
Discussions Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"We need to talk more about is friendship breakups and how to navigate them."
"I think it's very, very important in a free and liberal society that adheres to the rule of law to have these uncomfortable conversations."
"Among experts, there are mixed opinions -- though a lot of them are pretty spicy."
"Discussing public health and the conversations around it affects tens of millions, if not billions of people."
"Maybe in some years in the future, it won't be us having these discussions; it'll be the character AI bots that have been designed for us."
"There's actually a lot of shades of grey in here that are worth discussing."
"And somehow they've been almost entirely left out of this entire conversation."
"The Bible instructs in Titus 3:9, 'Avoid foolish questions and genealogies and contentions and strivings about the law for they are unprofitable and vain.'"
"You can have real discussions... I mean, my life right now consists of pretty much nothing but a series of genuine discussions."
"I'm fascinated to hear your thoughts on this topic."
"Understanding the intricacies of these behind-the-scenes discussions becomes paramount."
"We have to talk about your obsession with silverburst guitars."
"Do a show together one day we were just having a call just just shooting the [__] and we were like we need to have this conversation with everybody like."
"I live this stuff. I spend time having these conversations outside of here and with lots of people and sometimes just with me."
"People will hear us out on both sides if we have those respectful conversations."
"Make sure you guys let me know in the comments which side you think will win."
"This conversation has got to start with the trolls."
"So, I'm hopeful that conversations about regulation and really how to approach this in a responsible way will yield some fruitful outcomes."
"There's no harm in two families talking to each other... Don't let it become too big of a deal."
"We need to talk and those conversations are always productive."
"This is the kind of community I want to have is a bunch of beautiful nerds talking to each other having meaningful debates and discussions and I love it."
"Shaving the face can be such a hit or miss conversation."
"Everything I'm saying to you now, everything we're speaking about is already known to everyone here."
"I represent for women, you know, and we have talks with talk on the air."
"The pro of these sorts of spaces is the robust conversations and debates."
"I think the fact that we as a society treat money as a completely taboo topic and you're not allowed to say how much money you're making and you're not allowed to talk about money, I think that leads to a lot of problems."
"The very fact that we can look at art and that our appreciation of it is relative is what enables criticism and discussions of these works of art."
"If there's a world in which the show can tackle these larger issues and can tackle these conversations, I'd rather see that than see people be inflicted with pain or lose our jobs."
"You need the smartest people at the table when you talk about reparations."
"Just listen to other people's opinions, listen to people's arguments."
"Not enough people are talking about what's right for the consumers."
"I love videos like this that are kind of more like open-ended discussions about things."
"I'm pro-choice on these things, but each one of those times it was because I asked her why didn't you just take the morning after pill."
"There's been so many movies and TV shows for Batman and Superman that at this point it becomes a full-on conversation when it comes to who plays the caped crusaders on the big screen the best."
"People don't talk with enough transparency about money."
"You're not afraid to jump into the sticky side of a conversation."
"You need to discuss it, and if you're not falling on the aligned sense of values, then where do you go from there?"
"The very fact that this conversation is happening is itself a sign of where things are going."
"This moment has sparked critical conversations and reporting... raised important questions."
"It's cool man, you can be wrong but you have to be honest."
"We will be talking about some of the same themes and same issues because they're not resolved at this point."
"It's just like not helpful man, like what's not helpful okay is that when I have discussions on these things what I want to have is a discussion that's based in reality."
"Stimulate intellectual discussions and add a layer of depth."
"Russia's nuclear power must be a very prominent feature in the concern and these discussions."
"It's this attitude, this approach, extra layers of storytelling that don't take up any extra space, that don't directly ask questions, just show us where the questions lie so we can have whatever discussions we want."
"It's a strange phenomenon where some people are always affected, some never affected, and others are somewhere in between. No one really knows why this is, but that's what makes it so fun to talk about."
"So it's very interesting because once you begin here, we talked about Halloween..."
