
Spiritual Advice Quotes

There are 366 quotes

"Spirit wants you to focus on your faith, strengthening it, because this isn't an exclusive event. This will happen many more times in your life."
"Whatever's in your life that shouldn't be, get it out. Whatever is not in your life that's God's calling, get it in. Start today, start now."
"You need to submit all this job, all these children, all my husband, stop it. Because whatever is important for you, you would make room for it, you will make time for it."
"You have to learn how to preach the grace of God to yourself."
"If you preach Christ to yourself, you'll get out of it, you'll get out of the trough and you'll be better for it."
"Have courage. It is important. Do not slow yourself down on your own spiritual journey."
"You have to go with your heart, you have to go with your spirit."
"We need to be guided through the heart, not the intellect."
"If you're unable to bless them, then you did not forgive them."
"Allow this portal to take something out of your life that doesn't serve you."
"Your guides encourage you to daydream regularly, relax, and open your mind to receiving without directing your thoughts."
"So, when times get tough, do what Padre Pio said: pray, hope and don't worry."
"Listen to your intuition, it's really gonna guide you."
"Rejection is God's protection in redirection to something better."
"When God gives you something in life, he wants you to stay in the blessing... trust in Him."
"Our load will be lightened by doing what Peter said. 'Cast all your care upon him for he careth for you.'"
"Pause, because one word from God can change your whole life."
"Doing so will help you to know how to move ahead with your life, what to do during times of crisis, and how to discern and avoid the temptations and the deceptions of the adversary."
"Accept your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes and pharisees. You know better."
"First of all, live for your sanity, go and pray for them from afar."
"Don't worship the vision, worship the God of the vision."
"Repent and be baptized... and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
"God wants us to choose Jesus because he wants us to choose life."
"One of the most powerful advice I have ever received for times of trial and affliction and adversity is to sit down and counsel with the Lord through that place."
"You can bring about that change, not me. And you have to make dua to Allah." - Unknown speaker
"Trust in Allah and have Sabr." - Unknown speaker
"This is what Spirit is saying to you: 'Invest in yourself and then everything will work out beautifully.'"
"You are matching up perfectly with your higher self."
"Tonight we're not just giving you what curses are. We're sharing some ways to break them."
"If you have sinned, go to the Lord and confess your sins."
"Give more than you take. It's a simple spiritual principle, guys."
"Be patient. Don't lose the reward by getting angry now."
"You do what I did, attack it every way you can." - Rod Parsley
"This is going to help you to purify your energy, but definitely make an investment into some form of gold."
"Step into victory tonight by changing the way that you think."
"You're not supposed to be fighting bills all the time. You're not supposed to be fighting depression." - Bill Winston
"When you don't know what to pray, just worship."
"The devil wants you to think that you're stuck. Choose differently and unshackle yourself."
"Surrender everything you think you are and everything you think you know."
"Abstain from anything that leads you into temptation."
"But I will tell you like this for me now therefore fear yahuwah serve him in sincerity and in truth and put away the gods which your father served."
"Just ask, believe, receive is really the truth of it."
"God said the woman that you are right now, the man that you are right now, that man, that woman is not qualified to possess the blessing, you must become somebody else."
"Your heart is a garden, and you know the Buddhists say samskaras and the Hindus, those are seeds of affliction. Don't water them, pull those weeds."
"If you are somebody who is still trying to manipulate the energies to get what you want and you're not doing it in the highest good of everyone involved, you better play catch-up here."
"Trust the process, trust the universe type thing, you know what I mean?"
"Spirit is saying that you have the potential to be very happy with this person."
"Marvel not that I said unto thee ye must be born again. Don't be shocked that such a radical change is required."
"Settling is an insult to the one that created you."
"He's not asking you not to have desires. He's not saying I'm gonna take them away. He's asking you to lay them down."
"You're being watched over you're being protected and it's okay to start working through some of these things that this connection is bringing up."
"The work that this connection is asking you to do is ultimately really satisfying."
"There's no downside to healing, is really what your guides want you to understand."
"Be thankful, saints, be thankful always and in all circumstances."
"Stop sending prayers back to sender. Bless those that curse you."
"Go repent to Allah, like don't ask for a consequence."
"You cannot be saved by doing anything; the only thing you can do is repent and trust in Him."
"Stay in fellowship with other believers; isolation plays into the enemy's hands."
"The universe is reminding you that it's time to let go and set it free."
"Try to seek peace, joy, and hope. True hope comes in Christ."
"True spirituality is about being absolutely free including from yourself."
"Never settle for a psychologically reduced version of spirituality."
"If you don't take the axe to the root, that thing will produce fruit again."
"Bless those who persecute you, speak well of and wish the best blessings for someone who's rude to you."
"He didn't tell us to always be right; he told us to always be loving."
"It's hard for humans to do that in general. God's like, okay, well, okay first you fix your take the plank out of your own eye and then we will talk."
