
Disgust Quotes

There are 383 quotes

"That is actually a curse. That is disgusting."
"Disgust me, you disgust me, putting ketchup on your Sunday dinner."
"The natural reaction would be disgust; people are disgusted by that and, of course, they get angry, and this disgust, in this case, kind of blended together with anger leads to hate."
"There's gonna come a day where what once tempted you will disgust you."
"That's disgusting. You guys got to drink your drinks."
"Disgust as a moral emotion is part of our evolutionary inheritance, but it is a very bad machine for producing moral wisdom."
"It's something that makes me want to bleach my eyes, genuinely."
"Everything about that is disgusting. The whole thing is gross."
"Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting, disgusting."
"I love hearthstone, and it's actually disgusting."
"What the hell are you building, you disgusting person?"
"Hennessy is disgusting. It's gross. You agree with that statement?"
"It's absolutely disgusting I can't I can't be the only one who thinks this."
"I was terrified, I was disgusted, I was amazed. Oh, that's the origin story of Bam Bam."
"These people want to push us into a war, and it's so disgusting."
"Whenever I'm at the public restroom and see people not washing their hands, it's fucking disgusting."
"No matter where you stand on the political spectrum, you're going to be repulsed by these fact patterns."
"It's such an insane turn dude, that's so gross."
"Trends are fun. This is revolting and nauseating."
"I don't want to associate with it anymore, it's disgusting."
"I just want you out man. I don't care about none of that. You Goofy's Pop-Tart cheese. What the [ __ ] are you doing? That's disgusting."
"It's disgusting, it's absolutely disgusting."
"This is a disgusting attack on our electoral system."
"That's what gets me, is that that, like, that just dried dirt hair texture. Oh, it's disgusting."
"Oh my god, there's so many goddamn orcs! They're filthy, they're disgusting!"
"From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh concerning the absolute inability of humans to clear this amoeba it disgusted me."
"Flesh is a weakness and becomes disgusting to them, like a soiled jacket draped over them."
"What if this whole game Travis is preparing to leave it all behind, become increasingly disgusted with what he's become?"
"Toenails are gross, I don't care what they say."
"The note feels disgusting in your hand leave the damn note drop the note the row away"
"I just want to throw up when I hear this representation."
"I feel like my body would want to throw up if I swallow that. It smells like moldy chlorine."
"People are eating at that smell, right? Yes, garlic feet, but it's their refuse also, it's the gone bad refuse."
"It's reprehensible and disgusting and it's also inevitable."
"I just kept hearing stories from other people that this is like what he does with girls and like all these other things I was just like disgusted with myself disgusted with him."
"It's sickening. It almost makes me want to throw up."
"That is so disgusting. Like, it's just, it's not good."
"Wow, bro, ew, that's gross! Don't slice that in half, guys."
"Spaghetti and pickles, that sounds so gross."
"Are you serious? Oh my god, that trashcan stinks, bro."
"I can't unsee it everything that I'm watching I get so disgusted."
"There's really no other way to put it, it was disgusting."
"He shouted in shock to see the disgusting wiggly worm that came out of his mouth."
"Yuck, disgusting phrases like that always leave such a nasty taste in my mouth."
"Yeah, that was the grossest thing I've ever put in my body, let me tell you, on a long list, that was the grossest thing."
"You make me so sick there there is such a revulsion that my mouth is projecting you out."
"The concept of decomposing bodies in an animatronic is gross and disturbing, just like they should be."
"Disgust says, 'I've had it.' What an important day that could be."
"Slavery is just disgusting at its very core; it's fundamentally just disgusting."
"This feels so gross, dude. This is so nasty."
"That's barf. I'm literally gonna puke"
"It's like it knows it's gross though, right? Like the movie leans into being disgusting."
"That's actually hilarious but so gross."
"Human [expletive] was actually piling up."
"I find the very idea of watching people eating on camera completely disgusting."
"It's taking advantage in such a disgusting fashion."
"That kiss was without exception the most disgusting thing anyone's ever done to me."
"I just feel so grossed out by that entire family. My goodness, nobody is protecting her."
"I'm just gonna damn this bottle and forget about my phone, not really that's disgusting."
