
Solar Power Quotes

There are 724 quotes

"This is the biggest solar plant in the United States, located in Kern, California. The Solar Star Plant is over 8 square miles and has a generation capacity of 579 megawatts, powering around 255,000 homes."
"Ashalim power station...a concentrated solar power station that merges three forms of energy: solar thermal, photovoltaic, and even natural gas."
"The Pokemon with solar power are behaving like living solar panels; they're getting energy from the Sun that boosts their power, but that excess energy that's lost has to flow through them and hurts them."
"He dreams of the old world and of harnessing the power of the sun."
"We know there's enough energy from the Sun to power the whole world so many times over; it's how do you focus that energy, how do you use it, how do you turn it into something useful."
"The best prep I've ever bought is a solar generator."
"Solar and storage are some of the lowest cost energy, getting cheaper at 11% a year."
"I started out with the goal of proving that you can get off the grid on a budget... I was living fully off the grid with my homemade solar panels."
"Power the car with sunshine, which is just something so wonderful about that, and it's free."
"As the world continues moving more and more into solar, I believe that Canadian Solar is going to benefit greatly."
"The Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park... it's one of the biggest renewable mega projects to have ever been undertaken."
"Nor was Hazard Solar Complex... with a generating capacity of 510 megawatts, it's already the world's largest concentrated solar power plant."
"Solar power is getting cheaper and more powerful."
"It's a hundred percent powered by renewable solar energy."
"The Turanor PlanetSolar... became the first solar-powered boat to circumnavigate the world."
"This tiny box produces fresh water using only sunlight for power, could help solve a global water crisis."
"People should not wait for next year to get solar."
"I have enough solar that if I charge my car at the right times, I can charge my car from the sun and my utility company has no idea I even exist because my bill is zero."
"You want to collect as much sun as possible to charge your power walls and lower your usage."
"A fence made of solar panels, that's how you can describe the innovative solar power station with vertical monitors."
"A single solar panel placed here in algeria is capable of generating three times more electricity than the same panel placed in germany."
"It can be very intimidating when building your first solar power system if you do not have much electrical engineering experience."
"If you've never ever done any of this stuff before but you really want a solar power system that you can depend on, you can follow this video step-by-step."
"Using the right gauge wire with the right size circuit breaker and making everything close and measuring and cutting wires accordingly."
"If you know how to do that, you can build any size solar system very easily."
"The future of solar power looks as bright as the sun!"
"The effect of cheaper and more reliable energy is way bigger than simply a lower electric bill."
"Solar power’s future is as bright as the sun that fuels it."
"Fundamentally though, as far as I can tell, solar power’s future is as bright as the sun that fuels it."
"There's something sort of poetic about transitioning to renewable type energy like the sun."
"It’s important for there to be diverse–and economically viable ways–for everyone to benefit from solar power, or else it will just be reserved for the few and the elite."
"Think of community solar like your local community garden: you have a solar array set-up in one centralized space, and interested parties can subscribe to a portion of that array to receive credits for the electricity their portion generates."
"The International Energy Agency has officially announced solar energy to be the cheapest source of electricity in history."
"You can install solar yourself it's not hard at all."
"Solar panels will last for 30 years, making energy. This entire house, this entire building is entirely solar powered now."
"Solar panels are efficient enough today to achieve many of the energy needs you probably have for your home."
"Something like AGILE, however, could turn out to be a pretty large scale solution to boost solar production."
"Solar will ultimately allow for a more distributed and more resilient power system or grid..."
"Elon says it's sort of like having a money printing machine on your roof."
"Solar is now 85% cheaper than it was just back in 2010."
"The vision is real! 7,600 watts of solar on this RV, holy cow, that is insane!"
"In my case, I looked to solar to provide my grid down needs."
"Thinking about solar power like money is a good way to look at things."
"Assessing your situation is a critical step in the leap towards solar."
"Solar power is an integral component to continuing life with a modern semblance of convenience."
"If you're gonna make solar work on a large scale, you gotta have, that's right, batteries."
"That's a lot of bang for the buck for solar."
"There's 10 grand in one year that I'm spending on power but I could totally eliminate that with the solar system so now my return of investment is even quicker."
"The integration of a solar inverter into the same unit makes for a far neater setup."
