
Science Philosophy Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"I am most interested in theories which can be proven wrong because those are testable theories."
"We talk about the scientific method as if it was a fixed thing, but it's a living and evolving thing. What counts as good science at one point in the history might no longer count as good science 100 years later."
"A scientist observing an atom is actually a group of atoms observing itself."
"Shut up and calculate doesn't get you anywhere if you care about what the world really is."
"Darwin's idea put together the two biggest worlds: the world of mechanism and material and physical causes on the one hand, the lifeless world of matter, and the world of meaning and purpose and goals on the other."
"The true enemy of science is stagnation, is acceptance of the norms because we know that's not real. Science changes; our understanding changes because we're human, humans change."
"That's the beauty of [science], that our understanding can change and evolve over time as new evidence comes to light."
"Religion wasn't kicked out of science; it was just changed to a different religion: naturalism, humanism became the new dominant religion."
"Science is not about finding truth, it is about disproving truth."
"Science is not a set of facts and dictums, it's a method, it's a process."
"Science cannot flourish under conditions that stifle falsification."
"Predicting that you'll find something if your theory is true is a logical fallacy. No, Kennedy, that's called science."
"Consciousness may well be more fundamental than current materialist science has appreciated."
"The only truism in science is that science is always to be questioned."
"Common sense is not always the best guide for science because the world is far grander than our experience."
"At the heart of science, you have to have a belief that there's truth."
"Armed with incredulity, Kepler went where the math took him and arrived somewhere utterly new."
"Psychiatry should go back to its philosophical roots; it's fraudulent to pretend to be a science."
"Science generally speaking asks the how questions how does the jet engine work or the why question regarding function why is this pipe here and and why is that one there but it doesn't ask or answer the why questions of purpose."
"Unless science accepts the proposition of a Divine Creator, it will never find the foundation of its own pursuits."
"The theory of relativity really should be called the theory of absolutes because space and time are relative but space-time is absolute."
"Science is not about having all the answers... it's the willingness to accept someone who claims to have all the answers."
"Science is the belief that the experts can be wrong. The minute you think that the expert is a high priest like Anthony Fauci, then you're not doing science anymore, you're doing religion or superstition."
"Social constructivism doesn't negate science, or say that nothing is real, or that everything is relative."
"Science questions itself all the time, daily, right? It's constantly evolving."
"Science is just philosophy with better data."
"The great tragedy of science: the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact." - Dr. Stanley Goldenberg
"He's a heavyweight when it comes to the philosophy of science."
"We are basically quantum systems interacting."
"Real science is a reverse engineering of creation."
"Our conscious observation has a direct impact on the universe around us."
"Science, the laws of science are not material in nature, not material does not automatically mean Supernatural; you can't just assert that, you gotta connect those dots."
"Our whole notion of what scientific explanation is might change. It might be all informational, virtual already."
"Science never claims to be complete; it's transitional."
"At the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: 'He must have faith.'"
"Science tests repeatable events... the supernatural is a completely unfalsifiable non demonstrable hypothesis that does not adequately explain anything."
"Humanity's understanding of science today could be a profound insight into the nature of reality... if scientists were to keep their roots in mind perhaps we would see a type of science that could teach Humanity about spiritual truth."
"Science reduced its goals to finding intelligible theories."
"It's like discovering life is so, you know, the old thing that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, that is the most harmful statement in the history of modern science."
"Here's what interests me: as science continues to progress, what happens to foundational questions? The mysteries of existence and human sentience."
"If we want to bring consciousness fully into science, we need a new world view."
"Can you offer me proof of your existence? How can you when neither modern science nor philosophy can explain what life is?"
"There's a conflict in the heart of science between science as a method of inquiry based on reason, evidence, hypothesis, and collective investigation and science as a belief system or a world view."
"This critical attitude that makes science unique amongst all human disciplines according to Karl Popper."
"Science rests on this possibility of reference to an external reality and do not realize that what we scientists do is indeed explaining our experience with our experience."