
Tesla Quotes

There are 2482 quotes

"Elon Musk... what he's achieved with Tesla is undeniable."
"Tesla would make around five hundred thousand cars in 2019."
"Elon is required to have any written material communications pre-approved by Tesla or its shareholders."
"The Tesla cars are the safest cars ever designed... the lowest probability of injury of any cars ever tested by the US government."
"This is a massive problem, and it seems like Tesla's on its way and ahead, but we need everybody's help because it's everybody's planet. We're not going to get to 20 terawatt hours by ourselves."
"In terms of being able to mass-produce electric cars at a cheap cost, Tesla's accomplishments are undeniable and extremely difficult to replicate."
"I am prioritizing Tesla stock...I am personally unaware of a better risk-adjusted opportunity in the stock market."
"Tesla is arguably the world's biggest robotics company because our cars are like semi-sentient robots on wheels."
"I had a religious conversion. I went from skepticism to belief after witnessing firsthand the impact of Tesla on people who normally don't care about cars."
"I'm not sure if people in real life surprise their significant others with new cars wrapped in comically large bows as the car companies would have us believe, but our Valentine's Day gift to you, the viewer, is some lovely cyber truck news."
"It's only been a couple of months since Tesla started delivering its long-awaited Cybertruck to customers, and its unusual stainless steel exoskeleton, which can ward off bullets but not stains, is already turning out to be a headache for owners."
"I heard Tesla's accepting Bitcoin, and I thought, 'So cool, that was my first reaction.'"
"Do you think Tesla forced other car makers to innovate faster?"
"Tesla had built a reputation that it didn't constrain its actions by what had been done before."
"Tesla has done more to help the environment than all other companies combined."
"No man can outrun his past because all it does is make you tired when it catches up with you."
"A lot of people are like, 'Oh, well, I don't want to buy more Tesla because then my average cost basis is going to go up.' I hate that so much because it, who cares. Who freaking cares what your cost basis is. What matters is if you get paid and you got more money, you got to put that money to work in the highest conviction spot that you think you can put it to work."
"Awesome, all right. Hey everybody, Rob Power here. Today we are talking about Tesla finally being added to the S&P 500 index."
"This is a very unusual announcement if we look at previously included companies."
"This is an exciting day for everyone that's followed Tesla. I'm happy to move on from this topic."
"It'll be really exciting to have this inclusion, we'll get Q4 results, we have the FSD beta...so we should have a lot happening."
"Tesla will become eligible for the S&P 500 if they report even a dollar of GAAP profit in the upcoming Q2 earnings report."
"The possibility of a stock split has been mentioned...Musk has said that he will consider it."
"We're already seeing a rise after hours as Alex Potter of Piper Sandler...has increased his price target on Tesla from 939 dollars per share to 2322, a new high for Wall Street."
"Over the long term, I still firmly believe that Tesla stock is headed to Mars."
"The market share gains are deserved because Tesla does have a first mover advantage."
"No one else has been willing to make the investment that Tesla has... to build out a supercharger network that can provide worldwide charging for their customers."
"Tesla's not willing to sit around and wait for that to develop, so they needed to do it themselves, and that has just provided them with more of a competitive moat."
"If Tesla accomplishes robo taxis, you just rake in software margins day after day after day with no labor costs."
"Tesla is ruthless. They're just going to keep going down the market and make it even more difficult to compete with them once they have localized manufacturing on three continents."
"Everyone's been excited about Tesla energy for so long, and we seem to be right on the precipice of that starting to actually become something that is worth paying attention to."
"Electronics on the Tesla were so far advanced, they were more advanced than any of our Department of Defense projects. Really mind-blowing."
"The software in a Tesla, I don't know what it is, I'm quite an old guy and I'm not, I didn't grow up with computers and I've got a smartphone and I go blah, blah, blah. And the Tesla app works instantly and it always works."
