
Severity Quotes

There are 685 quotes

"Parenting style affects the severity of ADHD."
"There's nothing clever or funny to say about depression. If you've ever known someone who is depressed or experienced it yourself, you know how hard and all-consuming it can be."
"This could be the worst financial event we've ever seen."
"Allergies exist on a continuum. Some people it's unpleasant at certain times of year, yet other people like your father end up dying from allergies."
"All the predators that I have pursued, however, Mr. Kelly is the worst."
"This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe actually."
"The humanitarian crisis in Gaza has reached absolutely horrifying, unthinkable levels."
"I am satisfied that the objective seriousness of the conspiracy was one of the highest order."
"Vitamin D deficiency is associated with elevated risk, severity, and mortality in various health conditions."
"It's going to be a bloodbath for the country."
"Gaza right now, in its current form, is the worst humanitarian crisis we have ever seen."
"Things just went from pretty bad to nuclear."
"This is the humanitarian crisis of our lives."
"This is a historic challenge we have not seen something like this in a very, very long time."
"If the health risk is severe enough, then your civil liberties are optional."
"Surviving strangulation is surviving attempted murder."
"Parent killing their child is objectively the most horrific of crimes."
"When the real word is torture because that's all it was - torture from beginning to end."
"The probability of the next downturn being even more severe is greater in my opinion."
"Especially when you know you could die, you know, it's serious."
"I think we have a great case and I think he's either going to spend the rest of his life in prison or he's going to get the needle."
"Remember, this isn't the flu... it's much more deadly than flu."
"The crux of the smallpox scenario is that you are going to start off with a lot of severity and lethality."
"The new law is much tougher than many had imagined."
"Hail storm: 'Size of golf balls, panic ensues.'"
"Lung ultrasound findings may be more severe than x-ray."
"Many of these Mothman cultists aren't actually worshiping the Mothman... they are worshiping a corrupted version of these Lovecraftian forces."
"I've never seen anything like it, it is a war zone in a true sense."
"The probability of things getting monumentally worse is much, much higher."
"That is the most ultimate form of disrespect out there."
"Remember, this is one of the worst things that they have seen."
"In one reality, SCP-3519 managed to kill off the entire world, due to its severity and ease of infection."
"He was beyond basic hypothermia; he was getting into the far stages of hypothermia, which could be pretty bad."
"I killed them all, Joe. And not just the men, but the women and the Children."
"The level of exploitation we've seen is absolutely dangerous."
"Two counts of attempted first-degree murder."
"We have problems like we've never had in the history of our country."
"I think anyone looking at this would see it as severe child abuse."
"Murder is the most heinous crime known to mankind."
"Child murder is widely and rightly regarded as one of the most heinous crimes a human being can commit."
"The economic reaction to the Covid-19 pandemic has been absolutely mental."
"Rape is what it was, yeah, it's a pretty bad one not gonna pretend it wasn't bad."
"Over the last months and years, we have seen intensity like never before."
"Oh, I can't stand lies. Put him under the jail!"
"We don't think we're overstating it to say that the Chernobyl disaster was, well, a disaster."
"This is gross negligence. It's not just negligence, it's gross extreme negligence."
"It should absolutely be severe. Severe penalty. It should absolutely be severe."
"Orders of magnitude greater than what we saw in 2008."
"She had all these horrible wounds on her head."
"The body of Christ is torn apart, what could be worse than that?"
"Is the punishment adequate for child predators? If we increase the severity, are we able to combat this seemingly epidemic?"
"The scandal was greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate."
"The details of this case are just absolutely horrendous..."
"The coverup is way worse than the underlying crime."
"He took Carthage by force, burned it into a hollow blackened husk, then tore that husk to the ground before sowing the fields in the area with salt so no crops would grow there for generations."
"Medical examiners stated that Asia was beaten so severely that her teeth were actually knocked out of her mouth."
"This person, this wasn't their first time doing something like this."
"When you murder in cold blood 17 innocent people, there's no other punishment that meets the gravity of that crime."
"Quarantine was effectively a death sentence."
"Seditious conspiracy is among the most serious of all crimes that an American can commit."
"Nazis killed over six million civilians... they're not tweeting, they're going out into killing people systematically."
"Once you dip your toe in that depravity water it gets worse and worse and worse."
"He's addicted to essentially the equivalent of like heroin."
"I think the supply constraints and the structural changes in inflation are much more severe than what we saw back then."
"Online violence can be as mild as disparaging remarks about your appearance or intelligence."
"The damage is severe; it's life-long for far too many people for my comfort."
"I do find pursuant to the statute that the harm is so great that a single term would not adequately reflect its seriousness."
