
Workplace Quotes

There are 2021 quotes

"Love truly has been in the air in the office."
"You've been blessed with so much uniqueness, and you go to work every day and people want you to contribute."
"The performance is just constantly walking around knowing you're never able to just be you."
"When team members understand the power of creating value, it transforms not just workplaces but communities and lives."
"When women in the workforce have children, research shows they experience a pay cut."
"If democracy is a value that means something to you, it should have been instituted long ago where you work, because that's where you spend most of your time."
"It's kind of nice to have co-workers, like, you know, I operate really well in an environment with people who are doing the same thing."
"It is the opposite of democracy if you don't have democracy at the workplace, you can't ever have it real in politics either."
"By democratizing the workplace, you reinforce the democracy of the residential place."
"If you're not going to get the benefits of good connections with other people at work, you are missing a huge part of your life experience."
"If you're not being looked after and you're not enjoying yourself, and you don't see this as a path to riches, you're allowed to just say, 'I need to find a workplace where I'm respected.'"
"The way to change society to make it better is to have the people who work in an enterprise, all of them, one-person one-vote, have democratic control of the workplace."
"Real democracy involves every worker having autonomy and a voice in their workplace."
"Wouldn't it be better to have more mechanisms of control in the form of democracy and ensure a world in which everyone has more autonomy in a place where they spend 80% of their lives?"
"Imagine if socialism meant not the government but the transformation of your workplace."
"We need to radically rethink the importance of sleep in education, business, the workplace, and in medicine."
"In this day and age, people don't want robots working next to them; they want real humans who have outside interests."
"The company stresses that the beliefs of its owners are not forced upon employees in any way."
"A democratized workplace is called a worker cooperative."
"A society organized around democratic workplaces would be less efficient...but perhaps we might come to conclude that there are higher values that are more important than economic loss."
"The pervasive frat boy workplace culture continues to thrive."
"The power dynamic has changed entirely... What used to be a bit of a backwater personnel... it's now become this extraordinarily powerful department."
"I think people should feel safe and included in any workplace that they're in."
"I respect streamers for being able to last for so long and not burn out."
"Burnout is not just a buzzword, it's a real experience that many of us go through."
"There's gonna be a lot of recognition in the workplace."
"Pay people more, give people more to like, let them work from home."
"If there's anything that I want to hit on now and always, it's the absolutely essential nature of democracy, whether it be in our government or our workplace."
"You don't want to say things like, 'Well, I'm thinking of this and I'm seeing this, I don't worry about this,' and just go and go, 'Hey listen, I want to grow, and I love what I'm doing, and I love this place.'"
"On a single day, multiple people were seen leaving Payette's office with tears in their eyes after private meetings with her."
"It's very important for people to feel noticed and heard. Their opinions about a store that they work at every day is more important than what we think."
"I try to keep some creative and inspiring things around the office so I can feed off that creativity and inspiration."
"Unions are for everyone because unions are a group of people coming together collectively to change what they'd like to see in their workplace and to do it together."
"The best way that we have to make the change that we want to see in our workplaces is to come together collectively in a union."
"I do not believe women belong in the kitchen. I'm a proponent of women succeeding in the workplace and getting beautiful salaries and running companies."
"You as the leader are going to be judged on how well you can get the best out of your people."
"Step in my office 'cause I'm a boss, not a secretary."
"If you're an individual and you want to affect social change, where is the forum in the theater that you think you would go to first? You spend most of your time at work."
"The conflicts depicted in the boys isn't an asteroid falling from the sky, it's workplace sexual misconduct."
"It looks like he has an awesome view which is probably nice to work at and just look out there and see all the city lights."
"It matters if your boss is just a regular white person or a [ __ ] klansman."
"Democracy should be implemented in workplaces."
"Quitting in a creative way like Shifrin did can actually be better for your career than sticking with a job with an awful boss."
"Good on that person for leaving because they shouldn't have to put up with that kind of employment."
