
Global Comparison Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"That's staggering — to put it into perspective, that's more clean energy generation capacity than is currently available in any nation outside China."
"These aircraft are as good or better than any other aircraft in the world."
"Bhutan really does have a 50% sales tax rate, higher than any country in the world by almost a factor of two."
"This map of average IQ level per country... really shows that education standards play a strong role in intelligence."
"When you think about the United States and you think about that the United States has the worst prison incarceration rate in the whole world, that says something."
"Our economy today is one of the strongest in the advanced world."
"We are the only major country on Earth that doesn't guarantee healthcare to all people as a right."
"The biggest difference between us and the rest of the world... is they guarantee every single citizen is entitled to primary care."
"We have the best universities on the planet. They're great ones elsewhere but these are the best."
"Chinese training has often been described as some of the least realistic and applicable of any major player on the world stage."
"Nations like Japan and Switzerland would be among the poorer nations of the world instead of among the most prosperous."
"Southeast Asia and India will be the best parts of the world just like China did, even better than the United States."
"We spend more money on nuclear weapons than all other countries combined."
"We need reoccurring checks. Every other developed nation has given citizens stability."
"I think it's single-handedly the best on the planet, and not just the best on the planet, I think it's the best on the planet by a long way as well."
"Australia and New Zealand got it right, the rest of the world basically got it wrong."
"We built the greatest economy in the history of the world."
"We have tested more people than anybody anywhere in the world by far."
"There's a sense of freedom here that you can't really feel too many other places in the world."
"Both are two of the most democratic countries in the world."
"The US. Is often singled out in showcasing how capital threatens democracy but it is really no different from Europe, here it's just less obvious."
"Lotus of Siam is as good as any restaurant anywhere in the world."
"America has now become the hottest economy anywhere on the planet Earth."
"China has installed more solar power capacity than the US and several other countries combined."
"The United States currently spends more on its military than the next nine countries combined."
"The Yumi is unique amongst War bows and stands apart from bows in the rest of the world."
"We've done a pretty good job assimilating immigrants better than anyone in the history of the world."
"Texas is the eighth largest economy in the world."
"Maybe just maybe we might want to do what every other major country on earth does."
"We have the best team in all of North America, maybe even the world."
"We have the strongest performing economy in the world."
"We've done more testing than anybody in the world, we've done the best job of any country in the world."
"Just name me a decent sized country that's anywhere near the US's GDP per capita that doesn't have bullet trains even countries like Indonesia turkey and Morocco figured this one out."
"We've done more testing than any country in the world by far that includes india which has 1.5 billion people that includes china that includes every country in the world."
"This wouldn't be happening in many countries around the world because it can't happen if you don't have a democracy."
"China's annual emissions surpass those of all developed nations combined."
"Seemingly no one with any real power gave a [__] about doing anything about the virus despite the fact that elsewhere in places like New Zealand and Vietnam they had already successfully beaten the virus by actually doing what needed to be done."
"Civilized countries like Britain, Australia, and others are far ahead of us on this issue."
"It's by far the most reliable train service on the planet."
"More passengers travel by train in Japan than anywhere else in the world."
"China's rise, though still far behind the United States and Europe in per capita terms, is significant."
"The US has more immigrants than any other country in the world by a pretty shocking margin."
"The Delhi Metro is one of the world's great Metro systems."
"We have got the greatest testing program anywhere in the world we test better than anybody in the world our tests are the best in the world."
"We have done more tests by far than any country in the world by far our testing is also better than any country in the world."
"We had the greatest economy in the world by far."
"We're getting on with coming out of covid with the fastest economic recovery in the g7."
"Per capita, they were leading the one of the main leading countries of getting people vaccinated."
"We have more opportunities here than anywhere else in the world."
"America has one of the lowest unionization rates in the entire world."
"The economy has recovered from the perils of the pandemic and is now healthier than that of any other advanced nation."
"Americans have quite different tastes when it comes to cargo and passenger vans than in the rest of the world."
"We are better than anybody in the world on testing. We have tested more than anybody in the world and we have the best tests in the world."
"US military spending currently exceeds that of the next 10 nations combined."
"Massachusetts: boasting a human development index higher than all but one country in the world."
"We have more satellites up there right now than everyone else combined."
"The United States is the only cheap real estate market in the developed world."
"The United States right now has the hottest economy anywhere in the world."
"Our country's economy is incredible and its economic recovery is outpacing our peer nations."
"We had the best economy anywhere in the world."
"I think it would be nice if we could have trains of a standard that they have in China and France and Spain."
"The risk is enormous because the gap between what other countries have done and what we've done is so severe."
"Bitcoin is already bigger than 130 currencies in the world."
"Our testing is better than any country in the world."
"The U.S. lets in the most immigrants of any country in the world at one point 1 million a year."
"People below the poverty line in America today live better than most of the world."
"The U.S. is enjoying the strongest post-pandemic recovery of any economy in the world."
"We experienced the smallest contraction of any major country anywhere in the world."
"If Los Angeles were its own country, its economy would be bigger than Saudi Arabia, Sweden, and Switzerland."
"Shanghai is one of the most incredible and most beautiful cities in the world."
"The US pumps $596 billion into its military every year, more than the next seven high-spending nations combined."
"The United States has more Spanish speakers than Spain, the country where Spanish was born."
"We possibly are [the best team in the world], but we're reluctant to say it."
"I think this is the best 11 in world football right now."
"Neither in the USA nor France nor Great Britain nor Germany nor China... nobody but us."
"In China, a Big Mac costs 25 yuan."
"America is only four percent of the world's population, yet we produce 25 percent of the world's gross domestic product."
"Japan's Kit Kat is the best in the world."
"Luxembourg has one of the highest salaries not just in Europe but across the world."
"They are just pound for pound one of the best fighting fish you'll catch anywhere in the world."
"There is nothing like it among the parks of the world."
"America now has the hottest economy anywhere on Earth, and there's no place even close."
"It's the prettiest out of all the airports around the world."
"Our education system is still much better than almost anywhere in the world."
"Compared to 98% of the rest of the world's population, you're living in clover."
"With comparative politics, we can burst that bubble, we can open up our horizons and we can compare all kinds of things from all over the world."
"We live like kings compared to the rest of the people in the world."
"The American defense budget is higher than the next nine countries in the top ten put together."
"America now is the strongest growth, the lowest inflation rate of any major economy in the world."