
Nigeria Quotes

There are 235 quotes

"The right to self-determination is enshrined in international law... including Nigeria."
"It's all a game here in Nigeria in which you either play or get played."
"Nigeria cannot afford free education if we cut the excesses of very few people at the top."
"This evening is an opportunity for presidential candidates to share their views and engage with the public on topics of concern to Nigerians."
"As we approach the 2023 elections in less than three months' time, it's crucial to address education, healthcare, poverty, and human capital."
"Nigerians are known for their vibrance and friendly energy expressed through diverse creative expressions."
"When you are positive and you are hopeful, Nigeria is winning."
"What Nigeria needs is a 'great escape'... What suppresses poor nations is attributed to health and education."
"We are determined to do everything that needs to be done to rescue and lead our country to prosperity, freedom, security, and peace."
"The Nigerian state is captive to an elite gang-up, an entrenched political economy that concentrated power in the hands of those who came to power through their own controversies and influence."
"Peter Obi has changed the face of politics in Nigeria, utilizing his massive youth following known as the 'Obedients,' a movement that is seeking a new wave of good governance to disrupt the old order."
"The improvement in socio-economic outcomes – health, education, commerce, entrepreneurship – and of course, I think this is going to be a win-win for Nigeria."
"Nigeria's security situation is precarious. Nigerians are tired of excuses and explanations; they want protection for their lives and property."
"I don't always say it, but the day we are given a chance, people will see a different Nigeria."
"I believe in the greatness of Nigeria. I believe there will be peace and prosperity."
"I am bringing to the round table, to the system, the feeling of liberty to all Nigerians that we are taking back our country."
"This election is not like any other election. Nigerians have suffered too much."
"Despite these seemingly insoluble problems, Nigeria is a land of immense potential."
"The mental revolution we need in Nigeria is justice."
"Nigeria happens to people. It simply means a certain tragedy has been following an individual or a community that should not ordinarily have occurred."
"Football has become for Nigerians a religion."
"We don't have too many tribes in Nigeria. We have only two tribes: the tribe of the oppressed and the tribe of the oppressors."
"The NLC is sounding it loud and clear that Nigerians are hungry, that our currency is weak, that transportation is high, that there's insecurity everywhere, that there is unemployment everywhere."
"Becoming a tech nation can help Nigeria diversify its economy and create job opportunities for its youth."
"We have a major problem with security in Nigeria."
"Nigeria has been destroyed, it has to be rebuilt and you have to reimagine it."
"I am a pan-africanist upon Nigeria. The IPOB deserves to be heard."
"There is no doubt that a breakup of Nigeria would most likely lead to economic ruin for a lot of rich and powerful northerners."
"For the sake of the many innocent and peace-loving Nigerians, one can only hope and pray that the Nigerian establishment chooses to loosen its tight grip on power before it's too late."
"He has ignited an irreversible wave of political awareness amongst Nigerian youth."
"If Nigeria can grow process and Export more it could tap the huge economic potential of cassava."
"The worst of labor party is still better than the best of PDP and APC combined."
"You cannot have a country like Nigeria without having a functional health sector."
"Nigeria is more about making money, surviving, and then making money."
"Nigeria is yours. Nigeria is remarkable in its formation, an essential character. We are a dynamic blend of ethnic groups, religious tradition, and cultures, yet our bones are yet intangible."
"The most resourceful resource from Nigeria is not the crude oil, it's the human."
"The break up of Nigeria is in two phases: the first breakup that must happen right now is the breakup of a decentralized Nigeria."
"Peace in Nigeria, you know. I hope that they get through what they're going through."
"Nigeria is now the breeding ground for world terrorism."
"Strong voices like Natasha and many other promising young Nigerians need to form an alliance."
"The hunger for what we do, dead like you know we did a networking event and 700 people signed up to go in Nigeria, wow."
"We can make it happen for Nigeria but we must be patriotic enough... accountability, transparency, inclusiveness, and untampered growth."
"We must be ready for sanctions... we must dream of a big great Nigeria."
"Nigeria yearns for a new change... equity, equality, and social justice."
"We are the tsunami, the new change... moving towards Nigeria's new direction."
"Let's work for Nigeria, not for tribe, not for religion, not for ethnicity."
