
Night Quotes

There are 3155 quotes

"See the moon in the night, it's white white white, what's that it's saying good night, good night."
"There's something dark in the moonlight that makes me feel less alone."
"Central Park at night...it's just gorgeous. I love the lighting, again it gets a little cooler out."
"It's Sunday night, the day has come to a close, and the sight of twinkling stars in the night sky is as welcome as the crisp night air."
"Let us adore and bow before the Sovereign Lord of Might who turns away the shining day into the shades of night."
"The animatronics, they come to life at nighttime."
"This night would be one of the most horrifying nights of our entire lives."
"It's late one night, and you can't sleep. You toss and turn but can't seem to doze off."
"By this time, night had fallen and it was starting to get cold."
"What do you think this YouTuber has captured lurking in their house in the middle of the night?"
"Night fell and, unimpeded by the false light of man, the stars shone bright and bold."
"I can see the top of a single tree in the starlight. It's moving around."
"In the silence of the night, our cameras whispered secrets to the universe."
"You stayed quiet and drank in the night, still pleasantly shocked."
"This is a killer fragrance. You can even wear it in the daytime. Trust me, wherever you're going this summer, put this on at night and you're gonna see... this is a killer fragrance."
"We will not fear the terror by night or the arrow that flies by day."
"Sleeping at night feels nice, not gonna lie."
"Is there a night mode? No, could you go out at night? Yeah."
"Your person dreams about you a lot, late at night when all the world is sleeping."
"What a beautiful night we share together, you and me."
"Let us step into the night and pursue that flighty temptress adventure." - Quote on the scarf/throw.
"The biggest thing though was that I used to see what I can only describe as shapes of people at night."
"I'm sleeping with all my lights on tonight and I hope that it doesn't come back."
"This experience has stuck with me. I still can't think of a rational or non-menacing reason why the guy was out there that night."
"Holy go, go, go, come on! Wooded Goblin under the moonlit forest canopy of British Columbia."
"There's something weirdly meditative about just hiking at night like this."
"Whoever recites the last two verses of Surat Al-Baqarah, that will protect him for the night."
"Among the stars of the night, there is a lamb as old as imagination."
"Dreams soar like kites in the night, in its silver glow everything's right."
"That's just the line, that's the line, everything's okay, see? The creepy part about being out here at night is you gotta listen to everything."
"As a child, nighttime was something to truly fear. Somewhere in the back of my mind, it still is."
"Indonesia's Kawah Ijen volcano has become famous due to the blue flames that appear at night."
"Driving at night's fine, but I don't love it."
"This is always the moment where, like, I know day launches are better for everyone's schedule but man you can see the entry burn at night from the launch site it's so cool that you can't see it during the day."
"One could say that strange things can happen at night, mainly if you're using a helmet."
"It was a dark and quiet night, we talked like two guys that had known each other for years."
"Let's sleep this night, we found this place again."
"Once the sun goes down, it is actual pitch black."
"The night would get even darker without the moon."
"I'll never forget how scared I was that night."
"I saw a tall dark figure just standing at the forest line."
"I just love the nighttime. It's so quiet. There's no distractions like no one's texted me, there's no emails. It's just dead quiet and I absolutely love it."
"No better feeling than walking by yourself at night."
"Returning to their vehicles, the crowd departs, but Travis stays behind. He can find ferrets in total darkness; his powerful spotlight will pick up a reflection from their eyes hundreds of meters away. He zeroes in."
"It's getting nighttime though, we gotta find a place to stay for the night."
"It's just a creepy, creepy, creepy place. If you go in there at night, you can't help but feel very, very uneasy."
"Whatever the creature is, it's sure to keep you up at night."
"I adore this land at night, it is so much fun at night."
"They miss you most at night and need you with them."
"I'm flying through the sky at night, the boundaries are broken."
"Local legends say that those who are stuck hiking in the night along the edges of the canyon or exploring the winding trails are in danger of being ripped apart by this mysterious beast."
"The cogs are turning, they're thinking about you at night."
"It's not good to be out at nighttime on Castaway Island, all these people, it is not good, it really isn't."
"It was a night to remember and it was horrifying."
"Flying at night... there's something really cool about it. I love it."
"A crescent moon lay fixated in the night sky as these stars slowly frolicked past it."
"You could be reading a book, enjoying a night swim, all while enjoying that beautiful view."
"This is nighttime, the time of freedom."
"The night was dark and the moon was yellow, and the leaves came tumbling down."
"It is night once again in Los Angeles."
"It was frightfully cold outside that night."
