
Seasonal Change Quotes

There are 897 quotes

"March comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb."
"Every day now is a day that spring is getting closer. From darkness to light, from death to life, from cold to warm."
"Fall is beginning to fall, so it is beautiful."
"Come winter, the frost shepherds will arrive and we might not survive the encounter."
"With the spring weather coming, that would be a great boon to millions of people across the country."
"The end is in sight, and a wretched year will give way to a spring and summer that will be very different."
"It is the summertime, so your girl has switched to iced tea."
"The light is back, the warmth is coming back."
"I do see an increase in money around the spring or summer."
"It's gonna be like 85 today, which absolutely again sucks, but we've got cold weather on the way... It's a gift from the heavens, and I'm not gonna question it."
"The fastest way to stop beating yourself up, the fastest way to stop feeling regret over where you're at in your life right now, is to literally say to yourself, 'I did the best I could.'"
"This summer has honestly been pretty difficult, and I'm just ready for a new chapter. I'm feeling like fall is going to do that change for us."
"Memory is so fickle. You had people throwing mortar shells at each other, and then winter comes around and people forget what happened a couple of years ago."
"This is a big harvest season coming up in September."
"I love seeing the seasonal change happen around the farm here. This is now the fourth fall that I've experienced where I've had animals on the farm, and I feel like I'm finally getting into the rhythm of it all. It's pretty beautiful and magical."
"April is the new start of the summer movie season."
"Winter is coming, and everywhere you look, things are cold. There's always this predictive programming around, why are they telling you this?"
"Welcome to the August edition of Forza Monthly. Summer is winding down in the northern hemisphere but autumn is looking better than ever."
"Happy Spring! It's warming up, sun is setting later, the vibes are good."
"New energy enters old relationships and new relationships are bursting with the sweetness and vibrancy only encountered when winter gives way to spring."
"Break free from past seasons of trauma, grief, and loss."
"Taylor gets it from the school bully, her best friend, even her 10-year-old brother tries to destroy her reputation."
"Fall is a season of change, and I find it to be a great time to be learning a new language."
"When we fall away from the sun or tilt away from the sun, know that things will soon be done. Winter solstice."
"Springtime is going to be a more better time for your love life."
"The camouflage trend is definitely kind of going out this fall and we're really just not seeing a lot of camouflage."
"October, November, December: stepping into a new version of yourself, a year of flow and harmony."
"When he saw summer, his demeanor totally changed and he looked at me. He said, 'Why are you doing this to me, baby? Let's talk.'"
"Are you guys ready for fall one more day fall officially starts tomorrow i hope we get a change of season and a change of a change of luck i hope things can shift dramatically over the next 24 hours for us."
"Winter is coming and it will impact both sides."
"Spring has come, crawling now, wake up my friend."
"Cases are going to increase pretty well everywhere now that autumn's here."
"It's nice when it goes from winter to spring, I feel like it feels really happy."
"As we climbed higher into the hills, the rain transformed into snow right before our eyes - we had found winter."
"I think everything else is feeling the cooler temperatures, and everything's just improving so much."
"This level of quietness is not something you'd find in any other season."
"This touched me in such a way that it's a universal story."
"I feel like I haven't been here forever. It's already August."
"Skincare routines should change with the seasons, just like your wardrobe."
"Fortunately though the year was starting to look up because we most certainly did get one and it was a heck of a one mid-february."
"The Michigan descent into darkness has begun."
"Life is great. Spring is in the air."
"Isn't it great that this long off-season is finally coming to an end? Football season is here."
"You pretty much got clarity is what I see, and that is the most powerful thing ever."
"It's the beginning of spring and hopefully the beginning of what should be a much much better year than last year."
"Spring is in the air, dear students, and with it the winds of change. It is time now to focus on rebirth and renewal, letting go of what has become outmoded."
"We're already getting a spring feel. It's in the mid to high 60s and Bubbles is out here not just hanging out with me but actually lifting her body off the ground."
"The incredible Red Sea Beach in Panjin, China, turns red every autumn due to the red grass genus seaweed."
"You're definitely stepping into your power this fall season."
"I love that it gets dark at like half four. It makes me feel so cozy."
