
Environmental Action Quotes

There are 276 quotes

"If one of the largest consumers of fossil fuels can do it, then the rest of us can too, right?"
"The important thing to stress is that this needs to happen now."
"If you're going to converse with people, it has to be about the facts. So basically, talking about what can you do, how much good will it do if you cut a ton of CO2, how much good will it do if you recycle a bottle, how much good will it do if you get more fertilizer for poor people?"
"I think that we as a whole world population have the capacity to do amazing things and reverse it."
"I am an optimist at heart and so I have hope that we can once alarmed enough make changes that will really move the needle."
"We are approaching a critical point where we need to start taking these steps to conserve wildlife movement through this valley for the long term."
"With small steps, we all can make a difference. Small actions can lead to meaningful change."
"The very act of planting a tree is a belief in tomorrow."
"Do you have a sapling? Let's just plant a new tree."
"The climate change that's happening right now is an emergency. We have to make drastic changes."
"If you enjoy breathing outside every day, this affects you and you need to act now."
"That's a lie... we're doing exactly enough as we are if we work together."
"The best way to plant a tree is to start now."
"Our behavior can help expedite the process and reunify the species."
"We have a brief window of opportunity to act. The time to do something is now."
"We cannot do it compromise and say to the climate you know just wait a bit we're still not sure what to do no we can't do that."
"Proof that our actions as individuals really do matter and can make a hugely positive impact."
"Scientific consensus that we need to do something serious about climate change."
"The closer to the source of plastic action can be taken, the more effective that action will be."
"Make the world a better place starting right there in your backyard."
"It's a testament to how if you can work together, people can save the world."
"This is what climate change looks like... but we have hope because we know that together we can protect them if we act now."
"We need to take action now to ensure that we mitigate against the worst effects of climate change."
"Global warming: I'm doing my bit to fight it."
"Our goal is to take full advantage of the summit. Let's be clear, we'll take full advantage of this and we'll force the kinds of far-reaching changes that the world now desperately needs."
"A hundred percent of your donation goes directly to the Arbor Day fund and every dollar is one more tree in the ground."
"30 million pounds of plastic pulled out of the oceans and one very important iPhone to somebody out there."
"Ecological conversion can restore ecological equilibrium."
"Flora and Fauna International seized the opportunity to save the Antiguan racer."
"After decades of people harping on climate change, we're starting to pivot. We know the answers, but we still need to implement them."
"We don't have the luxury of decades to make a mistake and then fix everything."
"The goal of this caucus is not to talk about the environment, not talk about conservation, but to actually do something about it."
"We need to do something to make the world a better place, to make the world a cleaner place."
"Composting is one of the best things you can do for the environment."
"I believe we are at the tipping point for ending food waste."
"As long as the end result is you're doing whatever you can just to take care of our planet, I don't care what you believe."
"We must act as one family and actually take action."
"We have a moral obligation to combat climate change."
"It's going to make a difference to my grandkids."
"The world will be a better place for my grandchildren because of what we did today."
"I fell... or maybe I jumped. I'd do anything to stop the blight. I know that we can do it."
"Men title has become less trusting. It uses psychic bubbles to collect trash and toss it back onto land."
"The most urgent action in countries like the US is really to get rid of the remaining coal-fired electric power."
"In global moments of social and environmental crisis, leaning into and enacting kinship can become a radical act."
"But it’s going to require action from more than just one country to save it."
"And yeah, they do the tree planting stuff, but they also do things I did not even know needed to be done."
"For every dollar we raise, we're going to get a pound of trash out of the oceans of the world."
"The only thing that can save places like Borneo... is that we can make the people that live there have a better, more sustainable future."
"If we do our job, we can still reverse this. It's not too late."
"There's a lot more that lawyers and normal people can actually do to help prevent climate change."
"Climate change is real and accelerating and just curbing our emissions is not going to be enough."
"We will save all of creation by engaging in this massive job creation."
"He made the Environmental Protection Agency which is a good thing."
"It's been a long time coming but we are going to actually place a rock."
"Climate change is deadly serious. We are sort of at a break glass moment."
"We need to listen to what the data tells us. We need to take action. We must take these warnings seriously." - Ontario Premier Doug Ford
"Start a compost pile. It's one of the most powerful things you can do to help address climate change."
"Find where they're making this garbage and shut it all down."
"We're gonna have to dismantle massive systems that are currently in place and develop new systems that are harmonious with our planetary ecosystem."
"We need to take action now because we're damaging the Earth, and it's hurting because of us."
"We can do this, people, we can do this! Take the environment into account when you vote."
"The mission today is to save the Graptovaria Opalina."
"Fictionalizing what is in front of you 'cause you don't like it, that's mental."
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, but the second best time is today."
"You get a chance to invest in the future by planting trees from seed."
"Guy jumps off his boat to save sea turtles tangle."
"We have to do something now otherwise we're screwed long term."
"Science gives us the foundation for action but it's not enough by itself."
"The investor community is moving very powerfully."
