
Universal Support Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"The universe has your back, your divine purpose is to enjoy your life."
"The universe is working for you, light and dark is of the same coin."
"Every thought I think is creating my future. The universe totally supports every thought I choose to think and believe."
"Consciousness is the basis, the support of this universe."
"The universe wants you happy, the universe wants to see you win."
"When I'm connected to my joyful presence, I attract support from the universe."
"You have the power of the universe on your side."
"The whole universe will help you when you follow your mission in life."
"Age doesn't matter when pursuing your dreams. Take action now, no matter how old you are."
"The universe will support your endeavors, putting you on the path to achieve your goals."
"Luck is with you, the universe and the planets align for you."
"Every essence of the universe around you is going to support you to bring something forth."
"You're gonna see that the universe has been rooting for you the whole time."
"When you take the action, the universe will support you and continue unfolding that path before you."
"The universe is always going to make a way for our voices to be heard."
"You have the idea of trying to get peace is something everybody supports."
"The more you know what you want, the more the universe can supply. You have to see it first."
"Patience and trust, the universe has got your back."
"You are divinely protected, you are being guided for a reason, the universe has your back."
"We can feel sorry for and stand in solidarity with victims of terrorism and violence in the Middle East, in Europe, in Asia, in America, wherever, everywhere, equally and simultaneously."
"The universe wants you to succeed beyond your imagination."
"The universe is on your side, so it's like everything is working to help you build this long-term love."
"Your past efforts are now paying off and manifesting, luck coming your way, a lot of help from the universe."
"The universe always paves the way for people who have good intentions."
"Luck is on your side, the universe is protecting you and supporting you every step along the way."
"Because the universe got our back and I can promise you if you don't got a man or a woman the universe got you."
"The universe wants you to win it's just that people inflict certain things on themselves to sabotage their journey."
"The universe wants you to be successful, wants you to feel confident."
"The universe will bring abundance to you, don't care where it comes from."
"Have no shame, have no guilt, have no fear—universe's got you."
"If you have gratitude, it can help the universe bring more to your table."
"The path before you is clear, your desires and intentions are supported by the universe."
"I choose to believe that if there's life out there, they're rooting for us."
"They tend to feel an empowerment in a knowing that the Universe has my back."
"The universe has got you, the universe is coming through for you 100."
"Favor is coming from the west, the east, the north, the south, and all points in between."
"The universe is on your side and ready to bless you with whatever it is that you desire in this year."
"Take a break, take a rest, and trust that the universe is going to be supportive of where you're going."
"Trust the process of acceptance, knowing the universe supports you."
"The universe is trying to reward you with something."
"The universe brings a way out for you in some situation."
"Everybody needs help, everybody. You shouldn't be ashamed of it."
"Trust and believe that everything out here is lining up to bring a massive transformation."
"You're not alone; it's like the universe is on your side."
"When you've done enough work, the universe starts working for you."
"When you are in alignment with your sole purpose, the universe will work in your favor."
"Act with integrity, let the universe support you."
"The universe is always clearing the path for you to ascend."
"Tune into the signs, the universe is supporting you."
"It's easier to move things ahead, it's easier to really trust that what is coming together is supported by the universe and there's energy behind it that could even feel more effortless."
"The universe supports me in manifesting my desires."
"Sometimes we need to take a step back and realize that the Universe has our back and wants to bring us in the direction we want to head in."
"Believing in miracles, having faith that the universe has your back."
"I root for everyone's success. I'd love to see this kid succeed for the next 80 years and beyond."
"Believe in the mystery of how the conscious universe finds ways to support us in healing."
"Lean in, let me take over from the universe, you don't have to do anything here."
"You're well on your way, and the universe is here to help you out."
"It's important that you believe in yourself and know that the universe wants you to succeed."
"This is a gift from the universe, something that is straight down the middle."
"Strength from the universe as you make these very challenging decisions."
"No matter where you are on the planet, you are not alone."
"Now that you know what your answer is, follow it and as a result, the universe will always have your back."
