
Creative Power Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"This little book is an attempt to explain what each soul must discover for himself, that he stands in the midst of an eternal creative power which presses itself around his own thought, and casts back to him glorified all that he thinks."
"Your thoughts are creative, and your relationship to fear and love is how you create your world."
"The power within you which enables you to form a thought picture is the starting point of all there is."
"The creative power of God is man's imagination. That is actually Jesus Christ Himself."
"That power is your own wonderful human imagination. That's the power of God."
"The whole vast world is completely misunderstood and think it's a little child wrapped in swaddling clothes that was found by the shepherds two thousand years ago. That's a sign of the birth in man of the creative power of God."
"Young artists are powerful. That is complete, absolute power."
"The power to create worlds lives in one single complete breath."
"Once a thought is accepted and charged with feeling, the creative power within proceeds to externalize it."
"I don't think that creative people understand how much power they actually have and I don't think many have realized just how much power we all have together."
"That's what Allan has been doing because his writings can change reality thanks to the power of the dark place."
"I am in complete control of myself and my destiny. I create as I speak."
"Sexual energy is the essence of creative force. The more you have of it, the more empowered you become in your ability to create, manifest, and attract abundance."
"Faith in yourself, faith in your creations, you know I mean faith in your mental creation."
"You are the author, the writer, the director, the creator of your destiny."
"The power is entirely in your hands as a creator."
"You have unlimited power on this piece of canvas. It's phenomenal what you can do. Absolutely phenomenal."
"You have the power to co-create with the universe."
"Creators are given this crazy kind of power or this crazy pedestal where it feels like if you critique them, you're done."
"The imagination is so powerful when we think with faith we are creating a reality where things are possible."
"You guys are really, really good at manifesting."
"You are a creator, an architect of dreams, a maestro of your destiny."
"Franklin Richards because his own imagination what he envisions molecule man creates."
"You can make your own world you can create this entire thing from what looks like nothing but what it's an illusion."
"Only when we speak in alignment with the word of God does then the words we speak have creative power."
"Your imagination: if you master this power, you'll have the ability to create and manifest anything in the third dimension."
"Recognize your role as a creator, invest in educating yourself around manifestation."
"Through imagination, we unlock the power within us. Buy one, get one free."
"Is there anything more glorious in this world than a collaboration? Two great powers coming together to make an even greater power. I mean, ice cream exists."
"I'm all about world building as a big believer in the power of storytelling."
"Every thought you're spewing into the universe has creative potential."
"Your creative magnetic energy actually creates your reality day to day."
"This high magic spell allowed for creative constructions, and you could actually choose whatever designs you would want and the spell would create it for you."
"Once they are spoken, the will of God is always creative! God is always creating! God is always creating wonderful and marvelous things but it takes the Word of God to activate the will of God!"
"If you don't consciously choose your life and your behavior, it will absolutely be chosen for you."
"Enel could manipulate gold on the spot, melt metals, and reforge them."
"Your love is a sacred union, a great creative power."
"Thought and feeling are the basis of creative power; everything in the world owes its origin to the combination of thought and feeling."
"You're bringing hope, inspiration, and creativity to the world. You have the whole world in your hands."
"The way to give a treatment is first of all to absolutely believe that you can. Believe that your word goes forth into a real creative power which at once takes it up and begins to operate upon it."
"Nobody taught me that my thoughts were creative, that my thoughts could literally shape my life."
"There's before Kubrick and after Kubrick, he really just does have that power as a creator."
"Every single thought, every single intention acts as this creative Force creating the brushstrokes on the canvas of Our Lives."
"Anything that I can think up in this head, I'm able to achieve."
"The key is to think, is to create; or as you think in your heart, so is it with you."
"If you're a creator, you don't need... you are enough. You are the so-called magic."
"The stream of healing is flowing, the creative power of God has come."
"When I completely awaken from the dream of life, I will use this creative power of God only lovingly."
"If we can bring our tongue into subjection to the Lord, we'll be able to speak with creative power."
"...the universal creative power has no mind of its own and therefore you can make up its mind for it."
"We have the grace to create and the ability to set things in motion through our words."
"The conception of creative power of the word of God persisted in the ancient orient, becoming a universal theological theme."
"It's incredibly powerful and it opens up so many possibilities when writing your expressions."
"Biblical love is a creative power."
"When we start to contact this spiritual source, the creative power that begets us all, we recognize that in every person, everything, every activity of life."
"Your imaginal act creates reality."
"You have the power that creates planets, so yes, you are creative."