"Our first responsibility is to get out and stop the fire that we are not doing that the urgency of it's not being created."
"We need to pool resources to fight our enemy, climate change, instead of spending trillions on weapons of destruction."
"We want to plant more trees so we can save the climate."
"Plant a tree, it's a small thing but can make a huge difference."
"For every dollar you donate, a pound of trash is removed from the ocean."
"That's why we have to attack the source of this problem which is climate change."
"Planting trees makes sense. It makes sense for the environment. It's something we all ought to be able to rally around on both sides." - Greg Walden
"Trees are a common-sense solution. I encourage everyone to run out today, get your tree, and plant it as soon as possible." - Dave Joyce
"The single greatest leap we could collectively make in the right direction is to bring the intentional intervention in Earth's life support systems to a complete halt."
"Thanks for helping to keep the earth a cleaner place to live."
"Half a million items taken out of the ocean."
"We will not get another chance beyond this summer to turn the situation around."
"It is the greatest existential threat to human life currently facing us. We need to take care of it while we still have the choice to do so."
"If we want to keep global warming to under 1.5 degrees Celsius That means we're going to require a mass mobilization"
"Arguably it comes down to this though: the IPCC tells we have less than 11 years to get our act together and put extremely robust measures in place..."
"Backyard beekeeping can be a simple and effective way to make an impact on nurturing bee populations."
"The way to fix that is to learn and to do something as simple as picking up five pounds of trash per day."
"If we can all do one little thing to save the planet, then why not do it?"
"We are gonna go plant some trees for Tom Nook."
"There is something going on in the climate I know as a farmer it's not right and we've got to do something about it."
"We must lead the fight to cut carbon pollution emissions."
"It's a good initiative to start from there, making our city cleaner."
"What do we want to do? We want to plant more trees so we can save the climate."
"Offset your carbon footprint on Ren. The first 100 people who sign up using the link in the description will have 10 extra trees planted in their name."
"If you trust the science, it says that we need to innovate."
"Have a great weekend, go to team trees org, donate some trees... be nice to each other because, aside from if you don't have a tree to hug, you and me, it's all we got."
"I mean, good work humans, but there's like a million work to still be done."
"We must build a fairer, compassionate country and tackle the climate and nature emergencies."
"Refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, and rot... and then regret when we fail."
"But as I say all the time, climate change isn't a case of just recycling water bottles or driving a hybrid car, we need big changes, we need major changes, the word sweeping comes to mind."
"We can create millions of important, meaningful jobs... combating climate change."
"The nail seems to be able to suppress and cleanse the mud."
"We want to plant more trees so we can save the climate. It's quite literal."
"Time is of the essence when it comes to saving our native Wildlife."
"Better to plant a tree instead, eh? And you can do that while expanding your realm at the same time."
"We simply cannot waste any more time. The only limit is our willingness to act."
"Mangroves protect us so the least we could do is protect them."
"Changing our diets is absolutely one of the most impactful actions we can take, and unlike many other issues, this one is completely within our control."
"In order to be a true legitimate conservation-based organization, well you got to support wildlife conservation in the wild where it matters the most."
"What we do now, and in the next few years, will profoundly affect the next few thousand years."
"We've got all the solutions in place, but they are not being acted on."
"Every time one of you chooses an electric car or adds solar, you are reducing their power, their stranglehold on our governments and our planet."
"Inaction is not an option anymore, but climate action in the global north cannot be at the expense of the global south."
"Let's make the world a little bit less rubbish by helping to deal with this crisis."
"Now it's up to each of us to take a more active role in not just saving our planet but making it better."
"There's nothing to stop any country right now on earth from deciding they're going to solve climate change for the rest of us."
"Plant more trees so we can save the climate."
"Climate change is a key word. It's very important. So we think we must do something. We think there must be an action."
"Nobody else is gonna be able to clean it up, that's our job."
"Direct action and environmental restoration is just as important."
"Plastic cups are one of the largest sources of pollution found on beaches and something needs to be done about it."
"If the world's going to survive, it matters what they do now."
"Less than a decade to put our world on a trajectory so that we don't all burn in catastrophic climate change."
"If all of us have the same plan, we can turn the environmental situation around."
"Let's make good choices for them and for us by planting trees."
"It is not too late at all for us to do something about this."
"Every time that you bring your reusable cup into a coffee shop, it makes it that much more likely that the person next to you will too."
"It's not rocket science, it's really not. We have the opportunity to do this."
"Curbing methane will be a great way to quick action on climate change."
"A crash an emergency program of home insulation would be part of moving the nation in the right direction."
"So, we definitely need to do something about the heat."
"Plant the seedling, for that is our duty, to enhance life even in the most difficult circumstances."
"Enjoy it, have a fantastic Earth Day. See if you can do something that will save the planet in one tiny little way even if it's just not using plastic for a bit."
"If drastic steps are taken now, they can reduce that 70% thaw to 30%."
"...it's kind of bad but ultimately it's wholesome at its core, it's cutting down trees which I guess we don't stand but it is also fighting fire."
