
Consequence Quotes

There are 7511 quotes

"There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death."
"This had resulted in an innocent man being murdered."
"My dad was a healthy 65-year-old. His only pre-existing condition was trusting Donald Trump, and for that, he paid with his life."
"Whoever sets out on the high road and takes a wrong turning does not go where he intends to go but where the road leads him."
"The price men paid for waking up was to bear the burden of mortality."
"What we do has significance... or we create our own hell, or we can actually bring heaven down into Earth."
"Where you are in your life right now is all a result of who you are."
"All I want to stress is that my discovery of her was a fatal consequence of that 'princedom by the sea' in my tortured past."
"In the time of decision, indecision is a crime."
"All you have is the truth. My favorite quote is 'You get away with nothing in life. You can twist the fabric of reality for a while, but the truth sits there on the couch with a fedora and a cigar, going, 'When you're done with this parade, I'll be here. I'll be collecting my pound of flesh.'"
"You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs."
"It was a straight-up insurrection, armed insurrection that resulted in people dying."
"He felt guilty for the loss of life in the Estabul Kingdom and the Roland Kingdom."
"If men do not change their ways, fire will rain down from the heavens and destroy the greater part of humanity."
"If only everyone pressed E to stop death, no one would have to press F to pay respects. Think about it."
"Superman's response is to grab him by the throat and then use his heat vision to melt his brain, killing him... Superman kills a child who wants nothing more than to be a hero like Superman."
"This has to be Superman's best kill in injustice because without this death, the whole events of the injustice universe would never have happened."
"Because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth."
"As a result of his arrest, Mr. Bryant has lost his home, his car, his job, he's been separated from his family, his friends, and his fiancee."
"I sacrificed one of my two divine hearts for this; I hope the deal works, or I'm lost."
"This is one of the most consequential Supreme Courts we've ever had in American history."
"For every action, there is a consequence. Everything is movement."
"The love bug scent has multiplied. Now everyone will be in love with you."
"The effects were permanent. She could take the bug out, but the deal was done. I would forever have people falling in love with me."
"I do believe it's very probable that this pandemic was a direct consequence of science."
"Ultimately, it all comes down to choice and consequence. That's part of the real world, and it ought to be part of the game as well."
"Choice and consequence should engage and entertain, even if it isn't fun."
"Barack Obama's a bought and paid for gas lighter, which is why we got Donald Trump."
"Don't go bananas that in seven months you've just created a quagmire."
"Dean sealed his fate on that first run unfortunately." - The importance of consistency.
"An agent Schrader and agent Gomez and a whole lot of other people would still be alive."
"If either Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorcas had followed the law, or if New York had kept him in jail, she would still be alive."
"It's choice and consequence is super powerful."
"You can pull off that badass attack maneuver, but you've pushed yourself and you've got less hit die than you would before."
"They will torment you to make sure you don't set a precedent."
"Sometimes in life you have to go left or right, or if you don't make a decision at all, that's still making a decision."
"By trying to create a perfect utopian universe, Thanos created hell on earth."
"He who seeks after darkness will surely become it."
"Your leg is gone... it's the price you had to pay for going into that land."
"One tiny action resulted in one really, really crazy thing."
"Democrats are about to take it directly on the chin because of all of this."
"Last time I pranked someone they died, they actually died"
"What happens now determines what happens to the rest of the world."
"Choosing between loyalty and love: a powerful introduction to consequence."
"Someone will end up holding that bag, and that bag is full of turds."
"Death is still like a really major thing, and it should always have a consequence for the characters in proximity."
"We're winning impeachment after this person impeach convict indict prison."
"I really hate saying I told you so, but the stuff's happening."
"If you act, it actually starts to matter what you do."
"I just realized, imagine you accidentally leave the door open."
"Living in a world where Satan Reigns and you and I and our families have to suffer the consequences doesn't really feel appealing to me."
"Honestly, it wouldn't have made a difference if he saved them or not."
"F5 was a rushed move and it did lose me a major chunk of my advantage."
"If you don't fight for what you want, you will have time to cry for what you lost."
"Gorilla glue is not in the wrong in this situation and they've done nothing wrong because of all of this bad press that she has caused them being an agent of chaos they're going to settle with her."
"You're not invited to the wedding because of everything that's been done on the internet."
"It would be freedom at last... but also incredibly dangerous."
"It strikes me as highly probable that you're going to pay a price in something approximating pain for the death of those malfunctioning systems."
"One life, one choice, one moment can destroy the entire universe."
"If you only do A or B, everything would be different."
"If you click on someone's head, they are going to die."
"What goes around comes around. You can pay now or you will pay double later."
"We're prepared to offer you two choices: one very pleasant, the other less so. You can have an amusing life in South America or an end to life in a shallow ditch."
"Truth was about to catch up with Piper Roundtree."
"Allah describes a generation wasted because they 'wasted' the prayer, not benefitting from it."
