
Material Properties Quotes

There are 304 quotes

"PETG is a little bit harder to print than PLA, but it's tougher, handles higher temperatures, and generally survives a lot more real-world punishment."
"Graphene is the strongest material we know, stronger than diamonds."
"It's transparent so it lets light through and with all these superlative properties, you can probably make quite a lot of interesting things out of it."
"Is that why they gave them vinegar? For any accidents that happen with the Giza glass, the vinegar fixes it."
"You couldn't even bend it you couldn't get it even though the sledgehammer would bounce off it..."
"Just because it's a byproduct doesn't mean it's not aluminum. Aluminum takes different forms. That's how chemistry works."
"I'm feeling done with silicone because silicone retains odors, silicone gets stinky... and it will transfer those smells to the foods you're working with."
"Silicones are hydrophobic, they do not stick to water."
"Bronze PLA: develops a gorgeous jade green oxide layer."
"One great thing about working with gel stain is that it doesn't soak in quite as deeply to the wood it still gives great color but when you apply it it's thicker so it doesn't soak in as much."
"Organic materials are basically anything that allows light to pass through it."
"Adding this noise increases the roughness somewhat, but overall, it still looks like skin."
"Let me show you. This is a photo. Now, it's filtered so you know it's the only available version, so it kind of looks like it's gold, right? This is a beam. That's melted and make no mistake."
"Obsidian is glistening right now. This looks crazy."
"The limestone is playing as a soft base for the whole structure."
"Plastics that they use is very lightweight, and that's why it's possible."
"Wood will always be cantankerous fibrous...unlike other man-made materials."
"Cotton kills... it absorbs moisture, holds onto it, and doesn't dry quickly."
"The aluminum wheels on cars melted and dripped down driveways like tiny rivers of mercury."
"Now cotton, what is cotton chemically speaking?"
"It's a good insulator and it's actually more comfortable functional I think then it'll be aluminum walls."
"Bismuth retains a structural memory of its liquid state."
"But if what you're after is the most edge retention possible, theoretically, and all things being equal S30V should hold an edge a little bit longer than S35."
"The properties of diamond that make it really useful is that it is incredibly hard."
"When Jan's fibers were put to a high heat flame, they released what she called the 'gold payload.'"
"Meteoric iron is much harder and more brittle than copper."
"Bullets are softer than the steel of the barrel. The relationship between the barrel and bullet requires the barrel to be significantly hotter than any bullet that can ever go through it."
"The Sheen layer is now a proper and useful component."
"Physical-based rendering prevents materials from defying the laws of physics."
"Copper is beautiful... it's easy to forget that copper can also look like this when it's polished."
"Flax offers excellent vibration damping, perfect for high vibration applications like skis and snowboards."
"If you have silver stored in your house and your whole house burns down did you lose your silver no the silver did not burn."
"End of the day it's gonna be made out of stainless steel they're not even gonna paint it so all you got to do is you know take a little rag wipe it off a little bit and there you go oh welding yeah yeah no stainless steel welding it's not hard."
"It's all about the properties of the material: waterproof, reflective, non-insulating, non-breathable. You take those aspects and put them together and it could be beneficial or it could be deadly."
"Most door handles are made of brass, good for fighting microbes; bacteria can't multiply that much on such surfaces."
"Sapphire is not scratchable and that is very untrue from a lot of points."
"They break when they cool and they're not round."
"Some pieces may just be set up they want to shatter."
"Reinforced concrete is an extraordinarily versatile building material because it is strong, durable, relatively inexpensive, and can be cast into just about any shape."
"And if there’s one thing that won’t crack under even the most extreme of circumstances, it’s glass."
"It's so water repellent that water genuinely bounces off the material."
"Aluminum is great for two reasons one is it's a lot lighter than steel the other benefit is it's a lot more it's a lot stronger a lot more rigid than than steel."
"Super light, super strong, and huge storage capacity."
"More luxurious materials require more care to work with and are often less forgiving than inexpensive ones."
"Wood generally shrinks and contains a shrink and it usually doesn't expand."
"Apparently you can repair it because it's made of iron."
"A rubber jacketed cable doesn't do that. It goes exactly where you put it. You push on it and it just moves. It takes whatever shape you want to give it. It's completely invisible to the user. It's wonderful stuff."
"There's no such thing as bulletproof glass, just bullet-resistant plexi."