"Any woman who's ever stepped foot in an office probably has encountered some men like this."
"You need to make someone's job easier for them, they will instantly like you."
"These guys are our co-workers, you know, we care about their well-being."
"I spent so much of my career trying to be one of the guys... so that they wouldn't try to flirt with me at work."
"A more representative workforce is more likely to pursue questions and problems that go beyond the narrow slice of humanity that much of science is currently set up to serve."
"I remember when it hit 50 yeah and I was just I was laughing I was in the Sputnik office and everyone there started like people were starting to cry."
"nothing is going to kill people's enthusiasm about returning to the office quicker than showing up and realizing that it's exactly the same as working from home"
"so the only Surefire solution the article presents is actually a pretty practical one that will almost certainly work at least on a portion of the workforce free on-site Child Care"
"Costco doesn't need to pay people to say they like working there."
"Maybe we stop saying women slept their way to the top. Maybe we say corrupt men withhold promotions until they receive sexual favors. How about that?"
"Wherever there's someone in danger of losing their job for making an observation... maybe there's a little piece of IDW there."
"It's very challenging to meet everyone's needs because not everyone's needs are the same."
"Blizzard campus signs covered up by incensed employees."
"Working at Sky Media was the darkest period of my life."
"That's just so irresponsible... snakes suck at your job."
"If you're not going to do it for the manager, do it for yourself at least."
"Let's just pull these documents up and see what they say."
"I think it's all right because like the sports car team use a Tesla Roadster which is ridiculous so yeah all right yes were laughing at my job."
"I often look at the digital books while I'm at lunch at work."
"Michael's not going to come around and hold you upside down by our ankles and shake out the tip money."
"Not everyone's equal when it comes to being an employee in this country."
"He took the time, he had the thought, he put in the effort, he cared about me and my co-workers."
"Depression and anxiety are an epidemic at Bioware."
"This place is so nice, let's start getting to work."
"I really love this shop and I love being out here."
"Keep your hands to yourself. Even if you did work there, what she did was still assault."
"It was the best place ever, I mean the variety of projects they dealt with."
"Having environments like that where you're willing to just draw from a wider pool of employees is almost always going to be more beneficial."
"I don't want you to feel blindsided at work where you thought you did great in a presentation and actually didn't land."
"The degree of happiness in this finale is all the more striking when we consider the office's starting exercise to capture the humdrum grind of everyday work life."
"As long as you speak the vocabulary, you can be as garbage at your job as it is possible to be and you will still be treated as though you are a wondrous politician."
"Guests aren't the only ones, employees too have had their own encounters... strange noises... apparitions that vanish into thin air."
"That ceiling, I can see now. That's great, nice job."
"This is just what is fair. It's not communism, it's not socialism, it's just fairness in the workplace."
"My life became a hundred times better when I found a way to support myself without having to look in the face of some condescending white man every day."
"I am truly and deeply sorry I brought my personal experience into the workplace."
"Everybody is being told not to do their job."
"I'm back, and you're gonna be my admin guy again."
"Nobody likes going to work and being told what to do, but you gotta do it to get the job done."
"It's called the great work room for a good reason. It's a great place to work."
"It's like you're actually just going into some office and just having to like talk to people and shit."
"Yes, I think she's gonna get the promotion today!"
"It's an exciting week, we've got all these new toys in the office."
"I don't like being the token black guy, so he hatches a plan to help other people of color infiltrate America's tech startup sales teams, redefining what it means to be a minority in the workplace."
"Democracy in the workplace is crucial for empowerment and dignity."
"A lot of them are just trying to do their eight hours, man, and get out of there and get out of their alive."
"We stand with all our friends, teammates, and colleagues, as well as the members of our dedicated community who have experienced mistreatment or harassment of any kind."
"Some practice, so go get in there! Do the first name, do the Department, do the pay rate, and if you get questions, jump into the little question box and ask."
"He's been a breath of fresh air at this place."