"The answer to crippling fear is trust in God's love, care, and provisions for us."
"Staying anxious only limits God. Listen, it's not up to you to figure it out because that's not what God wants. He simply wants you to put your faith in him because he cares about you. You can give him your worries."
"Make sure that you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ."
"We are not only to speak to God about the problem, we are to simultaneously speak to the mountain or the problems or the unavoidable situation about God."
"Follow your heart, listen to your intuition, ask for guidance."
"Obedience is better than sacrifice. Religious shenanigans won't cut it."
"Speak to your finances, speak to your government, speak out just stand up in your living room and start talking the word of God."
"Get out of the smallness of what this is, get out of the temporal way of thinking."
"The solution to all of this is God's word and the saving gospel."
"Stop living in your human ways... come out of your ways into my way... that's what living by faith is."
"You have to stop overthinking it... and you have to make those sounds, release those sounds."
"If you apply what I'm saying, you will be praying in tongues... it's guaranteed 100%."
"Don't try to pull them back into your church if they're leaving, let them go. Those are blessed subtractions."
"Pray that Rosary every day. That's how you build upon the rock."
"Stop looking to other things for hope, look to Jesus for your hope."
"May Allah never make us look down upon other people."
"Don't waste any more time with things that are temporal but focus on things that are eternal."
"Don't allow people to put you where God has not placed you."
"Leave your gift at the altar if you've got a bad attitude."
"Forgive somebody... if you want to be forgiven, you better forgive somebody."
"You must become a good custodian over your thought life."
"Release it, how can God touch your situation when you're holding on to it?"
"Visualize love and light in that moment and you can break that connection."
"The Lord wants us to truly enjoy the pleasures of life, not perverted versions of it."
"Free yourself and others from outmoded beliefs for yourself first before you try to help others. Releasing negative thought patterns is something spirit is saying is going to work for you at this time."
"The treasure is already inside you; you just need to get in touch with it."
"You have abundance waiting on the other side of the veil; listen to your intuition."
"Put yourself first and focus on your happiness, focus on your well-being moving forward. There's a message of spirit wanting you to not lose faith."
"The majority of the Imams of Islam are upon this advice: hearts are weak, and shubuhāt can snatch those hearts away."
"When you enter your day and you leave your premises, these are things you need in your soul. So make sure your [ __ ] get right."
"Compare your problem against God, not yourself."
"You're going to get biblical advice but also practical advice."
"The solution to making Christianity better is to be a Christian."
"Do you see why Jesus said Go Make Disciples and don't just make confessing Christians? Actually, the word Christian means 'little Christ-like one'."
"Seek Jesus Christ before you seek the things of this earth. Call on the name that is above every other name, the name of Jesus Christ."
"All this warring and fighting is because you're not acting like Christ, you're not practicing Christianity."
"Listen to the call of your soul. It will never lead you astray."
"The more you focus on something... the more you actually push it away energetically."
"God never says he'll humble us, he always tells us to humble ourselves."
"Connect with your heart, Capricorn. Connect with your heart family."
"Enjoying life and enjoying the things of life is a part of what your higher self wants you to do."
"God will not do for us what we should do for ourselves."
"The Bible is telling us something important here, it is telling us to run away."
"Don't let go of your connection to the masjid."
"In the choice moment, always go into your heart, step back, take a few moments to breathe in and out of your heart, and ask your heart for guidance." - Pam Gregory
"In the meantime, find God, go to church, pray, and then watch your life get better."
"Nobody's making us suffer except ourselves." - Swami
"When God says something it's best for everybody."
"Prophesy should prioritize edification, encouragement, and comfort, infused with love." - First Corinthians 14:3.
"Stop doing things for the acceptance of others. Be who it is you know the Most High put you here to be."
"You are who God creates you to be, do not lose yourself."
"That's so valid. You should cleanse your house."
"Quit listening to the devil... turn off the media... it is designed to put fear in you."
"The conclusion of the whole matter: serve God and keep his Commandments."
"Remember, real soul connections are rare. Hold onto them when you find them."
"If you look at the book of Revelation when he talks to the church of Sardis... He says go back to do what you did at first."
"You can trust God, and you should lay these burdens on Him because He is concerned."
"Don't cast away your confidence, for this confidence in me shall work for you."
"Release your ego, release your fears, divine masculines."
"Enjoy your blessings, count your blessings, protect your blessings and share the love."
"Knowing who you are will potentially save your souls, but people will see that it's going to get worse."
"If you love somebody, you go to the creator of that person. Who that person is. Yeah, and you ask that God, 'I love this person, show me how to love them.'"
"Follow the Bible, and you will have peace in this world."
"Seek wisdom and get the answers that you seek from grounding energy."
"Higher greater vision choices are opening up to you literally... listen to the signs."
"You must become like the child to enter the kingdom of heaven."