"Acts of Cruelty are now counted alongside felony crimes like arson, burglary, assault, and homicide."
"Remember taking a man's livelihood is akin to killing him."
"The weather's quickly becoming too bad. Dire warnings are issued."
"The events that we saw were atrocious, they were appalling."
"We can receive supernatural healing, it doesn't matter the severity."
"The siege is a war crime of a grand scale which dwarfs the war parts."
"It's a surprise. I think it is larger than they expected, much worse than they expected."
"Serial killers are dangerous. There isn't one who comes out in that category as 'mildly annoying serial killer.'"
"It used to be deadly punishment for small crimes."
"This is actually probably one of the most severe mental health crisis that we've ever really witnessed."
"I think he was stalking their movements for three months before these murders took place that is really freaking scary."
"He was stalking their movements for three months before these murders took place that is really freaking scary."
"That's a level of deviance that I think really shocked people who followed this case."
"When he says that R. Kelly is going to die in jail, some people may think that's too extreme, but when you rob a child of their potential future, I think that's one of the most egregious crimes."
"Off with their heads! That's not funny, but off with their heads."
"Things go wrong out here, they go wrong in a big way."
"At this point it isn't heisting it's just breaking and entering with a sprinkling of genocide."
"Just the total infrastructure has been annihilated."
"It's the deadliest plague ever, surpassing smallpox."
"This might be the biggest ransomware attack in history."
"This long-running fraud was intentional, egregious, illegal, and he did it all with the help of the other defendants." - Letitia James
"Climate change is not a problem anymore, it's a serious problem."
"Massive blizzards and severe storms could become the new norm in weather for America and Europe."
"No one should actually die from that but it should be the death penalty."
"This is gonna be far and away worse than anything the Supreme Court has done in recent times."
"They're not the same, so let me ask you this: in America, if you commit treason, you get the electric chair."
"There is no graver fate for those that serve the Imperium."
"That's worse than ninja, that's actually it."
"Suicidality is a lot worse than being depressed."
"It's going to make the Great Depression look like a picnic."
"I can't even describe to you how bad that is the pumps were broken."
"The waves were reaching staggering heights of 60 feet."
"It was a 9.0 to 9.1 earthquake one of the most severe in recorded history."
"The cover-up in many cases is by far worse than what the issue was."
"Even this detail as damning as it is, the fact that a mother would not report her daughter missing for 31 days, it's still not true, it's even worse."
"We're at a point where a lot of people are talking about wanting a civil war, and they don't understand how bad it will be."
"People don't understand the severity of it, man."
"There is no way to oversell how disturbing this case and this crime is."
"It was savage. That's the only way that you can classify it."
"The worst thing that could happen... a larger problem here."
"The assault really is on all three branches of government and it's pretty severe at all levels."
"Even a minor burn can be very painful, but being on fire is another experience altogether."
"It's a question of how bad do we want it to get?"
"But have some perspective on how horrible sin is."
"His skull was broken, people could even see his brain."
"There was a four hour long beating inflicted upon Dolores Jackson, where 58 injuries were inflicted from the top of her head to the bottom of her legs."
"Moon Knight's justice is ruthless and unforgiving."
"It's crazy... it might be even worse than... drug addictions."
"Hugely increasing cases, but increasing mildness."
"The extraordinary thing about this crisis is... it is almost biblical... it is truly a global challenge."
"The weather is going to get very serious in terms of climate extreme events."
"There's no spectrum when it comes to abuse like this."
"Thousands and thousands of images and videos of children, some suggestive, others more so."
"This is still a sick individual, and what they've done goes beyond far than just hacking databases or facilitating the sale of illegal information. That's honestly, in my opinion, like 10 steps below the CP charges."
"Bullying stuff has really gotten out of hand."
"It's a dangerous illness that everybody should respect."
"This is so much worse, this is so much more of an abusive power."
"The next eruption could not only be explosive, it could be devastating."
"The level of insanity and craziness and venality is just unmatched in all this."
"It's a death penalty eligible crime if they charge first degree."
"The Russian Armed Forces... are facing a much more severe crisis every day."
"In this case, life should mean life and he should never be released."
"It's worse than death, her trap is more worth worse than death itself."
"It's the worst thing that a president has done in my lifetime, certainly worse than Watergate. Oh, far worse than Watergate."
"I think Trump really is the worst of the worst and now they're realizing there's a worst of the worst worst."
"Do not underestimate this, this is not a normal flu this is serious."
"Sorrys don't really do a lot when it comes to life and death situations."
"Events that could be considered three orders of magnitude more severe than Katrina are abundant through the history of the planet."
"The Federal Reserve says economic data for the second quarter will be as bad as anyone has seen."
"This isn't a crash and it's not even a recession and it's not a 10-year event. This is a hundred plus year event."