"The world's best engineers literally, the best engineers on the planet, want to and do work for Tesla."
"Tesla has dropped its prices again. Since the start of this year, Tesla has had two rounds of price cuts. But have you guys ever thought about what it means for Tesla, a leader in the new energy sector, to frequently cut prices like this?"
"Elon tweeted out only Giga Berlin can make these colors as the paint shop was specially built to apply many fine layers of paint, giving it complexity not otherwise possible."
"The story of Tesla is a story of endless optimization."
"Ark's base case expectation for Tesla stock... is pointing to well over $20,000 per share for Tesla stock at the end of this decade."
"I'd like to see [Tesla's first off-planet factory] before I'm dead. That would be cool."
"Tesla is literally going after electric vehicles, energy, autonomy, robotics; multi-trillion dollar opportunities."
"I do want to emphasize that SpaceX and Tesla fundamentally intend to improve the quality of the future."
"The fundamental good of Tesla is by how many years did we accelerate sustainable energy."
"The fundamental goal of Tesla is to solve the climate issue."
"Tesla is an endless optimization machine, and they are never satisfied. This isn't good enough, it needs to be better, it needs to be cheaper, it needs to be faster, it needs to be more efficient."
"Tesla got into the energy business in 2015 and it's betting it will become increasingly important for the company."
"You can't really talk about energy storage without talking about Tesla."
"Elon was showing the investors and the world that Tesla is more than just him... highlighting all the very impressive people and the roles that they play... like a show of force."
"And even Elon Musk went on record and said we would be producing the Tesla semi if it wasn't for the fact we don't have enough batteries."
"Despite trying something new and surprising customers with electric vehicles that many thought were impossible to create with such high specifications, Tesla was ridiculed and made fun of all along the way."
"It's now the second-largest automotive company in the world by market cap, worth $130 billion dollars, just behind Toyota."
"In the end, it's gonna take a lot for GM to compete with Tesla on battery price and range."
"Tesla is preparing for 2030 better than anyone else... and that is battery supply."
"In 2030, Tesla will sell approximately 17 million vehicles. That would represent 24.3 percent of entire global auto sales."
"Tesla, whose mission is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy. Definitely a coincidence, right?"
"Tesla is eating their lunch. Tesla this year will deliver around 1 million electric vehicles."
"Tesla literally makes the four safest vehicles ever tested by NHTSA."
"Tesla makes up more than two-thirds of the battery-powered cars sold here in the U.S."
"Tesla is one of the world's front runners when it comes to electric vehicles."
"Tesla AI might play a role in artificial general intelligence."
"Software updates are one of the biggest ways that Tesla is constantly improving the user experience."
"Tesla saw a future of minimalist design concepts and was a very early adopter of implementing large touchscreens in lieu of physical controls."
"Tesla with the biggest early investments in EV manufacturing has become the priority relationship for many key suppliers."
"With the success of Tesla, many have their sights set on doing the same in the boating industry."
"Even if you charge a Tesla for about a half-hour, you can get an extra 150-mile range."
"Tesla is definitely the leader in electric vehicles."
"Tesla's domination worldwide is growing too."
"Tesla for me is the new Apple, and I think probably even more potential for Tesla than Apple had."
"Tesla's really just focused on making the best product they can, and they believe that's the path to success."
"Tesla's batteries only lose about 12 percent of their battery capacity after a full 200,000 miles of driving."
"Right now there's a way to get a brand new Tesla Model 3 for under 14,000 in California."
"Tesla's ambition to release a $25,000 car is not an economy brand move; it's an aspirational luxury brand that doesn't compromise on quality."
"Tesla's website says, 'To accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy, we're making it as easy as possible for drivers to own and charge an electric vehicle.'"
"Tesla literally said to me in an email, 'We don't know where that came from; we don't know why people are calling it that.'"
"Tesla says there is a new next-generation premium sound system available in the latest model 3, with 17 speakers."