"Nigeria, we've decided... We are the leaders of the now."
"The state of the Nigerian nation calls for a change of direction to avert imminent doom."
"Pitobi's rhetoric of prudence and accountability is particularly resonant amongst the Nigerian youth electorate."
"You can almost feel the passionate conviction of Mr. B's many young crusaders."
"This is one of the biggest moments since the return of democracy in 1999."
"Nigeria has been badly, badly mismanaged over the years."
"Personal changes will not save Nigeria... It's going to be a root and branch reorganization."
"I'm not sure if there will be any justice served. It's not the first time this has happened in Nigeria."
"The only thing that is going to save Nigeria is the mercy of God."
"The future of Nigeria hangs in a very conditional place."
"Nigeria is worth it, it's more than worth it."
"Nigeria is to be represented at the Queen's funeral."
"No Nigerian blood is worth the ambition of one man."
"Nobody's ambition is worth the blood of any Nigerian."
"Aleko Dangote: Currently the wealthiest man in Nigeria and the entire African continent."
"He is really redeemed himself since being incarcerated... you can turn your life around."
"A new Nigeria is possible... considering the rising unemployment, inflation, poverty, inequality, and other key socioeconomic variables."
"Economic disaster: Nigeria's naira lost over 500% in value."
"Young Nigerians are awakening and taking ownership."
"Nigeria's people are known to be welcoming, friendly, and willing to show others their true culture."
"Welcome to the federal capital territory of Nigeria."
"If you're searching for opportunities in Africa, Nigeria is the place to be."
"Every one of us who left Nigeria have a story."
"Nigeria is in the hands of the jihadists. The governments, those in charge of government in Nigeria, are those behind the terrorism and what have you in Nigeria."
"The reason why everything is what it is in Nigeria today is because of the escalated injustice, impunity that has now become the law of the state."
"Happy Independence Day! Nigeria is officially 63 years."
"Happy birthday to Nigeria, and also happy birthday to our first lady, who's the same age as Nigeria."
"Nigeria is very rich in resources: natural gas, oil, cocoa, gold."
"Africa is beautiful. There's more to Nigeria than being trapped in Lagos. Go to Ibadan, go to Ogun State, go to Benin City, go to other parts, invest your money, create a portfolio for yourself."
"There's plenty of opportunity in Nigeria and Africa at large."
"I'm pretty excited to be in Abuja because I've been wanting to come to Nigeria for a very long time."
"We should stop seeing Nigeria's popularity and dominance as a threat. Is Nigeria an African or not? Because if a Nigerian is an African, why would you be afraid of your brother?"
"Nigeria is doing the pride of Africa. I like Davido. Davido is doing."
"Chief Mosud Kashima Olawale Abiola, fondly remembered as MKO Abiola."
"It's not number one, it's super number one in Nigeria."
"Being a Nigerian is to know how to cook the best dishes with lots of spices."
"You've got to have the self-awareness to understand what do I have to offer and what do I have to provide to Nigeria."
"So there we go as close as I can make it water leaf soup from Nigeria with a bomb thanks for watching Babatunde I am interested to hear what you think of this please rate me on my efforts here I did my best."
"We've deployed $7 million within Nigeria, while everybody else is running away from the market."
"It's common in Nigeria to have a baby outside with the side cheek."
"In Nigeria, that's the best time to go, it's December."
"That Nigerian Healthcare System is really crappy and very scary."
"...Nigeria is in revival not just this church this church is not the biggest church in Nigeria there's a church in Port Harcourt that's 230 000."
"What an awful history in Nigeria. And also, what an abuse that we're seeing right now."
"They won't allow you to show the real Nigeria, but they allow foreigners to come in and showcase the dirty places."
"Don't allow yourself to be intimidated in Lagos State. Don't go outside the country feeling free and then come to your country and feel scared."
"Would twice ever like to move out of Nigeria?"
"It's very easy to predict the future of Nigeria once you focus on our past."
"I made Nigerians love cars, yes I did, I made love a lot of things."
"They have a television channel called kicc TV or kic CCTV Nigeria which broadcasts their programs to millions of viewers worldwide."
"Nigeria is an aspiration, a dream that independence was the fruit of decades of struggle."
