
Contrast Quotes

There are 7287 quotes

"Pet Scop is a cute game on the surface, with a really dark message hidden behind the cute graphics."
"The more that we can draw this contrast between the workhorse Joe Biden, who's getting up every day doing the people's business, and this madness and chaos on the other side, the more I think we're going to have the kind of election we want."
"We should reflect on the contrast here, the contrast between President Biden and a pro-democracy community."
"There's something so special with haunted locations when you get a chance to see them during the day and then stay there until night."
"Leaders Eat Last was inspired by the trust I saw in the military, contrasting sharply with the lack of it in business environments."
"Contrast is the idea that we draw out contrast from one element from the space around it either through color, shape, value, or anything along those lines to emphasize it."
"Enough food to feed a hundred people, but nobody's joining her for dinner."
"Rich financially but very broke emotionally."
"It's okay to go through the desert because then you appreciate the oasis so much more."
"Step 5 is there's contrast, but I'm loving it. This is satisfying contrast, this is not separating contrast, this is clarifying contrast."
"Rainbow Goth is a marriage of both sides of her personality: dark and twisty meets vibrant and bright."
"It's ugly and beautiful. It's melancholy and horrific. It's a game of contrast that manages to create one of my favorite horror experiences of all time."
"It's kind of like showing the two sides of Danganronpa, which is like the funny goofy pop side while also showing the side that's disturbing and grotesque."
"The greater the contrast, sometimes the more memorable the sections will be, the more refreshed we will feel."
"The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Jesus came to give life, and life more abundantly."
"The difference between the one that remembers Allah and the one that doesn't is like the living and the dead."
"I have three million followers but no real friends. How pathetic is that?"
"That soft black rolls into your darker red, boom, pops right out."
"That contrast of the light and the dark, oh my gosh, it's God tier."
"Contrast is the main point... it's a system of highlighting and backgrounding."
"Hello, children, welcome back to Night Live, where it is safe and warm and clean, even as it is dark and dangerous and cold like the autumn night."
"Now I'm really loving the contrast of the white with the rich color of the antique wax in these three pieces."
"It's the end of the world, and everyone looks incredibly bored."
"A little time in hell makes heaven all the sweeter."
"The reading sucked, but the outcome is phenomenal."
"The contrast in how peaceful and how dangerous this world is, when you compare daytime and nighttime, is absolutely insane."
"Gluttony was always such an interesting character to me, as despite the dark side that he had, he was also probably one of the most pure and, at times, human characters."
"It's both simultaneously one of the best weapons in the game and one of the worst weapons in the game."
"What's really brilliant about this is the way contrast is being used in a very, very subtle elegant algorithmic way to actually tell you where you can and can't walk."
"Contrast can be represented by color or tone, so dark on light, light on dark."
"A shadow that looms over this otherwise heartwarming success story."
"The world tells me this is no fun... but look what the scripture tells us."
"I love how Sino's serious, reliable but he's actually like a big dork that loves trading card games."
"I'm very small, but I'm a very big presence."
"Designing lighting is not about evenly lighting spaces; it's developing contrast so you know the difference between light and dark."
"What makes the forest beautiful is the contrast between lights and darks."
"She's adorable, but she is a Hellion at the same time."
"The tagline for Warhammer is, 'In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war,' which is pretty much the exact opposite of Star Trek."
"It's hard for him to not do that, something really fascinating there at the end is the contrast and the confidence of their words."
"Where Jisoo is obscured by shadow, Rosé is obscured by light."
"They didn't drive around in Mercedes-Benzes and Porsches."
"I'm just a nice guy... but deep down inside, there's an assassin there."
"When there's gross darkness, He will bring bright light."
"People are always their worst online, very rarely do that when you're standing or sitting across somebody."
"This is like clean Lines no patterns and this is like wild patterns, wild colors everywhere."
"The colors just look so natural, the blacks are so deep and rich."