"Tesla autopilot is fantastic, especially on the freeways, especially in bumper-to-bumper traffic."
"We are getting many requests. We're seeing continued strong demand from Tesla for 2170 batteries but also for faster development of the 4680."
"There is some probability that Tesla will make a car smaller than a Model 3 in the future."
"What Tesla can do is they can say, 'I want office chairs falling off the back of trucks,' they can send that out to the fleet, and every car that sees an office chair fall off a truck, it grabs that footage and sends it back to Tesla."
"If you want to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, vibration, and frequency." - Nikola Tesla
"Tesla does a really, really great job of communicating with shareholders. It's awesome that we even have the opportunity as retail investors to have a platform to ask questions."
"Tesla's kind of entering that crazy valuation where people are realizing it's a generational company."
"I would welcome a short-term buying opportunity for Tesla, which I would take. Tesla's my largest position, and I don't mind if it goes down."
"Tesla makes awesome vehicles, but they still come at a premium, no matter how you swing it."
"In the near future, Tesla will be making an affordable 25,000 EV. It will be a game changer for the industry."
"Tesla is much more than an electric car company; we have deep AI activity in hardware, on the inference level, on the training level."
"The more people that start showing off the capabilities and features of this software, the more people may become interested in buying a Tesla."
"This really is an awesome innovation from Tesla, giving drivers tangible feedback on what they can do to be safer drivers."
"Tesla is a once in a generation investment opportunity."
"Tesla is well on its way to becoming a 10 plus trillion dollar company."
"Elon Musk has been center of almost every Tesla story, which means it's a personality-driven company with all the good stuff and bad stuff that comes with it."
"I choose Tesla personally over Bitcoin because Tesla, how hard is it to copy and knock out Tesla? It's like impossible."
"Tesla sells more electric cars than any other company in most markets, but the competition is heating up."
"Elon Musk's wealth is overwhelmingly in the form of Tesla shares, and Musk says Tesla is essentially worthless if they can't get full self-driving to work."
"A judge found reasonable evidence that Elon Musk and other executives at Tesla knew that the company's full self-driving technology was defective but allowed the cars to be driven in an unsafe manner anyway."
"Tesla was banned from using the term autopilot in Germany...for false advertising."
"This is the first all-electric sports car, the Roadster, made by Tesla Motors."
"Tensions over the future of franchise systems have been building for years, in part prompted by the rise of Tesla and its direct-to-consumer sales model."
"Stay tuned as we explore how Tesla's groundbreaking approach to casting, backup tooling, and production numbers is setting them apart."
"Tesla's Material Science team... has played a pivotal role in developing a specialized aluminum alloy with the ideal properties."
"It's this commitment to excellence that sets Tesla apart in the race to produce hundreds of thousands of vehicles annually."
"Tesla could potentially be churning out well over a quarter of a million of these vehicles each year once they hit full-scale production."
"Tesla is not just a car company; they are in fact a software company who happens to make hardware known as cars."
"Tesla is the only company that I really believe in as an actual long-term solid investment."
"Financial progress that Tesla's making is excellent."
"The reason that I'm bet on it is because I think Tesla's business just even excluding those things is so strong."
"We are seeing that having real-time feedback for driving habits is resulting in Tesla owners driving the cars in a safer way."
"Tesla's AC system used thinner wires, had higher voltage capabilities, as well as being able to transmit electricity over very long distances."
"Tesla's year-to-date returns are 650 percent, mind blown."
"IMAGINE, just IMAGINE if say 100,000 Tesla owners buy a single $2,000 upgrade."
"That's why everyone's like, 'You don't care.' I don't care."
"Tesla we want to split this Thursday so if everybody is a shield in Tesla or it's not like three to one split and approved and it should be happening Thursday."
"Tesla’s mission statement is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy."
"If Tesla localised the supply chain, that could reduce the global warming potential of synthetic graphite."
