
Emancipation Quotes

There are 267 quotes

"We who are claiming the use of the greater law must emancipate ourselves from all sense of limitation."
"Emancipate yourself from the idea of a celestial dictatorship and you've taken the first step to becoming free."
"Emancipatory politics...seeks to actively rectify the power discrepancies in society that discriminate against and marginalize ethnic and racial and sexual minorities."
"Emancipation is a specific tradition in left-wing politics, and reactionism is a specific tradition in right-wing politics."
"When a man has emerged from slavery, and by the aid of beneficent legislation has shaken off the inseparable concomitants of that state, there must be some stage in the progress of his elevation when he takes the rank of a mere citizen."
"Juneteenth is the date in which slaves in Texas were finally informed about the emancipation proclamation... it's been celebrated in black communities around the United States as sort of the marking the end, the date marking the end of slavery for decades, truly decades."
"The people of Texas are informed that in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves."
"John Horse being the excellent strategist and leader that he was, told the United States government that he would lay down his arms if, and only if, they would give them papers of emancipation for each and every one of his soldiers. And they agreed to this."
"The only proper treatment of slaves is their emancipation."
"Feminism is defined as 'an emancipatory, transformational movement aimed at undoing domination and oppression.'"
"Slavery is a commonplace of human experience going back to antiquity. Emancipation, freedom for the slaves, the abolition of slavery, that's a new idea. That's a western idea. That's an enlightenment idea."
"It's a fascinating story of emancipation, spiritual awakening, and perseverance."
"That is the day that chattel slavery in this country ended for our ancestors."
"Mr. President, it's time to make the war about emancipation."
"How do we integrate and protect newly emancipated black freed men and women?"
"Women's emancipation is one of the glories of Western civilization and one of the great chapters in the history of freedom."
"By mid-war, freeing the slaves wasn't just a moral imperative, it was also a practical necessity." - Commentator
"June teens isn't that it celebrates the anniversary of freeing enslaved people."
"Abraham Lincoln was the president during the Civil War, you know, he freed the slaves."
"Juneteenth represents a day of struggle, a day of resistance, a recognition that the freedoms promised were just unfulfilled promises."
"Knowledge is the pathway from slavery to freedom."
"Who was it that freed the slaves then, Matt?"
"I'm emancipated from my family, Bricky, will you adopt me?"
"We need a movement to protect its true leaders, its revolutionary leaders like myself and you and others."
"But we've also had triumphs including emancipation and civil rights movement."
"Women are newly emancipated slaves... they have been enslaved and they have been misused and abused. No one disputes this. And now they have... and not only if they rebelled, they have prevailed."
"Building the self you were never allowed to have."
"This was a place where slaves could be flogged but also a town where they could be freed."
"When the smoke cleared, the slaves were free."
"He immediately frees all of his father's slaves."
"Aaron won't be able to save these people, bro. It's like that quote from Harriet Tubman, saved a thousand slaves and gonna say a thousand more if they knew they were slaves."
"We cannot liberate a slave who holds on to his chains."
"Washington specifically freed his slaves upon his death."
"In January 1863, Lincoln brought about the Emancipation Proclamation, an executive order that led to the freeing of three million slaves in the Confederate States."
"White people didn't have to free the slaves but they did."
"Enormously important: four million people are going to be suddenly freed as a result of the war."
"Before they could declare something as radical as emancipation, they needed a victory."
"Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free."
"The moment we start to think critically, we start to emancipate ourselves."
"Let there be emancipation for every family, hidden glory."
"Yanga's town was officially recognized by Spanish authorities as a free black settlement."
"Though freeing the enslaved was the ultimate goal, improving their lives prior to that point was also a goal."
"Eight months after Lincoln's assassination, the 13th Amendment is ratified, finally abolishing slavery and permanently freeing every enslaved person in America."
"Octavia freeing Lincoln who is no longer going to be their prisoner"
"What system of labor was going to replace slavery what political system was going to replace the political system of slavery and what rights would the 4 million emancipated slaves have?"
"I'm for emancipation. But they have to go somewhere else."
"If we are going to be truly free, we must reach down into the inner depths of our being and sign with the pen and ink of assertive manhood our own Emancipation Proclamation."
"Dunmore's edict... suggested Britain would free the enslaved population that would come across to the British side and help to discipline if you like the planters and other rebellious forces."
"It surely would have gone unmarked had it not been for those former slaves who were under that balcony on June 18th, 1865 and who kindled that flame and kept it alive."
"...they ran away during the Civil War, they freed themselves, they did not need a piece of paper or someone coming to tell them."
"In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free."
