
Small Business Support Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"We want to make sure that all small businesses have access to resources to help them continue operating."
"This new change will help rush relief to over 6.5 million small businesses."
"So I guess our central thesis has always been to deliver finance fairer to the battlers, to the small businesses in every corner of the globe."
"We need to provide clear, consistent guidelines for safe reopening and help small businesses not only reopen but rehire workers and cover extra restart expenses."
"For 10 years, we will be invisible to health research, to a number of things, small business loans. We will be invisible for another decade in our country, and I think it's wrong."
"We want to make sure this money is available to small businesses that need it, people who have invested their entire life savings."
"When you give people money, they spend the money, which helps boost small business and government revenues."
"I don't have a partisan bone in my body. I'm on a mission to support small business."
"Subsidizing corporations that are already very successful doesn't make sense when we could be helping small businesses pay a living wage and grow."
"This is our chance to help small business, it's our chance to reach out to the rest of the world."
"Republicans are the party of parents, of education, of small businesses, of freedom, and of family."
"Consumer trends are starting to root for the small independents."
"If you're serious about this national economy, then you give small businesses interest-free loans."
"Part of the SBIR program... allowing small businesses to develop new cutting-edge technologies."
"To date, we've processed over 4.6 million small business loans, saving and supporting an estimated 50 million American jobs."
"Stamps.com is a no-brainer, saving you time and money. It's no wonder over 700 thousand small businesses already use Stamps.com."
"$99 Social was founded on the basis of providing custom social media solutions for small businesses."
"Supporting small businesses like these if you can, online, in your community. It's a great way to get some awesome products while also supporting real people."
"The Democrats are the party of big business... we represent the 30 million men and women who start small, great companies."
"We invest in affordable housing, quality schools, safer streets, growing businesses, and programs that connect people with financial opportunity."
"We support small businesses and enterprises affected by the virus pandemic across the country with a focus on underserved communities."
"Let's explore some invaluable resources that can assist you in the request for a grant for incentives for small business."
"Having a few thousand dollars may not seem like much to a lot of people, but to a very small business, that can really help them get through the next two or three weeks."
"We've been having round tables. We've been doing business tours... small businesses are the backbone of our country."
"LegalZoom has teamed up... to grant ten thousand dollars to small business owners."
"You could get an SBA loan for anywhere from 10 to 50% of the purchase price."
"Whenever you're watching these videos and you have your own favorite Creator or you know you just have a friend that you think might have that card, use them, support small business owners, support small content creators and support your buddies."
"Empowering small and micro-tourism enterprises... the little people in tourism who are the owners of the real experiences."
"He actually understands the need for small businesses like my sister's to survive."
"We got to get growing again and I think that means getting the bureaucracy and government off the backs of small businesses."
"There isn't much you can do to save the small businesses except to seek them out and spend your money there."
"So that's what went wrong with the first round of small business loans and hopefully the Treasury Department's new rules for the second round of money will ensure that the loans go to the companies that actually need it the most."
"Can I go and support a small business for once in my [ __ ] life?"
"Don't buy into fast fashion, buy secondhand or from small businesses who make the items by hand."
"We want to enable every small business, every young person, every woman. Without them, there would be no Alibaba today."
"I love supporting small businesses, shouting you guys out."
"Super cool! ...each item is ethically made by small family businesses using a mixture of new and upcycle fabrics and materials."
"Get ready because you don't know when this thing is going to bust loose financially, on the stock market, socially, politically."
"More than 50 billion in additional aid for small businesses, providing more than 28 billion dollars in grants to support hard-hit small restaurants."
"They carved out a very special niche for themselves by catering to the little guy."
"This is a non-partisan thing, right? It's small business advocacy."
"With each box of awesome you're supporting small businesses."
"We can have small businesses if we help them have a Level Playing Field with the big business." - Richard Wolff
"Trump believes the little man and woman running their own little business needs to be given an even break and a chance to get on in society."
"If you qualify for the eidl grant or loan this means you also qualify for a forgivable paycheck protection round two loan completely forgivable you can think about it as a grant if you spend it on the correct things."
"I am ready to have US Treasury Secretary and SBA send additional PPP payments to all small businesses that have been hurt by the China virus."
"Social media is a great equalizer for small companies these days."
"Why are we going after small businesses in the United States?"
"I think that a lot of you guys probably own small businesses that are really suffering right now and if I could be any help I would love to support."
"This might be the most revolutionary SMB and home lab switch that I've seen in I don't even know how long."
"We need some major changes in the openness of government."
"I'm happy to be supporting small businesses, I know how much it means for my small business when people splurge."
"You're supporting a small business."
"Remember, the SBA is here to help small businesses."
"Do something for yourself today, whether that is crafting your own candles or supporting a small business by purchasing one. Either way, do something that makes you happy."
"When a large company gets a contract with the government, they are required to subcontract part of the work to small businesses."
"Underwriting small businesses is an economy improving and a society improving institution."
"...and I love it because it's also Australian made small business in Australia manufacturing and I think that's so important."
"I think that buying things from small stores or handmade pieces, it's just like there's something when you wear them about just it just feels so good."
"I just feel so grateful to be in the position where I can support small businesses."
"Small businesses depend on credit and the BTFP program is the lifeblood of small businesses, especially the last year."
"I love supporting companies that are small and enthusiastic about their craft."
"Fair is all about supporting small businesses."
"I love it so much and I highly recommend you guys checking out and also supporting a small business."
"Thank you guys so much for that, I literally loved so many of your small businesses."
"I love numbers, I love helping small business owners."
"He's trying to facilitate growth, right? He was bringing awareness to small businesses."
"Small businesses could definitely use more customers than the big corporate companies that are already doing theirs."
"Thank you so much for giving small businesses a place to promote their business."
"I am so proud of y'all and y'all small businesses because y'all be doing the damn thing. Don't ever quit, keep it up."
"I really highly recommend ordering from a company like those two that I mentioned instead of shopping on Amazon."
"Trust me, we'll be telling that we have the backs for small businesses in rural New Brunswick and Rural Atlantic Canada."
"Thank you for supporting my small business, please subscribe to Thimblehooks and come back soon."
"Thank you so much for supporting my boutique and supporting my small business."
"I love supporting small businesses, no matter the race, and especially black businesses."
"That's just what it's about, right? A lot of family fun and cool stuff supporting small businesses."
"Do you want to live in a society controlled by a few major businesses, or do you want Main Street to thrive?"
"If you order from a small business, see it through; you're affecting a family, not just a corporation somewhere."
"I've really tried to support smaller businesses, so I've been on a lot of Etsy shops and Instagram shops."