"Last night they were like I cannot [ __ ] wait to get back to the office tomorrow and slap my boss."
"Having people go back to work is absolutely great news."
"It's wrong to force employees to disclose their personal medical decisions."
"Talent comes in all forms... all I really care about is the productivity, the output of the person."
"You're making me very uncomfortable because I'm realizing as you're talking here that I tend to lean towards the, I want to coach this person up, they have a great attitude, they want to learn, they're like whatever you want, I'll go do it."
"I love working together, we make great work fellows."
"Farewell Stanley, goodbye. Can't wait to see you at the office at 4:27."
"There's a difference between being paid and being paid fairly, being compensated versus getting adequate compensation."
"That was a good show, Mozz. I like having someone in the office."
"If your manager comes up to you today in your job and says, 'You know what? I'm going to give you a pay rise,' you're going to go home and say, 'I don't think I deserve that, now, are you?'"
"It's my old office and I've never been more proud."
"No person should ever feel unsafe at work, period."
"It's not let's find a middle ground let's do it I'm going to imagine if someone walked into any office any company and just said I will end you and then said can't we find common ground."
"It's embarrassing oh my God Faye is definitely the scary boss here she's the one who pushes people screams at people."
"I was glad to hear from Amy that the TTC does offer support services through the company."
"If you work for an employer, your employer tends to pay for your benefits."
"No more work for you, sir. You are not invited."
"I would have to argue like all the employees, it definitely changed their life for the better."
"When you go up into one of these Towers what's really striking is this deceptive sense of calm because it's quiet it's measured but they are working at an extraordinary Pace."
"Every employee in the government of Canada has the right to work in a safe and healthy environment, and we will always take this very seriously." - Prime Minister's statement on workplace safety.
"Communication, as long as you're communicating with your team, that is going to be the most important thing over everything."
"Recognizing the many types of ways that critique occurs, even in good faith environments, is valuable."
"Health and safety always come first. Take a break, both of you."
"It's really good in terms of building yourself up and becoming more presence and more of a bigger personality when it comes to your working life..."
"This is insane. I've never seen such a beautiful office."
"I felt like my work productivity was greatly enhanced."
"Racism in the workplace should not be tolerated."
"Modern women, we do work and we most of us make more than our husbands."
"Not only did the man finally get fired but the entire atmosphere around the place changed more than I could imagine."
"So many people silently support me but can't speak out due to fear of losing jobs."
"He wanted to get back before the boss knew that he had gone away."
"You are a light bringer, a light to whatever place you work."
"The information comes from the people that I work with."
"Last year they had work walls up around et so that they could tear down files play."
"We wanted to send people home feeling valued, fulfilled."
"Nobody wants to work with someone who is nasty and treats them poorly."
"Welcome aboard, Josh. It's business as usual."
"I felt very unsupported and unprotected by HR."
"The safety people down here don't feel safe."
"The secretary of labor is in charge of protecting the rights of people in the workplace."
"Most importantly they were demanding a voice."
"You need to report it, you need to go to human resources."
"I love this office space. I'm really, really gonna miss it, miss this view."
"It's a creatively stifling environment... You're just told what to do when to do it and your personal thoughts and ideas are just deemed meaningless."
"You've got a power struggle between the people that pay the salaries and the people that agreed to do the work."
"I've done nothing at work today, all I've done is play table tennis."
"Is it right to bring your kids to work? No. And especially on top of that, he didn't be responsible enough to let people know that, call your boss, you got to let somebody know what the hell is going on,"
"When it comes to making accommodations for workers, it's important for employers to focus on being equitable."
"Throughout my three and a half year employment, I saw several things that I can't explain."
"Following company policy to the letter got us another forty-eight hundred dollars."
"Shout out to everybody listening from work John."
"Gen Z really is that girl. We're changing the workplace, the culture, socially, politically, technologically."
"It's almost like they identify with you, it's because it's like, yeah I get it, I got a supervisor too."
