
Storyline Quotes

There are 578 quotes

"Pets have very little to do with the storyline of Pet Scop, and the storyline is where shit gets really strange and really scary."
"Unlike Red Dead Redemption 1, the story of Red Dead Redemption 2 won't be entirely linear."
"I was captivated by the combat, the stealth, the amount of content, the size of the world, and the superb storyline."
"Origins is integral to the entire storyline. It's cool that people are finally gonna be able to play this map."
"But if you want an engrossing and captivating storyline with tough decisions and even tougher outcomes, then Far Harbor is your best bet."
"Skyrim's main thief storyline was fun exciting and it required stealth skills."
"The decimation is the biggest issue the MCU has ever faced."
"Ryuken decides that Uryu should be the one to fire the arrow."
"I think that he has a redemption story here potentially."
"House of M... saw 98% of the mutant population losing their powers."
"Their reign played second fiddle to a Santino and Tamina romance angle."
"Blizzard's upcoming arpg will bring new storylines associated with additional mechanics and game features."
"The cut scene just gave us so much storyline."
"What is the conclusion to the trash taste dark timeline?"
"I love this storyline i would be a fan if we got some more horror type aspects in a marvel show."
"I'm so excited to see how this thing plays out. I think this might be the best symbiote storyline we've gotten in any media."
"This new Echoes of Oblivion storyline wraps up many of the previous plot lines and has over 48 character cameos."
"In Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow, your progress is halted in Viridian City by a grumpy old man who won't let you pass until he's had his morning coffee."
"This scene that was datamined not only hints at an important shift in the series’ storyline but also points to the future direction of the Assassin’s Creed universe."
"This will be the greatest woman's storyline in the history of this company."
"She's the sentient weapon that SWORD is reacting to."
"Giovanni's purpose in the story won't be to help Team Rocket but actually take them down."
"The main storyline quest... probably one of the most exciting things to be added."
"You could really just go into this game without playing nine at all—it's not advised, but nibble realm most likely made the story the way they did to really garner mass market appeal."
"Experiencing the OG Dragon Ball storyline in DBZ Kakarot."
"Wrath of the Lich King felt like everything built up to that Lich King fight."
"But I really like the ending with X admitting that a century of fighting in battles without Zero...he just grew numb to the whole thing."
"His story begins during the raid on the Pillar of Autumn."
"Hela seemed to meet her end during the destruction of Asgard in Thor: Ragnarok."
"I found the writing, the explosive storyline, to be incredibly engaging."
"The invasion is over and the amulet is restored meaning Raiden has saved this timeline from Armageddon."
"He has a really interesting plot thread that runs throughout Payday 2."
"Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: It's a simple and harmless premise to start with but some of the story beats get like real. You start in a dreamlike state answering questions similar to Dragon Quest 3."
"Very deep storyline here. The dialogue options, they all make sense."
"The moon crashing here is in reference to that storyline and during the fail text, we hear the laugh of the happy mask salesman."
"One of the most compelling storylines of any Transformers show."
"Chrono Trigger has a flat-out amazing storyline, it's a work of art."
"Cody challenging Seth Rollins to a Hell in a Cell match summed up a powerful storyline."
"When Hollywood Hogan lost the WCW World title to Sting at the prior December Starrcade, dissension began to grow amongst the ranks of the heel faction."
"I mean, that's literally like what I'm most looking forward to. The characters are amazing as well, but the storyline, that's like my top number one."
"It was truly remarkable, and it's the storyline that really does it for this game."
"He in Trinity go off searching for the Machine City 0-1 as everyone else returns to Zion to face the onslaught of the Sentinels."
"The secret society thing gives these guys a reason to fight each other on television."
"It was just terrific WWE an amazing job here utilizing backstage sentiment and real life to create this unbelievably compelling wrestling storyline."
"The Crimson Fleet story is really cool and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did."
"Kane's unmasking upgraded his stats... positioned as the main story of raw."
"The rise of Terry Silver taking over Cobra Kai."
"The storyline that is going to carry us through the summer on WWE television is now the biggest thing in the entire company."
"Making multiple random characters and mashing them together into their own unique storyline complete with a randomly generated setting."
"It was without a doubt one of the greatest storylines in MMA history to see a journeyman break through that career narrative and finally get his flowers."
"The sickness at the prison...is an underrated storyline."
"Imagine if they had the time to start to develop Tony and Peter's relationship but eventually Peter switches sides like he does in the comic to join Captain America."
