
Moral Ambiguity Quotes

There are 482 quotes

"Elden Ring dares to trust its own players... it's not clear who's good or bad, who's the hero, and there's a non-zero chance that your conclusions might be wrong."
"He’s witty with an interesting shade of morally gray, which describes most of the best characters in Game of Thrones."
"It is at once genius and deplorable, admirable and reprehensible, inspiring and perturbing."
"The best heel work, in movies, is when the bad guy doesn't believe what he's doing is wrong. He believes in what he's doing."
"Religion, like any ideology, can be used to promote good and bad."
"Moral ambiguity is not inherently a sign of quality. What's more important is the character's purpose to the narrative."
"Maybe if there's not a right answer, maybe there's not a wrong answer either."
"Creating empathy - but not sympathy. Sympathy means that we approve of the heroes' actions and completely identify with him as a person. If that were to be true, however, we could never have morally challenging and interesting main characters."
"The anti-hero is a conflicted character who often has a cloudy moral compass, but that's what makes them realistic, complex, and oftentimes even likable."
"Dharma thrives in grey. Dharma has no issues with grey. Dharma welcomes grey."
"We wanted both [characters] to be a little bit right and a little bit wrong."
"There's actually a lot of shades of grey in here that are worth discussing."
"There is no good or evil in a conflict, there is survival."
"In A Clockwork Orange, we see the world through evil eyes."
"The villains in boku no hero are appealing to us because they are not all just evil for the sake of being evil and they're not all the same."
"There's something interesting about the war... warriors of each side believe that they do the right thing."
"Using evil to bring good. By any means necessary."
"Nobody in Jujutsu Kaizen is necessarily the good guy or the bad guy."
"I don't think that people are good or evil. I think they're both."
"Making evil seem okay or making us root for the bad guy."
"I don't think he's evil, but there's still time, there's still the availability."
"Everybody has reasons for why they do things, and I don't personally believe that any human being is 100 percent good or 100 percent evil."
"Most people who do spectacularly evil things think themselves they're doing really good things."
"Epic was doing the right thing, but not necessarily for the most just or noble reasons."
"He's clearly going to have a huge impact on society either way is it going to be for the good or for the bad."
"There are no good guys. There's no bad guys."
"Scarlet Witch: one of the most morally complex characters on this list."
"Perhaps Revan never understood the difference between a fall and a sacrifice."
"The serpent, originally in the Bible, is not spoken of necessarily as evil."
"The right and the wrong is just so blurred because both avenues are the right one."
"What we have is not a battle between forces of pure good and pure evil but between a proponent of authoritarianism and an agent of anarchy."
"I think Blizzard actually took a massive move when they said, 'Hey, by the way, the light can be pretty darn evil.'"
"Writing morally ambiguous characters is difficult but rewarding."
"In a world of grey to darkness, there are a few characters who can hopefully rise above, individuals who can rise above."
"It makes you question his actions and he also questions his own actions and it becomes an interesting philosophical line which is constantly darting and weaving all over the place."
"There are good people and bad people in every clan, including the goddesses and the demons."
"Not everything is 100% dead and ugly and evil or 100% good and Angelic and unadulterated."
"Doctor Doom can be a villain and he could be a hero."
"The Civil War story works best when there is no bad guy."
"Sephiroth is gonna walk a very different moral line."
"There's no clear villain in this story. Both people in the situation have been engaging in morally questionable actions."
"The truth is nuanced, it's not black and white, there's a lot of gray."
"There are moments when the good becomes bad and bad is good."
"Sometimes I wish I could be like him. I know that some of the things he does are bad, real bad, but I think it's possible to be both good and bad at the same time."
"Cheating is not always clear-cut and can vary from relationship to relationship."
"The show will never be about simple good guys and bad guys; if there is a bad guy, it's the entity, and if there is a good guy, it's the people trying to preserve the human spirit."
"Joel doesn't give Marlene a chance to follow them and he's right, you know he says no you're just gonna you're just gonna find us and ends her life and it's cold-blooded."
"The appeal of Death Note is that its protagonist chose to use the notebook against those he considered unworthy to live."
"No villain ever thinks of themselves as evil."
"Definitely a brand of evil but I'd actually lean towards the side of neutral."