"Solar photovoltaics are the fastest growing energy technology in the world today and a leading candidate for terawatt scale carbon free electricity generation in our lifetime."
"The sun produces about 420 million billion watts of power every second."
"You might well be better storing it during the day from the solar panel generations into the batteries so that you can use it at night."
"These devices... can provide an unlimited amount of power as long as the sun is shining."
"All that electricity is coming from the solar, so this is coming from the car parks."
"But that's quite interesting as well so if you know if I'm driving on the road and I see a solar farm on a side of a hill somewhere it doesn't necessarily mean that the people who installed that solar own the land."
"Solar, by the way, is the cheapest form of energy in most places."
"It truly feels like we’re at the beginning of a massive paradigm shift for solar."
"Who's against using the Sun, a lot of clean energy and so forth?"
"Solar panels is how starship will be powered."
"Solar energy could supply 40 percent of the US's electricity within 15 years."
"A solar panel in Algeria could generate three times more electricity than the same solar panel in Germany."
"We could theoretically power the entire planet from one enormous solar farm in the middle of the Sahara desert."
"Floating solar panels: Maximizing space, minimizing disruption."
"Canal-top solar: A three-for-one deal for Californians."
"Lightyear 1: A game-changing solar electric vehicle with incredibly low energy consumption."
"The world could be powered many times over by solar if you had enough battery capacity to pair with it."
"Solar today is the cheapest source of energy in history. Nothing else is as cheap as solar today."
"Solar today is already the cheapest form of energy generation on planet Earth today. Not tomorrow, not in 10 years. Today."
"Solar and wind are the cheapest sources of energy, period. This is going to change everything."
"You can have energy systems that are totally 100 solar wind and batteries. Not only can you have that system, that system is the cheapest possible energy generation system on the planet."
"That's no Sun even a title card is intense and starts us off with a showcase of the destructive power of the Sun."
"China has installed more solar power capacity than the US and several other countries combined."
"This solar farm will produce enough energy to supply more than 36,000 households annually."
"Remember, solar generators are silent and they don't take five-dollar-a-gallon gas."
"To meet 20 percent of all global energy for the UN's emissions reduction scenario, the solar industry would need to install between 300 and 500 gigawatts annually over the next 30 years."
"I think generally leaning in the direction of solar and wind combined with battery storage is generally the right approach."
"There's enough energy coming from the Sun and the wind to power the world."
"Humans use more power than the sun... the electricity will come from massive solar power ramp-up."
"Having your own solar power may be more important than ever."
"We live now on a planet where the cheapest way to generate power is to point a sheet of glass at the Sun."
"MIT's invention: turning salt water into drinking water using solar power."
"Solar power... incredibly necessary... gives you a little bit more freedom to roam about the country."
"Byron Bay's solar-powered train: the world's first solar-powered train."
"I think we already have a giant Fusion reactor in the sky that called the Sun."
"Gold becomes associated with the power of the sun."
"Solar is one of the fastest growing energy sources in the world."
"Solar unsubsidized in Nevada in Saudi Arabia four point nine cents on subsidized nothing no new form of energy nothing can compete with that right."
"Solar roadways experiment in France faced challenges but generated electricity."
"The Texas-born franchise's most popular menu item is the Whataburger."
"Everything about the EcoFlow Delta Pro is big... it's got a big battery, a big inverter, and it also comes with some big solar panels."
"Solar is one of the cheapest forms of electric generation."
"Solar panels can be a cost-effective way to produce power during emergencies."
"The Spanish utility company Iberdrola is planning to construct the largest solar farm in Europe."
"China approved a 1 billion dollar solar project in the Nevada desert, the biggest solar project in the United States."
"As long as you put it in geosynchronous orbits, the sun is never going to go down, increasing the efficiency of solar panels by a factor of four."
"Solar will be the single biggest source of energy in the world."
"Install, transform your yard into an oasis of storing light - a solar-powered, waterproof design."
"You own the land, it's your land, you're the farmer, can't you put solar panels? Can't you farm for the sun as much as you can farm for corn?"
"Nature's great ballet while we actually get power back because of course the satellite is orbiting the Sun."
"We've got to have a quantum leap in harnessing solar energy."
"Whether or not a 100% solar United States is possible really depends on how much research we choose to put into renewable technologies."