"God's kingdom is built in love, trust, and fulfillment, while the devil's kingdom is built in fear, distrust, and frustration."
"Her good behavior and seemingly happy home life are what made her sudden disappearance in the 1980s all the more strange."
"That skin, wow! The contrast of that creamy meat to the crispy skin is incredible."
"Some of the saddest people are the funniest."
"Simplicity can make more of a difference than complexity ever could."
"Combination of like super happy but also so sad."
"The contrast... is like... exactly, it's just this... I'm optimistic about nick's growth because he's learning."
"Politics is one thing and governing is another."
"It's obvious when you make $100 a week in income but you're spending a million dollars a week."
"It's just warm, fuzzy, happy—everything that is contrasted especially to this year."
"The whole vibe of this film is the mundane and the fantastic."
"Honestly, he's a freak, he's a weirdo, but Feliciana, on the other hand..."
"It's given me the contrast to really appreciate where I am now."
"Ant-Man and the Wasp - Offered one of the most fun entertaining and bombastic MCU entries directly after the dire and depressing infinity war."
"Happy that I'm not running, my partner's sprinting."
"Nature is the definition of sustainable and our current way of living is the definition of unsustainable."
"Comedy is not just about contrast, but audience investment in that contrast."
"A good leader acts because a decision must be made and mentat delays because a decision should not be made."
"I breathe, I eat, hell, I cut myself shaving this morning. Robots don't bleed."
"The enemy comes to kill, steal, destroy, but Jesus comes to give life in abundance."
"They might be tall and bitter, but their request is short and sweet."
"You see Peter Parker is broken. But before that, you know what isn't broken? Monopoly."
"Remember those times when your days were like darker than your nights?"
"Johannesburg is a very terrible city... but it's also a gorgeous city."
"The juxtaposition between these two Disney character-led animations feels both intentional and tragic."
"From die-hard drug traffickers... They're going to the beach."
"The strength of darkness is the absence of light, and the weakness of darkness is the appearance of light."
"We are literally Stone Agers living in the space age."
"It's a world full of hope, but it's embedded in the death of our entire society."
"Winning 13 regular season games is a far cry from the zero that the Lions would win in real life."
"It's all about subtle variation, subtle contrast in color, shape, value, all that stuff."
"Cash is anonymous... a cbdc is the exact opposite."
"The deep sourness of the lemon somehow makes the beef taste both sweeter and more intensely savory."
"Paradise and Hell: Everything we experience in this world is a preview of that."
"He makes that if you have a painting of a really misshapen face next to a beautiful one, that’s when beauty really shines."
"Truth is more beautiful... apart from being true, the alternative... is just so petty, it's so small, it's so unromantic."
"Cinderella notwithstanding her coarse apparel was a hundred times more beautiful than her sisters."
"We need to do the opposite of much of what we're doing right now. And the opposite of Donald Trump is an Asian man who likes math."
"This is such the antithesis of the environment I grew up in as an athlete."
"The contrast quality you get is really unmatched just because of the self-lit nature of OLED, where if part of the image is supposed to be black, the pixel just turns off, so there is no light bleed from any backlight of any kind."
"There's like all these different story lines contrasting one another, it's really, really cool."
"The best way to succeed in video games by being a total and utter bastard. Don't do this in real life though, be nice to people and help them."
"It's probably my least favorite on the album despite instrumentally being perhaps one of my favorites."
"Nothing beats the relief of coming home even after a fun vacation."
"This city of contrasts can continue to grow, a symbiosis of both old and new."
"We tend to elect the opposite of what we had before."
"Truth and falsehood must contrast for truth to shine."
"Ryan Johnson said about this movie was to essentially look at Empire and do the opposite of that."
"You praised gods that can't see you, they can't hear you, and they can't know you. But I know a god that can."
"Hunter serves as a dark foil to Luz and a worst-case scenario version of Amity at the same time."