"It's about actions and consequences, not good or evil."
"If nobody stops me, there's a chance that I'll destroy your whole world. But to my eyes, you look like the bad guys too."
"It's not all black and white; there are some gray areas."
"Imagine being in the time of slavery and being like trying to be a Centrist where you're like well, you know, I personally think it's wrong but I'm not gonna abolish it."
"Power isn't inherently evil, it's not inherently good either, it's how you use it."
"In life there are very few really good or really bad guys most of the time it's just normal people trying to survive in this crazy, crazy galaxy."
"Was this a blessing or was this a hidden curse in Disguise?"
"Moro is a force of nature for the main characters that almost does things as if a force of evil instead not worrying about good or evil."
"It's so subjective about what being kind is because if you look back through history at some of the worst things people have done most of them have been done in the name of kindness."
"Forget what you know about heroes and villains - Wario proves that sometimes the line between them is as thin as a Mario mustache."
"Everyone is complicated and nuanced... we're all good and bad."
"Effortless, beautiful, sarcastic, and morally ambiguous."
"I don't think you can ever consider Jaime a good guy, but his character has definitely been the most complex, grey character in the show."
"Anti-heroes on the other hand are morally ambiguous."
"If Chad is the Devil, he's a really good one."
"Light from Death Note... absolutely blew me away... protagonist not necessarily having to be the good guy..."
"It's okay when the good guys do it, right? They thought they were doing just right for themselves."
"The British Empire contained goods and evils, a complicated and nuanced history."
"This is Walt, or should I say Heisenberg, at his most evil and manipulative."
"I'm not talking about neo-nazis white supremacists who should be condemned totally but they were very fine people on both sides."
"Morally grey characters that are doing things they think is good."
"The best lack all conviction, the worst are full of passionate intensity."
"It's showing that bad people don't always go around announcing how evil they are."
"Normally characters are either redeemed or defeated. Shadow Weaver exists in an in-between."
"Characters aren't black or white. They're more like gray."
"The most terrifying villains are the ones who think they're the good guys."
"It's not black and white. The show is very morally gray."
"Lord Azrael is absolutely one of the most compelling antagonists. He murdered a child for the greater good."
"Maybe being mostly harmless is simply not acceptable."
"Functionally speaking, he was probably both good and bad simultaneously."
"What I loved about it you know no good villain should feel like they are evil you know sometimes when you watch the villain you're like okay how's that guy not know he's a dick."
"Every saint in here has a past, and every sinner in here has a future."
"You don't have to be a good person at heart if you're doing good things. Your actions speak louder than what you are as a person."
"Taser reveals that Ellen just didn't want to return it to the dragon in this condition but am points out that it's a typical bad guy that is actually a good guy scenario."
"The world doesn't always need a white knight; sometimes it needs a dark knight."
"The point is that it's not so much about Good and Evil here as it is about The Human Condition."
"He stuffed that neat little explosive into Dex's car and how it made him feel good that night doing something wrong and getting away with it."
"I think there's right and there's wrong and very often it's found maybe somewhere in the middle but sometimes it's not found in the middle at all."
"Evil goes beyond one's point of view as it spreads indiscriminately."
"Who we see as the bad guy isn't necessarily the bad guy."
"The fandom's concept of Slytherin evolves and is actually more complex and morally grey than the canon reality of Slytherin."
"Often times you'll find yourself not with villains and heroes but flawed people in a flawed and broken world looking to make the best of what they've been given."
"What we're interested in is the gray area between good and bad."
"Do we want villains to be evil or do we want villains to be complicated, sympathetic, and tragic?"
"The lines blur between light and darkness, good and evil."
"They're beautiful women that are also mass murderers."
"It's all just positioning... there's no good guys or bad guys in here."
"The morally ambiguous themes in Aeon Flux help us to question our original assumptions about who's good in this story."
"Good people can still do horrible things, and horrible people can do good things."
"Being the father of the atomic bomb has proven to be a double-edged sword."
"But it's clearest in the finale: Hoshi even uses the saving the world excuse to justify his cheating."
"There is honor to be found even in dishonesty."
"There's rarely objectively good or bad people in this world."
"Every hero is one bad day from becoming evil."
