
Gaming Design Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Elden Ring dares to trust its own players... it's not clear who's good or bad, who's the hero, and there's a non-zero chance that your conclusions might be wrong."
"It's hard to explain but, sometimes the limitations within the gameplay is what makes the game fun."
"That is the pinnacle of Minecraft design that you have witnessed right here, the absolute pinnacle of Minecraft design."
"It's a natural back and forth for me; I want a really strong new core gameplay loop."
"Skill-based action-oriented combat is at the core of New World."
"3D should enhance an already great game, not be the entire point of its existence."
"If you're going to add competitive to a looter shooter there needs to be a loot part... not just a participation award."
"The game has this way to not hold your hand but still guide you in a method that makes you feel like all your successes are in fact your own."
"It's about making sure the gameplay actually lines up to the experience you feel."
"If it's boring and static, people are not going to like it."
"Thank God Jed isn't in charge of video game design."
"Finally, a rich white guy who married a rich white lady can be President. Slow clap, America. Well done."
"High Moon Studios made it their mission to avoid throwing the player experience under the bus for the sake of fanservice."
"People like fighting fun characters. If the good characters aren't fun to fight, the game isn't fun."
"We don't need giant empty barren game worlds, we need interesting ones even if they're a little smaller."
"First impressions matter miyamoto himself said that the first 30 minutes of a game are the most important if you fail to invest a player you may never get him back."
"Powerslave presents nonlinear levels with multiple exits."
"The best reworks...are the ones who still feel like the champion that you know and love but with modern tools and designs old league could never offer."
"And we got these little shards that are kind of like lasers and watch actually when we move around it bobs like a gun."
"I absolutely love this gadget idea here by Frank, made 185 days ago by the user Poom."
"Ocarina is full of innovations to dungeon design and combat mechanics that really did change the way 3D action adventure games were made."
"This game decided to make the Varia feature of the suit rather than an upgrade to it."
"It's not about just design or just drive, it's about the experience the player has."
"Addictive personality types are especially vulnerable here because many games are now designed in a very deliberate way so as to directly prey on those psychological vulnerabilities."
"This last level is another great example of pocket change guzzling arcade design at its absolute finest."
"In designing this mission, Reflections took decades of 3D video game conventions and turned them on their head."
"If you have a co-op in the game it needs to be a main campaign like Story co-op or the co-op like splinter shell Splinter Cell should have its own campaign."
"There was a big focus in the game description about choice and consequence."
"There is no such thing as a dungeon that's too big when in doubt make it bigger"
"Everything in a video game for the most part is lines."
"Dark Arena uses its simplicity to its advantage."
"Games have been and should be able to do whatever they want however they want."
"I love secrets and levels and I think they're great for expanding upon a level's value."
"Every NPC has a purpose, the attention to detail is mind-blowing."
"A fundamental aspect I look for in Sonic games is their ability to be replayed and mastered by proficient players."
"If anything is not absolutely necessary for the game to run, and open a pop-up menu to the shop, get rid of it."
"This game was made with multiple playthroughs in mind so the creators expect people to want to go through and make different decisions."
"I love the anti-jump scare, I love like the 'oh, it's just you'."
"One of the major goals I feel like we have is to allow player decisions to have consequences and to have meaningful results from the decisions that they make."
"Panels from adventures... could look really cool in an open world."
"Satoshi’s original vision of exploration and monster collecting."
"Every NPC should have a purpose. Now, there are precious few people on this planet who do not have something that needs to be done."
"Those are the genius ways that games showed you where to go."
"Avoid the cutscene... Let the players have their freedom."
"Every player experience should be unique in some way." - Hayden Blackmon
"Games were designed with the idea that people will be sitting on a couch with a console."
"Skins and gear mixed together, that is the perfect love child of MKX and Injustice 2."
"Bosses give a game real character... they put another personality against the player."
"If you want the player to feel powerful, you give them full control of the minutiae of their character."
"If you really want to have a lot of freedom of player movement in your world...just ask the players what are you going to do next."
"Our goal with the Yarmouth Khan rework is to narrow the focus of the set to give a distinctive identity, highlighting a fantasy where the crusader is the night commander passing judgment on the enemies of the light. That's cool."
"Her constellations also don't help significantly in improving her gameplay design."
"The type of freeform design present in games like Elden Ring appeals to multiple kinds of players, it lets them experiment and seamlessly flow between different types of experiences."
"They should want to keep replaying it not feel like they have to."
"You know 'Half-Life' is about this cadence of story, combat, puzzle, exploration, interaction, you know, environmental art, vistas, things like that."
"Games are built around giving players opportunities to confront and learn from new systems and ideas."
"We've leaned into the concept of challenges as inspiration for this feature."
"True open world like this is what these games were made for."
"The Skull Arena is really cool because it's got potions for its eyes."
"The shrines themselves are a terrific idea, perfect for pick up and play portable play which suits the Switch."