
Existential Dread Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Lovecraftian horror isn't about defeating a villain; it's about hoping the villain pretends you don't exist and leaves you alone."
"Our eyes are yet to open. Fear the old blood."
"It's all a guise. We're supposed to think that it's all just a transaction, but our real job is keeping an incredible terror fed."
"I think that on an atheistic picture of the universe, of consciousness essentially arising by accident, we don't sort of know what we're doing here... existential dread... probably preceded all religious thought and may have been one of the reasons why it developed."
"By demonstrating what a rare gift Consciousness is, how unlikely something like Consciousness is in our universe, Outer Wilds assuaged my existential dread."
"I fear the darkness and the dying of the light."
"I think existential horror and cosmic horror is what really gets under my skin."
"There’s something deeply disturbing about the idea that we might be the only ones living in it."
"It leaves you with this sinking feeling that we simply can't do anything about the evil that's tinted our world."
"I don't want to [ __ ] die when I'm thirty because the world's too hot."
"The proposition that these characters can be here for ungodly amounts of time or they can suffer in indescribable ways, I find that just very anxiety-inducing."
"The desire to not go screaming into the void may give purpose to their actions, however, those actions and their perpetuators are without a doubt evil."
"Wherever you are, it's somewhere walking straight for you. All you can do is pass it along to someone else."
"Horrible life without Christ is a global nightmare."
"It's frustrating to exist constantly at the mercy of the political opinion of the people around you who don't even care for your existence or better yet even know that you exist at all."
"It's just the fact that it's completely out of your control that gives me this deep existential fear, keeps me up at night kind of thing."
"The horror of the void is this unmoored wandering in hopes of finding something to cling to."
"Woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed; it would have been good for that man if he had not been born." - Mark 14:21
"Lovecraft's horror is not one of intrusion but of realization the world has always been implacably Bleak the horror lies in our acknowledging that fact."
"Last night the crying of the children kept me awake and I had a terrible vision. I saw the fall of our city, religious bones under a harsh sun."
"Life is finite and we're stuck, and I think it scared me personally."
"Messiah returns, which means it's gonna get so bad that people will beg to die but they won't see death."
"Can you imagine being buried alive, screaming in your coffin as you hear the dirt being piled on top of you?"
"I have looked upon all that the universe has to hold of horror."
"The Sun is actually cold. It's cold and empty and all is lost." - Joseph Fink
"Life seems to be passing Nancy by these days, it's the same thing day in and day out with nothing to really show for it."
"Existential dread that people experience is in many ways the result of religions lying to people about the nature of their existence."
"There's almost nothing as cruel as being born with a brain that starts to realize that you're going to die."
"From two different aspects it's incredibly saddening, so I do hope there's other life out there because we're destroying potentially the only planet with life on it."
"It feels just like that right now, like at any given moment one thing could happen and send everything spiraling out."
"You just have to sit there and stare into the abyss knowing that your doom lies before you and there is no way for you to interact."
"Your lives have no value, your deaths no meaning, your justice meaningless."
"Do you know what hell really is, Thomas? It's being removed from God's sight."
"Life is a curse of fear and anxiety that is given to lifeless things."
"death creeps closer and closer with each passing moment rigged to win in an unforgiving game we never asked to play"
"It’s the fear that everything we take for granted - work, family, homelife, the structures of society and government, is fragile and almost meaningless."
"What do we have left in this world at the end of the day like it is genuinely horrifying."
"It was as if something had actually entered into my very soul as if some seed of horror had been planted there."
"You are erased from existence. To the others, it looks like you were disintegrated instantaneously. However, to you, it feels like you are burning alive for thousands of years."
"I'm terrified of being alive, Barbara. I'm terrified of being alive."
"That's what's terrifying to me, I think."
"I felt like I was looking at the screen and I was like oh I'm in a video game but then I I stopped looking at the screen I realized I'm not in a video game and this is terrifying."
"Me, glowing rectangle and increasingly deep-rooted existential dread."
"Existential dread and shock over a worldview-altering revelation can be catalysts for horror."
"Hell is living your entire life trying not to do something you really want to do."
"All of the existential dread from this entire album is reaching its apogee and finalizing here."
"Every day lasts a year. I never enjoy anything, and every morning when I wake up, I dread having to face the world again."
"Sometimes I would just sit around and think about the idea of no longer existing, just ceasing to be, and I have to tell you something, that just terrified me."
"I've just got over the existential dread of turning 40."
"Thinking about the sheer size of the universe is equally as fascinating as it is terrifying."
"A monster that feeds upon your soul or who you are would be honestly quite terrifying. Where you don't actually die, but you do die. Your body's left behind as a shivering mass of meat and blood."
"The fear of being left alone at the end of it all, the fear of death, fear of the unknown."
"One psychological theory does offer us some promising paths to lessen this load of existential dread."
"I'm not afraid of dying. I'm afraid of something worse."
"It's indiscriminate, and that's true existential terror when the thing is indiscriminate."
"I've always had some sort of dread about existence and death even from when I was little."
"I love the concept of like hell or purgatory is just an endless Suburbia that you can't escape."
"Do you know the terror of he who falls asleep? To the very toes, he is terrified because the ground gives way under him, and the dream begins."
"I ain't wanna die like this, I ain't picture my life like this."
"Fear of a blank planet... fear of extinction, fear of nothing being here at all."
"Does the thought of seeing one of these and needing to interpret it fill you with existential dread and a desire to run away into the wilderness? Well, you're not alone."
"The unknown is the most frightening thing of all."