
Idea Quotes

There are 882 quotes

"Difference between talking about an idea and actually doing all the work."
"What a wonderful, interesting idea. Democracy in the workplace."
"It's not a 12-hour stream; it's a good idea."
"I think it was a really, really great idea. It was implemented well, it was executed well."
"By the time of Breath of the Wild, Ganon is more of an idea than an actual being that resurfaces eternally."
"Some would say I just had a light bulb idea."
"America was always an idea. How do you know? Because it wasn't always a territory."
"I think I have a $10 million idea as a matter of fact."
"Let's do a sub spike, that's a good idea, I like that idea."
"What a wonderful idea... absolutely fantastic."
"Entrepreneurship starts with an idea. You have an idea that you think is going to work, and then you have this bridge in between of all of the execution."
"He'd have a moment of realization and a light bulb would appear above his head."
"I have an idea... let's take a long taxi ride out Van Cortland Way."
"That's actually a great idea, you know that's a great idea."
"That ain't a bad idea at all."
"That's such a unique idea, I never thought of that."
"What is the most resilient parasite? An idea."
"Once an idea has taken hold of the brain, it's almost impossible to eradicate."
"You have to become a terrible thought. A wraith. Become an idea."
"That's a good idea; it'd give employees a good chance to socialize too."
"I think it could make a great built-in closet."
"It was such an audacious, insane idea, and it worked so beautifully."
"Expression is going to sell every idea."
"There really is no such thing as a bad idea, just bad executions."
"The Scarlet King, Dipesh told him, is an idea, a concept."
"It's a really smart, clever idea."
"I'm not much of a writer, never have been, but I do think I hit on a good idea."
"I'm not a chemist and I'm not a business person, I was a person with an idea."
"This is such a great idea, my favorite idea that you've ever had."
"It's about the idea, not the money."
"All ideas are equal, we're just looking for the best idea, we don't care who it comes from."
"Then he got an idea, an awful idea. The wonderful, awful idea."
"That's a cool idea that sends shivers down your spine."
"It's really the most simple idea."
"I have just the idea, but you have to trust me."
"The creative spark is often nothing more than the faintest glimpse of an idea."
"In theory, this is actually a good idea."
"I decree that you will receive a Divine idea that would turn your financial story around in the name of Jesus."
"You're going to have a brilliant idea come to you but it's just a potential right now so you need to really follow through with this inspiration."
"I have such a good idea for the slime... gonna make it a sparkly gold slime."
"This was the idea for trans am racing right."
"He thought of the idea for the show in October of 1997."
"An idea that we had was a live-action movie."
"Once an idea has taken hold in the brain it's almost impossible to eradicate an idea that is fully formed fully understood that sticks."
"Inception if you can steal an idea from someone's mind why can't you plant one day instead."
"I like the idea. I do. I do like the idea and I like to actually, um, the character arc that they did with the big guy, which was kind of surprising."
"We've never done anything with cake. It's kind of an off-the-wall idea, ain't it?"
"I definitely see an explosive idea coming your way... and I do see that there is a tie that needs to be cut."
"I feel like it's something so simple."
"Write it down, oh that's good, you know what that'll work."
"I've got my light, this is the best idea ever."
"I broke the bottom of it, but I have a great idea."
"I would love to hear what you guys think of this idea."
"A great idea gets done to the point where it gets overdone and ultimately becomes a bad idea."
"That's a good prank, that's a genius prank idea."
"Linda and I suddenly had this idea in bed one night, you know, let's get a bunch of people in the spotlight. It's almost like that classic 'They've Got Out of Jail' thing, you know?"
"No but I like the idea of like a Survivor coming back"
"this will probably be the best idea i ever have for twitch"
"That would actually be pretty sweet."
"That's not what was supposed to happen, but it was a good idea."
"By the way, thanks for the idea. I'll decorate the roof with Skittles."
"...you can't copyright an idea, you can only copyright the expression of an idea."
"If we can't package an idea... then it's not a good YouTube idea."
"What makes an idea a great idea... is establishing like a Criterion of what that idea is."
"Does this have appeal in a wide percentage of my audience?"
"I realized I had just like a brain moment for a second of Genius where I was like What if I type in what I spend in a day and I get all these results."
"It was the quality of the idea that you could attack such a heavy subject matter that was just so compelling and so attractive."
"I actually kind of like that idea, I'm not gonna lie."
"My idea remained an idea, and this man went and did it."
"This heliocentric idea was revolutionary at the time."
"I love this idea. They're going to love this idea. They're going to think it's genius and they're going to do it too."
"It's one thing to have the idea and then to see it happen."