"After the Battle of Savo Island, a sense of naval superiority in night combat was earned by the IJN leaders."
"The only illumination on these roads is furnished by the stars, the moon, and vehicle headlights."
"Rest deeply in the promises of God tonight."
"This rich and buttery smooth lip mask melts to deepen your lips while you sleep."
"I always do better at nighttime, it's like a proven fact, less things go wrong."
"Night photography involves capturing images in low light conditions."
"Beside me in the glow, I could make out other creatures retreating to once of spectacular size."
"Just know there are things out there lurking at night; be careful."
"When the day is turned to night, you are there wherever I go."
"Life is spiritual; the night is also a time for revelation."
"We hope y'all have a good rest of y'all night."
"At night, when you blink, you disappear."
"It's going to be a very, very, very good night."
"At night if I get in my tub and read a book and the stars are out, it's just once again, it's my happy place."
"But some nights I could hear my mom crying."
"The city plunged again into the silences of the night, the fog was creeping in on little cat's feet."
"He was the person that I took walks with at the middle of the night."
"Good night, good night, good night."
"It's a starry night, it's beautiful."
"It's a marvelous night for a moon dance."
"After dinner, the couple decided to go and see the stars."
"All the cyan, the magic of the Woods at night around here, the beauty of the place, I'm just loving it."
"It's a night I'll never forget for sure."
"Good night, good night. Sleep tight, Sailors."
"That is why you never play around the no's alone at night."
"The magical and little known world of Luangwa after dark is revealed."
"At night time, it's badass 'cause you see this big horse and then his eyes are bright red."
"It's funny how fear manifests itself so much stronger at night."
"I screamed so loud it echoed through the night."
"Tonight was going to be a long night my mind was trying to process what had just happened."
"A deep silence also, a kind of deadly night, had seized upon the city."
"I heard that eerie howl, the same howl from the night before."
"Blackbird singing in the dead of night."
"Our body goes through various cycles throughout the day; we feel more tired at night."
"Usually, we've been getting our uploads up at night when I'm playing Fortnite."
"There's something about driving at night that strips the world of its normalcy, turns the mundane into the mysterious."
"I don't care what you hear, you don't go outside in the middle of the night when you're alone."
"Who needs constellations when you've got the ultimate night light?"
"I love more than anything when it's night time, bro, and the stars come out and there's like color in the sky, that's really special, you know?"
"Las Vegas is a lot safer than it used to be but just be cautious especially at night if you're going to wander off too far."
"Yesterday ran so smoothly, it was like a perfect night."
"I've always preferred nights... something about being up while everyone else is asleep feels great."
"Every night is like a day, but every day is like a new romantic"
"The deep silence of a windless night fell again over everything."
"Bam, she got up while it was still night and it looks like night to me."
"It was deep into the night edging toward dawn when I got back to the house."
"Let’s make the most of this spooky night, and see what kind of bizarre tales we can unearth in the cemeteries of the world. Won’t you please join me?"
"The dead don't always rest, sometimes their whispers can be heard in the dead of night."
"Disney at night is unmatched, the most beautiful."
"Her night was synonymous with peace, with rest."
"That night, as I lay in bed, the room took on an oppressive aura. Shadows danced along the walls and the wind outside howled like a mournful spirit."
"This is how they look lit up at night I think that the opacity of the plastic I think it makes them really bright like they really glow white and I think they turned out really fun."
"I want the moon Garden at night and I love these purple blues."
"When the night has come and the land is dark and the moon is the only light we'll see. No, I won't."
"Look at that, it's like night time."
"The clinical term for this is sundowner syndrome; it literally means confusion after the sun goes down."
"People are the scariest things to find at night when you're camping."
"I have been one acquainted with the night."
"I've grown from that night to this one. The whole adventure comes out of that one night."
"Welcome to our new home for the night, Dad. What do you think?"
"I'm just gonna ride this giddy energy till dawn."
"The night was oddly dark, completely devoid of light."
"I've tried it before, music or whatever, and I don't like it. I like the silence. I like the sounds. I like—only at night."
"It can be pretty hard to ignore the creaking footsteps in your room at night when you're alone."
"At night the red arches is a beautiful walkway. With almost no one about, very calming, and very therapeutic. For just that moment in time the World seems a little bit calmer, a little bit more peaceful... and all is good!"
"The night and morning of horror continued."
"Are you afraid of what lurks in the shadows of the trees at night?"
"The moon rose and he did not feel tired as the others were."
"We were riding the jet skis last night, two o'clock in the morning."
"The house definitely looked more ominous at night, honestly quite freaky if you were looking at the front of the house."
