
Religious Conversion Quotes

There are 167 quotes

"I was sort of agnostic in my teens, I went to World Youth Day, which is this big Catholic gathering in Rome, Italy, when I was 17 years old, and had an experience of conversion."
"My conversion was, like I said, it was a gradual process. I had left Ismailism... and then, one day, I just started to pray."
"I think that if you read the Bible from beginning to end, you will end up a Catholic."
"Perhaps a magician who practiced magic when he was a Christian or a Jew or a Hindu or a Buddhist and then later on heard the message of Islam is perhaps the most likely of the people to repent."
"Nations will convert, England will cease being Anglican and will return to the Roman Catholic Church."
"To be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant."
"My friends, you know, I'm past the age when I can claim the noun 'kid' no matter what adjective precedes it. But tonight we sure showed them what a comeback looks like!"
"Islam ended up being everything I wanted Christianity to be as far as authority and authenticity."
"I began to find myself being excited intellectually and stimulated far more than I dared to think by the Christian faith that in the end I came to face swapping my old faith of atheism for my new one of Christianity."
"God totally changed everything...now they accepted Christ."
"To see that in the last five or ten years, you know just last week the great Lutheran theologian Michael Rout announced his reception of the Catholic Church..."
"What would it take for me to consider converting to Christianity simple incontrovertible proof of God."
"We have seen many, I mean hundreds have come to Faith in Jesus Christ."
"As unlikely perhaps as it seemed in the Roman Empire, when Constantine converted to Christianity and changed the course of history."
"Conversion itself... that's what this really is about."
"I am open to accepting the truth. Right now from what I have seen, Islam is the truth."
"If I was going to be true to myself... I knew that it meant becoming Catholic."
"A village chief had to convert to Islam to lead his predominantly Christian village."
"Thousands of people have come to Jesus Christ."
"That was the first time Islam entered my heart and took over it."
"Greek Buddhist monk Dharmarakshita alone converted as many as 37,000 Greeks."
"The African nobility became Muslim before the masses, which is not typical."
"We'll get back to that soon... but now it's Catholic thanks to the Roman Empire."
"Leaving Islam didn't just happen in a vacuum. Something led them to those videos, mostly inside our families."
"More Muslims coming to faith in Jesus than any other known time in history."
"Wallace was reelected four times, and after being paralyzed in an attempted assassination on his life, Wallace became a born again Christian."
"I love how this man can be in a film like Jiu Jitsu and then turn around and be in something more serious and dramatic."
"They're religious now, turning to God for clarity and guidance."
"You can go on to colonize, you can go over to reconquer stuff over here, flip it to Catholic."
"I knew I had to cry out the name of Jesus Christ."
"Through soft power, Byzantium had turned a potential pagan threat into a steady Christian ally."
"Who said you need to do this stuff for a year to become Jewish?"
"You need to become Jewish and put the thing and no clue your ball."
"For some of you in this room this is the last opportunity that you ever have to come to have a relationship with Jesus."
"Don't worry, you're not gonna fail once you take your Shahada, that's it. Right now, belief-wise, you're set."
"Thirteen people accepted Jesus Christ as their savior today."
"I knelt down at the foot of my bed and I prayed the sinner's prayer and I gave my life to Jesus Christ, praise God, hallelujah, amen."
"I was completely convinced of Christianity and became a catechumen which is a convert under instruction before baptism."
"I become a Catholic out of a deep love for the Petrine office."
"You cannot have the best of both worlds... you want the benefits of reservation, dump your old religions and come back to papa."
"I realized that I didn't become Muslim because I'm so smart, because I figured it out, whereas somebody else maybe didn't know."
"Changing her religion has nothing to do with changing her mind."
"When I encountered Islam and embraced it, it was the way for me to bring God back into my life."
"For me, when I encountered Islam and embraced it, it was the way for me to bring God back into my life."
"I repent, I change my mind, and I accept you as my savior."
"Miracles started breaking out and led over a million Muslims to the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Salvation changes your desires, it changes your life."
"To be steeped in history is to cease to be Protestant."
"Just the beauty of the Catholic faith is really what Drew Us in in many ways."
