
Reading Habits Quotes

There are 247 quotes

"I forget who said that, like, it's okay to read parts of books instead of having to read from front to cover."
"Start more books, quit most of them, read the great ones twice."
"Read 30 to 60 minutes a day, five days a week... that'll translate into about 50 books a year, making you one of the smartest and highest paid people in your field."
"Books get delivered directly to my door. I have no willpower."
"I read such intense fantasy and I love that, but then I feel like I don't give myself... I just don't prioritize reading like rom-coms even though I love them so much."
"If you read the book, like somebody in a book club would be doing, there has to be someone in the book club that didn't finish the book. And that makes an authentic book club."
"I can't help but wonder if the thing compelling me to keep buying more books isn't actually the desire to read them, but the desire to be the person I was when I read more."
"People don't read books anymore, and so they aren't exposed to a wide vocabulary; they spend most of their time overstimulated by screens and videos."
"Just want to have a team of professionals choose the best new releases for you? You should try out Book of the Month."
"The next genre is not so much a genre but if you think you don't really like reading because you struggle with sitting down and focusing on a book, I highly recommend giving audiobooks a try."
"Narrowing all the books I read this year to a top 10 list was honestly incredibly difficult."
"People were reading like crazy during the pandemic."
"Buy physical copies of any book you plan to read in the future."
"TKO Studios had this awesome idea called binge reading."
"I think it's really easy to fall into the trap of loving having read something rather than actually reading it."
"Getting back into the groove of reading feels good."
"You can start with simpler books like fiction for adolescents. Start with introductory material. Make reading a habitual part of your life."
"By the time we actually ended up at Hogwarts I was already like halfway through the book."
"Just read, read, read and look up words like crazy."
"Audiobooks shouldn't be a substitute for physical books but a way to complement our reading habit."
"Building a reading habit... is pretty easy to fall out of, but it's also possible to get back into as well."
"If you haven't yet started reading audiobooks, I can wholeheartedly recommend."
"A few people read 50 non-fiction books a year. Be part of the few, not the many."
"I've been craving fantasy, so I'm hunkering down to read as much as possible."
"Harry Potter and the cursed child was the first book I have read in years that was not a gay fanfiction."
"Flex on them we have so many books to read in the second year and also share them the first year ones that you can flex a lot when you meet them."
"Read them a lot: facts, ideas, geography... Fiction, reading, reading, reading."
"I decided to let these quizzes choose the books that I read for the week."
"Whatever you're reading this December, I really want to know... Wishing you all a very happy December."
"I'm not gonna physically read it again... no need to hold on to it."
"I always have a book with me, even if I know I will not have any time to read."
"Sometimes it can be really easy to just get caught up in the stream of all the new releases and hyped books... Sometimes just really nice to make a list for yourself of books that you know you want to read at some point in your lifetime."
"The more you read the Bible, the more you desire the Bible."
"I'm sure these are amazing books; it's just I kind of need to be realistic about what I am actually going to read."
"Let's face it let's actually read the books that we buy if you actually want to know even more about how to store your books and actually how to create a proper library in your home."
"Listening to an audiobook is my favorite way to read a novel."
"I think it's important to read, but I have a secret. Most of the time I'm reading through my ears using Audible."
"Blinkist makes the habit of reading and learning much easier to start and sustain."
"Reading young adult books does not make you a lesser reader liking Twilight or Cassandra Clare or John Green does not make you a bad person or a fake reader."
"Read, understand, and memorize: A single book can change your life. It's never been easier to get access to valuable information, strategies, and advice. Read more, but read to understand and comprehend."
"If things fall apart despite you successfully managing all those other elements in your life, then you've only got one person left to blame: yourself."
"Whenever I'm in a reading slump, like picking up a Murakami will just do the trick for me."
"These are just books I want to read... Does anyone else do this with books?"
"It's not about the number of books that you read, it's about the quality over the quantity."
"Retaining information becomes easier with mindful reading."