"Good people do the same things bad people do, they just call it justice."
"It's legal doesn't mean it's right but it's legal."
"Thanos is this incredible character who you're like, 'I see where he's coming from.'"
"Was he a good guy who made a mistake or was he a bad guy who did the occasional good thing?"
"Life isn't black and white, there is so much gray."
"I never said anything about who is right or wrong... Levi has never known."
"There is no black or white in this story... It's all gray."
"Wondering if all this fighting was worth it."
"He's people have mixed feelings about him is he a villain is he a good guy he's both I appreciated that."
"Peter Quill's nature is good, but with the wrong influences, he could become villainous."
"Underscoring Kang not only lives out of time but outside of the constructs of hero and villain, right? Kang, I guess, is the ultimate anti-hero to some degree."
"Beerus, despite him being rather chummy with the Universe 7 Z fighters and all of that, we still need to remember, and this has been lost throughout the tournament Parag Beerus isn't a good guy."
"Monster is not a show about good versus evil because there is really no such thing as true purity or true darkness."
"Light himself is not evil...but sometimes all you need to sow evil in the world is a hopeful dream and a path to achieve it."
"Heroes can be just like the villains if it suits their agenda."
"It's odd because Adam's intentions are bizarrely Noble in some regards."
"One thing that this version of the Punisher is very clear about is that this is bad and he's a bad person doing bad things but we're sympathetic to him."
"In a conflict, there is no good or evil, only survival."
"There is no shame in taking these things their true owners are likely dead anyways."
"You go from murder [ __ ] to torture [ __ ]. Oh well, and so that's where they did all that fun stuff."
"She's actually in there for molesting and murdering several children, but whatever, she's hot. Let her go so she can tag along."
"They continuously do despicable things but they're just so fun."
"The characters in this show are all so well written, it's crazy. There's no such thing as good and evil in Banshee."
"The factions themselves are genuinely morally ambiguous, there's not really a clear-cut case of who is in the right per se."
"Forgive me not for what I've done, but for what I'm about to do."
"These are powerful things, and power can go either which way."
"It's not murder if you're simply making the world a safer place."
"I watch scambaiting videos all the time, and I'll tell you right now, I don't do it because scammers are bad and scambaiters are virtuous. Rather, I watch them because I like them. Because they're funny, because they're art I enjoy."
"Suddenly what seems like such a vile thing can be justified." The snap gives him a way to view life as a fickle part of the universe. Thanos changes Galactus's outlook and our star is born.
"Fallout is best when it brings it back to its original vision - gritty, grimy, morally ambiguous, hostile, and oppressive."
"The show mostly avoids labeling good guys and bad guys."
"Tyrannical ruler with either option being viable for success and the difference between them sometimes unclear. Your moral compass will pair."
"The scariest person is someone who is so likable but does horrible things."
"Emily as a morally gray protagonist is showing us how mlms not only do the worst things to us but also bring out the worst in us."
"Data theft is a part of everyday life. It’s unfortunate, but its reality."
"It's more nuanced and complex than just like they're the good guys and that's it."
"The best villains are the ones that don't think they're villains. They actually think they're doing good."
"The line between good and evil and the need for forgiveness and mercy."
"People are not good or bad, they're not black or white, everything is gray."
"Thieves who have never stolen, murderers who have never killed, and liars who have told nothing but the truth."
"Rebecca the book is a story about very very flawed people, so much so that you would be forgiven for being unsure who were the real villains at the end."
"He's certainly not a hero. There are no heroes in A Clockwork Orange."
"Fundamentally fascinating because he is beastly yet through his beastliness shines something that is far more human than we ourselves have ever known."
"Greg throughout the show has had an aspect of embodying the banality of evil."
"Human beings are complex people and nobody is a flawless angel nor a completely heinous devil."
"Dr. Doom started out as a villain and has become more nuanced and difficult to peg down in the years."
"Charisma is not a good or a bad. It can be used for good; it can be used for bad."
"Woodman saved Evelyn's life, kind of, by defying the orders of the Tiger Claws. Sure, he also abused her afterward and pawned her off on fingers, but he did technically save her life."
"Daenerys is not evil or mad, but nor is she good and pure. She is a human being capable of great good and great evil like we all are."
