
Hero Quotes

There are 620 quotes

"Saitama is the strongest hero; he can defeat any opponent in a single punch."
"Central to the entire experience is Link, a silent, pure, cool, skilled warrior, always leading the charge with grace and strength."
"Sasuke would be hailed as a hero, though he would be upset with what he had learned."
"The true test of a hero is not in the power they hold, but in the courage they display."
"A hero is someone who reaches out to those in need, even when they have nothing to give in return."
"In the heart of every hero, there's a spark of unstoppable determination."
"Every hero has their own story, but they all share one thing: the willingness to make a difference."
"All Might retired and ended his era as the world's greatest hero."
"In their eyes they might not even be a villain and instead see themselves as the hero."
"Enkidu the brave, as powerful and fierce as the war god Ninurta."
"The only hope for all of Tamriel lay in the hands of this humble prisoner."
"Goku is still almost four decades later one of the best-written OP heroes out there."
"Category is unlike any villain Luffy has ever fought before, essentially a shadow version of our hero."
"The Hero of Winds is insane powerful in terms of skills."
"This Link is absolutely the most well seasoned Link of any."
"Thor is a working-class hero, with a working-class weapon."
"You just killed the man, the legend, Kool Dee Walker."
"There's something about Superman that we admire... it's his moral values."
"Yone jungle is a great example of someone who can make crucial game-saving plays."
"With great heroes come great villains. Every great villain like Stan's created could be a hero in their own story."
"He's everyone's favorite Super Saiyan hope of the universe, Goku."
"More than battles won or lost, it's relationships that truly define a hero."
"Surfer Dan looks like a surfing hero, covered in ice."
"I do believe that Captain Combustible is the best plant hero overall."
"It's not a night in shining armor; it's a dark knight."
"When a hero gains true strength, his offensive power can destroy enemy troops in one hit."
"The king asked if the illustrious hero Kashiwagi wanted to stay to live in his lands."
"He was my ultimate hero when I was really, really young."
"Growing up, Thunderbolt was one of my heroes. He was an inspiration to me; he helped to make me the pooch I am today."
"Hero to his family and a hero to the world."
"We loved Larry so much that it was like, screw Superman, there's the Larry."
"A silent guardian, a watchful protector, The Dark Knight."
"It's a perfect balance between the humanity and the supernatural god-like essence of that hero."
"Enhancements are abilities that your hero either gets or are born with that is just innate to them."
"You're not the hero Gotham deserves, but the hero it needs."
"Gilgamesh is the oldest recorded hero in history."
"Kashan's suffrage is what makes him endearing as a hero and as a neo-human."
"He's a genuine hero, and not many of us can say that."
"Don't meet your heroes because you might be disappointed, but alhamdulillah, it's actually been really good to meet you."
"My uncle remains my hero for this."
"He's so strong, oh, that man's a hero."
"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."
"It's really the hero that makes the story so important."
"Voltron: Defender of the Universe."
"Who is your hero? Audrey Hepburn."
"Her evolution from a disciple of The Dark Knight to a formidable hero in her own right symbolizes the enduring legacy and resilience of Batman's mission."
"I think Gwen is probably one of the greatest written female heroes in the history of Heroes."
"A watchful protector, a dark knight."
"Make sure to check out this brand new anime about the strongest hero who pretends to be normal to live a quiet life."
"Whoever that man was on that day is not my father. He is still my hero."
"I don't personally want to be the superhero, but if I can create one and create a story about one, it would be beautiful."
"The fighter is just your archetypical fantasy hero."
"Superman's obviously considered a hero in this for what he's doing."
"The prince will return to the Palace as a war hero, and a banquet will be held to honor him."
"I dreamed of becoming a hero who fought crime to protect people."
"You're the hero they deserve but not the one that we need right now or want."
"Indiana Jones as a character has stood the test of time as one of the most iconic action heroes of all time."
"I love the Hulk. I love his whole backstory. He's not a villain, he said team up with a hero. Oh, did you say hero orille? Well pardon me."
"Giving help that's not asked for is what makes a true hero."
"The hero and the villain are fighting for the same goal."
"Either you die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
"He's the vigilante, you know, not the hero that they want, but the hero they need."
"He's its hero, he's the greatest weapon."
"This is the final confrontation. Good versus evil. The hero versus the villain."
"Gilgamesh was said to be one of the strongest Heroes ever."
"OP is definitely the workplace hero in this one."
"So I know people say don't meet your heroes, especially with cars, but when your hero is the godfather of every M car that has ever existed, there's absolutely nothing to worry about, 'cause it is incredible and it's still my hero."
"Jonathan you're the hero of the day."
"A villain doing some [ __ ] to justify the good-hearted heroes straight up killing them cliche."
"Superman is supposed to be our hero, our Beacon of light, Our Hope in the entire DC Universe."
"They also worshiped Goku to be the hero who also saved the village."