"Our individual actions matter, but if we need to act so fast, we should be demanding action from leadership."
"Humanity will come together during UN climate to end extreme poverty, to tackle climate change."
"Hold with faith and purpose the vision of yourself in the better environment, but act upon your present environment with all your heart, with all your strength, and with all your mind."
"Canada will ban the sale of fuel burning cars and new light duty trucks from 2035 in an effort to reach net zero emissions across the country by 2050."
"We should focus on the incredible things that we can do as the hosts of the UN's global climate change talks."
"The only way I can even think to remotely help is literally by planting trees."
"So don't give up. We can turn these terrible headlines around."
"If you want to do something about air pollution, we suggest you start with your own lungs."
"Never fear, Houston, for we shall right this nature wrong!"
"Our company is working to fix the issue of trash piling up on beaches all over the world."
"The first R is reduce emissions deeply and rapidly."
"The phase-out of chlorinated hydrocarbons became one of the very first targets of the Environmental Protection Agency."
"We have a window of time where if we do not succeed in taking action in the next 10 to 20 years on a whole range of issues, we are in fact putting our planet on a trajectory that it will be very very hard to undo."
"If we are going to make sure that the oceans don't rise... then it's going to require everybody taking the kind of collective action that we talked about in the Paris Agreement."
"It's going to be big, it's going to be huge, we're going to make a dent in this trash in the ocean problem."
"Science is really guiding what we do, and this is a conservation issue that we should be able to win."
"It was the first time that countries agreed to do something about lowering greenhouse gas emissions."
"On April 15th, people will see in their bank accounts the Canada carbon rebate."
"The real danger we have right now is that we have to start this project of mitigating, of reducing our consumption of greenhouse gases."
"I'm so proud of Kenyans for the ban on plastics."
"I'm very very proud of you guys, Kenyans, for the ban on plastics."
"When you see those poor little birds nibbling away at plastic bags and making nests out of plastic, you just can't help be kind of touched and motivated really to just discard of plastic in such a lot more of a responsible way."
"A group of powerful countries take action after recognizing that any further deterioration of Natural Resources threatens humanity."
"They form the United sustainable nations to halt overuse of scarce resources, stop natural catastrophes triggered by climate change, and revitalize the environment."
"The only way to clean up the oceans long term is to clean up how we live on land."
"It's not going to be the way that we save the world."
"Guys, you got to buy electric cars because we're losing about 600 feet of water a day."
"Our mission is simple: education and action for conservation."
"If you can start sequestering carbon in 6 months after you put compost on the ground, how do you support that compost being made and getting out there as soon as possible?"
"If we all make small changes, we can do our part."
"We can protect our habitats by saving bees and trees, which creates the air we breathe."
"If you see plastic in the water, pick it up."
"Anytime you plant trees, you feel like you did something."
"Tell them you're sequestering carbon, that's what you're about."
"This week Pope Francis urged global action to combat climate change."
"India recently planted 66 million trees in under a day. That's actually doing something."
"The way of stopping that's to keep the ground frozen, so stop burning fossil fuels."
"We're on a rescue mission on an island in Lake Baringo, a massive freshwater lake in Kenya's Rift Valley."
"Anybody could do this stuff. You live on a river, you get tired of that smell, you could start creating habitat, watch it come back, slowly clean up."
"It's aimed at tackling the biggest threat facing humanity: fighting climate change and rebalancing Earth's carbon cycle."
"We need to radically reduce our emissions so we need to reduce emissions."
"We are at a critical point; this decade is going to be the difference."
"Attention, attention, trash recycling point is open, oh bring trash here, yes, yes, in exchange you'll get jewelry, wow, your Miracle shells."
"Acting as the tip of the iceberg for getting the lead out of our water systems."
"If we all got behind an effort to plant a trillion trees, that would happen; global warming, at least what I read, would stop."
"When we make a change, we can all help wherever we are. Use a little less water, that goes really far."
"It's time we start, let's do our part."
"Let's take the starfish back to the sea."
"People and government must unite together again, like they did for banning the plastic shopping bag."
"It's good to see they are doing something to help the environment."
"Well, I wish you'd asked permission, but it is a pretty good spot for a tree."
"The lessons could be taken up better than they have been and I think if they were taken up we'd be well on our way in many other environmental problems."
"We've done a great deal to help the drought."
"They cleared the skies to save more lives."
"You got to surrender to planting a tree."
"Costa Rica's ban on all single-use plastic by 2021."
"Remove trash with us and track our progress."
"Go out and pick up some trash because it will make a difference."
"We can still avoid some of that six feet of sea level rise forecast by 2100."
"All we have to do is just do what nature did."
"If you see it, pick up trash, and our earth will be beautified."
"More needs to be done to fight global warming, more needs to be done to be more environmentally friendly."
"The special and fragile ecosystem of the Galápagos: the end justified the means."
"We gonna make sure the planet gets rearranged."
"If we are more creative, we could get people to do the right things."
"I just pick up five pieces, then I know that I've hit the number that I said, and I feel like I've done something but I don't get overwhelmed."