"This is the fight right here. Whoever wins, all that goes away."
"Ultimately they shouldn't have broken into the pitch, but they got the game cancelled and it sent a big statement."
"We're not killers, Eddie. They ruined him and handed him over to the authorities. Isn't that enough?"
"I wish I had a name like buddy love actually knowing I know brother love did you see the story that made him do it like yeah you shoot someone in a nightclub."
"Nicholas's failure to recognize the public's animosity toward Rasputin... would eventually lead to the downfall of the Russian Empire."
"Gray creates an Ice-Make, which causes Vijeeter, Nab and many others to lose their balance and fall down."
"It wasn't up to him anymore just for his safety again I had let him get hit by a red bull can I let him get punched."
"This movie teases a lot of deaths and doesn't really deliver... the film is cowardly when it comes to consequence."
"Remember taking a man's livelihood is akin to killing him."
"Every action has a reaction and we're not going to get out of this pain-free either."
"An avalanche starts with a snowflake and ends up burying a village."
"We're gonna have to live with what we've created."
"One bad roll and we could have killed shadow heart for good."
"No text message from his dead mother is going to save him from being arrested."
"People don't forget and the damage was already done."
"Trust no one, only yourself. With great power comes great consequence."
"I hope you understand this was the right thing for me to do. I don't want you to feel left behind in my endeavors. Don't look down on me for what's to come." - Mysterious Pink Box Sender
"To do nothing is to allow it to continue and then everything else we're doing Almost Doesn't Matter."
"When you go to prison it's not worth it I promise it's not worth it."
"Honestly, that seems kind of like a superpower. All the cheese you want whenever you want. What could possibly go wrong?"
"If those of us that can see straight don't oppose what is happening in the Earth right now, if we remain silent, if we don't stand up and pay the cost, beloved, I'm telling you what we will suffer the consequences of it."
"Each day before nominations, you may publicly choose a player. They die if executed." - Adam
"Was avenging Wahoo worth it? Lockwood certainly believed it was."
"I'm a karma guy... what goes around comes around."
"Inside this octagon, the truth will eventually find you."
"This song is just about being a human being. I've realized every single big problem you create for yourself before every huge mess you have to clean up, there's this crucial moment where you could have just said no."
"It's just that simple, it's like blitzball but instead of underwater soccer your best friend must die."
"It's kind of like when something drops in a pond, what the ripple effect will really lump be, you know, what is the design that will come out of it?"
"Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it."
"You get the consequence. Tell me what that is. You did a triathlon."
"The Minish Cap: where even the smallest actions can have monumental consequences."
"Velka, the rogue goddess of sin, ensures that no sin goes unpunished."
"The world has died because Cain chose to live."
"When men lack a sense of awe, there will be disaster."
"Remember, even if you play again, nothing can be unwound." - Jay from the Cub Scouts
"He then reveals that Radical-6 continued to kill 2 billion directly, and another 4 billion caused by the collapse of the previous 2."
"Her actions did lead to the teacher getting fired, but it's still a shame she was punished for standing up for a fellow student."
"The only way you die in League of Legends is by making a mistake."
"But now his death has paid all debts, Athena looked at him steadily and answered: father, he did deserve to die."
"I was promoted to store manager shortly after his termination."
"Only actions in that moment really matters in the end."
"She won't have served a single day in prison."
"The truth caught up to Brittany Gosney on September 13th, 2021."
"If you promote and support bad governance, you will eventually be a victim of it."
"It turns out to be a pretty expensive kiss, doesn't it?" - David Ghantt
"There's no such thing as punishment, just the law of cause and effect."
"Does go to show that Jerry really was not learning his lesson."
"If you don't suffer the pain of patience, you're gonna suffer the pain of losses 100 percent."
"I mean at the end of the day they deserve a black eye and they got one they made a mistake yes it was a mistake so do I want to hold their head underwater and drown them because they made a mistake no."
"It just takes one little slip and everything can go south."
"Charlie said that some sort of punishment was due, then he left."
"These violent delights will have violent ends."
"If you rob a man of hope, you give him every reason to lash out."
"If you reject Jesus and the payment, you're rejecting the payment for your sins."
"I've made up my throat my entire life to be ruined by like like a single decision."
"Don't stay there with this guy because in the end of the day, that's what happened."
"Whatever you've been putting out there, it's coming back to you."
"He risked his life to hijack the airliner. He didn't get to spend the money. He may have lost his life."
"We need to be people that are led by the spirit... It's a curse to be out of sync."
"I want to close the story out with his punishment."
"The whole thing hinges on Trinity choosing to go free. If she doesn't, then this will kill her."
"The greatest punishment is realizing what you lost."
"If you don't take the gift, it's left with you."
"It is such a quiet thing to fall, but far more terrible is to admit it."
"If the Republicans win, that's it, the American experiment is over."
"Oh, she's one! Whoever she jumps off the bridge, at one time, it's the worst."