"I always read in bed just before I go to sleep because I feel like it really helps my eyes get tired and it just relaxes me."
"People never read beyond the headline, people never read."
"He took an interest in books about serial killers."
"Build the habit--read every day. Start small, and when you least realize it, this habit will grow on you."
"Books are so subjectively personal; we all have favorites that other people hate and vice versa."
"You can't drink too much at one time so Chesterton's not the type of writer where you just plow through and read a whole book in one sitting."
"Set a firm reading schedule... keep your deadline sacred."
"I'm almost unrecognizable to myself the sam harris of 20 years ago would not have been able to imagine finding reading a book for an hour at all difficult."
"The bookshelf of the average Indian: Da Vinci Code, The Kite Runner, Harry Potter, Chetan Bhagat, The Alchemist, You Can Win, Shivkhera, Red, Martin, Immortals."
"Kids love reading. Some don't, but I think just setting aside time to read to them..."
"And if I'm highlighting, and scribbling in margins, then I tend to remember what I'm reading more."
"I'm just going to read what I want to read and talk about those books when I want to..."
"I'm going to be so much more selective with what I read and how much I read."
"Reading is for me, and I'm going to read as much or as little as I want to."
"Are you reading at night and you're like freaked out by and I love that."
"I find that I've been reading more than ever before now that I have this Kindle."
"It lets me set a tone for the books I want to read throughout the year."
"I want to see what kind of books a person reads. That's a great way to get a sense of their emotional maturity."
"So glad I spanned it out... typically wouldn't have picked up... really got to read a lot of great books... hope you guys enjoyed this ridiculously long feature length film video."
"I used to read a lot more. Now I do a lot more creative stuff."
"Every person who I speak to who is absolutely killing it or is extremely successful or intelligent they all read like they literally all read so I don't want to get left behind."
"Back in my day we used to read with actual pages."
"I just don't see that happening but there are a lot of these that are rereads for me."
"Being well read isn't about quantity, it's about quality, it's about depth, it's about living the books."
"I think the last book I read was The Martian."
"Definitely let me know in the comments below, what was your favorite book that you bought, received or even just read in the month of January, I would love to know."
"If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads." - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
"I'm rereading a bunch of stuff including the Andromeda Strain the novel because it ties right into the pandemic."
"Most people only read the headline and come away with the lie."
"You have to approach poetry with the understanding that this is someone's favorite poem."
"It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can't help it."
"There's just something really fun about seeing all of the books that someone owns."
"So now we're moving over here to where my TBR is."
"I've been trying to keep up some more healthy habits, I've been trying to read a lot more too."
"Reading is relaxing. It settles your mind and makes you smarter so do it."
"Discerning the quality of what you read is a superpower."
"I really love the front facing bookcase... it helps them to remember a lot easier which books are their favorites."
"Read well, select your authors well." - Ravi Zacharias
"Just finished another book. Reading is addictive; I can't put them down!"
"George Smith, brilliant mind, spends years reading these."
"I understand why some people are like I just don't read bro I just don't read."
"I love books. I read way more books than I watch movies and that to me was when I realized that I was like oh that's a big clue that I should be pursuing this."
"Honestly, is anyone just like wander aimlessly and not remember why or where they're going?"
"This is probably one of my most productive reading weekends."
"Almost everyone has a last book that they never finished..."
"I am fully convinced that it is some small but significant changes that make all the difference in being able to enjoy and continue a reading habit..."
"The best way to keep up is to read it right then and there, keeping everything fresh."
"Don't hate reading; you probably just haven't found the right book for you."
"Stick to a genre you're familiar with, or explore something new."
"Success looks like reading one page; anything on top of that is a bonus."
"I am more impressed by a person that has read you know five books a hundred times than a person that has read a hundred books once."
"I definitely be out here using my free book, and that is how I am able to get books off my TBR."
"By the time your kids are in their teens, they may not want you to read to them anymore."
