
Immunology Quotes

There are 451 quotes

"Exposure to microbes from the environment is likely an important part of educating our immune system."
"Microglial cells are chock-full of cytokine receptors and are responsive to inflammatory signals."
"Your day job is about a subject that is really close to my heart, immunology...I don't think people realize that, pretty much every chronic long-term health complaint, condition that we have, in many ways the immune system plays a central role."
"Acquired immunity... is one of the most fascinating evolutionary processes... it uses quite literally evolution to generate a recognition of this new pathogen that your body has never seen."
"Natural antibodies can prevent influenza infection against a whole range of variants."
"The term 'vaccinate' comes from 'vacca' for 'cow' because the cowpox virus was used as a mild form of the virus to confer immunity against smallpox."
"This is a really exciting time for the field of immunology."
"I truly believe the greatest immunologist, the greatest doctor on the planet is in you."
"Population immunity is a biological phenomenon that occurs. It's not a strategy to say that herd immunity exists."
"Having a vaccine passport is dumb; having an immunological passport...that's actually something that could be more medically defended."
"The immune response is similar across all age groups... which is really very encouraging."
"More good news: as well as generating antibodies, it also generates memory T cells."
"The idea that you're gonna quote overwhelm the immune system with a vaccine against six diseases just doesn't make any sense."
"I've been lucky enough to live and work through 50 years of change in immunology."
"Your immune system has blind spots to keep itself from attacking the body's own tissues."
"Autophagy is required for some steps of the immunosurveillance process."
"The immune system understands anything that isn't you as a hostile agent."
"We are interfering in a way in which the pathogen is too far from looking like you."
"So, the viruses are infecting cells... and then the immune system comes and mounts that response and kind of over does it."
"It's the T cells recognizing other parts of the virus, not the spike protein."
"Now, there are two main types of T cells, CD4 T cells and CD8 T cells - where 'CD' stands for cluster of differentiation."
"They were there, waiting in the bone marrow with the memory of exactly how to combat this virus."
"For every one degree increase in temperature, the speed of the immune system doubles."
"Across the entire study period, persons with vaccine and infection-derived immunity had much lower rates of hospitalization compared with those in unvaccinated persons."
"Your channel and some of the other channels around YouTube have helped dramatically with that, um, and following Dr. John's previous work on immunology and immune system and other cardiac systems etc has been fantastic."
"The beauty of a vaccine is, if your body knows what it's dealing with, it can go thermonuclear on it as soon as the virus shows up and destroy it before it even has a chance to establish a foothold."
"Your immune system is brilliantly clever at protecting you."
"Memory T cells induced by previous pathogens can shape the susceptibility to and clinical severity of subsequent infections."
"Understanding pre-existing T-cell responses is paramount for managing the current COVID-19 pandemic."
"These low antibodies in recovered patients, that's a huge red flag for herd immunity hopes."
"Once you bust that nut in her you weaken her so-called immunological system."
"Our immune system is more powerful than we ever thought."
"Passive immunity is where you're given the antibodies ready made. It's a well-known principle in immunity."
"He'd become a world-renowned expert in the field of nutrition and immunology."
"This antibody treatment just makes perfect sense, duplicating the physiological process of the body's immune response."
"You can see some kind of perception of T-cell response... longer and more robust than antibodies."
"NovaVax, Oxford study to evaluate third dose in participants with impaired immune systems."
"There are two major groups of these recognition sites there's the ABO group and the RH group."
"If a woman who is Rh negative produces Rh antibodies they can attack her own baby."
"Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune."
"The healthier an individual is, the more robust their immunologic memory is."
"T cells last three to five months, an average of four months, and that's six times longer than the half-life of some of the antibody studies."
"T-cell immunity theoretically should have wider variant coverage than antibody immunity or humoral immunity."
"Naive T cells need vitamin D to mature into active, virus-fighting cells."
"What wanes is the antibody response, which is the direct neutralizing effect on the virus."
"We can retrain the immune system and you can seal leaky gut." - Dr. Gundry
"This is exactly what Dr. Weiskopf and Dr. Crotty at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology have done."
"Interferons are so cool because they interfere with viral replication."
"A vaccine is made out of a completely dead or very weakened form of a pathogen."
"People that had SARS in 2002-2003 continued to have memory T cells that are reactive to SARS Coronavirus proteins 17 years later."
"Previous natural infection of SARS-CoV-2 gives you some immunity against being re-infected."
"Only a few of those bees in that swarm are armed and loaded and able to knock out the virus."