"It's like you got to really prepare yourself mentally. Is it one of those things where when you ask for something, when you wish for something and now that you ain't, you're like damn, I asked for a lot, mm-hmm."
"When autumn hits. Autumn Rachel will have risen from her tomb. Prepare thyself."
"Spring is coming, I can already see lots of lovely things popping up. It's exciting and I'm looking forward to the new season."
"October has really hit me. It's really hit me hard because for me October fully means summer is over."
"It's just that time of the year where everyone is kind of telling themselves that they're getting a new fresh start."
"Leaves are falling, scarecrows are scarecrow-ing."
"There are zero supplements that you need to be successful."
"Yes, we do love each other. Hey, it's almost back to school time which, please, cannot wait."
"Spring was moving into summer. There was a mood of excitement in the city, as people gathered from across the world to celebrate Pentecost, The Harvest festival."
"Passover would eventually slip into winter, then fall, then back to the spring."
"The seasonal structure is changing - variety is the spice of life."
"Winter's not forever and always after winter is an incredible springtime of optimism and change."
"Capricorn season: Embrace necessary endings and exciting New Beginnings."
"It's September. Hopefully the nicer, cooler weather will be moving in soon."
"I started channeling this year out of the blue... I started to feel it. I'm glad summer's over."
"The days become shorter, night grows longer, the Glorious fog is going to take the faithful."
"They call that the Passover, they know the Passover is when the Sun comes from the hot southern hemisphere of the planet Earth in the heavens in the gate where Capricorn wounds and"
"Empty your underwear drawer, it's officially spring cleaning time."
"Embracing this change of season with a mindset to actually change... Most of us are stuck in a place that is uncomfortable simply because we refuse to make certain choices."
"It's time to get ready for a cold, dark winter."
"The dark cold winter is finally ending, you guys!"
"Often times what precedes the next season is fasting."
"Summer is a time for excitement, so go ahead and switch things up with a new recipe from Hello Fresh."
"The days are gradually shortening, the planned vacations are wrapping up, and a handful of crazy people are pretending that it's fall already."
"Happy Easter as the rainy days fade away, beautiful flowers bloom, giving a perfect opportunity to go egg hunting."
"Leo, what an exciting time! You're coming out of that winter energy, and it's your time to shine."
"I am in the mood for spring guys it's not even funny I'm pretty sick of winter by."
"Now I want to go to the beach, I want to go watch the Mets play. Like, I don't want to be freezing cold anymore."
"People are definitely more prepared for the winter and they sort of expect the inevitable which is coming."
"It's one of my favorite times a year where you're just seeing life kind of sprout up all around you it's so inspiring and just so needed."
"I feel like it's looking way more summery, a lot more bright."
"How selfish I have been," said the giant. "Now I know why the spring would not come here."
"Feeling good today, I really am. The weather, it's feeling a little bit brisk but it's starting to heat up."
"Smooth Sack Summer is slowly coming to an end, fellas. If you haven't been skating for the summer sun, it's not too late to sweep your sack of those pesky pubes."
"It's like the sun comes out and all the flowers start to bloom."
"Every year is going to be different but by Christmas, I think you really find out who you are."
"The time between about really like January 1st and March 21st is like the transition point where we've had a shift."
"It's like the end of March, it's always nous time of year."
"February magically turns into our biggest win yet."
"Sometimes the greatest barrier to the blessing of God in your future is not what the devil did to you, it's what God did for you in one season that you expect him to repeat in the next season."
"Beautiful through here, the green starting to come back in the trees."
"I'm happy that it's technically fall. The Solstice has happened and now I can wear hoodies and hats."
"The leaves had begun to fall and a cheery mood swept in with the autumn breeze."
"It's crazy because it feels like the year just started but it's also December already."
"Thankfully for America, spring is coming, a restoration is coming."
"It's almost fall y'all, which means we are all heading into the busiest time of the year."
"March comes in like a lamb, goes out like a lion."
"Eat fruit while you can because it looks like we're getting fruit adjacent."
"We are no longer journeying in the wilderness, We are no longer in the season of mere planting. We are in the harvest time." - Samuel Gompers
"The color of the leaves on the trees will gradually change and so too will the activities available to you."