"Everybody who forgets history... is doomed to repeat it."
"I wouldn't change a thing because I think anything that we would have changed, it wouldn't be this situation now."
"Addiction is the physical consequence of a constant yielding to temptation."
"This will haunt me for the rest of my life, this is torture."
"Sometimes, somebody will beat you with a damn bat, but if you don't care who's beating you, you won't pay attention. You'll just have bat marks all over your back and legs and ass elsewhere."
"It didn't have to be this way...it didn't have to be so scary."
"Oh no guys, you have all been devoured by the house."
"Lessons not learned in blood are easily forgotten."
"It's going to be a somber victory, every time we've imagined someone taking the Iron Throne."
"If you have a country that fails to teach its people legal literacy like this one then you have the result of Dorelli Brooks's of the world."
"One small slip-up could cost you the entire run."
"If you want to keep on getting what you're getting, keep on doing what you're doing."
"Blinded by this rage, she makes a huge mistake."
"I said, 'Lex, you just made the biggest mistake of what's left of your life.'"
"It was this accident that resulted in this 90-page report."
"You fool! By responding, you've just encouraged them more."
"Rudy Giuliani losing his law license... as justified an action as could ever happen."
"Over the years, I have learned when to walk away from a prospect if a sale is taking up too much of my time."
"If we don't get this right, history will be forever tainted."
"What stronger warning can I give you than that which my text contains? Except you repent, you will all likewise perish."
"It takes very little to press the trigger." - Alec Baldwin
"It's gonna be a horrible death for these Christians that continue to deny this truth."
"If you don't prepare, you're guaranteed to be [__]."
"It's literally saying here's a cyanide tablet, two on it, you're going to die."
"Thanos is tired, killed his own daughter, and then wiped out half the universe's population. Get the wine ready, this boy is primed and ready for a big, bad retirement."
"If you do something bad in one area, you should be punished in that area."
"What is the risk of saying I believe there is no consequence to how I live my life and living it however hopefully not like tony soprano but what is the risk reward?"
"With the discovery of Helen Bailey's body, the game was up for Ian Stewart."
"The result of the fight is Mandarin gets blown out of a window with no one giving chase."
"You want them to die when they do that." - Rasheeda
"Once you take a life, life itself becomes meaningless."
"Well, I mean genuinely, if he made a mistake there, that's it, isn't it? Curtains."
"Are you going to suffocate your entire family and destroy everything you know based on the hypothetical possibility that someone might object to you choosing to not roll over and die?"
"I'm darned if I do it, I'm darned if I don't."
"This is how I fight my battles. I'm not going to be cussing you out on the internet. But if I call my daddy, you might catch cancer."
"She killed him, and then just wandered off alone."
"This shit is gonna get you nowhere. You're lucky you ain't died yesterday."
"The penalty for being a false prophet was death."
"They refused Jesus, therefore God sends them a strong delusion so that they may believe what is false."
"The woman totally deserves to get arrested, guys."
"The fact that his words were taken out of context is neither here nor there as far as everyone's concerned. Henry ordered Becket's murder."
"Innocent villagers are dead. Can you not see the difference between right and wrong?"
"95% of what befalls us that is ill falls us at our own bidding."
"The right thing can oftentimes be the hardest decision that you make."
"I loved being stopped and getting away. I ain't love getting busted."
"Vengeance isn't everything, Mickey. Revenge won't bring them back."
"We keep saying it's just a few bad apples, but if you have five bad apples it ruins the entire bushel."
"You kill the head, the body will follow. Every time."
"This is more than a missed opportunity. This is self-harm."
"I mean, you know, when you think about the number of lives that he has put in danger over the last 90 minutes."
"You cringe, you lose, and you are in trouble."
"Build it well and you'll dominate. Build it badly and, well, you won't."
"His crimes still shine through to paint him as nothing short of a monster."
"If a guy sends a mob to your house and it kills people, that has to be over whatever line you draw."
"There's a fire at the end of Security Breach if you beat the Burn Trap ending."
"When the lips are gone, the teeth will be cold."
"The moral of the story is don't have your Karen mom fight your teacher... karma catches up with her and she gets arrested."
"Prove you're a serious politician by doing this thing which might severely hamstring you."
"I'm not sure why the Titans did this but this is what apparently drove Nozdormu mad."
"One little mistake and all of this can come unraveled."
"If these operations fail, he will be forced to leave."
"The future of this land can ride on your decisions."
"Guys, remember, it's either if you beat the Avi or give up, your arms might disappear. What? So, my arms disappeared no matter what I do? Yes, you got it."
"If you don't repent, you will not be with Him, period."
"If they don't win, their universe gets erased."
"No one steals from the Grand and lives to profit from it."
"They shouldn't be surprised when they have no credibility."
"I hope you get every [ __ ] up thing that's coming to you."
"Every time a crime is done and you're caught, you're making somebody wealthy."