"Neutralizing antibodies at a threshold of approximately 50, RBD ELISA threshold of approximately 100, and S protein ELISA threshold of approximately 400 were required for protection."
"In an autoimmune disease, the person's own immune system attacks their own body."
"A vaccine works by tricking your body into developing antibodies against the coronavirus. Remember, antibodies are those soldiers that attack viruses."
"Memory T-cells are like historians, documenting the invader’s attack and storing that data in our bodies’ long term memory."
"Bees with a strong immune system are less likely to catch diseases."
"Adaptive immunity... one of the most marvelous evolutionary stories."
"Antibodies are attacking particular portions of the thyroid follicles."
"This is really, really powerful because it's saying that they are acknowledging there's much to learn about the immune system."
"Neurotin suppresses formation of rogue plasma cells."
"You're dumping enough into the system that enough cells pick it up that it results in enough of the immune system encountering it that you get a robust immune reaction that creates memory."
"Complex system vaccination... it's a beautiful, beautiful invention of humans as a way to effectively trick your immune system."
"Vaccination by definition is supposed to prevent your infection by a virus. Therefore, if you have been vaccinated, it should be impossible for you to contract the virus."
"It is clear that the cellular immunity... cross-reacts among all of the variants."
"It's really just your body fighting off the intruders that could potentially harm it."
"Hybrid immunity may offer the best protection against variants."
"The longitudinal analysis shows durable and broad immunity memory after SARS-CoV-2 infection."
"Cytotoxic T-cells... will migrate into those areas and just destroy them."
"Individuals convalescing from SARS in 2003 still possess long-lasting memory T cells reactive to the N protein, providing immunity after 17 years."
"Infection with beta coronaviruses induces multi-specific and long-lasting T-cell immunity against these proteins, offering hope for long-lasting immunity."
"The implications for immunity are promising, based on evidence from past coronaviruses and current studies."
"Antibodies are those protein molecules secreted by well differentiated B cells, called plasma cells, which react specifically with those antigens which stimulated their formation."
"Disease is always a race... between virus replication and immune response."
"Movement... activates neutrophils, monocytes, cytotoxic T cells, and natural killer cells."
"This is immunologically the most important, in my view, the most important piece of immunological information we need. No one is studying it and that is surprising."
"These cytotoxic T cells exist and apparently they exist in people that have never been exposed to SARS coronavirus 2. Quite profound stuff, really."
"Omicron's reduced ability to cause intense activation of the immune system in the lungs results in less severe disease outcomes."
"When a person vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine produces antibodies to the disease, the immunity is termed as active artificial."
"Natural killer cell activity as it relates to COVID-19...is really important for reducing initial viral load."
"You want the immune system to be dynamic, to be capable of switching gears if it needs to."
"250 years ago, they recognized immunity from prior infection, but we've gone more than 250 years backwards because we don't recognize immunity that's conferred from an infection."
"We should be celebrating these things in the academic literature and we should be trying to figure out how they might be properly targeted so that they don't cause the immune system to attack cells throughout the body."
"They prevent killer T cells from spinning out of control."
"And then the effector B cells essentially turn into antibody factories."
"You can view [cytokines] as chemical alarm bells... it tells everyone to get in gear."
"It's changing so much... every variant sub-variant... that adds to the idea... maybe we're continually... stimulated immunologically... and we don't even realize it."
"The majority of T cell epitopes remain intact in all the variants, further evidence that it's T cells protecting us against severe disease."
"The severe disease is almost entirely driven by the immune response."
"We're seeing an increase in igg4 levels post mRNA vaccination and therefore there might be a potential risk."
"Dr. Bosch is probably one of the greatest immunological minds of our time."
"Hospitalization level COVID-19 is prevented by any decent combination of antibodies, memory B cells, CD4 T cells, and CD8 T cells."
"Instead of individually trying to affect different viruses or even different variants of the virus, one way of mitigating against many different types of variants is if we could simply promote or enhance the body's already innate immune system."
"Pathogenic th17 cells are induced by selected microbial pathogens and participate in autoimmune diseases."
"We wanted to work on allelic exclusion because if this goes wrong, then you get autoimmunity."
"Regulatory T cells are the good guys. The more you have, the less disease you have."
"What he described in that paper was a new perspective and new theory to think about the immune system that when I read it I thought that this is makes so much sense and this is going to completely revolutionize our understanding of immunity."
"...when t-cells see only signal one there is no response that is generated but when they see two signals the second signal also coming from antigen presenting cells that then there would be a response."
"Vaccines use a dead or inactive pathogen to trigger the production of antibodies for rapid response."