"The seasons are changing and our farm changes with the seasons."
"The fall is going to bring a blessing in for you guys."
"In this time of trial, the beauty of springtime fills us with the peace and the hope of renewal."
"Don't go back to an old methodology when God is teaching you in a new season."
"Sorry, summer, time to go. I never really liked him anyway."
"Spring is coming, and I just feel like we're all about to become complete butterflies."
"Watch the Lord pour out his blessings on you in this season."
"Winter's coming again, I don't know if you guys know that but it's on its way."
"It's the first day of spring and damn I'm feeling like Mary Poppins y'all!" - Robert Myer Burnett
"Everything happens for a reason, even though you might not see the harvest yet. Remembering we never see the harvest in winter but very soon you're going to see it during summertime."
"I just hope the others catch up. Oh, that wind's blowing, but look at the apple tree, it's still absolutely covered."
"I'm so happy that the days are getting longer."
"It's a time of rebirth, a time of renewed hope."
"Spring brings the greatest move of God's spirit ever in the history of this world."
"Hogwarts brings us through each season of the year completely transforming the map."
"Time to switch over to those fall wardrobes, right? I can't wait to see what sorts of outfits you put together this year." - Isabelle
"The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and we're getting back outside."
"By summer, you're going to be really happy... it's Harvest Time."
"Before you know it, the growing season will be here, and that makes this Gardener's heart very happy!"
"Glorious fall has come, and we've officially hit fall, weather-wise."
"Restoring a vibe in September towards the end."
"It feels more festive now, I don't know, I feel like the closer we get to December it feels more real."
"This is the magic time of the year when the AC is off, the furnace is off, and you're opening the windows at night."
"I really hope you're having uh a nice fall and you're enjoying fall and your life hasn't been a [ __ ] show like mine."
"This September is going to bring enlightenment."
"Finally, it's cold out there though, so please."
"Spring is when you take something that's all beaten down by winter and make it f***ing pop again."
"If you're watching this video after Christmas that's probably already changed and I would say the number 10 spot in that case is the rust-bucket."
"I fear this might be our last weekend before winter comes."
"There's nothing for you to do in November then to transform."
"It's the last day of summer and I'm in love twice?"
"With spring coming, this is the best time to rejuvenate yourself and reinvent yourself."
"I always talked about since we started this year about the fall being like a key period in the year where everything is starting to happen in a really big way."
"There's something about fall isn't there where you just feel like ah um I don't know you're literally turning over a new Leaf so I'm just feeling really good about the nature of my Channel right now."
"I believe that we're now in the summer of projects."
"I smell spring for the first time... it's usually from the Laurel Bush on our road."
"I feel like I need a spring reset in my life."
"We've officially reached the solstice into the world."
"Cardinal signs initiate into something new, marking the start of a season."
"Remember when these tremors and when these tumultuous moments happen, summer says, 'I will take it, so that the fall can do its work in America.'"
"Now I gotta say this kind of makes me sad I'm licking all these poor pumpkins they didn't get picked before the snow came in I guess that means there's no spooky season for them."
"I can really feel fall is coming which is both the most exciting thing but also slightly terrifying."
"I always love the clocks changing in winter."
"Lake Retba, a coral pink lake nestled between white sand dunes and the Atlantic Ocean, is intensely pink during the dry season."
"Winter is definitely coming, it's was the time now 8:30 in the evening."
"Winter time was perfect for giving us enough time to settle in and prepare for the explosion of life that happens in the Spring."
"The re-emergence of the green and pleasant land after a bleak and bitter winter."
"I love when I start to see some color go into flowerbeds."
"I'm so over winter and I'm ready for warmer weather and brighter colors."
"I love this time of year when things like that start to just kind of burst."
"We'll do another tour next month, maybe towards the end of May, and show you how things look."
"Seasons have changed, lots of strong energy around the collective."
"It was the beginning of fall where the maple tree leaves started to turn amazing reds and oranges, and they would get dark much earlier."
"We're transitioning from Summer to Fall, so I just feel like this is a good opportunity to do another closet purge."
