
Limitation Quotes

There are 2847 quotes

"We who are claiming the use of the greater law must emancipate ourselves from all sense of limitation."
"Anything your heart desires, the circus can provide. Well, almost anything."
"As long as we retain connection with the Inner Light, the forces that seek to limit us cannot be victorious."
"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight with no vision."
"You can always care for people, you can’t always cure them."
"Observations will always be limited... there is a possibility that you can have another observation that contradicts previous observations."
"Money doesn't fix your relationship problems."
"Anytime Deadpool tries to change it, cosmic forces may stop him from doing that."
"Language gives us the illusion of being able to communicate thoughts and ideas to one another."
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."
"In our format, it's a lot more difficult to pull this off; you can only have one of them in your deck."
"You can only consciously think about one or two things at a time. That's it."
"When you limit yourself, you force yourself to be more innovative, and often that creativity creates a new style that nobody has ever seen before."
"The absence of God limits the possibilities of whatever we do."
"You think you can do these things, but you just can’t, Nemo!"
"Did Shakespeare have a problem that there were only 26 letters? Did Beethoven complain there were only eight notes in the octave?"
"What if they made the most out of the limited options and made something truly special?"
"If you live your life in fear, that's going to impede you from doing stuff that's important."
"We are only limited by our thoughts. If we expand our thoughts, we automatically expand our Consciousness."
"The problem is there's an expiration date. The problem is there's time."
"We can learn and grow but none of us have a time machine."
"Production is limited to just 1,963 units for the entire world."
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't always make him drink."
"When we do that, we rob people of the possibility of who they could become."
"Any kind of belief is a prison. Any kind of belief is a prison."
"What am I gonna do with that? What am I gonna do? Nothing, I can't do anything."
"Limitation is actually one of the fundamental tools of creation."
"Saying the right thing only gets you so far."
"These seem to be the choices we live in a world of so few choices there's not much to do when these things come out"
"When you're broken, you can't go another step, so you're only 40% of the way to your actual capacity."
"Language is inherently reductive and does not truly capture anything."
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. But at a certain point, you just gotta cut it off."
"You won't have the known option in your table."
"America has limited us. That's what America do."
"You can't have it all, you can only have so much so decide what it is you want and work towards it."
"The creature may not haste above the maker, neither may the world hold them at once."
"There are reasons for restricting or limiting the scope of the causal principle."
"Fear-based systems are out there trying to limit your Consciousness and limit our Consciousness."
"I think the mind is the only thing that limits us."
"We've got to get back to basics and understand that our ability to influence things is really confined more than ever in history to the periphery."
"Perhaps they were just old and weathered but they seemed to be only getting up to 10 capacity."
"We came into this crisis without an adequate set of tools."
"Everything starts to look like you're looking through a peephole."
"State order can only govern people down to the level they can monitor."
"We can't help everybody but we try to help as many people as we possibly can."
"My life has shrunk from being able to do anything that I wanted to do... I now have to limit, make choices all the time."
"To make risk-free innovation is to stifle innovation."
"Even after everything Link did, all the effort he put into helping as many people as possible, ultimately he couldn't save everyone."
"Seeing no way out of this, Gina admits that the only offensive attribute magic she can use is ice."
"Forcing players into a choice is not a choice; it's a non-choice."
"Raw talent will only get you so far."
"The constitution was written to limit the size and scope of government."
"Your vision is too small, you're limiting what God can do to what you've already seen."
"Black Bolt's biggest power is also his biggest weakness; he can't turn off his destructive vocal cords."
"If your tank sucks, no tank items will save him."
"Perfection is a limitation because there's no evolution, there's no growth in perfection. It's stagnant, it's dead."
"If you don't have a default gateway, you're not going anywhere."
"We're not going to have immediate follow-ups to the 6900XT...I won't be physically incapable of doing so."
"Teaching people that they're victims, teaching people that their success is limited by things that they have no control over, like success is only possible if you think it's possible." - Adam
"Use your bardic inspiration. Well, bardic inspiration isn't gonna get you to what you need, I don't think."
"If it gets to the point where the women's rights movement can't talk about the experiences of women, that's a problem."
"FSG deserve credit for hiring Klopp and Edwards, nothing else."
"You can't circulate that with just by itself, you cannot."
"The English language is designed to keep you from using certain vibrations."
"Well, I can't do any more, and that's of course when the powerlessness... that's when you start to control."
"One thing I don't like is that this is getting cut off."
"It's just the freedom that comes with money which they obviously don't have."