"The South was to be the firing line not simply for the emancipation of the American Negro, but for the emancipation of the colored races and for the emancipation of the white slaves of modern capitalist Monopoly."
"Discrimination is the declaration for your personal emancipation."
"The ideals of higher emancipation, freedom through education, the truth shall make you free."
"Juneteenth is a holiday. Juneteenth, June 19th, is an annual celebration for the end of slavery in the United States of America."
"Emancipation or freedom from slavery became the primary aim for the approximately 200,000 African-Americans who served in the war on the Union side."
"Hawkins Wilson is this formerly enslaved man who wanted to find his family, and these people that he was seeking were so important to him."
"The very conflict that affirmed the emancipation of the slaves also changed the destiny of your family."
"The history of men's opposition to women's emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of that emancipation itself."
"Lincoln's legacy... saving the Union, emancipating the slaves, making sure that all men really are created equal... so that really is Lincoln's legacy."
"Did you know the Freedom Tree in Missouri City is where slaves at the Palmer Plantation were notified they were free?"
"The celebrations begin. Give us a sense of what it must have been like for slaves on Juneteenth when they heard that message."
"The purpose of the war shifted from union to emancipation."
"Emancipation was an internal phenomenon that had almost no effect on the actions or standing of the United States on the world stage."
"Emancipation might lead to a large influx of black soldiers."
"At the start, it was the war to save the Union, not to abolish slavery. It wasn't until mid-1862 that Lincoln began to see that making the goal of abolishing slavery would help, not hurt, saving the Union."
"Their emancipation will sooner result from the mild and melting influence of Christianity than the storms and tempests of fiery controversy."
"In this deep sense of emancipatory struggle, we are on the same side."
"There is no emancipatory struggle that can work without mobilizing this difference."
"Can you imagine the emancipation of the Afro-Americans in America without leaders like Lincoln or Martin Luther King?"
"Emancipation day at 18. I can make my own rules, choose my own name."
"Leaving school and starting work was my dream of freedom, emancipation."
"The emancipation proclamation announced that all three and a half million enslaved people in the southern states were now legally free."
"Harriet Tubman was born into slavery on Maryland's eastern shore. She escaped to freedom at age 27 in 1849, making it over the border to the north."
"The end of the Civil War marked the end of slavery for 4 million black Southerners."
"Emancipate ourselves from mental slavery because whilst others might free the body, none but ourselves can free the mind."
"It was the slaves themselves who took the initiative to make this a war for freedom by voting with their feet for freedom and coming into Union lines in their thousands."
"People saw that soldiers saw that slaves saw that they perceived very clearly that what Lincoln had done was at one legal stroke ended their enslavement."
"The Emancipation Proclamation has all the moral grandeur of a Bill of Lading."
"Emancipation starts when it is not only revealing inequality but affirming equality on inequality."
"The Manda Charter went a step further, not only denouncing the practice of enslavement but also laying the groundwork for an emancipatory government."
"But ultimately what's being said here is that there simply are no guarantees in the struggle for emancipation."
"June 19th 1865 is a humongous day in American history because it was the day when the people of Galveston Texas and then eventually the rest of the southern states were told and it was confirmed that they are free and they can leave"
"Lincoln's plan required the cooperation of slave owners. You couldn't emancipate the slaves or free slaves without the cooperation of slave owners at this point in the war."
"The truth in that stage of my life was true emancipation of the part of me that was trying to survive."
"Freedom finally came on June 19, 1865, when some 2000 Union troops arrived in Galveston Bay, Texas."
"For every emancipation, an accompanying oppression, for every magnificent Cathedral, a pit of bones."
"The loyal American citizenry fought a war for Union that also killed slavery."
"From indentured labor to full emancipation: Barbados' road to freedom."
"Lincoln was considered the liberator."
"Nearly 10,000 former slaves enlisted at Camp Nelson alone."
"After the Civil War, the former slaves, now freed men and women on Saint Simons who once worked on the plantations, congregated into three main settlements."
"The bill to re-emancipate the Sephardic Jews passed 373 to 225, and was signed into law by the King shortly after breakfast."
"My favorite President is Abraham Lincoln because if it wasn't for Abraham Lincoln I still be calling a white man master."
"We were trying to emancipate these kids so we could help them."
"The greatest emancipator of all died and rose again to set the captives free."
"It was a referendum on the war... on its purpose... and on emancipation."
"The women were given leave to remind him that they were not longer his but safely housed in Abraham's bosom and under the protection of the Star Spangled Banner and guarded by their own patriotic, though once downtrodden race."
"Emancipation more than anything else will make the Civil War a war of conquest, a war of near totality, on both sides."