"There's a freedom from greed and a freedom from worry that you can experience if you will learn to put or prioritize my kingdom first."
"Neglect not the gift that's in thee... meditate upon these things, give thyself wholly to them."
"Don't be like the Christian that starts everything and finish nothing."
"Only when you flee, only when you run away, can you overcome this. Running away is the best advice we have when it comes to sexual sin because our flesh is weak."
"Use your riches to make friends in eternity."
"Recognize that you have wrapped up a karmic cycle."
"You are your twin flame, guys. You don't need to get them to be with you, you already are them."
"The smartest thing anybody can ever do is to follow Christ."
"The real secret to an excelling life is the word of God."
"Be you perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect."
"Don't ever go to a psychic or a medium or anybody who claims that they can contact the Dead."
"Retirement's not in the Bible... God intends for us to live as long as possible, fruitful and energetic." - Dr. Charles Stanley
"I'm not asking you to change, I'm asking you to come to the one who can change you."
"Bless them. Bless those who persecute you. Don't curse them. Pray that God will bless them. Let your blessing that you give to people be very specific so that you will recognize it when it arrives."
"I feel very strongly in my spirit right now to encourage everybody... your testimony is nothing to be shameful for."
"Bring your best, like God said, He'll take care of the rest."
"It's not about what we want, trust in His timing, not yours, absolutely, that's your tip, that's my tip for the day."
"Protect your mind, protect your energy, because you need it for yourself. Spirit guides want you to preserve your energy, my friends."
"Don't give your power to a reader, trust your intuition."
"You don't have to follow the lies, you don't have to follow his deception, you don't have to follow him trying to discourage you and to bring you down. You don't have to do that."
"Keep God first and everything else will follow."
"Beg beg beg beg beg beg beg beg beg beg Maharaj that's all I can say beg him and you know what make yourself his problem shut every other door off they forget every other door just beg him and he sorts you out."
"There's only one individual that we need to build up and that is City Guru Granth Sahib ji Maharaj."
"The key to raising your vibrational levels of consciousness is letting go of past prior reference experience."
"Your angels are saying this will bring harmony."
"Don't become a Zen devil and also don't dismiss the value of common sense and goodness."
"Turn back to your Master, surrender before Him."
"Test all things, hold fast what is good, abstain from every form of evil."
"They feel so drawn towards you, right? They're just like it's like what I'm hearing from spirit is they need you more than you need them."
"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." - Matthew 5:44
"Please apply a high level of discernment. Take what resonates for you, leave what doesn't."
"I counsel you to buy from me faith true godly faith the faith of Jesus."
"Don't make salvation seem impossible for others."
"Who the Lord loves he corrects, so don't let these liars on Google lie to you."
"God will forgive you, but there's a difference between forgiveness and consequences."
"I would recommend that you get baptized, find a pastor, find a church somewhere in the community where you live and get baptized."
"Whether seeking romance, friendship, or business, spirit asks: Have you met them yet?"
"Take it. Don't worry if it doesn't seem practical. The divine is so much more important, intelligent, and capable of genius than what mere logic would have us believe."
"Stop waiting for your feelings to confirm the nearness of God."
"Be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer, supplication with thanksgiving."
"Be the light. Don't let nobody steal your light."
"Speaking the truth in love, as Paul says to the Ephesians."
"If you trust the government, save dollars and take laps on your rosary beads and pray."
"Rejoice in the Lord always, not just sometime, not just most of the time, but always."
"You can't balance things that God didn't tell you to do."
"You can't do Proverbs 31 and not be blessed."
"God told me to tell you today if you want to be blessed stay in character."
"It is time to rest and relax your energy, Star seeds and light workers."
"Please don't in any way open up to the occult don't read your horoscope you want to know what your future is here it is right here this is your future this is what your future is."
"If you don't know Jesus, repent and put your full faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ."
"Get yourself rooted in Christ, be baptized, and have a large family. It's a blessing."
"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."
"Return to Jesus in the sacraments, in the Eucharist, in confession. You need to pray, make prayer your life right now."
"Do not despise prophecy, but test everything."
"God won't give you the wrong ones or the right ones until you get rid of the wrong ones."
"Unforgiveness is not a feeling, it's a choice."
"Energy is fluid and the rules could be reversed, so only take what resonates."
"Forgiveness, if I can recommend you do nothing else in this lifetime, obviously worship God and do God's will, but the biggest one in doing God's will is forgiving others."
"Your manifestation will come at perfect timing."
"If you want to be my disciple, you gotta kill your ego."
"If you have anything against anyone, forgive them."
"I feel like you're building up to something, High Priestess, trust your intuition."
"Diesel Mero is when people are like, 'Yo, use your third eye.'"
"Please be careful using the words God told me in your communication."
"One idea from God is better than ten thousand philosophies of man."
"It's so important for you to rely on spirit."
"The ultimate place of our trust must be in Christ himself personally."