"It's okay to read books but don't set too many expectations for yourself that you'll feel bad if you fall short."
"It's only by reading some really terrible books that you recognize the good ones."
"Fellas, is it gay to read? Fellas, is it gay to pick out a book that you're gonna enjoy?"
"Every piece of knowledge I have, I've accumulated over time by reading stuff that I like to read."
"I plan on being more conscientious of the books that I read."
"Make a list of books that you're not going to read... delayed gratification is a lost pleasure and a lost art."
"I feel like I'm cheating when I read the comments but it's not cheating we're a community we help each other out."
"I just finished my Jane Austen binge, and I plan on reading this very soon as well because I miss her books, and I'm probably going to be rereading her books really soon, and I think that this will be really nice for the mood that I've been in."
"You're remembering the key points, but on binge-read, it becomes more blatant."
"Reading a whole book in one day isn't a flex. All the times I read entire books in one sitting, I definitely wasn't doing okay."
"I could not believe how much more he read... when he had fewer."
"I've learned to be more picky when it comes to my reading."
"It's not really about how much you read, it's more about making sure that you end up reading books that you're really going to love."
"I really want to read more during breakfast."
"Reading is for enjoyment, not the number of books you read or how fast you read."
"Whenever people recommend books I always take it seriously."
"Create a habit of reading in English regularly."
"So why? There are probably four reasons why you stopped reading."
"Reading slowly and digesting the content deeply helps get all the nutrients out of the book."
"What do you read that makes you feel better? What do you read that makes you think worse? You need to close that door."
"It's rude to read at the table, but I'd rather you read than be on your phone."
"I don't think there's any shame in reading fan fiction, and there's no shame in reading fan fiction until like your middle ages, until you're elderly."
"The man comments that he can tell that ritsu is a true reader."
"Reading habits among Nerdfighters are impressive, with many reading more than 50 books a year."
"Reading multiple books at once... it's definitely something that I encourage if you can."
"Most of my reading was on the higher end this month."
"A few reading disciplines and a few disciplines of mind and a few disciplines of activity can make all the difference in the world."
"...I love historical fiction as well as science fiction fantasy, and I read a lot of historical fiction."
"People differ on what's interesting. What's interesting to one person is not to the other."
"I try to read variety, and I don't really... it's not my favorite."
"I will never stop reading physical books, I will never stop collecting physical books, but I sure will be reading a lot more ebooks."
"I'm still reading monthly titles."
"I don't like reading on a screen. I like the physical thing."
"Education is one part of having a robust mental health. There's nothing that keeps the mind as sharp as a rigorous deep reading program."
"I don't see the point in buying a new book, to be honest, we need to save the planet, recycle books."
"I always find it really interesting to see how my reading plays out at the end of the month."
"Change up the book format that you're used to reading."
"Most Americans love the Bible but they don't actually read it."
"I read much more than 30 minutes a day. Sometimes I don't read any of my Kindle lists. A lot of times I read at least an hour a day."
"My rating system kind of goes like this: I really never rate anything at two. And luckily, I've been pretty good with my reads."
"May you tonight, even as you go back to your room, may you pick up that Bible and read your Bible and soak your soul in the truth of the Word of God."
"I read it all the time. It's so endearing."
"Our tabloid gossip newspapers are disgusting, they are terrible, they lie so much, but we all secretly read them."
"A great reader will continue to read outside of the book."
"I love audiobooks. I went from Reading like a handful of books a year to almost 100 a year because I can listen to them and multitask."
"I figure as I reread them I can buy the hardcover."
"What was the best book you read in August?"
"It's truly a problem. I have a problem of starting books and not finishing them. That is the truth. That is where we're at. I just have to admit it. I have to be honest. I have to come clean. We have a problem."
"I like to read before I go to bed and I'll read in the morning, like, before the kids. Are you up early? I run early and I'll read for a little bit even like at lunch if I'm by myself, I read, you know?"
"I love seasonal reading which you'll know very well if you follow my channel."