"Sunflower house, a rotating tiny home, chasing the light."
"A practical solar car would really need to be designed from the ground up with reduced weight and low aerodynamic drag."
"This one can be fully powered by the sun and never need a plug."
"We can solar power all of human civilization."
"Having a Tesla solar with battery means that you have power no matter what."
"These solar panels are getting mounted, because this boat needs to be off-grid ready."
"NextEra is one of the biggest players in solar and wind in the entire world."
"Solar energy could single-handedly power the world without breaking a sweat."
"Concentrated sunlight improves cell performance — it's a win-win."
"The solar-powered revolution could just be around the corner."
"In a large part of America, people are starting to say, 'Oh, you know, solar.'"
"I would urge you all to look up this German company called Sono which now has a car... it can give you about 21 to 25 kilometers a day just on solar power."
"India already had four gigawatts of solar capacity."
"Solar power will serve me well down the line."
"Biden's department of energy this week laid out a bold blueprint for producing nearly half the country's electricity through solar by 2050."
"The death ray was a series of mirrors which when angled by their operators concentrated the sun's rays on their target causing extreme heat."
"As long as the sun rises the next day, you will have power." - Promoting the reliability of solar generators for energy independence.
"What I'm waiting for is a solar-powered vehicle, where the moon roof is actually a solar panel that collects the sun's rays and charges the car."
"The famous physicist Gerhard Nis got seriously interested in the idea to construct giant solar power plants in the desert."
"Tesla's solar roof is definitely a long-term investment."
"Solar power: the cheapest form of electricity in history."
"Always best to size your solar charge controller larger than you need."
"The Rolland 2 fruit picking assistant is a solar-powered cart that assists with fruit harvesting."
"You're just harvesting that energy from the sun, it just makes things so light and efficient."
"There's something very satisfying about harnessing the energy of the sun and turning it into electricity and a battery."
"Surplus power recommended: let's build some more solar panels."
"We have the Sun this huge fusion reactor pushing out all this energy we're just wasting it yet we're starved for energy it's like a no-brainer."
"Earthships produce their own renewable energy through solar panels and wind turbines."
"Solar systems are not the end-all be-all you guys are gonna need a generator even if you have solar power."
"Now we've got our two wires from the banana jack marked solar in and that's going to come up to the solar on the solar charge controller."
"Consider battery storage to maximize solar energy benefits, especially for usage during evenings."
"Energy is provided by solar panels embedded on their exteriors, along with wind turbines surrounding the structures."
"This is an insanely cool solar powered electric car made right here in Southern California."
"In Southern California, you can get over 40 miles a day of free power just from the amazing nuclear generator in the sky."
"...for every megawatt you're shifting of solar in the middle of the day, you're taking away a megawatt from coal..."
"This technology significantly reduces fuel consumption by harnessing the power of the sun."
"We have approximately 640 watts of solar panels up there, so that when you're boondocking, at least you've got some things charging your batteries."
"The unfolding of solar panels means that we can get the continuous power supply from the sun."
"We are taking power from the Sun and we are putting it in a battery system. That is so cool."
"The energy collected by the Dyson swarm could be used to power advanced technologies, sustain human habitats across the solar system, and even enable interstellar travel."
"The solar impulse is currently being converted into an unmanned aircraft for U.S startups Skydweller, a role it demonstrates that solar power has the capacity to meet many of our future energy needs."
"Bringing the power of the Sun to Earth."
"The vision: bringing the power of the Sun to Earth."
"This vehicle can actually charge back 40 miles or 60 kilometers a day free from the power of the sun."
"I was just marveling at how I'm building a cabin from power from the sun."
"It accepts up to 400 watts of solar charging input."
"S is for sun, solar superstar, stellar power fuels all life, not just flowers."
"Let's take a look at input 867 Watts, that's pretty good, that's a 2400 WT array by the way."
"We just jumped up another 108 Watts."
"So, this is set up for like a briefcase, so if you get a briefcase, you plug it in here, you can move it out into the sunshine, this is already wired to your battery, so it's going to feed a charge to the batteries for you."
"Having the solar and being able to just lift the light and have power inside has been amazing."
"That's how much it costs to power your homestead with one of the cheapest solar systems on the market."
