
National Unity Quotes

There are 714 quotes

"As one people, we seek God's protection, guidance, and wisdom as we stand humbled by the abundance of our great nation and blessings of freedom, family, and faith."
"The most important thing for the United States is to do the fundamental things right and also to come together."
"With patience and fortitude, with one heart, we are the United States of America."
"The only thing on my mind is how we're going to win this. The only thing on my mind is how we're going to make sure that we correct what's happening in America and we bring this country back together."
"This is the word of the Lord. This is the Bible study we need right now. This is what we need in Congress, the White House, and in every house."
"We cannot lose sight of the big picture. We are going the right way. We are making progress as a country together, not individually, but together."
"We need to come together as a country, we need to unite as students and parents, and put the politics aside."
"The most important thing is to make sure that we understand what the country's principles are that bind us together rather than those that divide us."
"The last thing we need is more blush and more violence; this country is already as divided as we've been since the Civil War."
"The biggest challenge will actually be trying to unify the country."
"This is the United States of America, there's nothing, not a single thing, we cannot do if we do it together."
"Unity in the United States was not through wars, unity of the United States was not to trade, unity in the United States was through the Blessed Mother, through our mother Mary."
"America is stronger when we actually fully embrace our diversity."
"I have high hopes for our country. The Philippines, in the next six years, I believe that we will be more progressive, we will be more developed, and more united."
"The only way we're going to bring this country together is bring everybody together. There's nothing we cannot do if we do it together."
"The way we get to national unity is by being uncompromising about the principles that actually make us American."
"It's not the first time that Canadians have been called to do their part. Over the past generations, Canadians have time and time again stepped up in defense of our shared future."
"We want to look back on this time and remember how in the face of a generation-defining moment, we undertook a collective national effort, and we stood together."
"The best of America comes out when we do all come together."
"Let's restore the basic idea of the American bargain, go back to the Declaration of Independence, its founding principles, and the basic ideas that brought America together as a country."
"Canada has never faced a situation like this, and we will face through it together."
"I appreciate your openness and transparency and I look forward to working together to resolve the issues we face as a nation."
"It's time now for everybody our country to come together."
"This is not a financial crisis. This is just a temporary moment of time that we will overcome together as a nation and as a world."
"This nation belongs to all of us. And in every election, we choose how we will create a more perfect union."
"Queen Elizabeth II embodied the continuity and unity of the British nation for over 70 years."
"I think that's an overblown fear. I think nothing would unite Americans more than an international force trying to get in our backyard."
"The greatest generation was defined by their actions. Now, it's our turn to define ourselves, to show that we can rise to this challenge and protect those among us who are most vulnerable."
"He attempted to build a new South Africa, one which was inclusive of all its people and would look beyond its fractious past."
"If the frustration and alienation in Alberta continue to mount, it will pose a very serious challenge to national unity."
"This is the United States of America, and there's nothing, from the bottom of my heart I believe this, there's nothing we can’t do when we do it together."
"We have plenty to disagree about, it's important to have sort of political arguments amongst ourselves, that's the nature of democracy, but also, the United States has succeeded in so far as it has succeeded historically by having some sense also of togetherness."
"America is back, so let's get together and demonstrate to our great-great-grandchildren when they read about us that democracy, democracy, democracy functions and works and together, there's nothing we can't do. So let's get working."
"This is how we get our country back, people talk politics too much."
"We have to bring the nation together. We have to treat each other with a little bit of decency."
"I think the way we get to national unity is by actually being uncompromising about the ideals that unite us as Americans."
"I want to be a prime minister for all of Canada including Alberta."
"The number one responsibility of any Prime Minister is to keep the country united."
"As our citizens persevere through this present challenge, we're renewing American unity and replenishing American will." - President
"We're all Americans, we all want the same thing fundamentally."
"It's such a great point, it's so strange too that like you would think that we all As Americans can look at something like the insurrection and insurrectionists to look at terrorists and all come together as a nation."
