
Cost-benefit Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"It's a continual cost-benefit analysis, I think."
"Being able to print multi-material, multi-color parts far outweighs the costs."
"It's like as if you got you didn't even have to pay for the game."
"Homeschooling produces better outcomes and saves the taxpayer money."
"Is it worth it to spend the extra money on the 13 Pro Max and get those exclusive Pro features?"
"If all this did was help you catch one or two more fish per trip would it be worth it?"
"This whole process is going to cost you that's absolutely worth it down the long run."
"Usually the more you pay for the tool, the more features you're going to get as a result of the money."
"Rek'Sai is a god tier level jungler... I do recommend you play her but she's right now pretty expensive."
"If you remove the separate speaker dock thing from it, you'd be like, 'This is a really good price for an Android tablet.'"
"Despite the insane cost, any trade that leads to a championship is 100 percent worth it."
"Would you rather pay a couple thousand dollars to save ten years of trial and error?"
"So the real question is it worth the money? This is the most common question we've been asked: is it fun, is it authentic, is it worth it? That question."
"Creating and delivering messages have a cost. But those messages also generate a value for the people and places creating and delivering them."
"One of the big questions is really is the Lance worth all this extra money... for us, they definitely are."
"They'll definitely pay for themselves in big scale fights."
"As long as you wanted those extra features in the SE Sport, you could look at this hybrid as the no compromises, no cost upgrade hybrid."
"I'm not usually a guy that endorses pre-built, but really, you're only paying $200 more for a professional to build your system."
"Time is money so if just upgrading to .NET Core is the only reason you do it for the speed that will still benefit you."
"If we had just protected them in a targeted way we would have saved countless lives for almost no cost."
"He was such a pain in the ass, I saved about 300 grand."
"Conclusion: Intel's Core i7 8700K - a costly affair, but worth every penny."
"The price you pay is less important than the value you receive."
"It's not wrong for people to weigh the costs and benefits of the approach."
"This stuff... oh is it expensive? Yes. But does it work? Oh yeah."
"For 250 Golden Eagles, for me, it would be a buy or 250, there's really no way to go wrong."
"Is this a good buy for 6,090 Golden Eagles at a 7.0 battery in my opinion absolutely because the turret armor really does hold up."
"It's not worth it from what I've been through."
"If you're getting access to coins that could go up dramatically in value, those $10, $20, sometimes $30 fees to make transactions can be completely worth it."
"It is actually very good considering when you factor in the price."
"Don't buy one... It's worth five or ten dollars more."
"Value is not just the price, it's what do you get for the money."
"The number of hours you get out of the game make the full retail price totally fine."
"But this to me almost makes up for the Mac tax."
"Optimal level of quality is achieved at the point where the incremental revenue from improvement equals the incremental cost to achieve it."
"Overall a really great day. Is it worth the price? It's somewhere you're not going to come regularly, it's a bit of a treat."
"If you can get similar benefits or even better benefits from your serum add a better cost then absolutely."
"Why not, for three grand, why not?"
"You need financial support from the organization, and that's when you do a cost-benefit analysis. What you're trying to save, and what is the cost to save that."
"Get your money, build your wealth, leave a legacy, but make sure the cost isn't higher than the reward."
"...how long will it take for me to get back the money that I paid in closing costs with my cash flow and how long will it take for me to get back the interest that I'm saving which is going to be even longer and then determine if it's worth it."
"Life has hidden costs, it isn't what the book costs, it's what it will cost if you don't read it."
"Giveaways are one of the most awesome things and everyone should enter unless it's like the lottery. Don't play the lottery but if it's a fun giveaway for something that you might like, why not? And it doesn't cost you money."
"The juice is not worth the squeeze."
"Everything comes at a cost, but it also returns something to you."
"Think about the cost within those four variables: result, belief, effort, and delay."
"Investment enables you to do something that earns you more or gets you something greater in return than the cost you paid for it."
"It is rational to be ignorant when information costs more than it is worth."
"If the cost of a control is more than the benefit then we have to compromise on that net control."
"...all relationships are transactional, they're consumer relationships. You're in the relationship as long as it's benefiting you at an appropriate cost."
"Is the extra features worth the extra five grand in price?"
"Sometimes the juice just isn't worth the squeeze."
"...being nice cost you nothing but to that I counter hating also cost you nothing."
"The juice ain't worth the squeeze."
"That concept of 'will a swimming pool be worth it' is illustrative of contribution."
"Value for money in procurement is achieved through pursuing the lowest cost and clearly defining relevant benefits."
"...a good architect looks at every framework with a cost-benefit trade-off in mind."
"You're paying a few bucks a day for a few years to use this thing. Is that worth the cost? Yes, to me at least. Yes, it's absolutely worth the cost."
"If you are going to use this alarm system in a location where you have internet and you are also willing to pay a fee, 100 euros per year, it is a fully recommended system since the initial investment is not very high."
"Would you rather spend all day trying to make covers or just pay thirty dollars and make something way better?"
"It's not just better for everyone if we do this, and yeah, it's gonna cost a bit, and yeah, initially, some of the cars might cost a little bit more, but the long-term benefits are huge."
"...for me I don't really see that cost being a little bit more as being really a downside for what you're getting here."
"Worth it, but you're gonna have to decide for yourself."
"When choosing between wallpaper and paint, consider cost and longevity."