"The story of Mike Tyson is such a roller coaster ride of good and bad, of incredible achievement than also some despicable acts."
"I love the saturation of black versus the lack of color."
"Flashback gives you two time periods to play the same character and that contrast can be really fun."
"Blackness is the most operative word. White is still white."
"The most beautiful thoughts are always beside the darkest."
"In fact, let's contrast that now with the hero of the film..."
"Two stories, two circles, two very different fates."
"While Democrats are obsessed with impeachment, we're focused on jobs, jobs, jobs."
"Without the dark, you'd never see the stars."
"You're thinking, 'Oh man, a nice Toyota Camry's a nice car,' and this kid, he started software with a Porsche 911."
"The sorts of things that make a good human being aren't the same as what makes a good YouTuber."
"Books are knowledge, but life is in the acting."
"The Royal Family's wealth, unlike their gene pool, is massive."
"Taste the bitter so they can prize the good."
"Contrast is one of the most important ingredients in art of all kinds."
"There's a thin line that divides heaven and hell."
"Civilized the Mind makes Savage the body." - Mike Rasheed King
"It's about how one of them would live for thousands of years while the rest of them would not."
"When you have the contrast of this real moment in time of such tragedy and death, but then pair it with the hope and humanity of pure love."
"Sydney was a breath of fresh air, very loose and fun character amidst the suits."
"It's a much more ambitious film and I appreciate that."
"There are some dark moments but overall it's way lighter."
"Death is less than death, and life is more than life."
"The devil uses and then discards, but God loves and restores."
"That's gonna be two in a row and dude, that was like they could not be more different rounds."
"Woke Marxism seeks power over others, whereas Jesus teaches forgiveness for others."
"You went from a rap battle to a frickin pistol-whip guy."
"A woman dressed very sexy will catch your eye more than a woman who's dressed kind of mousy."
"We've got stories that are fun, interesting, and even at times heartfelt contrasted against their satirical backdrops."
"It makes everything feel very dry, dark, and hopeless, and yet oddly satisfying when you get splashes of color."
"Cash is anonymous, while a CBDC is the exact opposite."
"From dark to light, black to white, lead to gold."
"Forget fashion week, this runway is the one that matters."
"Welcome to the oasis, a fertile spot within a vast wasteland."
"Great expansion always involves great contrast."
"Both beauty and darkness exist within the story, and we are shown both of them so amazingly drawn by Miura."
"He's been famous since the 1950s, an American icon, rich beyond measure, a legitimate world-class stand-up comic, and then on top of that, a psychotic pervert."
"The brighter the light, the darker the shadow is cast. Always remember that."
"This is complete opposites at the end of the day."
"Contrast is one of the basic elements and principles of design."
"Is there any more clear of a contrast than a man who walked away from that power versus a man who has been clamoring for it and claiming credit for it for 48 years?"
"Wow, you were focused on partying, I was focused on healing."
"It's a mysterious place full of contrasts and paradoxes."
"Contrast really is what we're talking about, right?"
"Making them vibrant against the darker purple armor."
"The contrast in emotional tones makes high-intensity moments stand out."
"Sibling relationships are a study of contrasts - beings identical in DNA but with completely different personalities, goals, and worldviews."
"The Devil comes to steal, to kill, to destroy, but Jesus came to give us an Abundant Life."
"This side of the farm is like the nice side. I feel like the other side of the farm is the cursed side."
"This is the turning point in our wordless narrative where we push past all the bright lights, treats, and rides and reveals something wonderful and horrible all at the same time."
"You gotta get the difference, love or hate you."
"Frank Nitti seems to be the antithesis of Al Capone."
"When you have these loud, bombastic, wacky characters, it's important to give them some regular, normal people to bounce off of."
"Classic interesting video. Some things I didn't necessarily agree with, but I think what it did really well was emphasizing the thing that we've been talking about in this video which is the dynamic and how you use it for contrast."
"There's no equivalence between Barack Obama and Donald Trump."
