
Pandemic Awareness Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"I will say that with the pandemic now, and certainly just with infectious diseases in general, it's really important to be aware of the possibility for compromising your health through the spread of germs."
"A devastating infectious disease pandemic could kill more people than nuclear war."
"Viruses know no borders and they don't care your ethnicity, the color of your skin, or how much money you have in the bank."
"The idea of a global pandemic feels like something reserved only for the distant past and dystopian television, but the truth is, it was always a case of when a virus was going to consume the world again, not if."
"This pandemic is no joke, and the most important thing about Thanksgiving is making sure that you're around for the next one."
"We're in the third year of the pandemic and I get it, a lot of us are tired of hearing about it. But indulge me for a moment because this is important."
"The pandemic is not over by any stretch of the imagination." - Dr. Bob Lahita
"This is a pandemic, I've always known this is a pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic."
"I for one think that COVID-19 is finally something that's being exposed."
"Coronavirus pandemic has brought new focus on infectious diseases, preventing them and National Geographic special 'Virus Hunters.'"
"People had no concept of pandemic, they believed it wouldn't happen because it was unimaginable."
"It doesn't matter if you look fit, if you look young, you are still at risk for getting and spreading and dying from coronavirus."
"2022 was a reminder that the pandemic was or even is still ongoing."
"Cases are going to increase pretty well everywhere now that autumn's here."
"United States is yet to see community spread of the virus."
"Covid-19 has been a stark reminder about the biological threats all around us."
"The risk of a global pandemic is very much upon us."
"A single country can't save itself; a pandemic doesn't respect borders."
"We often forget like when the media is not covering COVID doesn't mean that the COVID has gone away."
"This is a pandemic; it's going to go everywhere."
"These are the total number of cases that have been reported as of today for coronavirus. The fact that these many people have been reported having the virus is not cool. Let me clarify, the UI which shows this is cool."
"The disease is still circulating; it's still quite deadly."
"Everyone is acting as if it's business as usual. What's even scarier is that those of us that are still taking it seriously are the only ones watching you guys talk about this."
"Covid19 is not a hoax, okay? Worldwide over 650,000 people, mostly elderly, have succumbed to it. This is not a hoax."
"Do not underestimate this, this is not a normal flu this is serious."
"We're constantly fighting to remember that... the severity of this pandemic is real."
"Now medical experts think the UK Kent variant is going to surge in the United States over this spring into the summer."
"With COVID virus, there is a perception... we are in for some very interesting times."
"I didn't want to be the slayer of the elderly, I didn't want to be another link in the infection chain."
"How can you not pause and realize we've just watched the first pandemic in the history of human civilization?"
"We might as well call it what it is, a pandemic."
"Keep an eye out for [COVID] protocols between now and when you actually sail."
"No one needs to be convinced that an infectious disease could kill millions of people or shut down the global economy."
"People are acting like COVID, like, disappeared."
"Let's be honest, one year after the outbreak of COVID-19, we have all become, even if only a little bit, pandemic experts."
"Foreign pandemic is still worse than you think it is."
"All we have is human conversation with which to orient ourselves collectively."
"I hope people realize yeah the pandemic is still going on it's still strong in many places."
"The omicron variant has been the most consistent reminder throughout 2022."
"You could be spreading the virus everywhere without even knowing it."
"At this point, getting people to understand what the outbreak could become is what matters most."
"People were coughing into each other's mouths... February 2020, the virus is everywhere."
"A pandemic is not going to just affect one country one time."
"Data graphics have been essential in the fight against covid19 because we can't see this pandemic if it's not visualized on graphs and maps."
"I find it funny... I know people definitely still take COVID seriously, I'm one of them."
"We are no longer naive to the virus in terms of our social response, we know what to do."
"I hope everyone is doing well today, remaining healthy, safe, and COVID-19 free."
"...it's important to think about this because this is not going to be the last pandemic."
"There's a whole pandemic out there."
"Quarantine isn't over; we are still in the midst of a pandemic, so you need to not let your guard down."
"I hope you guys are taking this pandemic really seriously."