"I can't wait until we can take a second and do some spring cleaning and throw away all the trash that's been sitting underneath the snow that we've missed this whole winter season."
"I wanted to share my first Fall outfit with you I'm actually excited that the weather is changing and things are getting a little bit cooler here in the Oregon Valley"
"...what better time of year to start that than the beginning of a new season."
"We all know that as weather gets colder our self-care routines often take a backseat but this year it's all about feeling comfortable and confident in our own skin all year long."
"The winter and the darkness can cause a lot of unnecessary suffering when we are trying to force ourselves to feel the same as we do in the summer."
"My skin has been so dry since the seasons are changing."
"It really is like a seasonal shift for me. I do get very excited and feel very rejuvenated when the next season rolls around."
"I feel so much better, I feel so much more alive and I'm so excited to embrace the spring season ahead."
"...but they have so many different colors and patterns that you can choose from I feel like changing up your bedding is the perfect way to like head into a new season."
"Love this time of year when we get to lighten and brighten our wardrobes."
"I'm really excited for spring I'm really excited to get like playing a little bit."
"This week has been so nice. All the snow is melting."
"And yet another winter is also coming, this time perhaps without the benefit of some of that Russian energy upon which many have relied."
"I hate how it gets dark earlier. You're onaran. I hate how it goes back an hour. Does that happen in Canada? Do y'all go back an hour?"
"Winter has always been a time to slow down, take stock, and prepare for the coming of spring."
"You can do some really creative things, such as getting the exact same type of video at different seasons of the year to show the differences."
"I feel like summer was so crazy busy and there was so much going on like I don't know the four-day rainstorm just feels like it's signaling the beginning of fall."
"This recreation mecca and sanctuary for all transforms from season to season but always wakes the spirit on a grand scale."
"I just want to get slightly leaner and feel more myself which I think is perfectly okay given that it's getting slightly warmer now."
"Tomorrow's the winter solstice, so the day tomorrow's the shortest day of the year, and then we start getting longer, which yay."
"From Tasmania to the Andes from Turkey to Japan from North America to Australia from Peru to Egypt winter had ended and a great global spring had begun."
"I love this time of year though when the nights are drawing in."
"Spring is here finally! We have had our first official day of spring and I am so ready for all the warmer weather stuff to start happening."
"I just get so excited for the change of seasons especially going from Winter to spring because it's such a drastic change and I just love the warm weather."
"When the first cold fall day hits and you know winter is coming, ice fisherman, normal people didn't get to go out as much as I wanted to last year, but this winter is different. Going out a bunch, we're almost there."
"Sunflowers to me means kicking off flower season."
"I'm so happy that winter is gone and spring is here."
"Spring baby, it's a sign, it's here finally."
"I love spring, it just gives you so much energy."
"Autumn is setting in and my kitchen Garden is slowly falling into a deep Slumber."
"This is the time of year when I start to fully become myself again."
"Spring is all about new beginnings... there's never a time where we can't just start again."
"I'm usually mourning Halloween season, wondering how it went by so fast."
"That first moment of walking in the craft store and there's fall like the first time you see fall for the season, like that for me is like it's the best feeling in the world because it's just beginning and we're just getting into it."
"All the trees are changing colors and set it time and time again Autumn is my favorite season of the year."
"When spring comes ... will they lift the ban?"
"Spring is finally making its way towards us here in the Northeast."
"there is no better feeling than putting this stuff away goodbye goodbye goodbye winter over here is where I've been stashing some summer stuff and like my bathing suits so these can maybe get brought more to the Forefront"
"The drive becomes flooded with color by the end of spring as the lupines take over the Otago and Canterbury regions."
"The shining river, the trees glowing bronze and gold, and the sweet green of the grass."
"It's beautiful weather though, yeah, had to take off the hoodie, man."
"We have officially completed the Autumn to Winter project."
"I love the way it comes in, and in the summer, it's even more intense."
"Winter is approaching us now. It's been raining more and more frequently. The days are shorter and the nights are much colder."
"The nights are turning colder. Soon the falling of the frost. Soon the summer will be over."
"Spring is here, summer is on the way even though it snowed last night. Honestly, I don't know what's up with the UK weather at the moment."