"The costs are going to be far outweighed by the results."
"Is the price worth it for a carry gun?"
"If you think about what you could do and what's the cost, the outcome, and you do it anyway, then it's bravery."
"Is the price right? Is this going to be worth it for both the upfront costs of what the product costs itself but then also the cost of time to implement?"
"Use a good low loss material; it will cost more but your product will perform."
"Compromise may be costly, but it pays enormous dividends."
"The longevity and increased production of these hybrid varieties outweighs the higher costs of the seed."
"When gas goes to $5 a gallon, your new car's gonna get paid back at the pump."
"Calculation of all the cost is necessary when I decide on the cost benefit analysis."
"How expensive is technology versus how valuable is its outcome?"
"That's just the cost of your great day; it starts that way because you're about to get loads of good stuff happen."
"For what you could get this car for, what it does, it's an absolutely outstanding value."
"We should only do maintenance when it's absolutely necessary or when the benefits clearly outweigh the costs and risks."
"Is the happiness worth the extra? That's the question we're trying to find out."
"When the bees factor the profitability, they do factor the distance; the flight cost is one of the costs."
"While battery mowers have a much more upfront price, this battery mower is going to require way less maintenance."
"Once we take those out, we get that fresh wind, that fresh air that comes through, we get more light, and we realize that benefit that actually cost."
"Although the cards are expensive, they do turn out to be great value."
"The nuts you'll produce years earlier alone will pay for the cost of the shelter several times over."
"Vitamins can be expensive, but it's a small price to pay when you think about how it's helping your body stay in top shape."
"The thing about coming here is, it's worth every penny."
"The bottom line is that the training should really pay you back more than whatever you pay for the class itself."
"What I'm going to do is total up all the costs and benefits for a whole year of commuting, and I think the final tally is going to be really eye-opening."
"If a piece of gear encourages me to shoot more, which means make more money and at the same time love what I'm doing while I'm doing it, then it's worth it to me."
"I was very hesitant on the money spent for this monitoring system, but I think it was every penny worth well spent."
"What's the lowest cost, highest benefit one that we can deliver first? That makes sense."
"It's important to look and see how much they're charging, see what you get, see what you think about the pros and cons."
"That might be expensive just to spruce up four boxes... but if you don't think that out of this whole raised bed garden we can find two $200 grocery trips."
"Let's find out if you get more than you pay for with this model."
"The benefits greatly outweigh the cost of approaching the problem this way."
"Sometimes by paying a little bit more, it can really benefit you."
"Cost is essentially the consequences of staying where they are is greater than the consequences of investing in your solution."
"They are a bit pricey but they are well worth the price."
"No matter what this experience costs, I think it's worth every penny."
"You need to really judge other feasibilities and weigh the cost against the benefit."
"TypeScript needs to be used in an actual application because the benefits are way more than the cost."
"It's actually pretty affordable considering everything, all this awesomeness that you're getting."
"It's a little bit dearer but I don't think it's too much more expensive."
"The profit associated with this advertising is large even after we deduct the money that we have to pay for the advertising."
"I'm gonna keep investing in this because either the cost of what we used to be doing is too high, or the benefit of what we're doing now is very, very great."
"Sometimes the technology may be costly but that cost is returned in improving labor efficiency or improving efficiencies elsewhere."
"I do think this is really good, so I think for me it would probably come down to price."
"Sometimes there's a reason why you pay a little bit extra."
"If you fly a whole ton, more than 200 hours a year, and the fixed costs of insurance and storage and stuff won't kill you, then it makes sense."
"It's worth way more than what you actually pay."
"Even though it's a very small probability, the impact is huge, and therefore you say, 'Well okay, what does it cost, and is it worth doing something about?'"
"Cells through the evolutionary process are implementing a cost-benefit analysis."
"Just sacrificing the efficiency may be fine instead of trying to get it like 95% with some additional cost."
"Weighing the value of the fun that you can have, the community that you can build, all the positives of motorcycling against what it costs to get into it."
"Every relationship brings two things: it has a rewards card and a price tag."
"I know everybody wants anything and everything for free, but this app is well worth it."
"These things right here, it can cost you like a maximum of $100 maximum, and you'll notice... you're getting back $4,000. Is this not a good investment?"
"It's more expensive but it's worth it."
"It just got to the point where I realized the juice wasn't worth the squeeze."
"The insulation may seem expensive as it looks like a simple piece of foam or rubber, however, it’s worth it."
"The evolution of the ability to help people in need when it doesn't cost you very much is very valuable."
"Over a five-year period, the benefit of RBI is generally five to twenty times the cost of its implementation and management."
"These all things make for a world where Anarchy is not very costly, not such a bad thing."
"For some golfers, that's going to be great and it's definitely going to be worth the money; for others, they might actually just prefer a normal electric trolley and save themselves quite a lot of money."
"How do we balance cost and risk? There's always going to be risk... but how do we make it as little risk as possible?"
"The more you pay for a given card, the more benefits and value you will receive."
"If the benefit would exceed the cost, most likely we are going to proceed with that specific project."
"It's well worth the 650 pounds extra premium to have the follow version over the remote version."
"The benefits you get from that card are really worth the price that you pay for it."
"Some pains are worthwhile when they lead to greater pleasures."
"It's not about the cost difference between a campground and an apartment for me, it's what I get out of it."