"...this is wonderful an absolutely great idea for a temporary design..."
"Alright, hear me out on this one."
"Gracie, that's a great idea. You know how much we love the outdoors."
"It's a hell of an idea though, isn't it? You know, 71 people to watch an execution of a guy offered to 81 years old off rob to have his head cut off."
"I love this idea that you bring up of emergence places."
"If you think it's a really good idea and other people tell you it's complete nonsense, then you know you're really onto something."
"Every revolution starts with one simple idea just like every plant in the garden starts from one tiny seed but you keep doing the right things and with enough care and nurturing you can get incredible results and it all adds up to growing a greener world."
"Men can be beaten, but Mr Bean is more than just a man, he's an idea."
"Everything is so simple but at the same time contains a great idea."
"I think that would be a cool idea right."
"Nothing can stop it for nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come."
"That is saving me $552 and I love this idea I've never tried these before s it in your purse and just all day."
"It's not just the idea, it's the execution."
"Coming from his own personal experience, that was his idea to deploy along the water's edge."
"It's a beautiful thing that we have here, something from nothing, an idea that has now become a career."
"He now had the power to take an idea and turn it into a reality."
"It was one of those things that felt like an idea that you have suddenly finds its purpose."
"We don't really know, we kind of just sat there and were like, 'Oh, this could be a fun video idea to do,' because we've known each other for coming up to five years, which is a really long time. So we're like, 'Okay, let's kind of put our friendship to the test.'"
"I'm feeling I'm going to change my fruit stand to now become a crystal stand like that's a very good idea."
"The idea is this... it may change your life."
"This is the best Mother's Day gift idea."
"What is your idea to change the world?"
"...first key to being passionate about what you're working on is to find an idea that you're passionate about."
"Yes I know it's March but when I saw this comment suggesting I build a summer camp you best believe I couldn't resist."
"If you fear of trying an idea... there's a chance it can be brilliant."
"Once you have your idea and you know what you want to do, in my case it was pickleball, now it's time to find a manufacturer."
"It was a bad idea. It was a [ __ ] horrible idea."
"I bet you you could use the energy from the wind to drive into the wind. I mean I've had ideas like that, you just feel like... It feels like it should work, right?"
"Wouldn't it be cool if there was a wrestling channel that showed loads of different wrestling from different places like all day?"
"The show has a good idea and is giving it the execution it truly deserves."
"It seems like such a good idea, and it is a good idea."
"One person will have an idea and you'll be like oh like that's a great idea and then someone is like oh wait like based on that idea like the next logical jump you go from a to b."
"The idea is rarely the problem; execution is sometimes the problem. Determination, you just literally have to have irrational belief."
"That's a fire concept to think about."
"It's just a potential idea to see if there's enough interest in this. I'm trying to see, and right now we're like 10% there."
"If you want an idea to succeed, you have to take risk because the only investments guaranteed not to pay off are the ones you never make."
"Honestly, one of the most creative ideas for Survivor Series."
"I had a great idea for a show. Right, we filmed the behind the scenes of each show."
"I think it'd be a brilliant show."
"That's a good idea that almost works."
"This might be the most genius idea I've ever had."
"On paper I think it’s a great idea. In execution, I don’t think it flew. It just didn’t—I don’t think it landed, I should say."
"I have an idea but I need time. Distracted!"
"... the unique texture idea was good but wasn't executed particularly well."
"We have an idea to do a little inset kind of look."
"What a great idea! An actual office. That would mean you'd had a real job."
"If you can steal an idea from someone's mind, why can't you plant one there instead?"
"It's a million dollar idea, billion dollars, trillion dollars."
"The value of an idea derives from its practical consequences."
"This was one of the ideas that I actually had for today."
"Every idea that becomes an ideal creates within you living power."
"Merely having an idea is not enough to see your way to success."
"The tree of life then becomes this idea of condescension which sets it up perfectly."
"There was an idea of it being a sort of gentle radio 2 idea, something they'd like to listen to."
"He lives by the motto that 60% of his success is the idea itself and 40% is how clearly you can communicate that idea."
"It was around 2019 even a couple of years earlier that the idea was floated like hey what about a taya project."
"Guys, guys, I have a great idea! Since we're hot and thirsty, we can make a lemonade stand. Lemonade Stand, yeah!"
"It's the perfect idea. I don't know why I didn't think about this sooner."
"I actually think that that is a really smart idea."
"Think of the idea and then it just happens."
"In America, you can do anything if you have an idea."
"The real power of an idea comes when it goes from abstraction to application."
"Bull's idea: a super Howitzer straight to space."