"People are coming to you because they want to have reasonable discussions."
"Nuanced conversations, not edicts, not orders."
"In order to gain a better understanding, find common ground, and ease racial tension, it takes open discussions like this one."
"They are just games, regardless of the outcome of any discussions."
"One thing that my journey has taught me is to just keep an open mind."
"Cheers, relax, clink clink, and let's get into this video because we've got some fire topics to get into."
"Maybe you're having those discussions with people on how to create balance and harmony within your interactions with them."
"It's important that we talk about kind of guy stuff and men's issues."
"Men are starting to ask for equality, equity. You're going to have to deal with these questions."
"The team should have discussions back and forth on ideology and approach while all believing in Xavier's Vision."
"We've got to get to a point where there is a feeling of okay, this system is holding back the other. It's already talks about."
"There's a lot of statements that I imagine we're going to talk about that suggest that there's some kind of underlying mental illness."
"We've had chats over the years... it hasn't been the easiest and most straightforward route."
"Salary is not something that should be quite as taboo to talk about anyway."
"It's hip-hop, man, we gotta have those conversations."
"Remember at the end of the day this is my opinion, okay? So you could disagree. Please let me know what you guys think down in the comment section below what your tier list is."
"I'm not throwing shots here, fam. I just wish you read things before you offer thoughts."
"I'm not gonna tell somebody what to do. It's more fun to see what they do and then talk about it later."
"We're just gonna talk about our intention to have them."
"Who do you think's a bigger problem? We're talking about roughly ninety percent versus ten percent."
"Some people on there now that we'll be talking about for the next 50 years."
"Who's the best in the world? When I tell my friends, I instantly name these four."
"And it is this mass prediction that has shaken up conversations surrounding the largest black hole in recent months."
"Understand the power of bold discussions over punitive actions."
"Eventually, we won't even be having these kinds of conversations anymore."
"He agreed to meet with the director and talk about the film."
"These conversations can make waves and people watch for many years to come."
"I think it's good, man. It's incredible that we have these discussions because fathers are very important."
"Who's more likely to go public with a relationship: men or women? Women lies, lies, women, yo all day."
"Two things can be true at once, and the comparison was only being made to highlight the fact that she is underpaid."
"We need to have the arguments, discussions on how we make it better. What we need in this country is true new political parties."
"We have fun here, but we also talk about things that will help us grow and elevate."
"Having someone else to discuss these types of things with allows us to look at things from different perspectives."
"I actually love it... it opens up a lot of dialogue... we're having open discussions that's moving people forward."
"Encourage discussions about possibilities, opportunities, and growth instead of focusing on negativity and limitations."
"We're probably going to film a lot more, him and I will do more discussions on video."
"People like Colin Kaepernick, Kanye, and Kyrie spark conversations."
"Fox and CNN are never inside that car for that conversation."
"Welcome to the Nick and Matt show, bringing the player interviews you want to hear and the hot topics you want to discuss."
"We have more in common than we often talk about."
"Spilling the tea about the things that are very tricky to talk about."
"An area that a lot of organizations get hung on is who's going to pay for what, so make sure you've had that conversation as well if you're able to cover all of your costs."
"So it was cool to have people talking about it."
"That's the debate after the opening statements, we'll jump right into it."
"Be precise with your language, especially in discussions."
"The AI conversation is real, and it's happening."
"This is my favorite thing, I love it every time we talk about this."
"Pay attention to estate planning and have those big discussions with loved ones."
"Dude, we're gonna at least, we're gonna be talking about it."
"We need to descend from the high level of abstraction and talk more concretely about how to address the impediments in our society."
"The mere fact that a piece of plastic could usher little girls, adult feminists, and grow-up political leaders into conversations has always placed Barbie in this weird space between polarizing and impartial."
"What I love about this movie is every conversation I had about it, brings up a subtly different interpretation."
"We talk about life, love, spirituality, and of course the law of Attraction."
