
Acts Of Kindness Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"In a world lacking soul-to-soul connection, small and simple acts are what create the biggest and most lasting impact."
"Join me in doing one act of mercy every day."
"Mercy is a fundamental aspect of Islam, illustrated by the act of giving water to a dog."
"I feel the most loved when people just do random, small acts of consideration."
"There are some gestures you can make towards people that will do more for their happiness."
"Do something today to make somebody smile because you never know, it just might change the world."
"You've got to do these things because someone prayed for you."
"Your kindness might make a major difference in their life."
"My father survived the Holocaust thanks to the compassion and selfless acts of others."
"If you do something for somebody first, it's gonna stand out to them a lot."
"With the right intention, we can continue to do good deeds on our loved ones' behalf."
"If you're having kind of a rough go in life... do something nice for someone."
"Do something good for someone else... you'll feel better about it."
"These acts of kindness are the most heroic thing I could do."
"If you want to show a random act of kindness... smell really nice."
"Each act of kindness you do, no matter how big or small, matters."
"It makes me sad that people would rather do something that is uncomfortable, painful, or outright dangerous than help someone just to surprise them with a random act of kindness."
"Just one example of the kindness of strangers in the midst of war."
"I cleaned everything for mom so she would be so happy."
"It's just the most heartwarming thing in the world."
"There are so many ways that you can do something... and make someone feel loved and show someone that you care about them without having to spend a dime."
"Little acts of love and kindness and goodness that have come out of this, and it reminds us that Bryan's love for us has not gone away."
"If you have a thought to do something kind for someone, just do it."
"Appreciation, gratitude, thank you, little things to go out of your way."
"It's amazing how little acts of kindness make you very happy."
"Let us not love in word or talk but indeed and in truth."
"Hey, that was nice of him. That was super nice of him, actually."
"Sebby's done over 2,000 random acts of kindness."
"These small acts of kindness just out of karma."
"Caring is actually the most tough and resilient thing you can actually do at its extreme."
"Even if people can't pay you back or say more than thanks, they'd definitely appreciate the nice things you do."
"This good Samaritan just trying to return someone's lost bird, my faith in humanity is restored."
"One small act of kindness really can make a big difference in someone's life."
"Just try and bless someone's day in any amount, whether that's time, energy, financially, like whatever it is."
"We can forge a more perfect union, one act of kindness at a time."
"Whenever we do something kind to another person it fills up our heart so it helps us heal as well."
"It was a nice gesture to give out the flowers."
"Acts of kindness, service. That's how you show it. But is that also how you feel loved as well when I do things for you?"
"Do something extra nice for the person you love tomorrow, for my sake."
"I know every act of kindness that you've done, nothing escapes Him."
"Courtney's mom passed away from cancer not too long ago, and each year she does a tribute to her mom with random acts of kindness."
"Engaging in small acts of love for the people that I love."
"Little acts of kindness like that just go so far, can make somebody's day."
"Every act of the Savior on earth was done out of love."
"Doing a little acts of kindness like this, it makes your day so much better."
"All his acts are infused with love."
"Give someone a compliment, buy a stranger a cup of coffee, open the door for that bundle-laden individual, brighten a person's day."
"Saying 'What can I do to help?' is fantastic. Stepping in and taking something off our hands feels to her as if a couple of dozen roses were dropped in by parachute."
"How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good."
"Every one of these small acts has value and will be counted by the all-seeing eye of God and will receive a hundredfold reward."