
Client Relationship Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"The only way to do this properly is to engage one designer or firm and to forge a meaningful relationship between the designer and the client."
"To build trust...provide the client with information to help them make the best decision for them."
"Position yourself as their agent, the solution to their problem."
"It's not so much timing the market as it is figuring out what the client's financial situation is."
"The fortune is in the follow-up, and remembering names can change lives."
"My job's to do what I think is the best thing for you, even if that's saying you're not the right fit for me."
"Don't lie to a client. You should not lie to a client and defraud them."
"I want you to save money and then make money... because when you're making money, you'll be calling me back."
"Some lawyers serve their clients with honor and distinction."
"An employee is simply an entrepreneur with one big client and that is the employer."
"He's the worst client in the history of all clients."
"Any honest ethical attorney should bring mistakes to the client and take full responsibility."
"You're making sure that you can leverage this relationship to get more clients so you can grow this business to 10, 20, 50k a month."
"You're going to sell once, you're never going to sell a client again."
"Just tell them and provide them with some potential solutions and let them choose. It's possible to do the client a disservice by sugar coating it sometimes."
"The wall is just a tool to give clients feedback."
"... if you're able to give people a glimpse of your character they will buy into you more and will last longer as a client."
"Empathize with the client's pain. They need to know you know what they're feeling."
"You fall in love with your client because if you understand who they are, the products and services are going to change."
"I love providing a client with a beautiful garment."
"The brand is bigger than the client."
"If you can get your client off something like blood pressure medication by helping them to improve their overall health and lifestyle, they'll be your client for life."
"...if you're working with the client already prior to that you kind of know what foods they like but I do the exact same I do a daily updates."
"From my own years of therapeutic experience, I have come to feel that if I can create the proper climate, the proper relationship, the proper conditions, a process of therapeutic movement will almost inevitably occur in my client."
"Your clients need you more than you need them."
"Chances are, your clients will fall in love with your artwork."
"The best client you can ever have is someone that appreciates that art. Someone that wants a good DJ because they know the value of a good DJ."
"This has been such a pleasure and hopefully I will be seeing you as one of my regular clients."
"It's important to take them on a journey as a hairdresser and them as your client."
"The client is almost always going to be the one who makes the connection."
"We are not doing a favor to our client by serving him; rather the client has given us an opportunity to serve."
"My results with a client are defined 10 years from now, not 10 weeks from now."
"The trust a client places in us is of the utmost importance."
"Does this client spark joy? Does this idea spark joy?"
"I am much happier just to be photographing couples that are just a lot more like myself."
"The thing that you do while you're creating these kind of articles and people are clicking through your website is create trust with your clients."
"I'm your lawyer now, we have confidentiality."
"These clients are bringing their dog to somebody that they trust."
"The more time someone spends with you, the more likely they're going to become a client."
"Try and work on your relationship with the client as more of a collaboration rather than just the job."
"That lesson was more valuable than what that client would have been even for their lifetime."
"Once you've established goodwill with your client, then you can ask for a meeting."
"Just because we are working on clients' data does not mean that we have a right to that data."
"That just always makes me put a smile on my face because it tells me that the client trusts me."
"Who is your client? You want to know who you need to talk to to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible."
"Stick around, ladies and gentlemen, we have a customer, a very good long-term client."
"We look forward to the opportunity of becoming a trusted partner and building a long-term relationship in providing consistent, high-quality cleaning services."
"Engagement letter is sort of the legal contract between the client and the auditors."
"Any lawyer that does not grill their client does their client a disservice."
"Counselors need to know how to adapt a relationship to different clients and their needs."
"Just because you have positive feelings for a client doesn't mean that something isn't wrong."
"I've had clients that make me feel like on top of the world and we have a really good rapport with each other."
"Our philosophy is to have a client for life."
"Remember that clients buy again and again and again."
"Fiduciary is a trust-based relationship with a client."
"Sometimes you'll have these great moments in a conversation with a client where there's a little bit of insight or perspective, and they get some distance from their thoughts."
"Discover who you actually are... and then express that with your clients."
"The client owns the problem and the solution."
"You can't really give good investment recommendations for people if you don't know enough about the client."
"We want them to be our clients for life."
"The customer is not always right, that's why they hired you."
"It's good to get regular clients like that which keeps the business going."
"It's always easier and cheaper to obtain a sale from a client that's already been introduced to your product and your brand."
"We got our secrets and stuff, and there's like a certain amount of trust that people like clients that are with you for a long time... you have to trust each other."