"Dragonborn scale actually cracks fairly easy against impacts meant to crack them."
"It's not a complete flat matte, so it keeps your metallics looking shiny but it doesn't dry too shiny."
"The water just beads right off it, there are a few places where there's a little bit of knitting where you can see the water kind of pools up."
"Then another question. When it comes to the pillar, it's probably made of metal, right?" - Verona
"In other words, for a few seconds at least, and more seconds than that, there’s no resilience in this particular material when it’s at a temperature of 32 degrees. I believe that has some significance for our problem." - Richard Feynman
"Fool's Gold glistens like the real stuff but is actually no more than a type of iron and is practically worthless."
"So a diamond can scratch a diamond but nothing else can."
"The real question we have at the end, as the smoke starts ever so slightly to clear, is whether we would have done any better in the circumstances."
"These things are super, super durable overall."
"Durant's shiny coloration represents oxidized copper."
"Copper... now I have to say that I am so excited about copper, this stuff is going to be amazing."
"A closed cell foam... shrinks into a small little foam size."
"It's made of glass, you can't call it a mug. That's crazy talk."
"If this second Interstellar object is confirmed, that sort of implies that Interstellar meteors come from a different population with a material strength that's characteristically higher than meteors originating from within the solar system."
"You can't have anything raw aluminum or steel with ethanol it'll just corrode and rust so it all has to be stainless or teflon."
"Emerald tools are actually better than diamond tools."
"If you unfolded just one gram of graphene, it would have a surface area of nearly 2700 square meters — roughly the size of 10 tennis courts!"
"Fiberglass has brilliant insulating properties."
"The Edge is always high carbon steel... allows the sword to flex without breaking."
"The steel was able to create a resonant energy that was capable of heating up, holding this energy in order to combust."
"It's weird, you know, but it's really flimsy."
"Graphene is an extraordinary material for a number of reasons."
"This stuff has a lot of impressive properties, potentially including being a room-temperature superconductor."
"It's actually the most conductive material currently in existence."
"It might be heavier but it's far more durable."
"Spectra fiber is actually made from plastic, yet it's a plastic with incredible tensile strength."
"No doubt metal is better, it is much more thermally conductive."
"Wood is bulky and heavy and expensive to ship but this thick ABS plastic is light and very strong so it's the perfect fit for mail order."
"Earthenware is by nature porous that is it absorbs whatever liquid you put into it and that material will slowly weep through the walls."
"A guango is water-resistant, so when you make things out of that, they're not susceptible to being rotted."
"Anything over 60 is considered very hard anything under 57 is considered relatively soft being that they were 58 they are right in the middle."
"Now, why specifically nickel? Well, for one, it's resistant to corrosion in a normal atmospheric environment, which is really what I'm looking for."
"Silver rots away underwater but gold doesn't."
"Metal is not ignitable, so this is a great option."
"Titanium gets another point for that because it is so low maintenance."
"Basswood is so fantastic to work with. It just has this pleasing form."
"Spencer actually sent me some steel originally that had little or no manganese and I could not harden it in oil at all."
"this feels and it is real silicone chemically silicone and that's important to get the properties that silicone has that being very stretchy chemically resistant temperature resistant"
"Understanding material properties like this is really beneficial if you're like trying to design something."
"Wood doesn't change in its length, it only changes in its width."
"The dry to the touch Micarta scales offer excellent absorbency properties, preventing slipping even during prolonged use."
"Cork just has very unusual properties which is the reasons that people have used it for you know cork barks for wine whiskey etc for hundreds of years."
"Hot plastic sticks to hot plastic, cold plastic does not stick to hot plastic."
"What is so special about Reynolds 853 steel? 853 is that basically it's one of the few metals or materials that will actually get harder when you weld it because it effectively air hardens. Amazing."
"I love 24/7 cotton, it's a mercerized, it's 100% cotton, it's got this lovely sheen."
"this is a super dry brush, what it will do is it's going to suck up epoxy"
"Clear resins end up not being very clear."
"Stainless steel... is highly resistant to corrosion or rusting which means it makes great cutlery."
"Now I'm clearly stating welded in one or two spots. In theory, that is a hardened steel shaft and if you weld all the way around it, you're gonna take the temper out of it."
"Leatherboard is softer and conforms to your foot faster."
"They tend to stretch, you know, this is a material that has some give, even if they're thick and you build lots of layers, they will want to stretch with gravity."