"If this isn't a railroaded plot armored BS story, then I don't know what is."
"Golden Wind takes place entirely in Italy and it’s not just a setting, it is basically the crux of the entire story."
"And then the babyface had the reason to go back on his word, his agreement, and use the banned hold to retain his title because MJF had tried to cheat first."
"The battle between Donkey Kong and Mario is perfectly integrated into the plot in a natural way."
"Sting's decision to walk out on the company... kicked off one of the best storylines in the company's history."
"I'm already super interested in this Arc and what's going to happen."
"Ahsoka's fugitive arc was very intriguing and emotionally gripping."
"Injuries are going to be a big part of this story."
"The whole story with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo is cool."
"Twilight's Kingdom was the real conclusion to season four's story."
"Undertaker going after CM Punk who did absolutely nothing to him in the past to cause him to be out of action for a few months was one of the most random things I've ever seen."
"The Stars, that's another one of the storylines, he's in cyborg mode now."
"The storyline between Andy Barclay and Chucky is the heart of this series."
"Learning about the vaisards is pivotal for us to understand how Ichigo controls his holo powers so at this point in the story it would be fair to assume that Ichigo is also a vizard."
"Kong has an actual character arc. After his trip to Hollow Earth, Kong learns what his purpose is: he's the protector of the people."
"I feel weird saying incredible the storyline of this movie was great right the main character how it was Mrs Incredible absolutely loved that."
"Trisha and Ken's storyline is very, very, very, very entertaining and interesting and is real."
"...her character Arc is so unbelievably well written and especially on my second watch of the show it's so striking to see how much she grows throughout the duration of the story."
"It's one of those interesting scenarios because what this does is it actually leads us into the concept of Parallax."
"...there's also a story because that's just what Call of Duty Mobile needed, a spin-off story."
"Sirius dying is a huge blow for Harry."
"Beerus is awakened and he's more content than ever seeing all these Rivals as he and whis head back to their planet."
"The future timeline is one of the most emotional and somber stories in the entirety of Dragon Ball."
"But what if it didn't need to be this way? What if I told you that Goku's death shouldn't stop him from helping our heroes in the future timeline?"
"Some of them grow and develop within the actual show, some of them are simply hinted at here and there, and some of them aren't actually mentioned at all."
"Madison had then joined Padre who agreed to help her find Nick and Alicia."
"...having Teach pull up on Kaido's old territory to basically take the ancient weapon that Kaido's been more or less safeguarding for the last 20 plus years since nobody else would come near Wano would be a pretty crazy storyline I think."
"In the whole trilogy, he defeats Darth Maul, uncovers the Clone Army, kills General Grievous."
"This new storyline coincided with a redesign done by Andersen based off the real-life Shipley Lydecker house."
"I've never cried for a win before. Oh my god, it feels like a just like a setup storyline from round one to now."
"It's a weird storyline where Vince McMahon referred to them as a poison that he wanted to inject into his own company to kill it. Yeah, okay."
"This is probably the greatest storyline in MMA history."
"...hello corny and Brian I wanted to bring some clarity to the Bray Wyatt storyline."
"Seth turning on Cody is stupid... you ruin Seth's character and not in a good way. No, there's no point in doing that."
"He tells her not to get angry as he has already collected the Divinity inside The Relic."
"He cuts off the head of the thing and offers the holy relic to mother, and so she lifts the seal."
"With the defeat of the Demon Lord, the game's conditions were fulfilled for Alicia to automatically recognize Yilia as an enemy."
"Is this story really about Roman reaching his Peak or is this about Jay Uso Rising right back up again conquering all after the pain he's been put through?"
"Sammy Zayn is the first person to really find the cracks in the armor."
"I think Sammy should be involved in the destruction of the bloodline."
"Dean Ambrose should have been the guy to win at that moment. That would have been a great storyline."
"Prison School is famous for this one scene where, uh, where the, where, uh, the five high school students are in prison."
"The storyline is a bit all over the place, but it can be said they get their happy ending."
"These flexes Drive the storyline ensuring viewers remain on the edge of their seats."
"As soon as the baby faces had won, guess who hit the ring? Powerhouse Hobbs and beat the [ __ ] out of Jericho and Harpo."
"Roman is Champion so long because that storyline has been so freaking good, head and shoulders above anything else."
"Vault mystery, which is easily my favorite storyline."
"...the WWE painted themselves into a corner when they finally had Bayley turn on Sasha Banks."
