"Many of us were saying all along it cannot be Dr. Oz."
"The discussion of stock market crashes is frequent. You're going to see it every single day."
"Love all the work you do to bring us the coverage."
"At the end of the day it feels to me like the public kind of exploited Gabby Hannah's Mental Health crisis all for content."
"Apparently even the British public is starting to get really, really fed up with Harry and Meghan."
"I hope we get a chance to interview him, or at least Donald Trump Jr."
"All of these stories and all of these cases that we talk about are very, very important to generate awareness."
"Bernie Sanders finally speaking out on what Status Coup has been reporting for weeks."
"Welcome back to our coverage of the Overwatch League playoffs."
"Coronavirus pandemic has brought new focus on infectious diseases, preventing them and National Geographic special 'Virus Hunters.'"
"I can't imagine a person who doesn't have biases right like how could anybody in the entire world not know Donald Trump not have an opinion one way or the other on his criminality or whatever like I just don't even understand how it's possible."
"How do they go about this knowing that there's literally coverage of the guy 24 7 and unless you've been living under a rock the past six years I mean you have to acknowledge this guy in some sort of way."
"At the end of the day, that's all Ashley's family wants. They want Ashley's case to get the coverage that it deserves."
"Johnny Depp will be called by Amber Heard's defense on Monday"
"This question is being called. You can see now that this is not just spinning out as some other Trump norm-breaking Trump scandal that never goes anywhere."
"Remember this when this happens: when you turn on your TV and every single channel is covering the same thing, it's you. I hope you're going to remember this."
"There's actually a lot of stuff going on right now where there's new investigations, actually some pretty major findings and rulings that I don't really see being covered."
"Great to see this league coming together. I'm excited for the U, the possibilities of this league, and hopefully, with some media coverage like I saw today, a lot of good backing."
"We're keeping our eye on what Washington is saying this morning from the different Sunday shows."
"Remember that very well-publicized Bradley M2 tank shooting the absolute crap out of the Russian T90M tank."
"We are being led to believe that a phone being thrown as hard as it can be at Amber's face... went from red and swollen to gone in just under one week."
"I want to see more actual reporting on game news again... try to get some actual reporting again with gaming news."
"He called the bluff on this thing where even today we saw on one of the news channels where NATO is now pulling away from helping Ukraine."
"People cover the same topics all the time, it's great, it gets awareness."
"I think mass shootings would go down... if you didn't show their name or face and you never read their manifesto."
"It's so insane right now that you have Cuomo getting an Emmy, literally killed thousands of old people."
"The plot thickens in the mystery of what killed the mom of Kanye West."
"Why are they not being shown on TV? Is it because they're violent or they're kind of sketchy like they don't know some of the things aren't politically correct?"
"Some games get all the coverage and attention, many get lost, missed, or forgotten despite how great they may be."
"Yes, possible life on Venus and barely made the news. I know, and look if we were pre-pandemic on The Damage Report we 100 would have done a segment on Venus."
"What was your take on it when you read about this terrible scenario in Louisiana that this has just as much to do with what the law actually says as the real-life ramifications?"
"Covering impeachment as a process story: Republicans say X but the White House says Y is a disservice to the American public."
"It's kind of amazing that what was once called a conspiracy theory is quite literally front-page news."
"Madeleine McCann is the world's most famous missing child."
"Financial Revolution will be televised and monetized, it's our turn next time."
"Meghan was copying Catherine the Duchess of Cambridge's 40th birthday photos."
"I've been reporting this for a very long time. Last year in March, this is a video that I covered on the situation."
"Nobody's covering this stuff. It's appalling to me."
"No news network wanted to show Apollo 13's live TV broadcast."
"Casey Anthony stepped into the national spotlight after the suspicious disappearance of her daughter Caylee."
"I had a lot of reservations about covering this... but we have seen how social media has contributed in a very positive way to this case."
"We need to be covering this with the same ferocity."
"But the media did see Scott they saw him plenty and they captured him on camera smiling socializing and laughing looking more like the spectator of a sports event than somebody who had lost his pregnant wife and didn't know where she was."
"Who wants to be the person that's featured in that article in the headline as the individual responsible for millions of people getting evicted because that's how I imagine that something like this is going to happen?"
"The case gained him notoriety in 2005, and he was heavily covered in the British media."
"I guarantee you a case this high profile, he's getting briefed every day."
"Even CNN runs a segment talking about what China has been doing."
"The more they cover this, the more you know this battle is still going. This is not over yet."
"The story of the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 gripped the world..."
"What does LeBron James getting the vaccine or not have anything to do with Stephen A Smith? What's the correlation here, help me understand."
"Almost everything Ian covered in these interviews was good."
"Oh my God, I'm watching some actual coverage on the Sunday Morning News show of a worker struggle."
"The news media won't cover it, your politicians and leaders, they're not admitting it, but there's no denying it now. We're in the second year of what is effectively a world war."
"That news was so big that you might be forgiven for thinking that nothing else happened in the video games industry this week but that is not the case."
"Every drama channel and their pet dog covered this drama extensively and rightfully held Jaclyn Hill accountable."
