
Voting Rights Quotes

There are 548 quotes

"We should be making it easier to vote, not harder."
"You haven't lost your right to vote. Don't act like you're a felon."
"We are pushing to make sure that Zimbabweans in the diaspora are allowed to vote."
"Democracy would allow equal access to voting; they wouldn't have restrictions to voting."
"We have been through contentious and even violent elections before in our history and people have defended the right to vote."
"It's fundamentally wrong for the government to do anything to frustrate the right to vote."
"When you've served your time and you've paid your debt to society, you should be able to vote and protect yourself through the political system and have the same rights as everybody else."
"I've been fighting for access to affordable healthcare, for voting rights, for essential workers, ordinary people because I know what it's like to be an ordinary person."
"I don't believe that you make a society safer or more democratic by limiting who gets to vote."
"They were fighting for us to have the right to our opinion, not the right to vote for whoever the white liberal said Black people are supposed to vote for."
"The right to vote and have that vote counted is democracy's threshold liberty. Without it, nothing is possible, but with it, anything is possible."
"I will not yield, I will not flinch, I will defend the right to vote, our democracy against all enemies, foreign and, yes, domestic."
"We want Federal legislation granting negroes the right to vote unencumbered."
"Black people literally fought in wars before they could vote."
"The legislators in North Carolina went out of their way to exclude many of the photo IDs and get rid of voting methods predominantly used by black citizens with the aim of reducing that turnout in elections."
"Your vote...you have a right to your vote being counted and that your method of voting shouldn't lead to discriminatory, differential, disparate treatment of you."
"The most fundamental right in America is the right to vote and have it counted, and look, it's under assault."
"Every U.S. citizen has the right to vote; every U.S. citizen has the right not to vote. Those who chose the latter lose their right to complain."
"The assault on the Black vote and voting rights across the nation has never been more ugly than it is today."
"Make the right to vote and the right to equal protection real for African Americans."
"It is not a false political narrative to say we should make it easier for people to vote."
"The votes of Black Americans should count twice."
"We need a governor who believes in access to the right to vote and not in voter suppression."
"Without it, no tangibles, no vote. That's the nice way of putting it."
"The right to vote and have it counted... is under assault in state after state."
"Voting rights are essential for our democracy."
"Looking backwards it's a poor form of memory that only works backwards." - Lewis Carroll
"For me, a person's ability to vote is a say in their own future, however they choose to vote."
"The Supreme Court says shoring up voting procedures isn't racist."
"Supreme Court hears oral arguments in a critical case out of Alabama that could determine the future of the Voting Rights Act."
"Strom Thurman voted to extend the voting rights act... The man who led the longest filibusters in history against the voting rights act... Even Strom Thurmond came to support voting rights, but Republicans today can't, it won't." —President Biden
"I think there are a number of things we can do to protect voting rights."
"The right to vote is sacrosanct, and we can't do anything to send a message to people that we're going to make it more restrictive and harder to have their voice heard." - Delta CEO Ed Bastian
"A person's ability to vote is a say in their own future, however they choose to vote."
"The right to vote is one of our foundational principles here in America."
"We need to update the voting rights act to address voter suppression tactics."
"I will not stand by and watch the most fundamental freedom in this country, the freedom to vote, be taken from you."
"This is a car built for people who know what they're doing behind the wheel on track. It seems like that's been baked into the chassis."
"Let's restore the Voting Rights Act and ensure that our democracy belongs to all Americans."
"This is not a regular bill going through this is literally the right to vote."
"If it wasn't important, they wouldn't be fighting to make sure we couldn't vote."
"Fix it. We don't want disenfranchised voters."
"I support corporate accountability... Is it the number one place to access the right to vote?"
"The truth is these people are more offended to be called fascists than to stop doing the fascism, right? Like, you know, you don't want to be called fascists then make it so people can vote."
"We need to deal with voting rights. It's very important, it's very urgent."
"Your right to vote is not guaranteed, it is still under attack every day."
"How do you say that there's no systemic racism as their Klan rallies happening around the country and they are attacking voting rights and the educational reform all the in the Supreme Court you're making a fool out of yourself."