"Great friendly talented people working at the company, but it doesn't seem as though their talents are always being put to good use."
"Democracy in the workplace is about the most American thing I've ever heard of."
"The office is like a money-grabbing circus every day."
"Even to this day, how many of us get a chance to do what we like to do? Most of us, 90 percent of... I'm not gonna say 90 percent, 80 percent of people, 75 percent of people that go to work don't like their jobs."
"You're going to be so streamlined, they're going to appreciate you."
"Black women have to work twice as hard and are still half as liked as their white peers."
"You can't reduce anyone to an obvious physical characteristic."
"Thank god my manager came because these people already didn't like me."
"If there's a mic in front of me, my goal is for you to be sitting in your office and at some point try to hold laughter back."
"If you work somewhere, you should build your own policy and your own rules and regulations."
"You have some work stuff coming up that you would really like some support on."
"Jaime finds himself in a space suit while his boss calls him out."
"Great routines and structures regarding work."
"Everyone agrees: less workplace mistreatment, more games shipping on time. It's in everyone's best interests."
"Salary is not something that should be quite as taboo to talk about anyway."
"The most important thing that you can do to protect yourself from the nonsense in the workplace is document, document, document."
"I have piss hands I'm not allowed to catch it I learned that working running SRAM with Mitch."
"The app, which is called Blip, generates a virtual boundary that detects when an employee enters or leaves the geo-fence."
"Elon Musk is threatening to sue Twitter employees who leak confidential information to the Press he's asking staffers to sign a pledge indicating they've understood the letter."
"A really good studio chair... because if you're going to be sitting in it for 8, 9, 10, 16, 18 hours a day... we wanted it to be really comfortable."
"Your productivity level is going to be quite high."
"People often just need the opening. Had a guy at work that basically thought everyone else was an idiot."
"Love you guys, you made my work day much better. Keep up the good work."
"We all knew we were working for a man with an infamous temper. We did not know we were working for a serial sexual predator."
"Men at work, limited only by our uncreativity."
"There's no doubt about it, there's going to be a union happening for you guys."
"Robots replace the boring tasks, leaving room for humans to focus on higher-skill, more rewarding work."
"Office buildings are soul-sucking purgatories on a good day."
"I know it looks like your boss is telling you to do exceedingly abundantly above... you can ask in the middle of a crisis."
"It really highlights the importance of taking safety around the workplace very seriously."
"Have at least one example of when you have achieved something of significance in the workplace."
"I want to expand that Freedom there so people who work at their jobs for eight hours a day have the ability to vote for things in their lives."
"The worst performers in each of these jobs were the givers."
"There's no internal communication. Remember when we sit next to each other, there's a conversation going on underneath things."
"Ask your boss to put any promises that they're making in writing. If they don't put it in writing, it's not a good sign."
"Don't want to give me my last paycheck? Make that a double."
"Ultimately, what we learned here is that across all of these scales, the most important thing is creating a work environment where people actually feel motivated."
"Money is not going to get rid of all the problems associated... with the workplace."
"You don't have to ruin your employees lives to make the stupid nonsense."
"I'll have to take a look and circle back for you."
"You are gonna really impress your boss or your co-workers."
"For these socialists like me, the crucial thing is to reorganize the workplace to bring real democracy, can you believe it, to the place where we work?"
"White collar workers are starting to bring lunch."
"Worker satisfaction and well-being appears to be higher in cooperative firms."
"Efficient, aesthetically pleasing, enjoyable workspace... will pay dividends in the long run."
"He was talking boss talk, and here's the kicker, there was no Henny bottle in sight."
"That's how I became assistant to the regional manager at a store I'm not even employed by."
"It's really validating to see people around the office wearing my designs."
"I might not be able to end racism but at least I can get my manager fired."
"Floor 33 remains my favorite floor in the tower for strategic development."
"Having a boss that sticks up for you is the best."
"I just kind of want to go through a start to finish HQ with you guys."
"Improving the work environment is essential."