"Don't judge yourself harshly; the universe has your back."
"You're not alone, men and women, kids, everybody, dogs, cats, the wind, you're not alone."
"The universe always comes through for me."
"By affirming our goals and staying committed to them, we open ourselves to the support and abundance of the universe."
"The universe is on your side here, we've got your back."
"Trust that you are always provided for, that you are never forgotten and the universe is always convening in your favour."
"You'll be fine in five years from now you'll be fine just you know take things step by step and know that the universe has your back."
"Life is good; you know that the Universe has got your back."
"If you show up, then the universe shows up and supports you as well."
"The universe is here for you, supporting you, loving you, and setting you up to work for you and through you."
"The more good you put out into the world, the more the universe helps you."
"But they just love you, man. It don't matter if they support Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool, they've got a big, big following over there."
"The universe is ready to reward you they're ready to gift you with your soul tribe."
"You will have a beautiful unfolding surprise because the universe will give you what you really, really want."
"Great ideas are coming to the surface and creating them. The universe is here to support you."
"When the universe has your back, what can go wrong? I don't know."
"Human beings just be a fan, cheer for everybody. There's so much success to go around."
"The universe is saying that you're unstoppable."
"The universe is always on the side of those who push the limits and never give up."
"There's no such thing about needing to be deep or deep enough to hear the angels, the angels are there for everyone, especially for you."
"The universe has your back, and you've got to surrender to and trust that everything that's happening has purpose."
"Trust in the knowledge that the universe has got your back."
"Trust this process; the universe is going to help you."
"The universe truly does have all of our back every single one of us."
"The universe wants you to win. The universe has your back."
"The universe is always working for you, never against you."
"There is somebody out there that will understand and that you are not alone."
"Because you are loved and the universe totally has your back. You are unique, amazing; you're the very essence of your uniqueness."
"Doors will be opening, windows will be opening. The universe has your back."
"I surrender my desires and I know the universe has my back."
"Expect powerful change, let the universe fill your void."
"Universe got me. Promise you, universe got me."
"Relax into the knowledge, the universe has got your back."
"You decided how you want to live your life, and now the universe is coming in full support."
"The universe is gonna help you, the universe is gonna give you a lift."
"There's nothing wrong with you, it's quite the opposite that the universe is actually conspiring with you."
"Open to the fully loving, compassionate forces of the universe that support your physical, emotional, and spiritual healing."
"Therapy is for everyone, it doesn't matter what you're going through, what walk of life you're walking."
"The universe is not letting you guys fail."
"Whatever impulses you're following are very strongly supported by the universe."
"The universe has a way of working for you if you do whatever you're supposed to do."
"Everybody needs help anytime in their life."
"I am patient, I let the universe do for me what I cannot do for myself."
"The universe is trying to arm you with as much knowledge as possible to support you on your path."
"If they do you wrong, don't react negative. Don't argue, don't fight. Look, just walk away because you already know who on your side, the universe is on your side."
"That is the supreme lord, the creator, the supporter, and the destroyer of the universe, and the eternal being."
"When you're patient, you let the universe do for you what you cannot do for yourself."
"Being blessed and supported by the universe is just stepping into that allocated position where the universe always intended you to be."
"Remember who you are, you are a chosen one of the universe, the universe is always on your side."
"The universe got my back, God has my back."
"Universe is on your side, you are magic right now."
"When you pick you, the universe picks you, and everything falls into place."
"You're getting ready to be lifted up by the universe."
"The universe is behind you a hundred percent."
"The universe is supporting you in all ways, across all lifetimes, all timelines, all dimensions of time."
"You've been in some kind of mode of hesitation, and the universe is about to show you the way."
"Believe in yourself because the universe believes in you."
"You're just gliding with it, right, with the momentum of the universe behind you."
"The universe can support you in every direction, the universe can support you in everything you do, if that's your belief system."
"The universe is definitely on your side here with what you plan to do."
"The universe is fueling all this strength into you this week."