"If there's a scale from zero to a hundred with a hundred being the most severe criticism, it was a one."
"The crisis that's coming is going to be far worse than anything that was experienced in 2008."
"Passengers would board the Eastland as a day trip or even sometimes for overnight excursions out to Michigan and Indiana."
"They are threatening people with three months in prison for breaking quarantine... they're taking this insanely seriously."
"Cancer is not something I would wish on my worst enemy."
"Nothing trumps that. That's as bad as a bullet through the head."
"That's one of the worst stories you could ever hear man."
"The assault was so brutal and Alicia's wounds were so significant."
"Seriously, wow. Interestingly, he was found guilty of murder and felony murder, armed robbery, unlawful possession of a weapon, possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose, and receiving stolen property."
"People don't have depression because they're bored. Actual depression is something so severe and all-encompassing of your soul and your humanness."
"Well that's a pretty good case for double homicide."
"Brandon Tatum is in the top 10 of the most courageous human beings on this earth."
"You've put yourself right up there with murderers."
"Some have described New York City under COVID as a war zone."
"There would be widespread devastation, death like we have never even imagined."
"If the CIA did Kill JFK that literally wouldn't make a list of the top 50 most despicable things they've ever done."
"The Japanese tsunami of 2011 was one of the most severe natural disasters."
"Chernobyl is the worst nuclear accident in the history of the world."
"The body of someone he had killed... almost worth as much as just a cigarette to him."
"Such a mistake cannot be forgiven," Sergey Shoigu declared, emphasizing the severity of the situation.
"Healthcare professionals have said to me, if you think COVID is bad when it comes to climate change, you ain't seen nothing yet."
"Sexual assault is one of the most egregious acts."
"Crimes against children should carry a harsher punishment."
"That's the harshest sentence of anyone in the Mueller probe thus far."
"If you think that this is a rarity, it's not. It really isn't."
"Throw his ass under the jail, no sympathy, no compassion, nothing. Absolutely nothing."
"Everything together... is incredibly damning."
"The most terrible, giver of all boons and protection."
"Murder is the worst thing ever, but when it's done for the sheer pleasure of it, it's somehow made even worse."
"Misinformation and disinformation lead to grief, heartbreak, and in some extreme cases, have even led to death."
"This whole thing is damning. This whole thing's a wrap because this is bad. This is very, very bad."
"We've got to recognize the suddenness, the brutality of storms now."
"Chernobyl: The biggest and most horrifying example of a nuclear reactor disaster in human history."
"What he's accused of doing goes way beyond murder."
"This is the most frightening disease I've ever encountered in my career."
"The pain was so severe I felt like I would black out."
"We need to make sure we are tough on crime when we find someone who commits a gun crime they need to be put away."
"No mercy, no bargaining. A traitor's justice."
"The 15-year-old suspected in that deadly Michigan high school shooting charged as an adult with murder and terrorism."
"If you're a judge and you get found that you're on the take death penalty that's pretty."
"The sentence he's got is the most anyone could ever have but I think everyone would want more."
"This is not a good news story, this is a people are dying story."
"We've got a problem, and it's not a small one. It's a big one."
"You knew it was corrupt but it's worse than what you thought."
"You have shown No Remorse through this process... the facts in this case are the most horrific I have ever seen."
"Oops we were wrong, oops it's far worse than we thought."
"It is one of the most horrific things I have ever seen."
"this is the greatest economic crisis we've had since the great depression"
"This is the most serious crisis we’ve faced in the history of the country."
"They aren't just getting the book thrown at them, they're getting the entire library."
"This is a 1929 meets 9/11 slow roll out event with a martial law flavor."
"This that little rebellion bullying is [__] obscene."
"Foreign pandemic is still worse than you think it is."
"The worst case scenarios, if we just don't do anything and burn everything that we can find, that's about eight to nine degrees Fahrenheit warmer than where we are now."
"The dividing line is whether it impairs function. Generally speaking, when we talk about OCD, these are people for whom it is so severe that it kind of by definition impairs them more than it helps them."
"After all, putting a name on something by yourself doesn't make the ailment less real or severe."
"So you kind of lose on that one also, asking for the death sentence for anyone convicted of human trafficking. Would you have a problem with that? Nope."
"The act of pedophilia - anything you do against a child is satanic."
"The attack on Liberty might be the most vicious of all time."
"You can't play with these things - they can be worse than a nuclear bomb."
"We're talking about fines of a hundred thousand dollars, 250,000 if it causes death."
"The aftermath of Bhopal gives any nuclear accident a run for its money."
"I think what we're going to see... is a financial crisis the likes of which in terms of speed and magnitude we haven't seen."