"The first thing that I want to do is I want to turn this roughness down to like a .2 because hard candy like this usually is pretty shiny."
"Because it is susceptible to corrosion, carbon steel is generally used with non-corrosive gases and liquids."
"Curing is defined as providing adequate moisture temperature and time to allow the material to achieve the desired properties for its intended use."
"This titanium is extremely light and that's a big deal about titanium, it's super super light but it's also very very strong kind of like steel would be."
"That's how concrete cures; the wetter it is, the stronger it becomes."
"Stainless steel is literally the most convenient universal material because it's long-lasting, easy to clean, and notoriously sticky."
"If you don't have cardstock, there's a couple other things that you can work with which will give you the same thickness and flexibility."
"Carbon has three thousand times the surface area of aluminum foil."
"Refraction is the bending of light as it passes from one material to another."
"The index of refraction is the speed of light in a vacuum divided by the speed of light in the material."
"You want to keep your plastic parts wall thicknesses on the thin side so that you don't get these sink in effects."
"Really, especially with felts, just let the felt do its job."
"Vanax at the moment, it's rustproof, not just stainless, it is for all intents and purposes rustproof."
"It melts slowly due to low thermal conductivity and is as solid as concrete if kept frozen."
"Polyester has two awesome advantages: the non-expanding sag and it also has less stretch."
"They are shiny, they are sonorous, they are malleable and ductile."
"Copper is known for its unique antibacterial properties."
"Every year, sheep around the world produce 2 to three million tons of wool, a material with outstanding properties."
"It's interesting that Amsteel likes being cyclically loaded."
"Linen is bacteria resistant, odor resistant, and resists staining."
"Lead is a handy metal; it's soft, it's dense, and it's great at resisting corrosion, but it's also incredibly toxic."
"GaN's band gap is 3.49 electron volts, which is higher than silicon carbide's 3.25 electron volts and far higher than silicon's 1.1."
"The unique properties of stainless steel recommend it for a number of different uses."
"If a material has high thermal diffusivity, the heat will diffuse through the body much faster compared to a material with a lower value of thermal diffusivity."
"It's hydrophobic, meaning if we were to take a water bottle and drip some water down this bat right here, the water would run off like water off a duck's back."
"Matter is in itself capable of generating form."
"Natural rubber cannot be beat, especially in the cold."
"It's a spring hard wire that always goes back where it started, so it remembers."
"Stone is incredibly good in compression but incredibly bad in tension."
"The resistance has changed, but the resistivity of the wire does not change on stretching it."
"The strength of carbon fiber is strongest along the length of the strands."
"Homelander can't see through zinc."
"It's consistent all the way through, no layers, no coarse grain, no crystals of different sizes, and it should flake fairly easily."
"Marino wool shines in hot weather... it's going to pull that moisture off your skin into the fiber and when it evaporates, it's going to cool the surface of your skin."
"Some people may say that a nylon whip will break in if it's too stiff, but actually, nylon only gets stiffer with age."
"Graphene... is apparently one of the strongest materials on the planet."
"It's best to use a liquid hide glue because that liquid hide glue can be reactivated and loosened up, allows you to gently take pieces apart when you need to."
"Teflon is so slippery that it resists van der Waals forces, making it the only known surface a gecko cannot stick to."
"Once it cools down, it's nice and firm; it has that nice paper-like quality."
"Call of Duty is a realistic game, right? And you want to have all of your materials be based off of real-life examples or inspired by real-life examples with accurate material properties."
"You get the strength and durability from nylon, the breathability and comfort from cotton."
"It must be in my mind some form of high carbon steel."
"Why does a glass form? Well, a glass forms... it can form because of three different things: one is the crystal complexity, another is the viscosity, and the third is the cooling rate."
"We can engineer the electrical permittivity and magnetic permeability... we can be a god and we can really define epsilon and mu as we want."
"The thin wire has more resistance than the thick wire."
"It's a material that's both incredibly strong and incredibly light."
"The mechanical properties of beech plywood are much better than any softwood, actually kind of specific capacity is better than steel in relation to the weight."
"By designing the nanoparticles of different lengths and diameters, we can then control their properties."
"The great thing about acetal is how hard it is; it's extremely hard for a plastic. It kind of bridges the gap between plastic and metal."
"When this stuff cures it's basically like Limestone which is going to be super water resistant, fire resistant, completely Decay resistant and Bug proof."
