
Flag Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"I designed a flag... The blue stands for freedom, the red was for the fighting and the blood that was spilled... and the white is for peace."
"Jamaica's iconic flag: black, green, and gold."
"To fly a flag of your own, carve a path on your own, on a ship of your own is one of the truest forms of freedom in Oda's story."
"Why would he give him the flag on otherwise, right?"
"We really love the flag so much so that it's tattooed on my body and many other people's bodies. It represents the resilience of our city."
"Protecting the American flag is admirable."
"They are wanting $150 for this flag and honestly I don't think that they're too far off."
"It's so weird being really into your country though, do you know what I mean? It always feels a little bit...well, yeah. I mean the American flag didn't scare me until a few years, yeah, like 2016."
"You like screamed gay at me but that's a flag you know."
"If there ever is a United Korea this would be a great option to to kind of include everyone on that flag"
"And last but certainly not least is old glory blowing in the wind."
"Of all the flags in the world, the Canadian flag is one of the best. I think it's so bold and the leaf is just so iconic, isn't it?"
"That flag will be presented to him, it will show 80 bullet holes or bullet touches in the colors."
"Everyone always... this isn't the UK flag, it's the British flag. Does it... wait, hold on, one more UK flag. This... huh... I don't know."
"The flag of the European Union is 12 gold stars on a blue background, representing unity, harmony, and solidarity."
"I think the flag represents the country, but I think it represents all the freedoms we have, speech, religion, whatever else. So I am not one who's going to wrap myself in the flag and say, 'Okay, you know, I don't want you breathing on the flag because that's unpatriotic.'"
"Slovenia's flag was created in 1991 when Yugoslavia was dissolved and Slovenia became independent."
"Belgium's flag colors come from the coat of arms of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg used since the 1200s."
"The Welsh flag is pretty cool looking. It has that dragon."
"That's easy, red triangle with star in it, and the main body of the flag is five horizontal stripes. Top, middle, and bottom are blue, and the ones between them are white."
"Belgian flag: Black, yellow, and red, inspired by a historic province."
"And that one is caught by Bree Hall with a flag down."
"Canada's current flag did not exist until 1957... Wow."
"Wow, at the very end, you have the flag of Brazil. And that is gold, blue, green, like gold, you know, obviously gold because the land has gold, blue because it has the Atlantic Ocean, and green because of all the forest. Whew!"
"The majority of people who fly the flag do not fly it with a racist intent, they fly it simply because they like the South and it's a cool flag."
"When I see the American flag it gives me a sense of pride sense of honor sense of dignity sense of devotion love for your country."
"A new flag of Pakistan flies over a nation of more than 80 million."
"Why does the flag have 50 stars? It's for the 50 states."
"England has the St George's Red Cross on a white field in use since around 1348."
"Scotland has the St Andrew saltire since 1286."
"Wales has the red dragon flag on a green and white field, arguably one of the coolest flags in the world."
"Northern Ireland has no official flag, but a commonly used one is the Ulster banner."
"Denmark's flag has an ancient design with legendary origins."
"Northern Ireland officially does not have an official flag."
"The original flag had 13 alternating red and white stripes and a blue patch with 13 white stars."
"We love America, yeah, look at that beautiful flag."
"The flag of which country features a tree, a large shield, and two human figures at its centre?"
"The national flag of which of these countries features an eagle with a snake in its beak?"
"Freedom follows the American flag."
"The national flag is flown from only one flagpole at an Army Post; it is raised at reveille and lowered with the retreat ceremony."
"He holds the flag on high and looks up at it proudly."
"I'll show you how to display and hang the American flag."
"If you want to display it at night, keep it lit."
"It's about patriotism, it's about a desecration of a flag."
"I'm going to be making my American Standard Flag."
"It looks good on the flag when you're done."
"That gives it a little bit more depth when you put your flag all together."
"What does a Jolly Roger flag usually depict?"
"The Chernobyl exclusion Zone has an official flag created in 2021."
"The Maltese Cross on the flag has a strong meaning behind it."
"The flag of the United States be 13 stripes, alternate red and white, that the union be 13 stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation."
"Ohio has a cooler, much more unique flag. It's the only American flag that's not rectangular."
"We saw the blue and white flag with the Star of David on it and learned that the war had ended just the day before."
"That flag looks mighty good no matter who's flying it."
"We could change the flag. I mean, sure it would look slightly different, but we've been using a 51-star flag for this whole segment and none of you have noticed."
"It's a very unique flag, it's a unique image."
"Using a native New Mexican symbol for the sun on your flag is perfect."
"The family crest of stars and stripes shown in the window also served as the basis for the American flag."
"Let's try and zoom in and move over towards this, and you can see here we've got a flag."
"The evolution of the Australian flag."
"Red, white, and blue are the colors on the flag of Thailand."
"Always like to take a moment to recognize old glory."
"Nothing better than Old Glory flapping in the breeze on a Saturday afternoon."
"We like to have the option to fly our American flag."
"When I saw the American flag flying, it just kind of gets to you."
"It's the Japanese flag. It can't be upside down."
"How many stars are on the American flag? Yeah, 50."
"How many stars on the American flag? 50... you nearly caught me out there."
"Your flag still flies, your memory still lives."
"My story today was talking to a veteran about what the Fourth of July and the American flag means to them."
"I love Wyoming's flag, they're getting an A for me."
"The yellow cross symbolizes Christianity."
"The first recorded document describing the flag dates back to 1562 with a royal warrant describing it and its colors."
"I love the UK... the Union flag is a merging of three flags."
"They've raised our flag and our hope."
"Without a doubt, the Grand Colombia flag inspiration came from Haiti."
"Heist the colors and let no enemy ever haul them down."
"The flag of Nepal is the only non-quadrilateral flag in the world."
"You can never be too patriotic, and you can never have a big enough American flag."
"We respect our great American flag."
"Freedom, it's such a stylized original flag."