"We are the United States of America, and may God protect our nation."
"It's time for Americans on both sides, good and evil, to forget their differences and come together in peace."
"We won't let our enemies tear us apart. We won't let ignorance get in the way."
"The key to maintaining [freedom and prosperity] is a coherent America that believes in its values."
"He's a decent, compassionate man; he will bring this nation together."
"The only way a country can last is if the nation believes it has a common history, culture, and language."
"The response that we've been able to muster as a one-hole United Kingdom has been incredibly impressive."
"I've absolutely no doubt that the Union has proved its worth during this crisis time and time again."
"That's the mood of Ukrainians: we are staying all together." - Ukrainian Member of Parliament Solomia Bavrovska
"In a time when we are talking about a national divorce we can be talking about something more enlightening about bringing this Union back together."
"When it comes to this pandemic and the economic recovery, we are not Democrats or Republicans, we are Americans."
"The unity the country is looking for is to come together and deal with problems most of which have no ideological basis for disagreement."
"You won't be able to turn them back around, I hate the division in this nation."
"There is nothing stronger, more powerful, and more reliable than our Unity. There is nothing in the world stronger than our love for the motherland, for Russia, for our Valiant Armed Forces, for victory. Hooray!"
"Every American heart is joined with the people of New York."
"We must answer a fundamental question: Who are we? Who are we as Americans? So let's answer that question to the world and each other, right here and right now. America, we are better than this."
"We need to take care of each other now as Americans."
"We're tired of being scared in this country. It's time for us to come together as a people."
"We're all in this together. It's not just going to be a whole-of-government approach, it's a whole of America approach."
"There's a real way this country can come together, can unify."
"The American people and American businesses are coming together to help defeat this virus in our country... The greatness of the American character is shining forward. Thank you, Mike."
"The sooner we build the parallel economy, the more it deescalates the chance for a national divorce."
"I don't want the country to break up. It's my home, it's your home."
"You can't hate your fellow citizens and have a country for very long."
"We believe that in a country where every race and faith and point of view can be found, we are still bound together as one people."
"We're still the United States of America. Those words meant something."
"If only for a moment, let's respond to a national crisis where we say it's not red and blue. It's the United States, and we're going to act that way."
"United we stand, divided we fall. This is how every nation gets conquered, and it seems that by our own government, we are being conquered, ladies and gentlemen."
"I want to unify the country back, let's just help them get back on their feet."
"We hope that the Network to Freedom contributes to the learning, the understanding, and the commitment to be a more perfect union."
"Historically America's strength has always come from its ability to unite... But that now seems to be behind us at the moment."
"We've stared into the abyss of insurrection and autocracy, pandemic and pain, and we the people did not flinch."
"American's greatest allies will always be other Americans and we have these platforms that are motivated to continue that division of polarization."
"The American people are never greater than when working toward a common goal."
"We should also be proud that the vast majority of the protests we saw around the country were peaceful."
"Let's seize this moment -- to start anew, to carry the dream forward, and to strengthen our union once more."
"It's unhealthy for everyone to be linked together across a country where people basically just desperately disagree on all kinds of value-based issues."
"With no unified front for America... then we just get crushed."
"Americans are moving forward with common purpose and shared resolve, determined to vanquish the virus and lift our nation to even greater heights."
"We cannot keep drifting apart into two separate tribes with a separate set of facts and separate realities with nothing in common except our hostility towards each other and mistrust for the few national institutions that we all still share."
"The rest of the world is looking at us and they're laughing, that America can't even get their [ __ ] together."
"If something goes wrong in Scotland, it should absolutely resonate in Westminster."
"Human beings are capable of both great good and great evil."
"Brexit is a means to an end, not an end in itself."
"Brexit is the opportunity for the nation to come back together."
"Everybody in this country has basically come together, the political elites and the people, to tell the CCP, putting them on notice that this is not acceptable."