"Basically you have vision but you don't have forward-thinking."
"Your only real limitation is the one you accept and set up in your own mind."
"Working for money will only take you so far."
"It's unlikely at least at this juncture. It's gone as far as it could go."
"Limiting yourself often enhances the creative process."
"It's like unless they're really capped which they very well could be."
"Yeah, all you're getting is four. That's it."
"Unbelief will keep you stuck where you are. Unbelief is so powerful it'll stop God's work in your life."
"When Superman can no longer fly, he's an easy target."
"If you have just a part of something, chances are it’s going to not be complete enough to know what it is."
"The more you limit your options, the more you realize that creativity and beauty have nothing to do with the number of options you have, but what you do with the few options you have."
"The Force provides you with insight, but it does not give one all the answers."
"Government is unable to make that declaration for a host of reasons."
"Not even Illidan was strong enough on his own to bring Sargeras into the world though, but he did come with a plan."
"It's not possible to make an adaptation that is better than what Den Vu did with with Dune not possible to make a dune iteration as good as that is what I mean."
"There is no Next Step, there is no First Step, there is no walking for you."
"For those of us who are unable to do that as much as I wish... what I can do is help spread awareness."
"It can't really see, so it can do all those things but it can't see."
"The possibilities are literally six of them."
"The best edges don't last long enough to be back-tested thoroughly."
"It's important to not limit yourself to one specific thing. Generalize yourself and be able to."
"The only thing that limits you is the idea that you are limited."
"This was a game that was almost entirely held back by his gameplay hints the perfect disaster."
"Sorry, I'm not allowed to answer that, mate."
"It's a losing game to aspire to something that was never meant for you."
"I find that there's so much inspiration in restricting yourself sometimes."
"The suburbs themselves exist as a sort of prison for the average person."
"Even Phoenix Jean Grey or Professor Xavier, some of the most powerful telepaths in Marvel, would not be able to pull that off."
"This is about being resourceful, you really are only limited by your creativity."
"To me, that is a brutal way to call me dumb maybe to just limit me and say hmm instead of getting to create this really inventive optimized way of dealing with these groups of monsters you go in and you just kind of hit them all"
"And this time, the judge decided to not allow them to talk so much about the sexual abuse that the boys had endured."
"There's just not a lot of it to consume and that really holds the whole thing back."
"It's used for many different things but it makes for an interesting choice again because you can't really find more influence anywhere in the galaxy this is what you have you're limited to this and it's awesome."
"You better never let nobody turn your sky to a ceiling."
"Don't sabotage yourself. You only have so much inspiration to work with."
"Oh yeah dude I don't even get to do any of this cool stuff."
"You've just made the case to buy Tesla stock. I can't, of course."
"Sorry isn't enough but there's not really anything else that I can do to fix it."
"Don't put yourself in a position that you know you can't move yourself out of."
"We're always trying to build the best thing because we can't."
"You need to embrace that so long as you believe that you can't, you won't."
"We're running out of packs, we're running out of time."
"I knew what it stood for, I knew what the acronym stood for, but that was all I knew."
"Go out and find your copy today and then get excited for the new 40th-anniversary edition of the Silent Interlude."
"The door was shut, and no man could open it."
"SMA has limited me over the years, over my life, but it's also brought me a lot of good things as well."
"I honestly don't believe I could do it today. I don't have it in me."
"I wanted to, but they were explaining, there was literally nothing that they can do about it, you know what I mean? Like it was like in a pocket of like other things happening where just that's how very unfortunate."
"When you start to explain everything, the universe gets smaller."
"If you're just playing that stuff, you're missing out."
"Are you putting your genius in jail? Why are you keeping your genius locked up?"
"Building town walls... instantly say 'that's about as big as I'm gonna make.'"
"We tend to steel man as much as we can... Sometimes you can't steel man strong."
"The only reason why we are limited is by God's mercy."
"I can't put no more on for sale y'all I can't I'm so sorry."
"A week in Russia is a dangerous Russia, a Russia with fewer options is incredibly dangerous."
"I am a firm believer that no person, even the most creative, can ever be at their most creative state at all times."
"The only reason the codes kind of suck is only one person can get it."
"Our vision was not limited in the way it is now."
"We can't help everyone but we can help someone."
"Every thing you gain initially from heat tempering the belly on one of these bows, you're not going to be able to keep all."
"It stings that we're only putting one Mega Man Zero character in here, but if we can only pick one I think Sage is the best choice."
