
Spiritual Realization Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Perfect peace to the soul as we rest in the realization of our unity with all that there is, was, or ever will be."
"Peace which transcends all human confusion comes, and he realizes that indeed he is honored of the Father."
"You are God. The question is, when will you realize?"
"There is an unconditional power that makes you not need anything or need very little that inner peace exists it's no longer a mystical experience it is but it's not far away."
"I realized what is truth, this is the ultimate truth that is Sanatana Dharma, the everlasting dharma which is given by Lord Sri Paramishra and through Rishi Paramparas."
"Oneness is my true nature. Realizing that you can have and be anything. We are all one, we are all connected."
"God realization is by the grace of the Lord."
"Everything is in the present moment everything that I need all the lessons I need are right here I don't need a trip to go somewhere to have an experience of the absolute this is the absolute I'm inside the absolute."
"The worst part is you realize there was a heaven but now it's too late. You can't choose anymore. You've been eternally sentenced down here."
"It's gonna be a sad day when we get to heaven and realize we had all these gifts we could have used on earth to advance the kingdom of God and we never ended up using them."
"Inner peace is the ultimate realization of inner peace, a state of being that transcends judgment, fear, and separation."
"We are the god we were looking for, we are God having a human experience."
"The only distance that can exist between you and God is your unawareness of His nearness."
"All I wanted to do was go back home, but I realized it's about bringing Heaven here."
"Through non-action and aligning with the Dao, one can become a fully realized person."
"Oh my God, this is Jesus. They finally realize he is alive. He's in my house, me and him are having dinner together. Hallelujah!"
"I knew I had seen it, but I didn't know the power that was behind it."
"The desire for non-dual realization is the greatest grace of God."
"When you come to the end of yourself... that's when His miraculous power engages."
"Salvation means simply the realization of the spiritual being that you are."
"For women out there who are living like that, it is a dead end. I have wasted so much time of my life... living for the devil and serving the flesh and it got me nowhere."
"When I came to know Christ, I realized in Him alone are the four questions of life answered."
"When the seeker finds what it is searching for the seeker does not become a finder but sinks inside the source itself."
"What we shall discover is that this Christ of the Gospels is nothing other than the true inner reality of ourselves."
"The maker of all things loves and wants me and there is nothing more impactful to the human life than that moment where you realize that the creator of everything loves you as an individual..."
"Our lives will never be the same when we understand the depth of God's love for us."
"It was clear to me then just how much God actually loves us."
"Baptism is also called the eternal life, which is immortality, because one realizes their eternal nature."
"Freedom from smallness to awaken and attain to our real nature."
"The Lord desires for his sons and daughters to realize what can't be shaken."
"He's real. I was wrong. I was so wrong. God is real."
"There's really no way for a person to realize their need for grace if they don't realize that they've offended God."
"When the human being realizes who he or she is, he finds God."
"Kyle Rittenhouse is innocent in a court of law. He's free to resume his life."
"Once we get a glimpse of it, that's all we need, all we need is God."
"I knew that God loved me just as if I had never sinned, and it was awesome."
"Once you settle down in the faith of spirit, in the love and warmth of your soul, you realize life is tough, but damn it feels good to be free."
"Seeing the reality of who he's called you to be is everything."
"For your entire life, people have been using the word 'God,' and you sort of understood what it means intellectually but you had no idea until this precise moment."
"Purpose and the will of God is actually coming to pass."
"You enter into the door of enlightenment by realizing you're already enlightened."
"I was sinning and how uncomfortable I made up in my mind that I would be alright till my convictions came alive."
"How foolish you are, how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken." - Character in "The Road to Emmaus"
"The will of God is perfect... you're going to look back on your life and say, 'Wow, everything happened in such a perfect way.'"
"We are all one at the level of awareness or Consciousness."
"Indeed, the self-realized person sees me, the same Supreme Lord, everywhere."
"Once you realize what you truly are, it's not that you will realize, 'Oh, I was in bondage after all these spiritual practices.'"
"Now you see, all cells are enjoying, do you see now? Enjoying nectar. I'm very happy."
"Spiritual life is basically a call to sanity that none of this is working."
"Dwell in the inner realization of all Buddhas."
"You'll realize that heaven really exists as soon as you understand that it's within your reach."
"Only those of tranquil minds, and none else, can attain abiding joy by realizing within their souls the being who manifests one essence in a multiplicity of forms."
"Then the great realization will come that you have found the kingdom of God, that you are walking in it, and that it is right here on this Earth."
"When you really realize what God did to save you, that ought to make you praise God for His saving work."
"We've been wrong the whole time; it's all about Jesus."
"We have to get to the place where God's all we have left to realize he's all we really needed to begin with."
"We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves."
"Liberation, awakeness, realization expresses differently through different people."
"What if we who are Orthodox Christians began to realize who we are, to take our Christianity seriously, to live as though we actually were in contact with the true Christianity."
"If one should live a hundred years not seeing the supreme Dhamma, a life of one day is better for one seeing the supreme Dhamma."
"The extent of your selflessness means that the genuine feeling of 'not I' in the actual act will only come to the extent you are established in the real self."
"The Buddha expressed his enlightenment as the realization or penetration of the Four Noble Truths."
"It can be realized by the purified mind."
"Salvation is not about getting you to heaven only; it's about your eternal purpose being realized here and now."
"It's a big difference for the first time it hit me what this grace was all about. It's about a love that blazes so powerfully in the heart of God."
"Heaven is here, Nirvana is now. As soon as you know that for sure, your life will never be the same again."
"The highest stage is when the Lord has been realized."
"The power of compassion empowers you to realize the absolute, to have spiritual realization, nothing less."
"That is the moment you are going to confirm, and that is the moment you want to understand that actually, for all along, you have been dealing with something extremely deeply spiritual."
"For where I found truth, there found I my God, who is the truth."
"When you drop the one looking for God, then all that remains is God."
"There is no joy like that realization."
"When you realize I am Brahman, you are freed of suffering and you attain bliss."
"I realized just how closely we were all connected to each other."
"This is the sum and bonum of spiritual realization; the Krishna Consciousness movement is trying to elevate human society to the perfection of life."
"I've read a lot of Almighty God's word, and I've realized it's all truth."