"Faramir was this new Warrior that Tolkien had seen created in World War One." - Jess
"Tolkien presents us with his high ideal Warrior, a new standard for all of us to look at: wise and steadfast even in the face of great Temptation." - Jess
"...with that said, it's part of why we all love Goku, his carefree and innocent nature is what makes him a hero for us."
"Napoleon received a hero's welcome upon his return to France."
"Oh, so now now I'll accept him as the hero of the film."
"When writing a villain, there's two things you really gotta do: make them the total opposite of the hero, but be sure they have certain things in common."
"With that, Humilia applauds the love between Ellis and Edwin that broke the Demon Lord's curse, declaring them the new hero and Saint."
"When I look in the mirror, I see the hero in front of me."
"The true hero among the original impressionists, the ones who started it all, was Monet."
"What if bread was the hero? What if it was the main squeeze? What if it was the international superstar?"
"He gets transported to a world where humans have gone extinct and becomes the most overpowered hero."
"My hero isn't famous, isn't rich, pathetic, and isn't in any history books. He makes me sick. He's my dad."
"He made me a better person because that's what he Heroes do"
"A hero earns it or has it thrust upon them. A villain is the one who craves it and demands it."
"Dream about that car that is insanely special to you either because of a TV show or a poster on your wall or you know some hero of you had it."
"Shocking all those who knew her as the world's strongest hero and pouring ice cold water onto any Burning Heart that were willing to fight for Japan"
"Being a hero means fighting back even when it seems impossible."
"This was the story of a hero of justice."
"That's the true hero in the Biggie Smalls story, Belita Wallace."
"Hercules was the greatest of the mythological Greek heroes."
"Gilgamesh is known as Mankind's first hero but his story isn't limited to just the Fate series."
"Everybody loves a hero, people line up for him."
"Sure, he's a hero to you now, but when we rip that cigarette out of that guy's mouth, he'll probably stick his thumb in it, right Dale?"
"Villains will always be more interesting than the heroes and I will always root for them."
"Thank you, Paul Skoles, you're actually like my hero."
"He's an anti-hero...drop the anti, he's just a hero."
"The legend who defeated the whole Undead Army by himself."
"Every fairy tale has a hero, and this time the hero was the detective."
"You die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
"Establishing the ultimate villain for a superhero accentuates everything the main character stands for."
This hero, known to wasteland legend simply as "The Vault Dweller," would leave his Vault on an epic journey across southern New California in search of a water chip to save his people.
"Make everyone a hero in your mind to reframe social interactions."
"He was an Outlaw's outlaw, a cold-blooded serial killer who, at the same time, was lionized by Southerners and America's Eastern press as a Robin Hood Type hero."
"Superman stops mid-fight to go and save others."
"My dad, to me, was my hero. He tried to be as normal a dad as he possibly could be."
"If you want to be a hero at your barbecue or bonfire, carry around a fire kit."
"He's not a picturesque and flawless hero."
"Cusco is actually a perfect hero in the ways you don't expect a hero to actually be. He really breaks the standard and tradition of what we know before or even after in Disney or in general with animated characters."
"The hero moves forward to the next stage even if it is visualized through a different character."
"Katniss his name she was a hero the Mockingjay"
"Having a well-crafted villain is even more important than having a solid hero."
"Every villain has a deserved opponent."
"Peter has honored an Australian woman with the hero to animals award after she rescued and rehabilitated a huntsman spider that was severely injured and had lost six legs."
"They're coming in like a hero, saving you."
"This is not the story of a hero, but it is the story of a good comeback."
"It's one of the best switches to have one of the most terrifying villains of all be the good guy protecting you."
"Anakin Skywalker was hailed as a hero of the Jedi and the Republic."
"He is the reluctant hero in this."
"The hero discovers and assimilates his opposites, his own unsuccessful self, either by swallowing it or by being swallowed."
"He's the hero that gets back up no matter how hard he's hit."
"Our main hero here is Ace and this dude is cool as hell."
"Common Rider OOO: Our hero, Eiji, is an out of towner with an incredibly tragic past."
"A new hero would make his way onto the airwaves... managed to thrive for the next 50 years."
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is the best Jedi he's the best hero and he's probably the best character in Star Wars."
"And of course, be sure to leave a comment letting me know what Marvel hero or villain you want to hear next, and as always, the issues referenced in this video are listed in the description as well if you would like to read them for yourself."
"No matter how ‘emotionless’ she may seem on the surface, she is still a hero through and through."
"Harp is now considered a hero and they give him permission to go home so he can finally reunite with his fiance."
"Harry Potter, the boy who stopped the dark lord."
"Spider-Man is supposed to be the Everyman."
"The desire line of the hero gives you the spine of the story."
"The difference of a hero and a villain is like... the hero is like, 'The world hurt me, so I'm not going to let it hurt other people.' And then the villain is like, 'The world hurt me, so I'm going to hurt it back.'"
"It's just so inspiring and motivating to see a man who had everything taken away from him who grew up as this lame loser that nobody likes become the greatest hero of all time."