"So, that is an explanation of how you'd go through the entire process of choosing your power station, what its use case is, do you want to go with a portable or a glass rigid panel, and what type of adapters you'll need for this specific use case."
"So let's go ahead and do a demo of how you would connect up solar panels to get the maximum 900 watts on this power station."
"Now, you know how to hook up one solar panel to your jakhary or your Maxo Blue Eddie."
"...I'm gonna go ahead while we still have some daylight plug in the solar panels and see how much charging we can get done."
"We have the solar so that's the 700 Watts."
"...you're Gonna probably going to end up getting a lot more solar having a lot more comfort in a homestead than you will ever will have on the road..."
"It's amazing like that is so much power on that roof the whole roof is covered with solar when you do that so you're not putting anything up there is because the whole roof is just covered in solar."
"If you're using your tools on a sunny day with this system, you're always going to be gaining tons of power."
"The Eco Shiner, a backpack-sized foldable solar table that provides a constant supply of power as long as there is Sun."
"Let's check on our battery, see how much our solar charged today."
"Integrated solar LP 6s up front, this is very very powerful and bright."
"This car has only been charged on solar power."
"We have 700 watts of solar between the hood, the dash, the roof, and the tail, which can provide some real power for recharging the vehicle."
"We shouldn't compromise camping only a few weekends a year and struggling to find space in limited campgrounds just to stay hooked up. Instead, it's time to use the Sun and allow for camping 365."
"Batteries can be a great addition to your solar setup."
"Like the solar diverters, EV chargers are clever and can divert excess solar power into your electric vehicle during the day."
"Switzerland is turning to renewables, particularly solar power, which has recently seen rapid adoption."
"Combiner boxes on the other hand are often used with three or more strings and require the use of fuses or breakers since they're actually combining the current from parallel inputs or strings within the solar array."
"The BioLite solar panel 10 plus features an optimal Sun System to maximize charge from the sun, offering a portable charging solution."
"It makes logical sense that any reflective and highly polished stone surface would be associated with the power of the sun."
"This solar-powered smart charging station generates 30% more energy than other similar devices."
"And that'll get you somewhere in the fast charging zone."
"After almost 50 years, it's still powered by the sun."
"I'm big on portable, I'm big on solar. I think solar is a great way to go to supplement what you have right."
"I've also added two 100W solar panels to the pop top."
"...it's solar charging I don't actually know how much solar power this thing generates."
"This solar powered lantern is both portable and power efficient ensuring you have a reliable source of light when you need it most."
"...there's smart people all over the place looking at ways to get solar-powered materials created with less environmental impact."
"Our usage is pretty minimal so I calculated everything out and we've had zero issues with our solar system and we've been on the road for about four months now."
"...how and why you might wire solar panels together in series and how the series configuration will increase the voltage of your electric system."
"In my opinion, rooftop solar and portable solar can work very well together."
"Solar air coolers: these solar coolers work by harnessing the power of evaporative cooling."
"It's amazing the difference as far as when you are off grid camping what solar does for you."
"The main thing with solar power that you really need to think about is how it's installed and its efficiency."
"so I have come to the conclusion that we do have an alternative energy source available to us and that is the Sun it's been there forever it has given us life it nourishes us today."
"Solar power is a renewable energy source that harnesses power from the sun."
"If your solar panels collect more energy than what your house uses you can even sell it back to electric companies."
"You're getting free electricity through that solar panel that's on your roof."
"It's powered by solar, I could potentially be off grid or in the van forever."
"That's pretty cool. We're using the power of the sun to cool our pops. That's awesome."
"The GoSun chill utilizes solar power, allowing users to break free and explore even further."
"But ultimately, we should put more solar power farms, we could still put reflectors in space and eliminate them and continue generating even more renewable energy while reducing our fossil fuel reliance."
"This equipment would require large amounts of energy, but large solar panels can provide this since these can be used much better if there is no atmosphere."
"...we brought down the prices of solar power to 1 cent which is unprecedented anywhere else in the world."
"With its array of photovoltaic cells and battery storage units, the Swiss-engineered Solar Impulse is powered purely by the sun and is already breaking records."
"Solar canopy: shields you from rain, harsh sunlight, and generates energy all at once."
"Anything that's solar to me is free electricity."