"If there's a minimum age for voting, there should be a maximum age for voting."
"The right to vote is unique, special, and constitutionally protected."
"This cannot go on. Our votes must be counted fair and true."
"We are working closely with senators on voting rights; both are imperative priorities."
"Policy change includes the Civil Rights Act and the voter I attack."
"Your right to vote, even our democracy is on the ballot."
"The right to vote is not a privilege, it is indeed a right that belongs to those who are Georgia citizens."
"It shouldn't be choosing between voting and risking your life or your health shouldn't be a choice you simply don't you don't vote and you take care of your health and your well-being."
"Of course women should have the right to vote... including social politics like this is what makes open-world games more interesting."
"The president is committed to getting voting rights passed and signed into law."
"Every vote counts, and we honor those who fought for our right to vote."
"The president is committed to making sure the fundamental right to vote still exists."
"The only ballots that should count... are those cast by eligible voters... in a lawful manner."
"Senate Republicans are blocking the debate on the sweeping voting rights bill."
"We shouldn't apologize for wanting to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat."
"There's nothing in there that says black people can't vote."
"We need to make sure that we are focusing on voting rights and passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Act."
"If black folks didn't matter, they wouldn't be trying so hard to keep us from voting."
"The right to vote is precious, that is almost sacred."
"We have to do everything within our power to uphold the Constitution, protect the rule of law, and protect our democracy and each person's right to vote."
"If the only way you're going to win an election is to deny people the right to vote, it tells me that you got nothing real to say."
"Keeping felons from voting is a deliberate effort to keep black and brown people from contributing their votes."
"The right to vote is one of the very important components of citizenship and it is something that people should not be stripped of needlessly."
"The voting rights of people with prior felony convictions, one extra vote in an election where thousands or even millions of votes are cast."
"If voting didn't make a difference they wouldn't put so many obstacles in the way of black people voting."
"Voting rights will be the very first matter of legislative business when the senate returns."
"Voting is a fundamental individual right that is critical to our democracy."
"If your votes don't matter why are folks trying so hard to keep you from voting?"
"It is wrong to deny any of your fellow Americans the right to vote in this country."
"Voting rights is one of the most significant issues that is facing us."
"I am in favor, I will say it loudly and proudly, I am in favor of allowing convicts, prisoners the right to vote one thousand percent."
"Do you believe that all citizens in the United States of America should have the right to and exercise their right to vote?"
"The best way to ensure people's voices were heard they decided was to protect their ability to vote."
"The black woman is fighting for the right to vote."
"The black woman fought for your right to vote."
"Warnock has been a champion for voting rights, he has been consistently."
"CEOs who participated will re-evaluate donations to candidates supporting bills that restrict voting rights."
"The crux of this argument goes back to the Bush v Gore ruling: all votes must be treated equally."
"Nothing more sacred than the fundamental democratic principle of one person one vote."
"We must have an all-out war fighting for voting rights."
"The idea that millions of people have sent in their ballot, the news media should be very clear that those votes should be presumed to be counted, not uncounted."
"Think about your great grandmother who never got the chance to vote, and then think about your grandchildren that you need to do something for."
"If your vote didn't matter why they trying to take it?"
"There are no rights without voting rights...it is important."
"It is Orwellian double speak to invoke the concept of voting rights to mean ballot harvesting or prohibiting voter ID."
"The 15th Amendment guaranteed the right to vote regardless of race."
"Every legal ballot to count, no illegal ballot to count. Because every illegal ballot that counts dilutes the value of every legal ballot that was cast."
"Your vote has value. If people are fighting tooth and nail against your interests to take your vote away, what's not clicking with people?"
"If there's fraud, they shouldn't account for any vote."
"The only thing that makes us different is our right to vote."
"None of that matters if you don't have a vote because they'll just take it away."
"Voting rights are among the most important rights because they're preservative of all other rights."
"It's absolutely the case that voting rights are essential to maintaining and protecting civil rights."
"We are very lucky to live in a country where we actually get to vote."