"The Disgusting Food Museum, as the name implies, is a museum dedicated to the most disgusting food on the planet."
"It tastes like a shampoo, I mean just look, this is all mayonnaise, this is the most disgusting thing I've ever had in my life."
"I mean, it's like eating the sandwich you just regurgitated."
"There's like, muscle mass. It's very gross to look at."
"I do find one of the things that's disturbing about Chucky here, because Chucky, of course, you know, yeah, he's killing, man, but the thing I find more disturbing about Chucky is that Chucky really is a piece of [ __ ] man."
"She brings the thing right, and five people, they start scraping the [__] off."
"They're disgusting, yep, make boils be on Shireen's mind again."
"It's not something you're going to go to the restaurant for. All right, yeah, I'm going to end it there. Thank you very much, appreciate it. Worst mention of. Thanks, guys. No way am I eating this. Lamb balls and brains."
"She would drink coffee off the floor or up who got the floor coffee freaking disgusting."
"I have overlooked so much but I don't think I can look at his face ever again the thought of him just disgusts me."
"Wow, they're all disgusting. Great."
"We are designed to find lies disgusting. It is as if we are being presented with a meal made up of rotting flesh."
"Absolutely disgusting, absolutely wrong."
"They're literally, oh God, it's so gross. Oh, it's disgusting. It's disgusting. I hate both parties involved so much."
"What's the actual literal is wrong with you that is so nakedly racist and fundamentally shallow on how you view people that it's disgusting."
"Everyone starts to realize we've all been slurping the same [ __ ] out of the same toilet for about a [ __ ] decade."
"This whole thing is so disgusting, I couldn't even believe it when I was watching it."
"I know this is gross but it's definitely satisfying to see that dirt come off of the floor."
"Get this out of my face. I hate this."
"Creepy, gross, violating. What you did was disgusting. This is wrong."
"We were still watching Air Bud movies [ __ ] that [ __ ] is disgusting."
"It's so disgusting to me on so many levels."
"I can't believe I just touched it. Oh gross, what is it?"
"When I see properties like this of such quality, the size, and you know, it's only 30 years old being demolished, it's absolutely disgusting."
"It's the other eye. That's the guy's eye that he stole. That's disgusting, ew gross."
"Crushing soda is the grossest [ __ ] do you ever see someone walking around like a personal cheerleader just carrying it dude like like Tahitian Treat it's like holy [ __ ]"
"Oh my God, Casey saw the Waterworks that was coming from these slime balls didn't want any part of it."
"Disgust as a moral emotion is obviously part of our evolutionary inheritance, but it is a very bad machine for producing moral wisdom."
"Oh, this is disgusting, despicable."
"That tastes like poop water, like you literally went outside, scooped up the nearest puddle, and put ice in it."
"I felt so betrayed and disgusted."
"That was your little blue spray. It is so sour and gross. That is the worst thing I've ever tasted."
"It was just so gross knowing that it was in my mouth."
"Ew that's so disgusting oh my god oh yeah wait a second oh wait oh that actually looks good."
"Just absolutely disgusting and I hate myself so much."
"I know some people might be upset, but, ugh, it's gross."
"Why does she have to be beside the water dish and why does she have to throw like bowlers inside there very very disgusting girl."
"It's disgusting, and uh, we have a tractor-like blower, but it doesn't lift it."
"I'm not quitting guys I would never leave you but no um I'm just as grossed out as you are."
"It felt so disgusting and wrong for me that I just wanted to shrivel up in a ball when anyone looked at me."
"That moment towards the end where that clicker put his tendrils in her mouth, I was just like, 'Ah, that was pretty gross.'"
"Wow, that's nasty. Don't look in there."
"You are one of the most disgusting people I've ever met in my entire life."
"That's disgusting. You can't eat that!"
"Minato felt his stomach churn with disgust. He wanted to puke, especially when one of those eyes turned to face him."
"Hearing what she's going through right now, I feel disgusted."
"'It doesn't bother me, I just think it's gross.' - It clearly bothers you."
"I think that's all part of the other side just smiling because this just like this sinister part of Shirley zalo that gets a charge out of that you know gives her that power and control and it just disgusts me."