"You know, what's gonna look cool, is the fact you've got all like these dark colors up here, when you do the red, that's going to stick out like neon."
"The real effect was during a showdown with a BBEG. The wizard was immune to fireballs but her makeup and hair were on point."
"It's interesting that this guy is good to go, but this guy's like no, nope."
"Boats float because they look up to the light and stones sink because they look down at the darkness."
"The contrast between the sisters was there from the beginning."
"Contrast storytelling, I really like that you're trying to do that."
"The dark gets darker, but the lights get brighter."
"She's the only [ __ ] sane one in the entire Bunch."
"It's pretty goddamn cool to see this stark contrast between the dry and dusty desert landscape and the metropolitan glory basking the desert in its radiance."
"Jessica Walter... the exact opposite of Mallory Archer. Warm, caring, and kind with an absolutely cracking sense of humor."
"Unlike the naked girls, they were able to showcase their talent and passion for music."
"We all live for eternity either in the eternal presence of God or in the eternal Lake of Fire."
"Beautiful over here, we have his rival on the other side."
"Where Those Chosen by the Planet is restrained, One-Winged Angel is feral."
"I love how they have a romantic moment after brutally fatality."
"While the world is heading for a blackout, the people of God are preparing to turn up the light."
"Here we are with two very high-profile investors with polar opposite views."
"Being in the middle of a battle and then within a heartbeat, it's just serene and quiet."
"God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong."
"The contrast between the reality of this country and the image it tries to portray being so glaringly obvious."
"Kylo Ren is like the opposite of Poe Dameron... he has personality, agency, and inner conflict."
"He was fierce, ferocious, aggressive... and yet at home, he was probably the perfect family pet."
"This is key and contrast. Now these are two terms that normally you would hear separately but once you start thinking of the two together as a pair, that's when it starts to make sense."
"I'm like the light goth, you're like the giant good diet coke."
"When he's not drinking, he's the sweetest guy. I mean, he's just really sweet." - Aunt Peggy
"Fluff and angst together hand in hand, it's like salt and lime on a margarita."
"Appreciation means nothing without the contrast of knowing that it's been built up from something lesser."
"Life is a game. Some people play the game of struggle, sickness, poverty. Some people play the game of happiness, abundance, and health."
"Even though Akaza is alive and Rengoku is dying, Akaza is running away while Rengoku stood his ground and fought with honor until his very last breath."
"The secret history of a nation is often so much more intimate and interesting than its public chronicles."
"This supposed fix is anything but; it's a stark contrast compared to the fun, unique new magic items and subclasses presented in the same book."
"What was once, for example, the source of our suffering, the ego, the egoic thinking mind, now becomes contrast to our light."
"There's a future case to make and contrasting that with Marjorie Taylor green and Lauren bobbert and Matt Gates."
"Such a nice look as well really lightens the interiors particularly if you've got a dark field a black interior or dark interior this this option gives the interior some contrast and there are a bunch of other aluminium options as well."
"The car, conspicuous against the wooded backdrop."
"Religion vs. Science: faith vs. verificationism."
"Jesus' teaching was about how to enter the kingdom by keeping the Commandments, while Paul's main focus was on the death and resurrection."
"You can't judge darkness without light, right?"
"Life's balance: win the lottery, get food poisoning."
"God seems to tell us what to do and so much to do, but humans like to do things their own way."
"Hours of boredom punctuated by minutes of mayhem."
"Better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war."
"Interlocking shapes are very good. Find letters that have contrasting lines to create something that interlocks with each other."
"Everything Satan does is an imitation and an inferior version of what God does."
"The religious communion theme gives a contrast to the horror and bloodshed which only makes it more unsettling."
"The brighter the light gets, the darker the shadow."
"The most beautiful thoughts are always besides the darkest."
"It's an interesting and revealing contrast in views."
"It's a very, very carnal image of Hell and of Heaven."