
Religious Truth Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"The papacy is so distinctive that if it's true, Catholicism is true, and if it's false, then Catholicism is false."
"Either Jesus is right in his way of Salvation or you're right."
"I realized what is truth, this is the ultimate truth that is Sanatana Dharma, the everlasting dharma which is given by Lord Sri Paramishra and through Rishi Paramparas."
"The church is the pillar and ground of all truth."
"The worst thing in the world that could happen is someone demonstrates to you that the Mormon church is not true."
"The Bible proves that our God is the only true God and that the Bible is the inherent and inspired word of God."
"Dear brothers and sisters, God is the source of all truth. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints embraces all truth that God conveys to His children, whether learned in a scientific laboratory or received by direct revelation from Him."
"If Jesus isn't who he says he is and this word isn't true then we are all just cosmic accident."
"But I mean the truth is a person. It's Jesus Christ. That's right. That's right."
"The truth of Jesus, the truth of the incarnation, the truth that the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us never changes, never will."
"Truth isn't just a concept, truth is a person. His name is Jesus. He'll set you free."
"I am open to accepting the truth. Right now from what I have seen, Islam is the truth."
"God's Word should be the foundation of everything if it goes counter to Scripture it's just not from God and that's really it."
"Truly, Islam is what it claims to be: the religion revealed by God for the guidance and benefit of all mankind."
"Islam is the Deen of truth and the dean that has an answer for everything in life."
"Objective proof that the claims of those who worship Ba'al are patently false."
"Without the change of heart and the acceptance of God's truth, any enactments are useless."
"Jesus Christ, the Messiah, is the only truth that I find in this world."
"Why is it arrogant for one religion to claim to have the truth about God? Because the most probable truth of all about God is that there isn't one."
"The devil loves spirituality as long as you deny what in it can save you."
"The truth will be something held in common by every sect of all the way back to the very beginning."
"Thank the Lord for his word. He is indeed the truth in a world saturated with lies and deception."
"There's nothing true about it, and no religion can show the truth of it if you can't show it, you don't know it."
"God's worshipers worship Him in spirit and in truth."
"It not only shows the truth of Jesus but the truth of God and the truth of the Bible."
"God doesn't change, and His truth doesn't change."
"The best way that the enemy gets people away from God's truth is giving them lies."
"The Bible's true, and time is running short."
"Clearly, God has demonstrated the truth about New Age beliefs through these connections that could have only been procured by the God of Israel and the Bible."
"But what matters is if it's true... and the benefits that come with joining that religion."
"You can't prove Christianity scientifically, but you would be able to if Christianity were actually true."
"God's truth is enduringly true throughout all the generations."
"Truth is not an opinion, truth is a person. His name is Jesus Christ."
"This is a time of courage, not weakness. We are lovers of Allah and His Messengers—we speak the truth even if it's bitter, and we do not fear but Allah."
"For Islam to be true, the Quran needs to be the word of God."
"The final answers are in scripture in the person of Jesus Christ."
"We've been taught the truth during this conference: that God lives and Jesus Christ is his son."
"This work is true. It was not established by men and women; it was established by God."
"God's Word will always be the truth no matter what situation we come into."
"The magnificence and truth of our orthodox faith should be revealed as the only faith that teaches and provides theosis to its members."
"Just and true are Your ways, O King of the nations."
"All religions, at their core, have the same truth or the same divine reality."
"The truth of the Lord is everlasting."
"Nothing of Islam should be awkward; this is my opinion, if it's the truth, we shouldn't be awkward."
"If anybody tells you that the truth changes according to the times, he has ceased to be a Catholic."
"People upon the truth, people upon the clarity, people for the Sunnah."
"All the great religious traditions of the world have come to this truth."
"The truth began to spread, and this was truth God wanted the world to know."
"Only in the Orthodox Church will we find these unchanging truths."
"Jesus Christ is the answer, there is no other answer."
"All religious truth was revealed within the lifetime of the Apostles."
"The Gospel of Truth is a joy for those who’ve received grace from the Father of Truth."
"He's not a way, He's the way, He's the truth, He's the life."
"So what is true religion? The incarnation establishes it and also sets out a new path."
"Every truth found in every church in all the world we believe. But we also say this to all men: Come and take the added light and truth that God has restored in our day."
"O people of the book, speak nothing about God but the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, was the messenger of God."
"It is the one religion which insists every moment on the truth which all religions acknowledge, that He is in all men and all things and that in Him we move and have our being."
"His main goal was to present the truth of Judaism vis-à-vis its competitors for people's allegiance."