"Jericho back in this country, the new baby face that he is, is apologizing to Guevara."
"Eddie Kingston, who apparently has just won this thing in Japan."
"I think this was a great climax to the storyline."
"Let's put a storyline to it. Where does the food start and where does it end? Why? Your food is your medicine."
"Jericho versus mjf was the longest storyline of my career and one of the best."
"The angle between the inner circle and the Pinnacle was full of twists and turns, comedy, tragedy, friendship, betrayal, blood, bubbly, and genuine animosity."
"This was one of the better storylines WWF produced in the late '80s."
"I enjoyed Cyborg. I liked his storyline between the father and the mother."
"Characters mention a recent bank heist."
"Personally, I really enjoyed the past storyline."
"We know how Billy dies and we know the results of their love triangle, but the strength of the characters and the fun of watching them create Monarch overcame that foreknowledge."
"This star studded Showdown ended when Steve Austin turned his back on the company and joined up with the baddies setting in motion the rest of the year's worth of plots."
"I absolutely love the storyline and like, like you said, kind of just what it stood for. All the symbolism in it was really, really good."
"What I really loved about this movie was the hecken story this story was so good and the twist was incredible it just went in a direction for me that was completely unexpected"
"Alfred becomes the new host for the Specter, and it is dope."
"Great movie...top tier Disney quality animations for just a great storyline."
"This is possibly the second most important Daredevil storyline that's existed after The Man Without Fear."
"The most mature and compelling storyline I've seen in an animated movie."
"That movie has a super cool storyline, very interesting, very unique."
"...Chloe is still being used for storylines this late into the show."
"The storyline to me was very strong too. It wasn't just thrown together."
"They did that with Convergence, and one of the most popular ones in that timeline was the Superman and Lois with their child storyline."
"It's like I'm watching a movie with an actual tight plot where each scene actually furthers the story along."
"Yes, we have finally arrived at the greatest Marvel storyline of all time: Civil War."
"Sasha's end... Sasha didn't get a grand last act on the battlefield, she wasn't even in combat at all."
"I love this one... everything has a purpose from the very beginning to the very end all the little story lines coming together fitting together so almost perfectly I love it."
"I loved that twist in there because you thought that somehow they're gonna save her, keep her around, boom, gone."
"Elbaf is sure to deliver one of the craziest arcs in all of One Piece."
"Vampiro faced off in my favorite storyline throughout the whole series against Pentagon and showed that even with his advanced age and ring rust, he was still a master of the macabre storytelling within the ring."
"There has not been a storyline this damn good for this long in WWE in quite some time."
"I asked about the turn and I was told that the Asuka and Shayna turn was not something in the plans, but it was necessary because they want a babyface champion right now."
"How is that gonna build any momentum for Drew McIntyre you're actually stifling his momentum you're actually doing bad to Drew McIntyre and his reign if you haven't win the title lose it win the title lose it."
"It's what a Hulk story should be: an awesome fight."
"If it doesn't matter to the talent in a storyline point of view, it's not gonna matter to the audience."
"This was brilliant because WWE took real-life...and then turned around and did the complete opposite of what they usually do."
"And thus issue 62 begins the Matrix quest storyline."
"Triple H and CM Punk, that would make one hell of a [ __ ] TV storyline, I'll tell you that."
"Bayley retains the title and rightfully so because that is where the story is going with Sasha."
"All titles will be involved when Bayley and Sasha obviously and inevitably have their split and their friendship is over."
"The boy band part and then they were singing at the wedding so gruen and agent lucy wilde are married now and now they're they're like the adopted parents to the little girl so that's really really nice."
"If you're a student of the history of wrestling, the bloodline storyline is the best storyline that's ever been done in the history of wrestling."
"I can't think of another storyline in the history of the televised history of the business since I've been watching in the 60s that's come close to this."
"Plus there’s a intense story-driven campaign, dungeon runs, and even high stakes player v player battles. It's all there!"
"This storyline was great. It included more of a fairy tale. Nice."
"Army of Ghosts is paced really well with the great mysteries of the ghosts and the void ship."
"A person being able to change is also a main theme in Ada's storyline."
"They freaking nailed this storyline with the TVA and all of it."
"Days later, Noah and Bernadette are married on the B-29."
"I think I like the storylines. I like it's almost like feels like I'm watching a movie in real life kind of."
"Everything about the Arancar Arc is a huge improvement from what I've seen previously."