"Polymers behave very differently at different temperatures."
"This will give some nice rim lights and reflections to the material."
"The yield stress is typically explicitly defined as the stress required to create a point two percent plastic strain."
"Glass is hard, non-porous, it's easy to clean, it doesn't stain, it doesn't transmit any off funky flavors from your last batches of beer to it."
"Osmium is the eighth and final precious metal."
"Wool kept you warm even when it was wet."
"It's really flexible, you can dent it with your fingernail."
"We love this stuff; it has amazing properties."
"We use a polystyrene cup because it helps to insulate heat and prevent heat loss."
"Imagine the headstock is made from rubber rather than wood. What happens when we apply string tension to it? It bends forward under that pressure."
"What makes one cotton better than another is the length of its fiber."
"UV resin cures in UV light, so it will stay in its liquid form until you want it to start curing."
"Wool retains 80% of its warmth even when sopping wet."
"The membrane that's left looks amazing; it's really, really stretchy and pretty tough looking."
"Thermoplastics turn soft when heated, like a shampoo bottle."
"Graphene has a bunch of outstanding properties; it can have a very high mobility, it has a large surface area."
"The number of layers in our slab has to be so large that the electronic behavior in the center is sort of bulk-like."
"I will definitely trade out a huge chunk of my edge retention for the composition to get some of those benefits."
"It's very low density and lightweight while still having high strength and stiffness."
"It's actually made out of aluminum which is a good thing because it's lightweight."
"This is carbon fiber reinforced polycarbonate filament, known as CFPC, and it's a fantastic printing material with great strength at higher temperatures, really nice surface finish, and it's relatively easy to print."
"This filament is ideal if you want to make a structural component that resists high temperatures, really stiff components, and something that still has great surface quality and good dimensional stability thanks to that carbon fiber."
"Thankfully, mammoth is a very carvable, very easy to work with material."
"In the end, the theories were right, we were right as well, and so this material indeed has a very high ferroelectric polarization."
"The DT is made out of balsa, and so it floats; it's very buoyant."
"The reason we like to use cast iron is because of the graphite content and the stability."
"Concrete does not have tensile strength, it only has compressive strength."
"Wool has magical moisture-wicking properties; it prevents the moisture from retaining in the fabric."
"We can actually control the density of charges, charge carriers, free charge carriers on the surface."
"Aluminum has many advantages and is also affordable."
"Do not make your flywheel out of aluminum; you need the inertia, you need the momentum."
"EPO Foam is a little bit more dense, a little more durable, a little bit easier to repair with a wider variety of glues."
"Synthetic man-made leather doesn't get hot, doesn't get cold, doesn't mold, doesn't mildew."
"These blocks are coming out nice; the seven Newton countries, but they do, they're quite soft. They cut where you want them."
"These properties are independent of the material's original dimensions, which means they're much more useful to us than force and extension."
"Once you hydrate it well, I find it doesn't break too easily; it's that hydration that's super important."
"It's very flexible and it has a sort of gel-like quality to it which is a good property to have for resisting abrasion."
"Magna cut is a special steel because it is the only steel currently on the market that is tough, corrosion-resistant, with good edge retention and a maximum hardness up to 65 or maybe even a little higher HRC."
"Polycarbonate has some of the best mechanical properties and high heat resistance in the 3D printing world."
"Some of you might notice the fabric will stretch a little bit in the process of doing all this."
"What happens when light interacts with some sort of material? It can be absorbed, transmitted, or reflected."
"It has very low coefficient of thermal expansion, it has high thermal conductivity, and it also has to have high thermal shock resistance."
"Cork material has anti-microbial properties; these are actually meant to be worn barefoot."
"Lightweight, tougher, self-sensing materials like these have a great deal of potential for practical applications."
"This material also has a very long-lived photoluminescence component, which is very promising."
"The properties of a material depend on the chemistry and the material but they also depend on the structure of the material."
"The Shear wave velocity is independent of saturation and controlled by effective stresses, density, and things like age and cementation."
"It can be one of the best, if not the best, material for orchids if you can benefit from its properties."
"Metals and alloys have the highest values of fracture toughness; they will require higher stress levels for cracks to propagate."
"There is a lot of optimism in the capability of using these calculations to predict the properties of materials maybe before even experiments or helping or accelerating experiments."
"Plasticity is the ability to change shape without cracking or bending."