"From a conceptual standpoint, how would you go about sizing the market potential for Energy Pop in Nigeria?"
"One of the biggest things that needs to happen in our society is a massive education of the broader segment of the Nigerian society."
"The state of national integration in Nigeria has been under the persistent negative influence of the issues of insecurity, poverty, deprivation, illiteracy, ignorance, corruption, poor leadership, and governance, just to mention a few."
"Nigerians forget easily but now they feel the heat. Jaga Jaga will stop raining the day Nigeria becomes a great country."
"Nigeria is home, the people, the food, the culture, it's your blood, it's everything about Nigeria."
"...average Nigerian should be able to earn a minimum wage of nothing less than 120,000 if we were to derive it scientifically..."
"Nigeria captured the Olympic gold medal in men's football at the summer games in Atlanta in 1996."
"Delta State, with the nickname 'the big heart,' is historically rich, with former kingdoms like Wari and Agore."
"Anambra, the 'light of the nation,' is renowned for having the largest market in Africa and for its cultural diversity."
"My biggest hope and aspiration is that my joy will fully manifest the true greatness within [Nigeria] in my lifetime."
"...whatever you see of Nigeria today is a turn of how everybody else before your time has handled it."
"Nigeria deserves a woman deserves a leader that can take a hundred and eighty million people to a place where they should be and that I can say yes I know my Nigeria is the number one country in the world."
"Nigeria's far more attack in this half they had incredible chances just not fully crossing the line."
"Most of the people that like the video are from Nigeria."
"If you see people like that now living in Nigeria, I'll go into England or any other parts of the world for greener pastures, I think they struggle."
"If you're from Nigeria and just came over recently, look at here, you're not an African descendant of slaves."
"I introduced myself as 'My name is Blessing, I'm from Nigeria, I'm a YouTuber. Everybody in the class was like 'wow!'"
"The roads here are very dangerous. I'll be traveling along the border of Nigeria, one of the most unstable and violent countries."
"Nations need to study Nigeria. How we bring fun out of pain. It is the character of the nation and the support system of Nigeria is unbelievable."
"I don't know which secondary school you guys went to in Nigeria to pull your shirt up like this used to be fashion."
"...the honest truth is right now northern Nigeria is not doing so well. It's just been devastating, okay? There are terrorist attacks happening, there are bombings, car bombings, people are being taken hostage."
"December in Nigeria is like no other place."
"...if we leave Nigeria in the hands of the either Euro bars or the Ibos, we're able to control them."
"Nigeria is indeed a land of opportunity."
"There is still a lot of beauty that comes out of Nigeria."
"I think the story might have ended there if not for the fact that Nigeria's oil happens to be in the area that was Biafra."
"I started in Nigeria, although when I uploaded the first video I was in Ghana, I was shooting in Nigeria."
"Jamaica's population has Nigerian and Ghanaian DNA."
"The Nigerian culture was just so beautiful to see spotlighted."
"Let your kingdom come, let your will be done in Nigeria."
"Nigeria has almost achieved self-sufficiency in rice production in just about five years."
"Nigeria is now a key global exporter of urea."
"It's really like embracing the culture. I've learned so much about Nigerian culture."
"I, Babatunde Olatunji, was born and raised in Nigeria, West Africa."
"By 2050, one in ten of the children born in the world will be Nigerian."
"Nigeria didn't exist until recently; it's named after the river Niger."
"Nigeria's population is larger than Germany, France, and Spain all combined."
"The political landscape of Nigeria has changed, and it's about competence now."
"You can't control when the power will take lights in Nigeria, but you can control yourself."
"Acting is one of the highest paying jobs or skills in Nigeria."
"I loved learning more about Nigerian culture."
"If you are in Nigeria, just go ahead and use the Nigerian Naira; it's a lot easier for you than trying to use the US Dollar."
"That's incredible, there's an African record in there for Nigeria as well."
"The biggest difference he made was that he gave minorities in Nigeria a voice."
"From being a village boy that didn't want to achieve anything to becoming called the conscience of the nation of Nigeria."
"Nigeria had lost a jewel in its Crown."
"The situation in Nigeria actually demands extreme measures."
"The good ones don't last in Nigeria."