"It's like they're trying to break down all the normative systems and legal protections for people to vote."
"She used the opportunity to change the way this society voted for overseer to remove the vote altogether so that never again would a wife be coerced into forced sex."
"These are issues that impact young people because as we all know your right to vote and the action of voting unlocks all the other rights including same-sex marriage."
"It's sick, it's sick. Deciding in some states that you cannot bring water to people standing in line waiting to vote."
"This makes Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle. I mean, this is gigantic what they're trying to do."
"If you have a vibrant, thriving democracy where the right to vote is respected, you do not end up with a total abortion ban with no exception for rape or incest."
"Without voting rights, we have absolutely nothing."
"I'm for a system where everybody actually does have one vote and there's no voter suppression."
"I love how it's always framed in the media: voting restrictions, voting suppression. You give them an inch to take a mile, absolutely."
"I never advocate staying home simply because as a person of color, people literally die for me to have rights like voting. So I have voted in every election that there has been since I became of age and I will continue to do so."
"We reject any visit by President Biden that does not include an announcement of a finalized voting rights plan."
"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or bridged by the United States or by any state on account of race color or previous condition of servitude."
"The Senate Democrats are nearing the finish line on a new voting rights bill."
"If you're not a citizen, you shouldn't be allowed to vote."
"You don't need anything else to know that this is nothing but punitive designed to keep people from voting." - President Biden
"But the issue of voting rights is about the democracy itself is much bigger than any senate rule." - Senator Raphael Warnock
"In America, we value our freedom, and right now a handful of lawmakers want to take away our freedom to vote so that they can rule only for the wealthiest few."
"Let us take a moment to remember Duke Olaf the Third, a man who stepped up at the end of the voting age to try and stop it from ending."
"Every other right that we have flows from the right to vote. When voters' ability to access that right is diminished, America is diminished."
"Should we make it harder to vote based on lies or should we make it easier to vote so that more people can participate?"
"Poll taxes, literacy tests, land owning requirements... no different than the voter ID requirements."
"An attempt to suppress and subvert the right to vote."
"You owe it to yourself and nobody else to give Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood a shot."
"The right to vote is paramount and important."
"A real democracy would make it extremely easy for everybody to vote."
"Felon voting: restore voting rights after prison."
"You can't stop us from voting. We're gonna do it not because it's fun, because it's not really fun, but because it's the right thing to do America."
"It's just to make it harder for people to vote."
"You're denying the right to vote for idiots but I'm in favor of that."
"We cannot allow anybody to overturn the legal votes of the citizens of Pennsylvania. This would be the ultimate destruction of our democracy."
"Every vote counts. Every voice counts. Even if it's seven days, that's bad enough. But then to limit the FBI as to the scope and who they're going to question, that really diminishes the investigation."
"Critical to defend and expand voting rights."
"Anything you want to accomplish, you can if you dream hard and you put enough work to it."
"If the left got their way tens of millions of foreigners would be able to vote in our elections."
"The optics of this right now look terrible. Stacey Abrams, the country's most famous voting rights activist, is skipping a speech by the president on voting rights in her home state."
"The courts are still the last Bastion of protecting democracy... even conservative courts are finding it unpalatable to reduce voting or to reduce the role of voting rights."
"Every vote must be protected from the diluting effect of illegal ballots."
"Having the right to vote is treated like being a medical doctor."
"Your vote really didn't matter they wouldn't be fighting you so hard to prevent you from voting."
"We are not going to continue to be a slave... it's either cut the check or we will not vote."
"No street address on your ID? Then you can’t vote."
"The Texas House passing a controversial voting bill... setting the stage for restrictive voting laws in the state."
"Absent a massive voter education and voter mobilization effort, there could be a lot more voters disenfranchised in 2022."
"Voting is a positive right. It's a good right that we have in this country."
"The practice-based pre-clearance provision isolates those practices that states have historically used to abridge or deny the right to vote."
"It's America, babies. Go exercise your right to vote."
"He's literally taking action intended to suppress people's voting rights."
"You had ancestors who died and did all types of things for you to be able to vote."