"My hope is that we can bring Americans together, get them to trust each other, get them to trust their government again."
"A call for unity for all American people that realize the true threat against us."
"This is the biggest challenge we face as a people: healing the divisions and the wounds in our country."
"As an American and as an army veteran, it's sad to see us attacked by our fellow citizens."
"We will heal our citizens, care for our neighbors, and unleash the full might of the United States of America to vanquish the virus."
"If we unite our country with better education, better infrastructure, with an emphasis on new technology then this really can be a new golden age for the UK."
"We will rekindle new faith in our values, new pride in our history, and a new spirit of unity."
"You don't want to start targeting cities willy-nilly."
"As Americans, we should not be getting violent. We need to talk to each other, listen to each other."
"That's what leadership is about, I'm a cheerleader for the country, we need calm."
"We're really all working together... this is not about parties, this is about our country."
"What unites Democrats and Republicans and Independents is a love for America."
"The states are just not in alignment anymore."
"I want to thank everybody and most importantly I want to thank the American people."
"I believe this is a moment that the country can use to get united."
"God bless all of you, we need God more than ever in this country."
"The strength of our union has never been found in the walls we build... it's in our diversity and our unity."
"We must always be the United States of America. And may God protect our nation, and may God protect all those who stand watch over our democracy. God bless you all, democracy, thank you."
"I have no doubt, none, that this is who we will be, and that we'll come together as a nation, that will secure our democracy."
"We have faith in America that we will remain one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
"We're taking aggressive action now as one nation, and one family, so that America can rebound stronger. Frankly stronger than ever before."
"Is he actually unified this country not perfectly not completely but we've been facing this massive partisan divide."
"Pearl Harbor was a galvanizing moment that transformed an isolationist public... into one ready to go kick ass."
"When America acts as one, there has never been a single thing we've been unable to do."
"People want this country to come together. It gives them hope."
"We need to mobilize people of prayer to pray for this country."
"We're not red America or blue America, we're one America."
"America, we are not as divided as we are being told we are."
"This guy should be running every business. The media is trying to divide this country."
"So it's even bigger than partisan politics which means you can unite the country."
"This more than ever should be a time for the president to address everyone."
"This isn't a red or blue issue, this is an American issue."
"When we prioritize principles over party and humanity over personal legacy, we accomplish far more as a nation."
"The Russian people are Consolidated as never before."
"There are so many things that Trump could be doing right now to unify the country and this is just not one of them."
"We're at a point in America where if we the people don't begin understanding this infighting on all these fronts, it's game over and we deserve it."
"We will never stop fighting for the sacred values that bind us together as one America."
"For one night, it wasn't Philadelphia vs. New York, it was the United States of America coming together. That's something special."
"We need to come together as one nation... We are all Americans."
"We just want the American people and the government to stand with us."
"We know there is nothing we cannot achieve as one team, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God."
"No American is alone as long as we are united, and we are united."
"This is a nation that still has enough business Foundation to allow us to find each other again."
"The American people know we're all in this together."
"While the country was finally united, the people of Japan had their entire lives flipped upside down."
"Israel has not been united as one nation since Solomon's son a thousand years BC so three thousand years Israel hasn't been united but look what it says in 37."
"Trust the God who sees Israel as a nation in the last days only God could predict that Israel would become a united nation."
"The Lost Cause allowed historians to explain how a nation once divided could unify again."
"The civil war ended slavery and the idea of a divisible Union."
"I always believed that there's more that unites these United States of America than could ever divide us."
"I'm talking about human beings too. I understand that you feel like Monday's the first day of the week. I understand that when you google it, both answers come up."
"Separating is not a good thing for the idea of Canada as a whole but if we look at what's best for individual Canadian citizens I do think this would benefit Alberta."
"We're one country, we don't need separate anthems."
"These decisions might seem really difficult and hard to kind of untangle even two years in but the fact is, we are one country with many different subpopulations." - Dr. Craig Spencer
"I hope that we as a nation can use this as an opportunity to pull together for good."
