
National Duty Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the Providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor."
"It seems like this is the plan: if folks have the courage to raise their right hand, swear an oath to protect and defend this nation, and put their lives on the line, then they sure as hell deserve the opportunity to become an American citizen."
"On a virus and we will, but we also have other things to do necessary for the good of the nation like filling judicial vacancies."
"America must keep faith with its military veterans; we owe the greatest debt to those who risk their lives to keep us free."
"We owe them a sacred and unbreakable obligation and we will fulfill that obligation with every resource and power that we have."
"Citizens, because you grow up with the idea that if you're an American citizen and something like this happens to you, your country will come to your rescue."
"The question is not what America owes me by virtue of my ancestry, the question is what all Americans owe each other by virtue of being citizens of the same nation."
"We want to challenge every American to continue to do what every American can do."
"It didn't matter why we were there in the first place, our boys were there, and by God, we were going to do anything to get our boys home." - Narrator
"I pledge that I will serve you with integrity and humility, and I will work day in, day out to deliver for the British people."
"It's just the most important thing Canadians can do."
"At the end of the day, regardless of what country you live in, that's always the job this generation has: to propagate the next generation."
"We owe the American people nothing less than our best efforts."
"England expects that every man will do his duty."
"I was not brought into this world to make friends, I'm here to serve my country."
"Education is now a national civic duty. It is not a privilege it is a civic duty."
"Veterans are the backbone and spine of this country. We have a sacred obligation to care for them."
"I'm willing to lay it all down for my country and for the future of our country, which is what every American should do."
"In a person's life if there's an opportunity to work for the motherland this responsibility and honor is unmatched by anything."
"Each Ukrainian wants to do his part and to do his best to help civilians near the front line."
"The responsibility to protect yourself, your family, and your country is non-negotiable."
"Our duty is to restore the American people's faith in our institutions."
"I thought this film was well-shot, well-acted, fantastic music, very sort of atmospheric."
"What I'm fighting for is the Constitution, what I'm fighting for is the perpetuation of the republic."
"I want the individuals to meet their responsibilities and I want the states to meet their responsibilities but I think there is also a national responsibility." - Senator John F. Kennedy
"We need to rise to this moment for the sake of the country we love so dearly, indeed for its very soul."
"It's our sacred duty to support America's servicemembers every single day they wear the uniform and every day after when they return home as veterans and heroes."
"Kennedy gives us great inspiration in the work we need to do now."
"We need everyone to do their part for themselves, for their loved ones, and yes, for your country. It's a patriotic duty."
"Ula is not afraid to take on the hard missions because that's what our nation depends on us to do."
"In no world conflict have the issues been more real and vital, in none has the duty to defend a righteous cause being more compulsive upon the British Nation."
"If you love this country like I do, figure out how you can be of service to it."
"I think we have a fundamental obligation to do this on behalf of the American people."
"We have the ability to eradicate poverty... And I believe we have a moral obligation as a country to do so."
"I believe everyone has a commitment to contribute to the defense of their country."
"Xander is incredibly strict and disciplined, written in a way to always put the interest of his country before himself."
"You must be the leader... to save this nation."
"Veterans are the backbone of this country, we need to do better for them."
"If you want to be patriotic, you're going to protect people."
"The fate of a nation rests on our shoulders, yours and mine. Let's show Washington that our backbones are made of steel and titanium. It's time to fight."
"Many gave their lives in the fight for freedom... it's time for every American to answer this nation's sacred call once more."
"International Duty should almost be like military draft—you get called up, you ain't got no option to say no."
"Your countries asked you to serve as never before and you have responded heroically."
"The American people have a duty to preserve the Liberty that they have."
"This is the time for nations to get right with God."
"We all have primary loyalty to the Constitution and the country, not to any particular individual."
"Only one truly sacred obligation: to equip those we send into harm's way and to care for them and their families when they come home."
"You and your family will have a huge number of freedoms and opportunities available, but you carry the weight of your nation."
"Real patriotism isn't just about respecting our shared symbols and sentiments, it's also about serving the country we love."
"I've fought for my country, I've bled for my country, have killed for my country... but I don't want it to be for nothing."
"We must move quickly to complete the unfinished business of our country."
"I hope that like you many of our members will accept judgeship when they are called upon to accept judgeship and uh serve the country by joining the Judiciary."
"Patriotism means doing what you think your country should be doing."
"It's my patriotic duty to join the Navy."
"Before the war, most Americans paid no income tax, but by the fall of '43, almost all Americans were paying some."
"He understands the deep importance of today to his mother and to the nation as he now lays that wreath on behalf of the nation."
"Our generation of America must meet its responsibilities not only to ourselves but to all those who wish to trod on Freedom's Road."
"Every nation must now do the same and ensure freedom triumphs over tyranny."
"We knew we were physically exposed, but you didn't have time to think about that; you only had to think about the nation."
"While America will pursue cooperation and commerce with other nations, we are renewing our commitment to the first duty of every government: the duty to its people."
"It's an honor to serve the great people of the United States."
"We need to deliver Brexit for the British people."
"Their sense of duty is a lot higher than maybe what we see here in the United States because they're automatically supposed to go to the military to do minimum two years, so like their sense of duty to their country is a lot different than what we're normally used to seeing."
"The first obligation of a country is a moral obligation to exercise justice and to respect the lives of innocent people."
"Every so often, throughout our history, a generation of Americans bears the responsibility of seeing this country through difficult times and protecting the dream of its founding for posterity."
"It's not what your country can do for you, it's what you can do for your country."
"In this most solemn hour of our history, we all have only one duty: total sacrifice for the motherland."
"We have agreed to make yet another attempt because we cannot surrender ourselves to past deceit and failure. We have a duty to our nation, to ourselves first, and forever to our posterity."
"Prince Harry volunteered to fight for his country and served two tours of duty on the front line in Afghanistan."
"We have a duty to try to govern in the national interest."
"The moral duty of our leaders is to the citizens of this nation, not any other one."
"America should absolutely be taking 100% care of its veterans."
"We have a country to save, but I'll promise you this: our best days are yet to come."