"The sight of Bobby Lashley locking in the Hurt Lock with MVP watching proudly in the background continues to add to the hype of their eventual one-on-one encounter."
"Is Doflamingo going to die but part of me since you know like other valence like crocodile he went to impelled down I don't know I feel like they're probably gonna send Doflamingo away and we just won't see him again"
"I hope we get more into Grace. I feel like Grace could be a really good storyline."
"Cinderella's act of kindness is rewarded instead of the Godmother magically appearing."
"I want there to be twists and turns, I want there to be a storyline full of surprises."
"...this is like the one storyline that I was kind of like skipping through a bit like she's fun but I'm not like overly invested in her or either of those relationships."
"Peter Parker becomes an I like the fact that even when Peter is an you still play as him. It can be immersion-breaking. I felt like I was supposed to do some of the side missions before I went on with the story."
"Zoro's power level grows astronomically and he becomes really close to the Ghost Princess perona so it wasn't all bad."
"Everybody watches this show for the storyline, the cinematography, absolutely nothing else."
"The Flash storyline progressed properly."
"It's more comedy than it is drama, but it's such a good storyline."
"Kuma's backstory, as long as Kuma dies, is probably the best story to me period in one piece character storyline."
"The season follows a similar structure: Korra holds a strong belief about the world, Korra runs into a villain that challenges her beliefs, and as the season progresses, Korra figures out how to defeat the villains."
"At this point this is when stuff gets so cool because you have Jim Gordon you switch over to his character he's making his way through Wayne Manor he ultimately catches up to the Joker"
"The new storyline written by Nick Spencer picks up as a new beginning for Spider-Man and it turns into the Kindred storyline, introducing a brand new villain who we eventually find out is pretty interesting."
"The Red Ribbon Arc takes place after the events of the 21st ten kaii Budokai."
"That was an awesome storyline. It was effed up, but I really enjoyed the plot."
"It actually allows us to follow up on two of the biggest plot threads from season 1—the virus and the Company."
"Stephanie Brown is returning home."
"The Multiverse storyline was so smart, especially with how they Incorporated Canon into the Multiverse, unlike 'No Way Home' which did the most predictable and basic stuff with the Multiverse."
"Possibility number one: the straw hats run across the yonk O territory, they get completely annihilated and series is over."
"Themes of loneliness, deception, and the pursuit of truth."
"It worked, and it's one of the greater storylines WWE has done in quite some time."
"Cody Rhodes suffered a true American nightmare tonight."
"The fights here all feel thrown together and uninteresting... what I think is most frustrating is how entirely unnecessary this entire storyline feels."
"Honestly, I thought it was a great storyline."
"Arya definitely would be down to kill Cersei."
"Kenny Omega's run as Bullet Club leader featured many of the most important storyline moments in the faction's history."
"I think Gara has one of the most compelling character arcs in the series."
"... WWE's bad booking made for a legitimate fan-driven storyline that made for an even more cathartic moment."
"By the end of the movie, he's like the hero."
"No one wanted to see it happen, the time when Steve Austin and Vince McMahon joined forces in the name of evil."
"Zechariah is a fun little threat that comes popping back up from time and time and he has an amazing death."
"The plot of season 3 takes place after the tumultuous ending of season 2."
"He's unkillable but also cannot affect the storyline in any meaningful way."
"The story of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is devastating."
"These characters are just where we predicted they would be."
"There should be an anime about people that are invisible but not by choice, like invisible ghosts, trying to figure out how to return to the land of the living."
"This movie was predictable in a very good way."
"I think I enjoyed the warf subplot the most."
"The story was better than the original. It was just a simple storyline, too."
"The growth of the characters was clear."
"It's about this main character Robin... she's kind of like a thief but she ends up kind of sparking a revolution she didn't mean to... kind of cool."
"Did the fastest character in the MCU really have to have the quickest conclusion to a storyline?"
"Did you like how it updated Jones's story, the lore of the Negative Zone?"
"Many fans believe emu will be Luffy's final antagonist of the entire one piece story, but with the way things are heading, it's looking as if the world government is next on Luffy's list of enemies."
"Season 1 ended on a defeat and season 2 ended on a victory with Oliver rising above what he had been to truly save his city."
"The Crossing remains one of the most controversial and unpopular Avengers storylines of all time."
"I'm curious if they're ever going to do the House of M storyline."
"...this to me is going to go down in history is to me one of my most cherished WWE storylines in matches of all time, I love Kofi Mania."