"Understand not only the microbe, but understand the host. Immunocompromised hosts get immunocompromised infections."
"First I want to point out that SARS and MERS coronavirus and we don't know yet the answer for CoV-2, an interesting feature of these viruses is that they induce very little if any interferon in most cells."
"So, here's your activated t-cell. T-cell meets up with its target, the antigen-presenting cell, there's a little antigen there, the t-cell receptor recognizes the antigen, and you have all these other positive interactions that activate the cell."
"These characteristics are called pathogen-associated molecular patterns or PAMPs."
"This T Cell as soon as this TCR and CD4 are stimulated via the CD3 pathway it will activate the nucleus and nucleus genes."
"The unique point of type 3 reactions is the presence of free immune complexes in circulation or tissue fluids."
"IL-2 stimulates the growth of T cells and natural killer cells."
"Primarily we were making IgM antibodies... and then afterwards when we were exposed to the antigen a second time, we primarily produced IgG antibodies."
"There was no way at that point to keep lymphocytes alive outside the body. You could take them out, they would die in a day or two, and you had no way to keep them alive."
"And to some lesser extent, kidney cancer was mediated by lymphocytes."
"The immune system has three key properties: specificity, diversity, and memory."
"Antibodies play a crucial role in interfering with the binding of the virus to cells, particularly targeting the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein."
"We've learned that there are at least four different classes of antibodies based on their mechanisms of action."
"These are just amazing news for immunologists and for everyone in general, that these mRNA-based vaccines, which have never been used in humans before, have such amazing efficacy to date."
"The Adaptive immune response relies on cells being primed or activated, so they can fully differentiate into the right kind of fighter to kill that pathogen."
"Immunology has offered hope for curing cancer for 100 years."
"Antibodies attack or attach to the o antigen of the actual lipopolysaccharides."
"...just like I did in the B cell video, we're gonna talk about T cells now."
"...if you just take a B cell followed over time sequencing... you see it's spontaneously developing these mutations."
"...the antibody had the ability to undergo somatic mutation... you could dramatically increase your ability to recognize the antigen many, many fold."
"So, in essence, the B-cells are learning from its mistakes, utilizing the mistakes that actually were, and doing it effectively to allow you to have a more effective immune response."
"M cells transport organisms from the gut lumen to immune cells."
"The mucosal system is like a very busy airport."
"In this way, you can sort of think of this moment in which a dendritic cell activates a CD4 T cell as sort of the immunological equivalent of the big bang."
"IgA is the second most abundant antibody, present in blood and all mucosal linings, acting as a mucosal defense mechanism."
"The killer T cells will detect which cells have been infected."
"Artificially acquired active immunity is received in an artificial environment, meaning a vaccine."
"But now redo the experiment with wild type effectors with the knockout Treg, and looks like they never got any regulatory T-cells."
"Every single one of these B cell receptors are different in their binding domain so they can bind different types of antigens."
"A good vaccine would form memory B cells, a better vaccine forms memory B cells and memory T helper cells, but the best vaccine would form memory B cells, memory T helper cells, and memory cytotoxic T cells."
"Immunotherapy teaches the immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells."
"That's the way it is actually, it makes it hard for antibodies to clamp them together to neutralize them."
"Once you are exposed and the virus starts to replicate we would call that day one right because approximately five to seven days later is when you're going to have the real exponential phase of your T and B cell response."
"Immunologically depressed people... become a breeding ground for vaccine evasion."
"Now, if you look between these two B cells now, they are definitely not identical anymore."
"Anything where an antibody is going to find is an antigen."
"T cells are very powerful in that they can adapt to any antigen that are being expressed by the cancer cell or by the pathogen."
"The survival of patients with lots of T cells is much, much better than poor survival for the patients who do not have these T cells."
"...the cancer immunologists have is how can we reactivate that immune system..."
"The big thing about T cells and B cells is they make memory, so when you come in contact with something you remember those infections."
"A memory T cell can live for decades."
"The capacity of HIV to live inside resting memory T cells for decades has made eradicating HIV almost impossible."
"HIV efficiently evades the immune system's defenses."
"Types of HIV isolates: M-tropic, T-tropic, and their implications for vaccine design."
"Immune responses to various pathogens require different strategies, much like mobilizing different branches of the Armed Forces for different types of attacks or defense."
"The immune system must marshal the appropriate response to each pathogen for maximum effectiveness."
"CD4 T cells produce a broad range of cytokines with diverse activities, primarily enhancing immune responses against pathogens."
"In mucosal tissue, shift to Th17 response during infection."