"God is not the villain of this world he's its hero."
"A hero is only as good as their villain."
"Kong is the hero of this movie. Do we battle with big mama skull crawler?"
"El Cid, champion of Christianity, was more than just a hero."
"This isn't your granddad's hero. This is an anti-hero."
"For the first time, Godzilla is now seen as a hero."
"It's so cool because it just helps. If your villain's dope, then your hero's probably going to be dope too, and vice versa."
"You are the hero of your own movie."
"He is the badass crime fighter all of us dream to become even when we were small."
"Until next time, be the hero of your own life. Peace out."
"Let me be the hero this time." - Donnie
"Joel was the hero of the first game."
"I think they did a super good job of setting her up to be a hero eventually."
"That he was a hero all across Canada."
"My idol my mentor my hero welcome to the Kobe show"
"Spider-Man's gone from the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man to now the friendly universe-saving Spider-Man."
"You can't just say the hero wins, you need to explain why in a manner that is either clever or triumphant."
"How you could die a hero or live long enough to become a villain."
"...die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
"Good on you, TJ Lee. A real JK hero."
"In a lot of ways, you simply can’t have a good hero if you don’t also have a good villain."
"You want to pretend to be a hero? Oh, oh! Quirk: Deku!"
"A hero of zenfest territory said to be capable of defeating a dragon."
"They turned the hero into the villain, it's crazy."
"A hero listens to advice and continues to persevere despite personal struggles."
"The biggest hero versus the biggest villain, an uncomplicated story very well told."
"A true hero is defined not by their victories, but by their compassion and selflessness."
"Wonder Woman is a hero who has gone through many phases, some better than others."
"Visiting Edwin Land was like visiting a shrine. He is my hero."
"Our culture was able to take a hero and make him mediocre."
"Proclaimed himself to be different from the previous hero."
"It's the Beast Kin celebration for Anika, their first hero."
"Sometimes it takes something like this to bring hero and villain together to work for the common good."
"A hero, someone I've only seen on TV. Was it real?"
"We need to orient you as a hero of your own movie of Life."
"You're my hero from the start and you made me happy from day one so I'm super psyched to see how things progress, how our relationship flowers even more."
"You're either going to be a hero or a zero."
"I want to be the guy who thinks of everything. The love, the boyfriend, the everything I can be to you. And I want to be the hero that I never got a chance to be. Maybe I could be both to you. Mind if I be your hero, baby?"
"You're not the first one to say that about the masked man. He's the Lone Ranger."
"Spider-Man is one of my all-time favorite heroes, he is my favorite Marvel character."
"He's not the caped crusader, he's the compassionate crusader."
"For me, the hero of the story is obviously the anonymous person who came forward with the truth about what they'd seen in the car."
"'Forgive me.' 'It's fine.' So many of these movies have a scene where the hero is learning to fly but can't quite get off the ground. What a perfect metaphor."
"All we can do is get the best out of both: the hero's tale and the cautionary tale."
"A hero is only as good as the villain they overcome."
"If baseball had one true hero, his name was Jackie Robinson."
"Wow, what a hero! Can we get a round of applause for this hero?"
"Almost every big hero in any piece of media is defined by their villainous counterpart."
"Every hero story we read about or watch on the big screen is based on 'The Hero with a Thousand Faces'."
"You leave the familiar known, you go on a quest, you transform yourself, and you come back and you give your gifts to the world. That's what a hero does."
"Look at 'Star Wars', look at 'Harry Potter', look at 'Iron Man', look at any great hero story and they've been deeply influenced by Joseph Campbell."
"It must happen to the hero and it takes place in an instant. It shocks and surprises the hero and us and the audience and it presents what the storyline is going to be about."
"America desperately needs a hero. We're shocked by Pearl Harbor, we don't know what lies ahead in Europe."
"He was an American icon, a hero to many."
"We wanted to take Arnold from being one of the most famous villains in the world and making him a hero."
"The biggest riskiest thing that we wanted to do was to take Arnold from being one of the most famous villains in the world and making him a hero."
"There just may not be a place for a good old-fashioned hero in today's comics."
"I would love to see more negative character arcs. The hero everyone loves slowly descends into evil or madness doing what she thinks is right."
"You have to have a hero, you have to have a villain, and I feel like both Joker and Batman are elevated by one another."
"I hope Wolverine's character is going to be difficult to nail in live action because he's not the standard stereotypical hero."
"He was the perfect definition of what I would consider to be a hero worthy of his violence right of worthy of his rage."
"Neither a villain nor a hero, you may call me Gentle Criminal."
"Azuku once wanting wanted to be a hero, but soon he'll be the perfect weapon for all for one and the league of villains."
"You either die a hero or live long enough to become Sherlock Holmes."
"You can be the hero of one story and the villain of another."
"Heroes! He is a hero now. He's going out as a hero. Wow."
"Every hero has an origin story. So does every villain."