"Heroes don't kill people, and he's like I do, a bunch of heroes, everybody does."
"His introduction with Tivic is so interesting... he's not some clearly good guy."
"Humans are very complicated. Nothing is black and white like that."
"Any half-decent protagonist would challenge such extreme ideas."
"Here we have another classic character who's always blurring the line between good and bad, it's Catwoman."
"MC expected himself to feel guilty; however, he doesn't feel so after each kill. M.C glows and gains a sense of satisfaction."
"His good sides don't erase the bad and his bad sides don't cancel out the good."
"There's no right, there's no wrong, there's no clear evil villain on either side of this, it's just a matter of who you agree with."
"Some people try living as a hero, only to see themselves becoming the villain. But, here was a man who chose to live as the villain who we all saw became... a hero."
"None of them really cared how they got their art. They didn't even care if it was technically illegal. They just wanted it."
"The rules of honour and chivalry in this world allow bad people to call themselves righteous."
"There are no villains, only people with their own rationality."
"Dutch Vanderlund, a charismatic grandiose and morally complex character."
"Men who live by violence often die by violence."
"The line between good and bad was often a matter of perspective."
"There's something unique when villains think they're the hero and have the moral high ground."
"She may not be the best person, but she does shift sides and stops an attempt on a princess's life."
"It kind of seems like there's not a clear-cut answer on whether or not she's cheating."
"Vigilantes are a double-edged arrow, some are good like the Arrow team, bad ones like Vigilante who killed like the OG'er."
"Sometimes good people do bad things... Are we happy moving on?"
"These are characters who are not muahaha villains these are villains who more so than villains they're antagonists you know what I mean they have they have their own moral compass of things they're trying to achieve."
"What is good, what is bad, [expletive] if I know."
"Jarhead captures the true moral ambiguity of the wars"
"The disciples obsession with revenge drives her to commit reprehensible sins but unlike most Psychopaths her face gives nothing away."
"He doesn't feel fear. He worries that he might be a monster."
"You are a cold-blooded killer capable of taking life without mercy or remorse."
"Humanity is a virus. It sounds like we need a bad guy that thinks he's the good guy."
"The game actually encourages you to rather subdue them with a punch though the crunching sound that comes from some of these punches makes you question just how non-lethal this is."
"It's almost like you can think both of these people were [ __ ] bags okay you could think Osama Bin Laden was like a scumbag who deserved to die and the American government is a shitty force of evil around the world."
"Female characters are often put into a single box: good or evil, and I think Meredith Blake is a perfect example of someone who exists somewhere in the middle."
"He wasn't really going out and doing villainous things instead he was largely fighting as what you would expect a hero to be."
"Kratos: the true chaotic evil, shedding humanity for vengeance."
"That's the beautiful thing about it all these characters the good guys the bad guys they have these fifty shades of grey and it's beautiful."
"The sniper character up nicely I'd say her main role-playing characteristic is moral flexibility."
"Karma is a very interesting thing to come up because it's not necessarily good and it's not necessarily bad..."
"Thanos did a lot of bad stuff, but when you understand what happened that pushed him to do that, you know, seeing your planet consumed by growth and mismanagement and all that, like, he was not really evil."
"We wanted to show how different ways the darkness can influence people, leaving the question of what does wielding the darkness mean."
"Whether an individual is good or evil plays no effect in how likeable they are and in most cases their actions speak a lot louder than words."
"We are constantly being asked to reevaluate every character's choices and there's not really anyone whom you can simply assume is always up to something evil or who always has altruistic and pure motives."
"He's not a hero, he's doing this in a very self-serving way."
"It's just not black and white like a lot of people were very much like oh yeah the empire is the good guys and the storm i mean the bad guys and it's like there's some nuance there."
"Nothing is black and white, everything is shades of grey."
"I think the moral of the story, Charlie, is that there's a lot of gray between the black and white."
"Deku states: 'It isn't black or white, the world is awash with shades of gray.'"
"It's not black and white, it's not black and white, always."
"Steel Ball Run presents a world painted in varying shades of gray, with no clear good or evil."
"I truly believe that we are multifaceted individuals with herbs, with dowels, with goods, with bad, and I just, I truly don't believe that things are always so black and white."