"Naive CD4 T cells differentiate into various subtypes like TH1, TH2, TH17, and Treg cells, each with distinct functions and cytokine profiles."
"TH1 cells stimulate both cellular and humoral immunity, including activating macrophages and optimizing antibody responses."
"Cytokines are molecules released from one immune cell that cause a response in another."
"So if you've had a pathogen that comes in your body you need to be able to recognize the glycoproteins on your own cells versus pathogen such a proteins."
"There's a big variation, and we can learn a lot of immunology and infectious diseases by paying attention to these experiments of nature that are the primary immune deficiencies."
"I'm all about integration and I think that this video is going to really link anatomy and immunology."
"The immune system keeps most virus infections in check. It's just amazing and it keeps most virus infections in check."
"We do have to be very cognizant of how tweaking the immune system in one capacity may trigger or unmask autoimmunity in another."
"Memory cells will remember that pathogen so that if you come in contact with it again, it's gonna respond much faster."
"Antibodies can coat the microbe and enhance phagocytosis, marking that pathogen for destruction."
"Antibodies bind to toxins, preventing them from binding to their target sites, neutralizing the pathogen."
"Antibodies activate complement proteins, leading to inflammation and cell lysis, fighting off foreign invaders."
"Memory T cells result in a faster response to subsequent exposure, providing long-term protection."
"Active immunity actively stimulates an immune response, leading to the generation of memory cells."
"Passive immunity involves transferring antibodies, providing rapid but short-term effects."
"Major histocompatibility complexes play a vital role in self-recognition and rejection of foreign tissue."
"MHC class I signals infected cells for destruction, while MHC class II presents antigens for immune response activation."
"Helper T-cells activate other immune cells, regulatory T-cells control immune response, and cytotoxic T-cells destroy infected cells."
"Immunoglobulin is referred to as Ig and these are large glycoprotein molecules that serve as antigen receptors of B-cells."
"Complement proteins are actually a part of our innate immune system, in other words, it's non-specific."
"...spike was actually quite a good target of both cd4 and cd8 t-cell responses."
"...coordinated adaptive immunity is protective immunity."
"Immunosuppression is a consequence of virus infection."
"Measles erases your immune memory."
"Viral immunopathology is nothing new."
"Both arms of this adaptive response generate memory."
"What goes on at that point and beyond eventually leads to the production of antibodies and cytotoxic T lymphocytes."
"The dendritic cells then migrate to the lymph nodes where they then present the antigen to T and B cells."
"Anaphylaxis is caused mainly by this innate immune cell called the mast cell that releases histamines."
"The basic principle of how vaccines work is you want to deploy something in the body that's as close to the actual virus as possible but doesn't do nearly as much harm."
"The immune system has an amazing ability to recognize foreign pathogens."
"Antibodies are designed to block the virus from infecting cells by binding to the spike protein."
"The idea here is that antibodies can be generated in somebody who's infected that can target the original virus."
"The Brilliance of the immune system at predicting viral mutations."
"Many of the most serious cases of Covid infection, the serious diseases and the deaths are often caused not by damage to the virus itself but by our immune system overreacting."
"The notion here is can you use the immune system to identify these very early lesions before their cancer, intercept them and prevent them from becoming full-blown cancer."
"I just like learning immunology so you know it's good to be a student."
"The lymphatic system: returns excess tissue fluid to the bloodstream and contains transport vessels and lymphoid organs."
"Immunodermatology focuses on how the immune system affects the skin."
"The general concept of a stem cell transplantation always, no matter why you do it, is the destruction of the recipient hematopoietic stem cells which reside in the bone marrow and the corresponding immune system that is produced by these cells."
"Stress actually enhances the effect of the immune system."
"People who had SARS-CoV-1 had T-cell immunity 17 years later."
"The more mutations that your cancer has, the more chance that there's abnormal proteins being expressed on that cancer cell that your immune system can recognize as being abnormal."
"These are my CD3T cells; they are 82% of the live cell population."
"Activation by destruction." - On the activation of the complement system
"The calic acid axis of immune modulation is quite significant for a number of tumors."
"Complement is a series of blood proteins that interact with the pathogens and destroy pathogens."
"The immune system does... constant surveillance, identifying, and getting rid of foreign material."
"The adaptive system... develops when you get exposed to things, when you get vaccinated."
"Monocytes... are the link between the innate immunity and the adaptive or acquired immunity."
"The primary lymphoid organs are things like the bone marrow and thymus."
"CD3 is on everything that is considered a T cell; in fact, it is the marker of the T cell lineage."
"CD40 ligand is what allows B cells to class switch."