"I like the desert at night. They say it's dangerous to be out here, but I like it."
"Good night for a murder... Nobody would hear a shot for instance on a night like this."
"We survived again, another night."
"Sadly, we live in a world where it's not always that safe for a single lady or female woman to walk around late at night by themselves."
"I really love this time of night when it's like the sun is setting and it starts to get all cozy and lovely."
"The sounds of Crickets at night are nature's lullaby."
"Everything is now lit up and it looks even better than it does in the daytime."
"Wishing each other a peaceful night."
"Ever have one of those nights that starts out like any other but ends up being the best night of your life?"
"Super appreciate you being here. Have an absolutely awesome night."
"And what I love about this pool, like day swimming is beautiful, but Night Swimming guys, it's just hard to describe."
"It's just a big velvety night blanket wrapped around the world."
"I heard a bell beat from the church, eleven already. I turned to go in, but the night held me, I could not go back into our little warm rooms yet."
"I hear them at nighttime sometimes they'd be howling and stuff."
"People dream high in the quiet of the night."
"We're in a massive trampoline park which just closed which means we have the park to ourselves for the entire night."
"I have never seen a better sight than It's a Small World at night."
"Something about the desert at night really seemed to capture people's imaginations."
"Seeing this place at night is amazing."
"In the middle of the night, watch the stars from different places."
"Every night every morning I watch Andy Griffith."
"Get that good night, get your headphones on."
"And those nights where you awaken before the sun comes up, where you could have sworn you heard something but find yourself surrounded only by silence, know that you aren't crazy."
"The night belongs to you, sweetling. Remember that always."
"I feel like my mornings look pretty similar every single day but then my nights obviously differ because it depends on what I do after school."
"It was a great night. It was definitely one for the books."
"The flight line at night is a pretty active place. There's more work done at night actually than there is in the daytime. This is where the adrenaline starts to pump."
"I actually love driving at night to be honest, it is much more of a vibe."
"Welcome to the night part of this routine."
"It's such a beautiful night tonight... I miss downtown."
"Trains are wonderful, especially at night. They're like big long snakes with lighted skins."
"Now the wise men keeping watch while it's midnight and though it's cold outside we're staying warm."
"The most magical incredible night."
"This tent is pitch black at night."
"everybody else is asleep so i have the whole place to myself"
"Last night was pretty eventful to say the least."
"I'm a rapper so yeah no I like that I I thought that one up last night."
"It looks so much better at night but it's still beautiful."
"One thing I like about nighttime during the holidays."
"Some roads are best traveled at night, some flames are best lit inside."
"I have been one acquainted with the night. I walked out in rain and back in rain."
"There's a stillness in the night when starry send down this quiet light. When man forgets his cares and woes and is hushed in deep repose."
"Thankfully the night didn't end up worse because it definitely could have gone in an entirely different direction."
"That was such an incredible night."
"I work nights so there is the occasional creak in the night, but nothing crazy."
"The Great Pyramid of course towers right over the hotel and at night its shadow could be seen cast around everywhere."
"The night isn't just a time, it's a place."
"the night was as before light Melancholy White"
"These full LED lights with the LED accents... They look really good at night."
"That night… was not a good night for her, but it was a good night for us, because it was a money shot!"
"Something about railroad tracks at night is eerily haunting, and these creepy tracks are no exception."
"The park seems different when it gets dark."
"The night Cafe can also be seen as part of the artist's desire to capture the sublime nature of night itself."
"It's gonna be a long [ __ ] night."
"I laid there for a while motionless and staring up at the night sky."
"I love this feature personally at night, beautiful night in the islands and uh, you remember and know those black uh, sky full of stars and imagine now you're having an alfresco dinner here on the flybridge, you leave this open you."
"Life is beautiful, especially on Fire Island nights."
"To anyone out there it's never a good idea to walk alone at night and it's never a good idea to accept a stranger's offer of a walk."
"That's the nice thing about coming to these rigs, usually at night like this you can jig up these blackfin."
"This is the perfect night for soup."
"If you come to Times Square, we recommend coming at night when all the billboards light up and the place is filled with a spectrum of colors."
"He preferred working at night with just a single lit candle next to his laptop."
"Vienna at night, under the twinkling lights."
"Don't be afraid of the terror by night or of the arrow that flies by day."
"It was a really exciting night that they will likely never forget."
"It's been a long night, a long time waiting for the sunrise."
"There is a certain time of night where it seems as if day will never come."
"Night owl calls wobbled off soars across the silver moon rose petals close and kiss the night all across the torque in night skies sail."