"Love what you love, read that smut, read that spice, read that naughtiness, but I just feel like it's pushed on us so much, it's just been that one thing that's been like picked up and spewed in our faces all day every day, and I'm tired of it."
"Living in tune with the seasons means also reading in tune with the seasons to me."
"I go all over the place I do like Byzantine Empire right now I'm leav I'm reading something about the Lucitania okay World War I like that's like the only type of books I read these days."
"I still prefer reading physical books."
"Booktubers should read just as many books that they enjoy as they hate."
"If you're like me and you prefer reading completed story arcs, then this is something that's definitely worth the money."
"I'm the biggest mood reader ever."
"If you read what everybody else is reading, you're going to think what everybody else is thinking."
"When I buy a new book, I always read the last page first."
"I don't normally read 21 books in a month, and I don't think it's something that I will be doing every month at all."
"I've always thought I would never become someone who read on a Kindle."
"I don't read enough of YA horror, and there isn't enough of it."
"It's just the sort of book I love to pick up and just dive into and maybe read one or two short stories before I go to sleep."
"You have loads of options, just make sure that you enjoy reading on a regular basis."
"People tend to skim websites rather than read them."
"Read as much as possible, write, scribble in your books, talk about your books."
"Read as voraciously as possible and read what interests you."
"People don't read the internet like they would a book from start to finish."
"I'm a person who reads... I can't finish a book but I'll read a ton of stuff online."
"You might have to start reading books again; there won't be much else to do."
"I grew up reading all those sort of classic novels like Pride and Prejudice and Emma."
"Rereading your favorite books is one of the best things to do to get out of a reading slump."
"People are a lot more diverse with what they're reading."
"I stayed up until 4 AM a couple of days ago reading this."
"I'm a big fan of interest-led reading, especially at this age."
"Goodreads... calculates those books together to find a theme to suggest new books that you may like."
"I organized all of my books into two piles: books that I have read and books that I haven't read."
"I really can't think of a better time to be picking up books and to be picking up reading as a habit."
"So every month they go through hundreds of book titles, they pick the best five to seven books for you to choose from to be delivered to your door."
"When I've read a book and I know I won't read it again, I give it away."
"Instead of trying to read as fast as humanely possible all the time, you can now fit reading into your life and become an intellectual within 15 minutes."
"We as people really like to get little bite-sized pieces of knowledge rather than actually reading the full story these days."
"I read 37 books total, 24 manga and then I read 13 novels."
"If we show children that we read books to babies, that will kind of sink in and maybe they will grow up to read books to their babies."
"If you don't read anything, you won't read anything. But if you read something that grown-ups might consider to be not a great book, then you will go on and read better books."
"It's almost like the new magazine that you read from cover to cover."
"The shift from traditional to digital reading isn't just a trend; it's a revolution."
"You can either mark a book as something that you want to read, that you're currently reading, or that you've already read."
"I think a lot of users... literally only catalog what they've read... and create a TBR pile on their Goodreads."
"Sometimes I love sitting in my bed in the dark, reading on my Kindle."
"Do a lot of reading, just do a ton of reading, and test yourself on what you are remembering with that reading."
"I like to read in a pile in my sweat clothes surrounded by snacks."
"Reading a physical book in a slow, deliberative, and careful manner sharpens a type of innovative, empathetic, creative, and critical thinking."
"One of the best things you can do is read with friends or join a book club."
"I'm reading so much faster while I'm reading paperbacks at the moment."
"It's really, really important to enjoy what you read and read what you enjoy."
"Try something new to try to reignite that love of reading."
"It's just way more convenient to read digitally than it is to read physically."
"It's so much easier to read and binge when it comes to digital manga compared to actually reading physical."
"I'm always on the hunt for good audiobooks."
"I tend to be a bit more old-fashioned in that regards, so I like to read physical books, I like to write with a pencil on notebook, on paper."
"Rereading books has always been the best way for me to get out of reading slumps."