"This is disgusting to tell people it really really is."
"Spiders the size of your hand, bugs that drink blood."
"Why are you falsifying a log? That's just, oh my God, sorry. I got to take a minute, just despicable."
"I'm not trying to eat some gas station sour cream and onion crickets."
"It's so gross. It's really shitty."
"Seriously bro, that is the nastiest thing I've ever seen."
"Disgusted by their own existence, the fledgling 8th Legion would seek to slay every monster of the galaxy as absolution for their own degeneracy."
"Look at all that red meat on there. Yuck."
"These people, man, they are disgusting. Disgusting death before dishonor."
"...it's right there. That's the one compared to my tweezers. Look at it, disgusting."
"Let's get rid of that, it's pretty disgusting."
"He's just a disgusting human being, he is a pansy, he is an idiot, freakin spawn of Satan, sounds great."
"That's the yuckiest thing ever. That's why your face looks like the nastiest thing ever."
"That's absolutely disgusting, if it wasn't disgusting enough that you wrote the article, that you posted and approved the article, and that you posted on your Twitter and your Instagram before, it's even more disgusting that you're doubling down now."
"Are you not embarrassed? Is this not embarrassing for you? This is [__] disgusting."
"Quite frankly, I'm disgusted. Does another human being that you know on the planet Earth would they use the phrase out loud when talking to their friends about how they just got their asses kicked quite frankly I'm disgusted."
"A [__] head with black goo, are you [__] kidding me?"
"Have you ever seen a film that just makes you go ew?"
"The smell of anything? Yuck, smells sour like really off milk or something."
"No, God no. Cuz you kind of expect me eating a human like revolts me."
"It's just like cat puke, cat puke, cat puke."
"Can they move fast? So a lot of people hate cockroaches, right? Because we associate them with gross places and we're like, 'Yuck, roach.' Their niche, their job in the wild is to break down decaying matter."
"No, no, no, don't eat that! Don't eat it, it's disgusting!"
"As you start to put your mouth to his... three maggots come out of the side of his mouth and start crawling away as you recoil in horror."
"This thing is just filled with slimy goo."
"Alucard is disgusting though I don't know I don't want to talk about I didn't know it was Dracula."
"You took my throw up from this morning's breakfast and you turned it into another throw up of guacamole. And she included the peas that you threw up, and that's right where they came from."
"Finally! That's so gross, but he's so cute. That is a work of craftsmanship."
"You're just using me to get to the Hulk. That's gross."
"Just disgusting vile stuff I would Savages."
"Every single cell of every single frame of every single second of this stinking turd Fest."
"I don't even want food anymore you just ruined it all for me."
"Are you gonna vomit? Oh god, you touched one, grab that, grab it, grab it!"
"Enemies double over in nausea at the hideous stench of Nurgle's plague legions."
"I really don't get that grossed out with that, as long as you take it off. Yeah, I'd be grossed out, I don't like it, as long as there's not like more than one. But what about dog hair? It's just as bad. I'm not hearing my food. I love, I like my hair in my food. Disgusting."
"Disgusted, we enter the yard, where my eyes finally come to rest on two familiar faces."
"It's like ew you have to eat that."
"I know, man, you ready for a shake or what, look at that they look like Snot bubbles, oh they got babies in them!"
"A dirty bathtub or a dirty stove, they are neck and neck for disgusting."
"Did you scrape this off a dumpster? I'm not touching this stinky mess."
"Doesn't it sound appetizing? It sounds like a giant booger with vodka poured all over it. Yum."
"That's disgusting. That's not cool. That's not normal. That's weird. It's not normal at all. Don't pee in bottles. Okay, fine. I'll next him too. You convinced me."
"If you want to evoke hatred of them, what you do is get the insular cortex activated with disgust."
"God, I really think that is one of the most crazy and disgusting cases that I have ever covered, especially now being a mother myself."
"I am not putting my hands anywhere on that porta potty floor"
"This was so dehumanizing and the thought that I was being reduced to an outlet for some creep's fetish was disgusting."
"Why would you put a clam in it? I don't want to drink a beer with a clam in it."