"The best days are yet to come. We are one movement, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God. America is thriving like never before."
"The best days are yet to come, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God."
"The military's faith in their oath to the Constitution is keeping the country together."
"Where we go one, we go all. God bless the United States of America."
"Let us be the nation that we know we can be - united, strengthened, healed."
"Biden promised in his inaugural address to put his whole soul into uniting the country."
"It's time for America to unite... leave politics out of it."
"We need an inspired leader in the White House for the whole damn country."
"We're not just praying for ourselves, we're praying for the nation."
"I think there's a hunger for something that unites us... we can get the band back together and the band is America."
"I worry about our ability to come together and continue to see common ideals as a nation."
"Nicole and I are running to help heal the symptoms of an ailing America, to heal our divisions, to heal our economy, to heal our mental health and our spiritual and our physical health."
"Let's look on the positive side if we can and let's work to restore our country rather than tear it apart."
"Nobody will break us. We're strong. We're Ukrainians." - Ukrainian President Zelensky
"We have nothing to gain as a country by being divided."
"America has done that before, and if we rekindle our love and devotion of our country and each other, I am confident that we, the American people, the American government, and American business together can do it again. Our freedom depends on it."
"I will be a president for all Americans, all Americans."
"My appeal to Nigerians is to remain calm, remain powerful for our country Nigeria. We have no other country except this one."
"Only solidarity and decisiveness by Ukrainians will be able to preserve our freedom and our state."
"I've opened two businesses. I'm the epitome of that legal immigrant success story. It works."
"Treating each other with more civility, as Americans we're all in this together."
"Lincoln's greatest qualities included his ability to think ahead and his determination to preserve the union."
"We should be the Americans that cherish each other, each and every one of us."
"Your America and my America have far more in common than people think."
"We need a president who will unite this country and get things done for working families."
"The Americans of every background are uniting to help our nation."
"This is the United States of America, and there's nothing we can't do when we do it together."
"This has caused the Russian people to rally to end the war in Ukraine quickly."
"Imagine what our country could accomplish if we started working together as one people."
"I urge you to remain calm, be the great American people that I know you are."
"This is a real example of the country coming together."
"We signed 80 bipartisan bills into law last year, showing the nation when you come together and do big things."
"We shouldn't be on two sides... let's work together for the best of Scotland."
"With my husband in The White House, there is nothing that we can't do together as a whole uniful nation."
"We must show the nation we can come together and do big things."
"This is a brotherhood, this is a country...we've got to figure these things out."
"I still believe we're gonna be a better country all together."
"We are united as Americans, bound by that common set of ideals."
"Bloody hell, it would be nice if we had a grand narrative that held the entire nation together and gave people a shared sense of belonging."
"Nigeria belongs to all of you, all of us. Our diversity is an asset if we know how to use it for our prosperity."
"We are America strong and together we will get through this crisis."
"It's time for our nation to come together, trust the process, and keep informing."
"We can win, Russia can lose, and let's stand together to defeat Russia."
"The country has to be about America and coming together."
"Thanks to all of us, thanks to the American people, thanks to the bipartisan cooperation, many of you that are sitting here today. That's a leader."
"We're the United States of America. There's nothing, not a single thing, we're unable to do if we do it together."
"Mandela represents our collective better intentions as a nation."
"Tonight, we stand united in saluting the troops and civilians who sacrifice every day to protect us."
"America moves forward only when we do so together."
"I believe that we all have to take pride, and everybody in America pulling together."
"Our plan is based on unity and all of us acting as one nation."
"We can do this if we stand together as fellow Americans, as the United States of America."
"It's not a right-left thing, it's an American thing."
"Americans must unify and show the world that we are united together in peace, love, and harmony as fellow American citizens."
"We reject the politics of division and embrace the unity of being American."
"Our party has to be defined to unite America."