"Politics has infiltrated every single facet of the world right? I mean especially during the Trump years, there wasn't anyone that wasn't talking about all that stuff."
"Facts only, only by facts can we draw a conclusion in any type of discussions."
"It was something she actually spoke with her daughter and her good friends back home about and went like back and forth with."
"We need to talk about the more hard-hitting conversations that are important to be had."
"It's the show about the things we think about a lot and need to talk about more."
"So many women want to talk about this."
"The online community erupts with discussions, trending articles, and highlights, reigniting interest in the National Battlefield League."
"They might want to bring up a conversation about your relationship, where you stand with each other."
"They create massive discussions all over the Internet. Is he hot? Is he not?"
"We're keen to dive into some of these quote unquote forbidden or taboo topics."
"Of course when the topic of baby names came up we ended up falling down a rabbit hole of fandom baby names."
"I always love when people open up discussions about that and it was just utterly interesting."
"Patients who had end-of-life discussions had better quality of life near death and were associated with fewer invasive interventions."
"We do try our best to hit most of the big topics."
"I think this is an important discussion to be had about fandom, fandom of real life people, and discussions around the revoking of consent."
"The fact that we're spending three hours talking about alternate endings proves that maybe the real ending wasn't so great"
"One of my favorite parts of camping is the campfire discussions."
"We sponsor debates and speakers that spark interesting discussions."
"A lot of what we're arguing about just doesn't really matter, or at least if we're going to have discussions, they need to be exceptionally calm and very much focused on a future."
"Just the absolute amazing part that you are playing in so many of the discussions that so many of us are into about Christianity and its origins."
"All these discussions... are meaningless."
"I love watching men have these conversations about the dynamic in their relationships."
"These are the kinds of discussions people ought to be having."
"I'll try not to be too late, but the talks go on into the night. Don't wait up for me."
"We've got lots to talk about, we kept finding ourselves around a table talking."
"We are having ongoing discussions internally about what more we can do to welcome refugees."
"Those are valid conversations to have."
"When you stop having the discussion about whether or not God exists, you get into a lot more worthwhile discussions in life."
"Our talks were friendly and candid, and they were constructive and fruitful."
"It's just important to have these conversations."
"What sparks creativity is usually discussions with friends, seeing art."
"I think he's been the one everyone's been talking about on the preview night circuit."
"The second one is to have policy conversations that are centered in reality."
"It's amazing how quickly that can kind of grow into these bigger things and deeper discussions."
"A lot of the world's problems get solved on those phone conversations."
"We're about to have so many cool discussions that are about to drop."
"Heart-to-heart discussions, being very honest about things of the past."
"You enjoy conversations and programming related to money... huge sign wealth is on its way to you."
"I love the discussions of culture."
"If only we approach difficult discussions with a commitment to seek to understand rather than just being understood."
"It's important to have uncomfortable conversations with your partner."
"This could actually be a really great place to begin having those hard conversations."
"Wherever you look in the world today, you'll find that there are constantly discussions concerning human rights."
"We love solving the world's problems on our date nights."
"Caching is something we've talked about a lot before."
"It's just so important to have these discussions especially as we're getting to an age where hopefully one day we'll be having our own children."
"We talked to a lot of interesting people on the Babylon Bee interview show."
"Right, slumber party's the best! Finally, a chance to discuss all of life's really important issues."
"I've grown up among the internet comments for all of my life. I feel so immersed in it that I still really enjoy internet discussions as a general idea."
"The purpose of our discussions today is to learn from what happened so that we can keep it from happening again."
"I like hanging out with my friends and I like having conversations about everything with my friends."
"By holding public meetings such as this one and having open conversations about our findings, we're helping to normalize discussions again."
"These conversations play a role as to why we have the wealth gap that we have today."
"Rankings are fun, conversations are even better."
"It's a really good time to have important conversations."
"Discussions have been very positive, and significant progress has been made."
"This is the series on YouTube where every Sunday we chat about all the new makeup releases."