
National Well-being Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"We have an obligation to do this for the good of the country."
"We want to ensure that our kids live in a nation that is safe, happy, healthy, and fair."
"We need the right measurements for our society; we made up GDP almost 100 years ago and even the inventor said this is a terrible measurement of national well-being."
"Earned success is so important to the psychological health of our country."
"Dear God, grant us the wisdom to see it and to save our country from it."
"May God bless you, God bless your families, and God bless our United States of America. Thank you."
"Righteousness exalts a nation, so righteousness within the family brings blessings."
"Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America."
"We are the difference between having a great country."
"We're very lucky. Our country is doing so well."
"God bless our United States of America and God bless you."
"May the Lord help America, especially those in positions of authority, to see their desperate need to repent and seek the Lord for wisdom and guidance."
"Bless my nation with vision and action resulting in happiness." - APJ Abdul Kalam
"God bless you, and God bless the United States of America."
"Loosen up and have some fun. The country is doing well."
"Ultimately I do care about the country and I do care about the communities."
"National prosperity defined by full stomachs, decent clothing, and happy families."
"We need to have at minimum an awareness of and be praying for the nation properly."
"Let's pray for those families and pray for this nation."
"Anything we do that can create stability is, in fact, good for the American people."
"If you want a good country, if you want people to live here, if you want people to be happy, the infrastructure of the country is important."
"We all want our countries to be a good place for everybody."
"Pray for America... it'll make a difference."
"I want to encourage all to pray for our country and pray that we return to a time where we had some common sense."
"I just want the president to be successful for the country."
"I'm a socialist because I love this country, not because I want to destroy it."
"True functioning democracies require an educated population doing what's best for their nation, and if we can all understand that, we'll never truly be immune from propaganda."
"God's got this nation, He's got the United States."
"We remain centered and optimistic for this country."
"It's important that Biden be a successful president."
"All we need are decent, honest, hard-working people who are accountable and who have America's best interest at heart."
"In your provision, we're asking you to provide this country with the deepest level of healing that we know can only come from you."
"I hope it's good for our country... you and I will... not agree on a percent of things and that's okay."
"God's Got You, God cares about you, He cares about this nation."
"If the middle class is shrinking, then the country is failing."
"So we want to pray that God will release our country and our teenagers from all mortal sin forever, isn't that beautiful?"
"God bless you Australia. Seriously, God bless you."
"Thy will be done on earth, even as it is in heaven. So we say your will be done in this nation, even as your will is carried out in heaven."
"Canada takes the win at just over 49,000 US dollars compared to the UK's 46,000 US dollars."
"We'll just keep crossing our fingers and praying that God looks over this country and helps us out."
"Let us stand together in faith and in determination; let us pledge to make America a place of all God's children, where we all can thrive together."
"By that most important measure, at least the state of our Union is indeed strong."
"Denmark consistently ranks as one of the happiest countries in the world."
"This nation is in extraordinarily good shape. We have all the food, water, and energy we need."
"Peace, plenty, and contentment reign throughout our borders, and our beloved country presents a sublime moral spectacle to the world."
"Are you, is America, better off than we were two years ago?"
"This kind of rap could heal a whole nation."
"Farm prosperity is essential to the prosperity of the entire nation."
"Negotiations are never a surrender; it's the courage not to carry a country to suicide."
"...we all know that our country's not doing well, and thanks to you and some other people, I feel like I'm in a fairly narrow group of individuals who might be able to help."
"Love and reconciliation will heal the nation."
"The wild Atlantic salmon is not only an indicator species for the health of our rivers but also an indicator of the physical and emotional health of our nation."
"Democracy is not important; what's important is that the nation, the people of the country, are free and happy."
"Once our communities are corrected, the nation is fine."
"The better the country does, the better we would do."
"Only a healthy nation is productive."
"May God continue to bless and watch over our America."
"Britain is more affluent, more at ease with itself."
"May God grant that such a great revival will spring up in our land."
"It's going to get better for you and it's going to get better for this nation."
"Survival of our democracy, survival of hundreds of thousands of Americans."
"God Bless You. God Bless the Korean people."
"It's not about assigning blame, it's about doing what you can to help your fellow countrymen because when your entire country does well, it looks better for everybody."
"We continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will move within the hearts and minds of the people of this nation."
"Let it be something that will sustain peace in our country, something that will also help us do away with violence in our country."
"We'll have a stronger economy and a better country if we talk more broadly about economic policy."