"Thank you for all you do, Lila. You changed my mind 180 on abortion. My mom was an abortionist, and I was radically for abortion. If you changed my mind, you can change anyone's. Years later, I am now Catholic and married to a pro-life activist."
"If people are converted, the rocks will become wheat."
"A great country will convert Protestant in the north of Europe will be converted by support of this country other nations will begin to convert."
"Many people are giving their hearts to Jesus, people are crying, they're helping people."
"When I was an unbeliever, I would always wonder, you know, why are Christians always wanting to shove their beliefs down my throat?"
"We're seeing 25-30 souls every day accepting Christ as our Savior."
"He goes from skeptic, to born again in less than an hour."
"I pray that the Holy Spirit convicts him of the truth of Christ and the falsehood of Islam."
"For a person to become a Muslim, to accept Islam, it's very simple. Firstly, there are certain things you have to believe or certain beliefs you have to have in line to make sure that your beliefs are actually compatible with Islam."
"I believe it's time to be saved. I believe it's time to be born again. I believe it's time to get washed in the blood of the Lamb of God."
"Now they're becoming spiritually hungry. People are coming to Islam left, right, center."
"I've never met a Japanese Imam before so this will be the first time and yeah it's gonna be it's gonna be really nice and hopefully insha'Allah eye opening and heart opening as well."
"This is actually a moment of so much blessing in barakah because we are witnessing somebody becoming Muslim."
"I embraced Islam not because I wanted to avoid punishment, but because I saw it as a guide to correct the mistakes in previous scriptures."
"Totally changed his life around, completely righteous, you know. Doesn't do music anymore because it goes against his religion and so forth."
"The starting point of the believer's journey is a genuine encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Here's an idea: some people are gonna convert to it, and that's what's happened with Christianity."
"And now that I'm clean, I ask, Jesus, that You be my Lord, and come and live inside of me."
"I got saved as an atheist, so I got love for everyone."
"Mike Tyson's former house of pain is now a house of God; the new owners removed the tiger cages and transformed the pool into a place of worship."
"He decides in 1887 to publicly declare Islam."
"I was reading this as a Christian, and at the end of it, even though I was still intellectually kind of a Christian, my heart had already become a Muslim."
"I think Kanye is sincere with his newfound love of Christ. I don't think this is a gimmick, even if it's not a manic moment."
"It's just an honor to see a Muslim that has converted to Christianity and now is Walking with the Lord."
"The cultivation of civilization is proportionate to those who are truly converted to Jesus Christ who are disciples."
"So now you got young men who want to get closer to the Creator and they going to Islam 'cause the men of Islam looking like real men."
"It wasn't until a video that I had went viral that's what really set things in motion for me to fully surrender and give my life back to Jesus."
"I will become Christian and then she said don't tell anyone don't tell the family I was like I'm going to tell my friends and everyone he was like okay don't tell the family then."
"Being a former anti-Catholic Protestant, Burns now helps ordinary Catholics understand the faith deeply so they can explain it clearly without being preachy."
"I come to realize now that what she spoke was actually something truthful because I am spreading God's name now but the name above all names, Jesus Christ."
"I accepted the Lord Jesus as my Savior, and my parents cursed me. But through prayer, their hearts were softened."
"That was my pathway to faith in Jesus Christ, looking at these other religions, looking at their holy books and realizing they didn't get it right."
"... these people are coming, turning to God, and everything used to be normal before they turned to Islam."
"Every time somebody embraces Islam, upon Allah, it just always reminds me of when I took the Shahada myself, and it's just very emotional for most people."
"I started to see people get baptized and you know started to become successful as a missionary."
"...so two years after wanting to be Muslim, after deciding that I wanted to be a Muslim, I finally took my shahada."
"You're here today and say, 'I want the resurrection and the life. I want the way. I want Jesus. I want to be born again.' Pastor Tim, when you pray that prayer to be born again, include me. I want to start a journey with God today."
"My role as a baptized priest, as it were, sharing in that form of Christ's priesthood, has taken off on turbochargers since I came into the Catholic Church."
"All she wanted was for him to become a Christian and in their lowest moment he's like still on the fence. Forgiveness, can you imagine?"
"Your Messiah gave me the quality in New Life that will never cease."
