
Papacy Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"The papacy is so distinctive that if it's true, Catholicism is true, and if it's false, then Catholicism is false."
"Eventually, we're going to unite with the papacy to enforce a national Sunday law."
"The latter Middle Ages saw significant challenges for the papacy."
"The papacy claims that Sunday is our mark of authority."
"The Third Secret of Fatima speaks about the attacks against the Pope and the church."
"Not only does the Bible not teach Peter was the Pope, he wasn't even a leader in Rome."
"And thus ends the short and scandalous life of one who may have been the youngest and worst pope to ever be elected."
"The Synod is only there to give advice to the Pope."
"You mean to tell me that the fourth pope was black, but the first three were white?"
"The pope is to keep the church together and, as you say, like when you look at it that way, the pope is really the servant of servants."
"Ratzinger was the very first pope to resign since 1294."
"The Scriptures we don't think teach the papacy."
"One of the most commendable things that comes out of the role of the papacy... is somebody had to navigate the unavoidable melding of church and state in Christendom for a thousand years."
"The papal tiara symbolized the triple power of the pope as the father of kings, the governor of the world, and the vicar of Christ."
"Saint Robert Bellarmine is of all the theologians who have written systematically on the papacy, Robert Bellarmine is number one."
"The Last Stand would go down in history as one of the great last stands and left them with the everlasting gratitude of the papacy."
"The cardinals have elected me, a simple humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord."
"The pope is God's representative on Earth and he is elected by Cardinals to oversee the church as a whole."
"The papacy better to have a flawed father than no father at all."
"The debate around the papacy, I think Louis supported the Avignon pope, and Charles actually espoused a sort of policy of neutrality, which turned out to be very popular."
"The Medici family's journey through history reached an extraordinary pinnacle with the elevation of Giovanni de' Medici, Lorenzo the Magnificent's second son, to the papacy as Pope Leo X in 1513."
"If the papacy is a valid office, why isn't it ever mentioned in the New Testament?"
"The mean the most important thing a pope has to do is to witness the faith to be a good pastor to love Christ and his church and every every Pope seeing that for very important points has to do that with his personality with his past with his biography biography."
"It's a reminder that whatever else you want to say about the Francis papacy, it is never dull."
"The decision was ratified by the Pope in a Papal bull of November 1349."
"The papacy claims to be infallible and have Supreme jurisdiction in church history, but popes have taught error and have been judged by other Bishops."
"It is precisely because of loyalty to the papacy and to papal doctrine that makes us conclude that the teaching of John Paul II and many of the things of Paul VI contradict the teaching of previous popes."
"...basically, the bottom line is Pope Francis once again indicated that the kind of Rosetta Stone of his papacy is the implementation of Vatican II."
"But it really wasn't until I could accept the authority issue of the papacy that it became real interesting for me."
"The very purpose of the papacy is to guard the church against these radical deviations and... to guard the church against conforming itself to the values of the modern day."
"The papacy is this beast, the papacy, and who tells us that? The Bible itself."
"All these ideals flourish under the papacy."
"The papacy on paper sounds all nice, but the papacy in action does not bring the epistemic certainty."
"The symbol of the papacy was the great fisherman name from Peter who was recalled referred to not recent not very long ago in a book called The Big Fisherman."
"Is the papacy regaining ground today? Yes."
"He essentially established the modern papacy."
"The longest-serving Pope in history... 31 years."
"The scandalous lives of Vatican popes serve as a reminder of the complexity of human nature and the challenges that come with wielding power and authority."
"As we navigate the complexities of history, let us remember that the true essence of the papacy lies in the teachings of Jesus Christ, which call for humility, compassion, and moral integrity."
"The universal and peaceful acceptance of a Pope is theologically certain."
"No Pope ever visits a city where the newspapers are on strike."
"The papacy is the doctrine that everything else hinges on for Rome."
"If the papacy is valid, if Jesus really did establish Peter as the head of the church, then we should be Roman Catholic."
"It just comes down to whether or not there's good reasons for the papacy being true."
"Maybe most notably the decision of whether the Pope should be of higher authority than any patriarch or other leader."
"This is another stepping stone on the way toward the Bishop of Rome becoming the Pope."
"The prophecy of the popes is a series of 112 cryptic Latin phrases, each believed to describe a particular Pope and the events that would unfold during their reign."
"The irony, of course, being that the popes had worked so hard to affect universal supremacy, and yet at the end of this time, we have Bonifacio the Eighth, one of the last great advocates for papal supremacy, being murdered."
"Whenever a pope dies or in rare cases resigns, it's the job of all the Cardinals under the age of 80 to vote for the next Pope."
"He was the first non-Italian pope in over 450 years."
"For he himself, Peter, exalted the sea in which he deigned to rest and end the present life, Rome."
"The papacy is the foundation of the Catholic Church."
"The office of the papacy serves and will always serve as a perpetual principle of visible unity."
"What's significant about this Pope is that he's been the Pope for many, many years, and he did a lot to help Poland and a lot of European countries."
"Magisterium is the teaching of the office of the Pope or the bishops in union with the Pope."