"Emancipation was in fact neither quick nor painless nor perhaps even revolutionary."
"Emancipation in the West, the emancipation of individuals, had not just been insufficient but been a disaster for the Jews."
"She was the first real emancipated feminist."
"Jesus wants to emancipate you from every kind of bondage."
"The emancipation of Washington, D.C. was the doom of slavery in all the states."
"Memphis was an important logistical base; it was the headquarters base, and then it became the base for African American freedom because of the huge contraband camps that opened up there for escaped slaves coming to the Union lines for protection."
"...the release of the slave along with his children is a genuine development of the earlier regulation in Exodus 21."
"Emancipate our senses from this trap."
"Women during her time has definitely far more rights and privileges than what they had earlier but she also argues that even if one takes all of these rights together they cannot really emancipate a woman until and unless she also has economic autonomy."
"Slavery was a holocaust, out of which emerged an accomplishment that advanced the morality and the dignity of humankind, namely emancipation."
"Lincoln's time as president, there were a number of people that were enslaved at the start of his election, and then at the time that he was killed, that number was greatly reduced."
"Lincoln himself said of the Emancipation Proclamation, 'It was the central act of my administration and the great event of the nineteenth century'."
"What is Juneteenth? So Juneteenth marks the true beginning of the end of slavery in the United States."
"Public monuments were meant to historicize, but emancipation asks citizens to consider futurity."
"The reality is that it was fought to end enslavement."
"Jouvert was born in 1838, hand in hand with the emancipation of slaves in Trinidad."
"The memorial was erected to commemorate the emancipation of slaves following the 1833 Slavery Abolition Act."
"If we're going to really celebrate Juneteenth, let's celebrate freedom from spiritual slavery."
"Let's get emancipated minds in the air."
"Once again she freed all slaves and earned yet another nickname, called Mhysa, meaning mother by the local population."
"Large-scale social theorizing aimed at clarifying the nature and roots of crisis as well as the prospects for an emancipatory resolution should again regain its central place in critical theorizing."
"Struggles for emancipation constitute the missing third that mediates every conflict between marketization and social protection."
"Currents of emancipatory struggle have disclosed a specific way in which social protection can be oppressive."
"The conflict between marketization and social protection must be mediated by emancipation."
"Parliament had attempted to emancipate Jews all the way back in 1753, but it was repealed just a year later due to an overwhelming public backlash."
"By the time he was recruiting for the Jewish Legion, Russia had become a republic and Jews there had been emancipated."
"We emancipate ourselves from mental slavery; as long as the mind is enslaved, the body can never be free."
"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery."
"For a man to be emancipated, he needs to be independent."
"Everybody should celebrate the end of slavery, the beginning of freedom for black people, and the long march toward America's founding ideals."
"Harriet Tubman led a raid to free slaves during the Civil War."
"It is the day that two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed, word of freedom finally got to the slaves in Galveston Bay, Texas, in 1865."
"Your cause is just if you truly believe in emancipation for all peoples."
"The pyrrhic victory at Antietam influenced Lincoln to announce the Emancipation Proclamation."
"The draft Emancipation Proclamation could undermine the foundations of the Confederacy by freeing the slaves in the South and allowing them to join Union Forces."
"Yet they knew from the outset how difficult a task it would be to emancipate the enslaved populations."
"If I could save the Union by freeing all the slaves, I would do it."
"It allows Abraham Lincoln to announce the Emancipation Proclamation, really changing the reason the war is being fought."
"The Emancipation, the first and many steps provide freedom for millions of enslaved people."
"We like the proclamation because it hurts the rebels; we like the proclamation because it lets the world know what the real issue is."
"Those 23,000 casualties also led to a new birth of freedom to a new hope for freedom for over 4 million enslaved people."
"Emancipation granted liberty, but it did not erase the economic plunder, the psychological trauma, and the systematic disenfranchisement that were the hallmarks of slavery."
"Lincoln had a great idea, and he said, 'Let's do the Emancipation Proclamation. Let's free all the slaves, blanket like.'"
"That sacrifice, that knowing, willing sacrifice for the betterment of an enslaved and despised race is in the truest sense a martyrdom."
"...the disciples of the late Jacob Emden were already brushing aside old ideas of Jewish autonomy in favor of a radical new definition of Jewish liberty: emancipation."
"The black man has chains that are broken on his wrist; he is able to rise from the chains and go from slavery to emancipation."
"We fought our most destructive war in history to emancipate six million of our fellow Americans."
"Emancipation of the self through emancipation of mankind, reaching the goal of self-realization as also ensuring a harmonious world."