"Enjoyment go kill you is a normal slang in Nigeria, never meant literally."
"I've spent the majority of my life in Nigeria, but I haven't experienced even a fraction of this country."
"Nigeria is already a huge country; it has the largest population in Africa and sixth in the world."
"Nigeria is a country with very extremely rich culture."
"At a time when Nigeria's economy is bleeding profusely, there must be better areas to plow this country's meager resources into."
"Nigeria is a fun place to be; it's cheap compared to other African countries."
"I had an amazing time in Nigeria, it felt like home."
"I miss my family, I miss egusi soup, I miss suya, like I miss all of the goodness of Nigeria."
"It's an exciting time in Nigeria, I think generally it's an exciting time in Africa."
"Many eyes are on Nigeria for their brilliant attack force at the moment."
"Nurses in Nigeria deserve to explore international opportunities."
"Once upon a time in Northern Nigeria, there's a city called Zaria."
"Welcome to Nigeria, Africa's biggest city of over 20 million."
"Miss World Africa for 2019 is Nigeria!"
"Nigerians are the most optimistic people."
"Nigeria is home to the world's largest earthworks carried out prior to the mechanical era."
"Nigeria has over 600 distinct local languages, making up seven percent of all languages on the planet."
"Nollywood is the name of the Nigerian film industry, producing up to 2,000 films a year."
"Nigeria contends in the space race with four satellites in orbit."
"A small town in Nigeria is nicknamed the twin capital of the world."
"Nigeria's natural environment houses some of the largest and most diverse species of plants and animals in the world."
"Nigeria is the home of Afrobeats, a unique sound that's been making its way into clubs around the world."
"Ayobami Adebayo shines her light on Nigeria, on the gaping divide between the haves and the have-nots, and the shared humanity that lives in between."
"The concession of defeat by former Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan after elections in March marked the first time in the nation's history that an incumbent leader had been ousted at the ballot box."
"I will break the back of oppression in this country and bring prosperity and development to Nigeria."
"If you don't know Rema, he's an incredible Afrobeat artist from Nigeria. He's absolutely killing it."
"It's going to be brilliant for showcasing Nigeria in a different light."
"The Yoruba became part of the central issues, central people in the politics of modern Nigeria."
"Nigeria is the fastest growing economy in the world right now."
"Nigeria was fighting for its independence."
"In 2020, Nigerians were involved in a fight for our own rights in Nigeria against police brutality and against abuse of power."
"After a long journey from England, an eight-year-old girl is meeting her mother's family in Nigeria for the first time."
"Going to Nigeria... is one of the best things I have ever done in my life."
"We are Nigeria, we are young and I just trying to create something out of nothing."
"Shout out to Nigeria, green white and green till I can't breathe no more."
"It's a complete honor to have our first visit to Nigeria be here with all of you."
"The Ken Saro-Wiwa story is undoubtedly one of the saddest tragedies in Nigerian history."
"The country of Nigeria has about 300 different ethnic groups in it and it should be an economic powerhouse on the continent of Africa."
"God, please give us leaders in Nigeria that will take us to this level."
"Nigeria will be way better than it is right now."
"The unity of Nigeria is non-negotiable."
"There's a population of over 200 million in Nigeria, and I consider Black Bones probably to be the most entertaining human out of all."
"The greatest nation on earth is this nation, Nigeria is the greatest nation on earth."
"I had such an amazing experience in Nigeria."
"Nigeria has truly changed my life for the better."
"There is absolutely nothing wrong with Nigeria that cannot be fixed by what is right with Nigeria."
"A symbol of a free Nigeria and a liberated Africa."
"Nigeria is very promising, there are opportunities."
"Nigeria is home to the greatest and most brilliant minds."
"I am so happy that I can say I lived in Nigeria."
"I'm very appreciative of everyone that has made my stay in Nigeria enjoyable, peaceful."
"I'm going to Nigeria. I'm going to see my people. I'm going to be one with the motherland."
"Canada is a popular destination for most Nigerians seeking a better life abroad."
"We welcome visitors, we welcome friends of Nigeria, people that care about us."
"I can't imagine the life of the characters that she writes about because they're all inspired from true events and things that do happen in Nigeria."