"I feel like I want to throw my chicken bacon ranch right now."
"The true horror of the shock and disgust of what we'll be covering goes far beyond the piece of animation and well into some of the darkest aspects of humanity."
"Just the thought of eating one again almost made Conor puke. That rubbery flesh, the putrid taste, and the smell, oh, that was the worst of it. Gagged, disgusting."
"I don't want to get that grease all over me."
"This isn't just like a zombie or a lich it's something that I think any party would be really surprised and honestly disgusted to encounter."
"I said the same thing to Julian, it's so disgusting I hate it."
"I actually physically can't, like I actually want to throw up."
"When I think of what this country has given these men," Rice said, "the honor and position to have them throw it in our faces because of some rabid Nazi philosophy of hatred makes me want to puke."
"I do not like feet; it's just the opposite, they disgust me."
"What is this? I feel nauseous about people who still practice neo-colonialism."
"I guess we are coming up on a million subscribers I can't be that surprised dude these things are disgusting buzz ball biggies oh my God the little buzz balls is always enough for me to make me want to not drink anymore now they got big ones come on."
"...the biggest surprise was oh yeah like right when the [ __ ] dog's face started falling off of [ __ ] yeah so [ __ ] nasty but brilliant movie."
"That's disgusting! That's terrifying!"
"You look insane, you ooey-gooey monster man. It's so nasty, but it's so cool."
"Well, that was disgustingly easy."
"I ain't putting that in my mouth. I don't expect y'all to put in your mouth."
"I'm socially aware now, I know how disgusting this is."
"Pate liver worst is a form of Pate, it's the same crap isn't it, more solidified liver, liver worst it's gross."
"He’s sure he has the vomit caked outside of his mouth still, but frankly he doesn’t care enough to clean it."
"It's obscene. It's utterly obscene."
"She sprayed, she machine gunned hot diarrhea down my gullet."
"Wow, here's my favorite stool. Well, here we are. What a nightmare! Cockroaches, everything is broken. What are we going to do here? Disgusting!"
"I completely agree in which that any weirdo that is calling out for death threats or whatnot, it's cringe and it's disgusting."
"Would you hit that? Hell no dude, gross."
"Oh, that's disgusting. That is sickening."
"People that put [expletive] pineapple on a pizza, I mean, it's beyond not... It's not even a joke anymore. It's like disgusting. It's repulsive, disgusting behavior."
"The fact that he had the idea in his head all day and then planned this in a way that Anjum would get there to see them before he had the chance to take his own life is just disgusting and despicable."
"Oh, it's so heavy. Can you imagine putting this in your body? Jesus, it already looks like poop."
"I don't know what they could do, it's just nasty!"
"Gee, I don't know if I want your sh on my land."
"I don't see any more. That's nasty."
"I don't know why, but that's kind of grossing me out, pulling that s*** off like a baby hand. You probably shouldn't have pulled it off that soon. That s*** looks delicate as f***."
"That house I've just been in it was absolutely disgusting I think that might be one of the worst houses one of the worst cheap houses that I've um I've seen on my property tours."
"I felt disgusted at her cruel mind."
"That's the one of the most notorious scenes in the movie. It's like, it really is. That is a scene of like, 'Wow, I could have lived my whole life without this.'"
"I went to McDonald's, got my food, got a steak and egg on an English muffin. Disgusting."
"It's just vile and gross and it's [ __ ] hilarious."
"It sickens me, it congeals my heart, it freezes my blood."
"A combination is disgusting, it's nasty."
"Even though disgust evolved to prevent disease, it's leveraged for all kinds of other things. Disgust is the emotion we feel when someone transgresses a moral rule, especially related to hygiene, cooking, or sex."
"The peculiar smell of decayed fungus arose to my nostrils."
"There's this green [ __ ] goo everywhere."
"I mean that's the grossest sound I've ever heard."
"The grossest things that Chris has ever produced and definitely one of his most wasteful ones given that he spent his monthly Tugboat just to fart on a chocolate cake."
"They do something like the Miami University 7-4 crew which is like disgusting and fleshy and clumsy."
"He blew on his food. That's a major ick, right?"