"Everyone loves a bad idea when it works."
"My idea is I rent out a little theater the same size as like Christmas concert and blah blah."
"Is that a good idea? Is that a next project? Please say yes."
"But like, it is a cool idea for a Jurassic Park sequel."
"...it brings great personal satisfaction to conceive an idea, be privileged to shepherd it through design and construction into a functioning reality."
"There is an idea as old as ideas themselves, a question really, one that is so radical and controversial it rarely moves past the idea phase, and yet it won't go away."
"To have come up with an idea that actually helps people."
"You can start with a really bad idea and turn it around, and you can start with an amazing idea and ruin it. It's all about execution."
"An excellent idea or invention is often described as the best thing since sliced bread."
"This was a good idea to come out here."
"This is the best idea I've ever had."
"That's the next million dollar idea."
"There's no such thing as a bad idea, only bad plans."
"Let's start from the beginning, where did this idea come from?"
"It's for real. I'm ready, Preston. I have an idea."
"Fedra is just like every other idea that's going around, just trying to survive."
"The whole idea is effortless, so you don't have to worry too much about perfection."
"There was an idea informing the story they want to tell."
"I have just had the most brilliant idea maybe Crystal prep could use an award-winning band to play at their Spring Dance"
Beerus says, "Maybe I have an idea of how we can solve this."
"I have a new theory that just popped into my brain."
"I thought about how it would be really fun to do a Expedition Everest movie."
"The measure of self-doubt is the measure of how great the idea is."
"A man can fail. An idea can still change the world."
"Why let a great idea just live in your head or die on the vine?"
"Everything starts with a thought. If you do not repel the thought, it turns into an idea."
"I know that sounds crazy, but it's rather exciting."
"I want to execute on the idea and have some fun with it."
"I figured I can put that on the hot cocoa bar or I'm not making like a hot cocoa charcuterie."
"One idea could change everything."
"It was just a single idea, but it was a breakthrough idea."
"Possessed by an idea that our world wasn't real, that she needed to wake up to come back to reality. We had to kill ourselves."
"The Napoleon Hill associates are engaged in the business of helping people with sound ideas to bring them forth and give them to the world in return for riches."
"It's a sweet idea on paper, and then it's an awkward, weird thing in practice, I feel like."
"America is far more than a place; it is an idea, the most powerful idea in the history of nations."
"I feel like this is a genuinely really good idea."
"Most dangerous idea ever conceived by the mind of man is the idea of God because it destroys all the idols. It's a very destructive idea, very threatening idea."
"What a nice idea... what a great way to get in there, what a fun place to visit, what a good place."
"It really I got the first idea here."
"At the most dangerous moment, he came up with an idea."
"It's kind of a good idea...writing a script actually turns out to be kind of a good idea."
"What can you do to validate your idea before you go out and build it?"
"We do not give rise to ideas, but rather ideas give rise to us."
"Literally just on a whim we thought of this idea today."
"You are all absolutely ready to take your idea and turn it into a startup it doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be a fully fledged business but you've got an idea and it can become something."
"The merit of the idea is more important than the title of a person and an intellectually rich environment."
"I deeply sympathize with your idea of formalism."
"A great idea is not necessarily going to give you success. Perseverance and the ability to adapt are critical."
"Ideas are only as good as their implementation and the work you do to ensure the market is big enough to build a profitable business."
"...there's a lot of different ideas that you can implement into your own productions and this is just one of them."
"I've just had an idea that will change my life."
"You start with the idea. That's the hardest part. It's the same mechanism to bring it into life as anything would be."
"Most revolutions are sparked by the actions of you and your biggest asset is a clear mind and a large idea to find that ignition point and light it."
"That's an amazing idea. Now that you've said it, I feel like we have to do it because people are going to be like, 'Why didn't you do it if it's not there?'"
"If you have an idea, invest quickly, study it more later."
"Hey guys, I got a great idea for this meal in the middle of the day. All I need is $100,000."
"I had my phone in my hands and got the sudden idea to hold it up like I was taking a picture, a video."
"The most powerful thing on the face of this earth that you can never kill is the idea."
"It is only an idea," he said quietly, "and now you will make it your own. I will do everything in my power to help, I promise."
"This really is a million-dollar idea."
"I just came up with the best idea ever."
"Why the universe is accelerating? We know that the answer to the riddle will require a crazy new idea."
"What is really being said? What's really amazing? That's what you were talking about because the whole idea, man, is subversion. You want subversion on a massive level."
"The penny dropped for me today. You know why can't this place become famous for gravy?"
"If you have an idea that you genuinely think is good. Don't let some idiot talk you out of it."