"We should have extended voting hours. We should be paying people to go and man these polling stations."
"Should people be able to vote on Sunday if the local jurisdiction allows it absolutely yeah."
"Men love women so much they gave us the right to vote."
"It's wrong to deny any of your fellow Americans the right to vote."
"I think one person's right to vote is worth multiple tigers, right?"
"It's about who gets to count the vote, who gets to count whether or not your vote counted at all."
"We now demand our right to vote according to the declaration of government under which we live. The right is ours, have it we must, use it we will."
"There's an unfolding assault taking place in America today, an attempt to suppress and subvert the right to vote and fair and free elections. An assault on democracy, an assault on liberty, an assault on who we are as Americans."
"Every American 18 of age or older who's a citizen in this country has the right to vote."
"You have to change the filibuster to do this... There is no ten Republicans... that is substantial for voting rights."
"Preventing prisoners from voting doesn't make sense from the consequentialist point of view."
"Having your vote taken away for breaking the law is justified punishment."
"The Republican plan to make voting irrelevant."
"Democracy in action: people have a right both to vote and not to vote."
"We have the choice because we are women and because we've got the right to vote."
"The American people who are set to vote in less than four months deserve to have their voice heard."
"All of us have to use our power, our voices, and our votes year-round to ensure our communities, our families, and our stories won't be silenced."
"In the struggle to preserve and expand democracy, our job is to fight back against the coordinated effort to make it harder for American citizens to vote."
"Joe Biden shares John Lewis's belief that every vote matters."
"Nobody in America has done more for the right to vote than Stacy. Stacy, you're changing Georgia, you've changed America, and I want to personally thank you again."
"They are so determined that sex offenders get the right to vote they're willing to blow up the rules of the Senate."
"We want this country to have the highest voter turnout rate of any major country, not one of the lowest. If you are 18 years of age in America, you are going to have the right to vote, end of discussion."
"Legislative responses to state-level voting restrictions."
"Count the vote, count the vote, count the vote."
"The idea of every adult male regardless of what tax they're paying getting a vote sounded extremely revolutionary, extremely liberating, extremely egalitarian."
"We said yes to people's right to vote without fear of fake fraud or voter suppression."
"The right to vote is sacred, we shouldn't be making people wait in line for hours."
"The right to vote has been at the center of our democracy since the founding of this nation, and we're going to protect the integrity of the vote."
"Their laser focus on limiting that ability. Why do you make it earlier so that church goes long they can't make it to the poll on time? It's directly targeting black churches."
"You're not allowed to feed people or give them water or drinks in line to vote, so they're going to restrict the number of polling places, make you wait eight hours, and then starve you."
"I want to expand that Freedom there so people who work at their jobs for eight hours a day have the ability to vote for things in their lives."
"What is not being able to give someone water or snacks going to do to quell the notion of voter fraud?"
"This is literally the right Georgia saying we don't want as many people to vote because when they do, Republicans lose."
"Allow the people to vote. Allow the people to vote."
"The greatest gift in the world is the ability to be comfortable in changing your mind."
"Donations like this can be game-changing for folks on the ground working hard to ensure people's rights and abilities to vote is protected and supported."
"We as public servants have no more sacred duty than protecting the people's right to vote, but we have to maintain confidence in the integrity of the results." - Mark Brnovich
"Voting by mail is not a new or dangerous idea... Given the significant increase in mail-in ballots, why you might ask, are Trump and his allies trying to attack the integrity of our vote by mail system?"
"Eliminating a barrier to voting for low-income individuals."
"If humanism had been the foundation, women and African-Americans would have had the right to vote from the beginning."
"Let's give the people the right to vote." - Dr. Benjamin Chavis Jr
"Your vote matters, and if it didn't matter, they wouldn't be trying so hard to prevent you from voting in the first place."
"Every citizen... should be guaranteed that their vote matters."
"She's concerned... risks disenfranchising thousands of voters."
"Your vote is a constitutionally protected right."
"America's most populous city... just passed a new law which allows non-citizens to vote in local elections."
"Every vote should be counted. That's the mantra of this party."