"I cannot make the comics come out faster as much as I wish I could. I cannot control when comics get released."
"God became Man by believing himself to be man. Man is God in limitation."
"Remember, any description of God or any definition of God is limitation."
"But like, the human imagination can only go so far without any references."
"It's hard to take off from the ground when your wings are cut."
"You can have anything you want, but you can't have everything."
"In the past, the beacon beam wouldn't even go through bedrock."
"Saving the game really isn't possible. But maybe, with that little power you have, you can save something else."
"What's left you have to go to space that's what's left."
"I always spoke very positively about it and I will limit how many videos I speak of Brazilian women."
"If we serve one other item like we serve one thing and we do it good, and if we serve anything else, we're [__]."
"You are not limited by resources only by resourcefulness."
"Oh [__] y'all magical abilities don't increase so now you like well damn what can I do with these magical abilities since they increasing."
"I want to be able to do that with the handgun I carry, mhm I can't really do that with Glock 43x, I really can't."
"Being from a famous family definitely gives you massive advantages in life, and while you will get chances for free, the chances will not be infinite."
"We can create pieces of it but we can never recreate that whole experience."
"You really can't, it's like you just, you just can't."
"Plenty of practitioners out there who live in flats that can only grow a few select plants inside..."
"Humans can't change about 50% of what they do."
"A lot of people today are suffering from possibility blindness."
"There are two prayers God can't answer: asking him to do something he's already done, and asking him to do what he told you to do."
"I really can't imagine this going another year."
"I don't even have anything to measure it with."
"They feel like their hands are tied in the situation."
"You're a good person, but it's not possible for us to move ahead."
"Neither of you felt like you could be very authentic."
"Balling like an athlete but got no jumper."
"My name is Lilly Mad Whip and I can't save everybody."
"You cannot wish to have more wishes. I wish I could be in creative mode."
"The sigmoid squashing function... ensures that that neuron's value never gets outside of the range of plus one to minus one."
"When we only look at the universe through the 12-fold zodiac, it's like being a biologist and saying, 'I'm only going to look at the world through a 300-powered microscope.'"
"We become prisoners of the stories we tell ourselves."
"The social issues become magnified... it's like Noam Chomsky said, 'The political establishment allows a very lively debate within a very narrow spectrum.'"
"If you're more so limited on how many cameras you can set up versus how much money you can spend, this could be incredibly useful."
"It's about doing your best in every situation while understanding that some outcomes are beyond your grasp."
"Doctors can't help patients who don't want to heal."
"We are prisoners of our senses just as we are prisoners of the words we use for thinking."
"God chose to limit His power by creating us with a free will."
"Perfectionism holds you back from thriving in many ways."
"You can do nothing without the key."
"Money only makes you happy to a point."
"A bird born in a cage thinks flying is an illness."
"He could there do no mighty works, save he laid his hands upon a few sick folks and healed them."
"Our sensory perception is very very limited."
"I understand you want to, but we can't."
"Limitation in that is something I'm really into... you take one thing and that is the idea for the track and don't go too far with that."
"...reality is really there but it appears to us in accordance with the limitations of the faculties through which we perceive it."
"You really got to be focused; you have to realize you can't do everything."
"I wanted to go to college... we can't send you to college."
"Don't bite off more than you can chew, my friend."
"It's difficult to monitor anything in the ocean because we can't see into the ocean. We don't have any eyes there."
"A cheetah can run super fast but only for a short time."
"AI is not a magic pill that can solve all the world's problems."
"Our universe is a complex dimensional space, and humans, limited by our cognitive abilities, can only perceive three dimensions."
"You can't do any more than your best."
"We are not limited by our bodies; our spirit enables us to go where our body won't."
"We have six questions, you can only give me one answer."
"You're a collectivized peasant, you only get one die."
"I don't like when machines or computers stop me from doing what I want to do."
"The character's power cannot be absolute."
"I couldn't save everyone, and this action was just me acting out of what little goodwill my otherworld self used to have."
"You just can't squeeze any more blood out of that stone."
"He can only fulfill just one request of him no matter what it is."
"The only limitation is right here, your brain."
"Your arms are too short to box with the Most High."
"You're trapped in now, aren't you?"
"The downside of infrared is it's a detectable system."
"Saturn with other planets teaches you to work within the limits and confines of a certain structure."
"Plant the seeds but also tend to the seeds and overcome limitation."
"I don't think you're going to be able to fit a king-sized bed here without a lot of modifications."
"What is the limiting narrative that you are writing about yourself?"