"The quality of an emancipationist does not depend on how they feel about black people; it depends on whether they are participating actively and effectively in the destruction of slavery."
"Emancipation will inaugurate liberty, equality, fraternity."
"The Quran and the Sunnah provide an impulse, an impetus for emancipation that does not have an equal in any religious or philosophical tradition."
"All slaves behind enemy lines in six months' time will be free."
"Every human being is born into this world as a slave of sin that needs to be emancipated, set free by the great Emancipator, God Himself, through His Son Jesus Christ."
"To attain emancipation or salvation from the bondage of imagining ourselves to be a finite individual, we must know ourselves as we really are."
"The greatest victory in the emancipation of the Japanese woman is the recent royal marriage of Crown Prince Akihito to Michiko Shoda."
"It has been hailed as the emancipation proclamation of American commerce."
"During the 1920s, women were beginning to emancipate themselves, granting them the ability to express themselves freely."
"The symbol of an emancipatory possibility through which we can decide to become who we are."
"You are not slaves anymore, you are free."
"Next year is the centenary of the Representation of the People Act 1918, which was the decisive step in the political emancipation of women in this country."
"Abraham Lincoln was about to lose the Union until... he needs to allow these enslaved peoples to fight."
"Let us all first wake up the nation to lift a million slaves of both sexes from the dust and turn them into men."
"Self-determination, state of free will, emancipation from slavery."
"Instead of control, it's about emancipation."
"Instead of prediction and control, it's structural transformation and emancipation."
"Technical emancipation versus true emancipation, and what that actually means."
"The Emancipation Proclamation... it became illegal to hold people as slaves."
"You are free, you're no longer a slave."
"These acts of charity and beneficence of granting freedom... also allows the free black class to grow."
"The original founding vision of occupational science was one really of human emancipation, solving problems and creating better lives."
"Emancipation and autonomy are the words that designate these two equally indispensable phases of a single process."
"They marched through the streets of Galveston, going from building to building, announcing that all men were free."
"The Emancipation Proclamation... that was Lincoln when he freed the slaves."
"In 1834, slavery was finally ended across the British Empire, and 14,175 Dominican slaves became free overnight."
"Elation is a different level of happiness, I relate it to emancipation."
"Strategic design is a very powerful weapon system to create oppression but also a tool that can serve emancipation."
"Lincoln was the Emancipator of the slaves and Darwin was the Emancipator of the human mind."
"The 4,000 enslaved Americans who made what I call the Great Escape... it was the largest emancipation between the events in Haiti at the turn of that century and British colonial emancipation in the 1830s."
"Fortunate for the cause of negro emancipation and of universal liberty."
"My long-crushed spirit rose, cowardice departed, bold defiance took its place; and I now resolved that however long I might remain a slave in form, the day had passed forever when I could be a slave in fact."
"I was now my own master. It was a happy moment, the rapture of which can be understood only by those who have been slaves."
"...the language of liberation is the way that capital masks its actual process in a language of emancipation..."
"All slaves held in the Confederate States would be, as far as the U.S. government was concerned, officially free."
"After the Emancipation Bill of 1833 was passed, carnival became a celebration of freedom."
"A lot of people were emancipating their slaves after the American Revolution just because they were so inspired by the idea of liberty and freedom."
"I think it has done more to emancipate women than any one thing in the world."
"For she must grow more perfect when emancipated."
"Slavery is evil, unnatural, that the enslaved must take violent action in their own emancipation."
"Critical theory in the social sciences, including international relations, is about revealing the hidden sources of domination in politics in order to facilitate human emancipation."
"His Legend as a great emancipator has grown to almost Mythic proportions."
"Surplus production beyond the immediate needs of the community made possible the emancipation of some people from the toils of the land."
"The Emancipation Oak... is the place where the Emancipation Proclamation was read for the first time in the South."
"The frequent collapse of early states not necessarily as a tragedy but at times perhaps even an emancipation."
"We undisputedly became the United States indivisible, and with the Emancipation Proclamation... slavery was abolished."
"They would no longer be seen as property or chattel."
"Emancipation didn't mean that it was going to be easy."
"Certainly emancipation proceeds with rapid strides among us."
"Slavery was a commonplace human practice dating back to antiquity. Emancipation, the freeing of 4 million enslaved persons, was a new idea, a Western idea, an American idea."
"Historically, acknowledging emancipation of awareness about self-knowledge relationship to the world has led to positive effects."
"Imagine you're born a slave... then a big ass war breaks out... and then the war, when it's won, you're given your freedom."
"The only good thing you could tell a slave is to free themselves."