"I just led a 96-year-old Jewish man to the Lord."
"When you see a Jewish person come to Faith in Jesus, that is an Open Door to many non-Jews coming to Faith."
"If you've never given your life to Jesus before, today would be a fantastic day for you to do it."
"I went from this dramatic change from a Muslim background to being a follower and believer in the Lord Jesus Christ."
"You know that if the son of the bishop converted to Islam then that must be a good thing and I'll convert to Islam."
"I said my shahada and stuff because I thought I was going to die."
"I've seen thousands and thousands of people come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and be forgiven during my lifetime."
"This has been the progress of many, many years doing conversion."
"I made the decision I wanted to be baptized, I wanted to do Bible studies."
"If you're Protestant and you're thinking of going Catholic or Orthodox because you want something more traditional and historically rooted, try Lutheranism first."
"I want to start following Jesus Christ and give my life to him."
"Constantine's conversion in 315 was a game changer."
"I was 17 when I became a Muslim and I was blessed to come straight into Quran asunder ment from Allah."
"Have you heard the news? I finally found Jesus."
"Converting to Christianity involved more than simply expressing your faith and possibly getting baptized. To be baptized, you had to go through a period of instruction."
"I'm gonna make a statement. I've been born again since 1989."
"Conversion is not supposed to be easy, but it's also not supposed to be impossible."
"Think about committing your life to Christ; that kind of lifestyle you're living is vanity."
"I've given my heart to Jesus Christ, and he saved me from all of my sin."
"I'm new in Christ Jesus. I am born again."
"If you've never received Christ as your savior, then why don't you just take this time right now and pray this prayer out loud after me?"
"I felt compelled to give my life to Christ you know when they did altar call at the end."
"Man, I wish someone warned me when I was a self-proclaimed atheist."
"He said you should become Roman Catholic."
"By sheer force of will, Constantine was converting the Roman Empire to Christianity."
"Lord Jesus, save me now, save me from sin, save me from bad habits, deliver me, make me a child of God."
"The process of conversion is simply a person who decides and seeks to accept upon themselves the observance of the Torah."
"I want to ask that Jesus come into my life and be my Lord and Savior."
"I fell on my face and wept and cried and invited Christ into my heart, never to be the same again."
"Rollo had agreed to become a Christian."
"I freely chose Islam because Islam is what gave me the tranquility in my heart."
"...the majority of people convert to Islam are actually young women..."
"Then, as the story goes, the Roman Emperor Constantine had a vision of the cross which inspired him to adopt Jesus as his savior."
"You turned to God from idols to serve a living and true God."
"A lot of conversions happen in church plants. A lot of people who convert to the faith convert in and through a church plant."
"His coming to this country was all for good, and that his old beliefs were supplanted in his heart by the better faith."
"I did my Shahada two days ago here in London."
"I came to faith, swapping my old faith of atheism for my new one of Christianity."
"King Athelbert of Kent was the first Anglo-Saxon King to convert to Christianity."
"Over 2500 gave their hearts to Christ and we thank you for more souls this year."
"Many of them did believe on his words and began to repent and to search the scriptures."
"Be thou king of all those who are still involved in the darkness of idolatry or of Islamism, and refuse not to draw them all into the light and kingdom of God."
"The bulk of the work tells the story of the biblical Queen of Sheba... and how the Ethiopians stopped worshiping the sun and moon to worship the Lord God of Israel."
"Welcome to Islam, you are officially Muslim now."
"Welcome to Islam, you are officially Muslim now, baby."
"Any type of conversion, whether it's Christianity, whether it's Mormonism, whatever it is, that's truly a miracle."
"I embraced Islam 21 years ago, Alhamdulillah."
"I became a Christian as a junior in high school, and it changed my entire life."
"It took me about two to three years of watching lectures and reading so many books to finally convert to Islam."
"Take your time, don't rush into Orthodoxy."
"The world's first spiritual people abandoned their reverence for the atmosphere and followed a god who looked nothing like them."
"What is stopping me from becoming a Muslim? What am I losing? Friends, family, job? You are gaining paradise."
"It's a great privilege I always have to meet with you each week to introduce to you a converter or someone who's come back to the Catholic Church to talk about their journey."