"Tesla's also potentially the next Tesla, now still excited about NIO though."
"The Tesla battery is so good it's not even funny. It's crazy how cheap it is for what you get, how much power you get."
"If Bitcoin gets over the energy hurdles, Tesla would most likely resume accepting Bitcoin."
"Tesla's not a car company they're like an energy technology computer company."
"Tesla may have uncovered the ancient Mysteries surrounding the pyramids."
"Our friend Mundak got hit by a driver who then drove away. Luckily, Tesla cam caught the accident and the license plate."
"You don't get in the car, I just know you like Teslas."
"It was just announced today that the Tesla Model Y is the best-selling car in the entire world."
"Tesla will always have the best driving assistant technology in the industry."
"Tesla will be in a position to sell you an insurance premium that will be maybe half what another company would charge you."
"Every single retail investor was right on Tesla, I was right, Elon Musk was right."
"I think Tesla's able to compete with all the luxury cars in Israel, a really smart market entrance."
"Teslas are super safe, keeping you from getting into an accident in the first place."
"All of a sudden Tesla wasn't so useful to the Chinese government anymore."
"Tesla's invention operated on radiant energy, not stopped by night. A technology way ahead of its time."
"Tesla's future cash flow looking solid AF, however, the world at this point in time anything but stable."
"Tesla will resume accepting bitcoin but most likely."
"Tesla is one of the more straightforward and significant beneficiaries of the advance in neural network Tech."
"Full self-driving is going to be just around the corner" — anticipation for Tesla's advancements in autonomous driving.
"Tesla, we're holding that thing to the moon."
"Electric cars are becoming the future due to customer demand, so Tesla's inspiration comes in different ways."
"It's great to see the good parts of Tesla being copied, and it should lead to lots of great competition in the future."
"Tesla is in part an AI company... increasingly an AI company but is still primarily a sustainable energy company." - Elon Musk
"Tesla's Master Plan 3 lays out a comprehensive roadmap for sustainable energy."
"Perfect my car's drunk so JD Power is out with their 2021 US EV experience ownership study and on a thousand point scale it shows surprise surprise Tesla has the highest ownership experience."
"I think that Tesla should just fix the problem."
"I think Tesla will be the most valuable company in the world."
"If Tesla wants to send over a Tesla Model 3 or a test out fine I'll take a Tesla s just for science for a video review."
"Believe it or not, ninety percent of the time, that Tesla will drive you better than you could ever possibly hope to drive it."
"So many different categories of vehicle manufacturing that Tesla has completely rethought from the ground up."
"Tesla casually mentioned that supercharger version 4 has come online in Europe."
"With the solar glass roof ramping towards 1,000 units per week that alone could make Tesla billions of dollars."
"Tesla's energy storage business will grow faster than their electric vehicle business long term as well."
"80 percent of Tesla owners are nomads that are new to the brand."
"Tesla had yet another record-breaking quarter for energy storage deployment."
"Tesla is one of the only companies truly profiting on their EVs."
"The goal is that these cars are available to anybody."
"The Tesla 4680 structural pack comes in first."
"If you twisted my arm, I’d say I prefer Tesla’s approach because the 4680 structural pack is a good all-rounder for both Nickel and Iron based chemistries."
"This could be a billion dollar product category for Tesla in the near future."
"Tesla with autopilot engaged is now approaching 10 times lower chance of accident than average vehicle."
"It's hard to stop padding Tesla on the back."
"The mission of Tesla is to accelerate sustainable energy."
"The latest Tesla Model S P100D with the ludicrous upgrade is the fastest accelerating production car in the world."
"Tesla Model X is currently the safest car in the world."
"In October last year Tesla announced that all Tesla vehicles will be produced carrying self-driving hardware and technology."
"Tesla cars can have their systems updated over-the-air in smartphone manner."
"Cost cutting was a big part of that decision making at Tesla."