"I mean no disrespect in covering this story, I just cover hot topics, trending topics, and news."
"That magic combination of the British tourists, the human interest, the murder, the mystery."
"It's been almost two weeks since the election day it's been a week since everyone including Fox News and every media Outlet definitively called an election."
"The things that pastors do well never gets the same light as the things that go wrong."
"This whole situation goes very deep with the fact that we're always witnessing black death."
"He's not caught on camera performing a good deed, but instead dumping the body of a woman he allegedly murdered."
"No such thing as bad PR, but they've certainly made it the conversation."
"They compound it by... every time a shadow cabinet minister is on TV it's now become almost a joke..."
"This should be the news in every single American outlet. It should be."
"It's been so cool for us to be able to cover one of the coolest guys in automotive YouTube in his search for a hyper car."
"The thing about the South African farmers is it was a story that wasn't just not covered but it was being overtly denied and contradicted."
"We are allowed to have it printed now, so whereas before, there was such deniability, yeah, right now it is a part of the conversation."
"We're making moves here at TYT, covering stories, breaking news. We want to get it to you first."
"Increasingly stories of unprovoked attacks are in the news."
"We will continue to cover any story anywhere anytime with more resources than anyone else."
"That's the kind of superstardom that almost wipes away what went on with Conor McGregor..."
"This is the only morning news show that covers business news personal news that's outside of the matrix."
"The message is loud and clear, and as I said, Sky are covering it, they have to. They're there for the game. It's on Sky News. The noise is being made everywhere, and that is important."
"When this happened we instantly knew who the person was with the Buffalo shooting we knew who they were where they lived what they ate that morning everything."
"Independent people can be successful providing better coverage than they do and that's why they're lashing out and attacking."
"The news that Anglos remains had been found hits the headlines it was front-page news it was breaking news and the entire nation of Sweden fell into a state of sadness and grief and sorrow for Engler and her family."
"The story is big and it should be on the front page of every newspaper."
"Wildenstein was heavily featured in tabloids for her legendary spending habits and her extensive cosmetic surgeries that landed her with the nickname "Catwoman.""
"Thank you guys so much for tuning in to our first round coverage."
"Yeah, but I mean, if it's the guy running for president and credible information comes out that he's smoking crack and having sex with dudes, I mean, that seems like a story."
"Few crimes in recent memory have captured the media spotlight like the Jodi Arias case."
"The British establishment finally shutting the door on Harry and Megan."
"I think the reason Epstein was allowed to be taken down wasn't because of sex trafficking but because he pissed off John Brennan and that whole faction of people."
"I do want to point out remember the sympathy bounce Rachel Adedeji has..."
"We're going to continue to share the story... it's already blowing up all over the news."
"Over 100,000 black girls go missing every year in America and we never get the coverage we need."
"We will be back here tomorrow with all of the latest breaking news."
"Wow, IGN got a hands-on. That's one heck of an exclusive."
"Surprise, we've got amazing pictures and videos coming out of the counter-offensive in the Kharkiv region."
"Larry Elder, a black candidate for governor, by whipping eggs at him and then assaulted his security guards who were non-violently protecting him all on camera."
"The US media just gave ample coverage to the abuse children found in New Mexico, certainly a tragedy, but again I would ask this, what about the countless Palestinian children being killed?"
"A thousand dollars from a small plant shop... made global news."
"It ends up as front-page news in the Daily Mail. 'War's greatest picture.'"
"The biggest producers in Hollywood allegedly harassing all these women... they let him go and they let the story go with him."
"But hey, they just can't seem to stop screwing up and have recently found themselves in the news yet again, for yet another scandal."
"We often forget like when the media is not covering COVID doesn't mean that the COVID has gone away."
"Supporting independent journalism, covering the stories you probably won't see in the mainstream media."
"Some of these are very dramatic cases, you would think that they would get coverage not just for the heroic nature but also because they coincide with other cases which have gotten covered."
"My job is to help bring this stuff to you guys so you can witness history."
"Our coverage of this story will be based on the hope."
"I'm going to read portions of this affidavit because it literally came down five ten minutes ago, people have not heard it." - Jesse Weber
"It ended up being on some like minor indie media outlets. Other outlets saw those outlets and it just kind of like exploded."
"We don't have the New York Times doing articles anymore about how the average net worth of a black person is $1,500 and the average net worth of a white person is $175,000."
"First story tonight we gotta get into and send prayers out for Don Brumfield."
"Why don't you talk about the journalists in Yemen, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan?"
"It's pretty obvious if you've watched my recent coverage of the Fantastic Four doomsday by far the best deluxe mission."
"Boot gate and pudding fingers: How Ron DeSantis became 2024's presidential punchline."
"Russia's invasion of Ukraine was a perfect topic to enthrall the masses."
"This has been the story of TSM Apex, thank you for watching."
"Do you think news networks will catch on to the fact that they could have days of election results coverage instead of just one night because of mail-in voting?"
"This hurts the American brand. We don't do this in America. We don't go after the Office of the President with pornstar cases." - Kevin O'Leary