"It's actually a very interesting development that this car was designed by Tesla's current lead designer."
"Tesla has plans for an even cheaper $25,000 model to come in the next few years."
"It may not be as sexy as a Roadster or as visible as a Model 3, but Tesla's semi is a critical piece of the puzzle."
"Thank you so much for watching this in depth and our crazy conjectures about what Maxwell technology might bring to Tesla if you like the show please remember to hit the like button and don't forget to subscribe to it."
"Tesla's dream of producing basically free or very cheap electricity."
"Tesla's trademark filing: 'Tesla officially filed a trademark last week for motors for airplanes, boat motors, and more.'"
"Bloomberg on Tesla's pricing strategy: 'Tesla has been starting their offerings at the average vehicle selling price in the US.'"
"Tesla's love of numbers: 'If you could understand the magnificence of the numbers 3, 6, and 9, you would have a key to the universe.'"
"We created Tesla to make a difference in the world."
"And if they provide the service they deserve, Tesla's unstoppable."
"Tesla could die tomorrow. They could run out of money, they could close up and disappoint all of their investors tomorrow, and they would still have been a force for good on the planet because of all these legacy companies that they pushed."
"Tesla believes they can get better performance, better cost, and scalability."
"Tesla wants to steadily increase the strength of this."
"Tesla is dominating on everything that matters... not most things, not some things, everything that matters."
"People driving Tesla vehicles on average are less likely to be in accidents than others in the United States."
"Tesla doesn't give a flying [__]... instead, they're trying to make their vehicles as safe as possible."
"Tesla sold four gigabyte hours worth of energy storage products... more than 15 percent of the 25 gigawatt-hour global market."
"Tesla's quarterly earnings showed some pretty interesting snippets of information other than the financials."
"Tesla's various facilities around the world are ramping up productions at quite astonishing rates."
"Tesla has developed a new seat belt pre-tensioner system that relies on Tesla Vision to identify and react to impending collisions."
"Tesla is pushing the bounds of what is possible with self-driving, and they've got to be applauded for that."
"None of these packages come even close to making Tesla's vehicles autonomous."
"I think we're going to see Tesla's Texas factory ramp fast."
"Cyber truck will serve rural populations. Get your cyber truck order in if you live out in the sticks somewhere."
"It's starting to become real, this is coming in now, this is going to be used for the Cybertruck, and it just hits a little bit differently when it's coming out of the box and being set up here by Tesla in Texas."
"2020 is its first full profitable year ever as a company so this is truly an inflection point where Tesla now is consistent and sustainably profitable like they've been promising."
"No car in the history of the planet that is a legal production street car has ever gone zero to 60 in under two seconds."
"It's like okay Tesla's selling car business maybe you can't justify this but if you factor in the software layer of autonomy then this could be a multi-trillion dollar opportunity."
"2020 was the turning point for profitability for Tesla this is just the beginning 21 21 2021 will be even more exciting."
"Elon goes out of his way to do additionally says we're really focused on capacity expansion Model Y at Fremont almost at full speed."
"Everything we're solving each challenge to date the 4680 design is working we're meeting targets we're on track for a full production ramp this year we're still going for 100 gigawatt hour and 2022."
"Tesla is playing a game of 4D chess, outmaneuvering and out innovating entrenched automakers at such a pace that the likes of Ford and GM are going to wake up in a few years and ask one question: 'What the **** just happened?'"
"He drew more backlash after he claimed to buy a $90,000 Tesla in a tweet."
"Tesla has actually developed a very good reputation for keeping the software of their cars up to date and adding new features over time."
"Tesla's done a great job of building that brand for themselves."
"The biggest fundamental moment for Bitcoin in Bitcoin's history to me is Tesla putting it on the balance sheet and backing it."
"Tesla has their own R&D group working on material science things that we would never do in a normal OEM."
"Tesla just announced massive expansion for their Giga Nevada Factory."