
Religious Observance Quotes

There are 212 quotes

"It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the Providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor."
"The entire story of Hanukkah is the most anti-secular holiday there is on the Jewish calendar."
"The Triduum...marks the culmination of everything of the whole year in proclaiming the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus."
"There are no days more beloved to Allah that He be worshipped in them than the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah."
"Tisha B'Av commemorates the destruction of the first temple in Jerusalem and the second temple in 70 CE, respectively."
"Thank God for Shabbat, for a variety of reasons, including the fact that I spend an enormous amount of time both with my kids and reading on Shabbat."
"Every single mass is the representation of Calvary."
"This is the month of Ramadan, O you who believe! Fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you in order for you to reach God-consciousness."
"One of my favorite parts of Ramadan is just being able to come together in this community and do good."
"Ramadan could be the hardest month for us as a first timer but perhaps it could be the best month for self-growth."
"The whole reason that you fast Ramadan... is to become more obedient to Allah... to have sincerity... to follow the Sunnah of the messenger."
"The seal of God is in the Sabbath commandment."
"Even the weakest of the Muslims come to Jumu'ah."
"This is a feast of joy. It's commanded by Yahweh for seven days."
"The Sabbath is part of God's perfect plan from the beginning."
"The Sabbath was a weekly holy day, part of the ceremonial law given at Mount Sinai."
"The Sabbath has always been on the seventh day of the week."
"Put Christ back in Christmas, he's the reason for the season motherfuckers!"
"What day is that everyone? The seventh-day Sabbath."
"The Bible teaches Sunday is the day to remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ."
"We kind of celebrate the fact that Christ has risen more."
"The Shabbat is for everybody, for employees, for strangers, even animals."
"Tomorrow should be a day that we should try our best to have extra dhikr, extra ibadah, extra duas."
"Every Sabbath is a reminder of the rest we can experience in Jesus."
"Ultimately John's Proclamation on God's right to set aside the Sabbath is a powerful witness to civil lawmakers."
"Since the UDHR Article 18 defends the freedom to manifest religious observance, the US Supreme Court's stipulation of secular reasons for Sabbath protections violated the right of religion."
"Anyone changing the law is indirectly saying that the law is not good and thus they make a mockery of the Sabbath seal."
"The Sabbath commandment is the only commandment God starts with the word 'remember,' as God foresaw that this was the commandment that would be under greatest attack."
"It's about rejecting the commandments that mock God's Authority and accepting the law of the king of kings."
"The dietary laws are basically the foundation of kosher foods and how they're prepared."
"The goal of fasting is not to be miserable the entire time, it's to draw near to God."
"When we observe and we honor the biblical Sabbath as given in the Ten Commandments, then we are honoring and recognizing God as the supreme creator being that he is."
"It's a month that people neglect, between Rajab and Ramadan."
"Every Ramadan counts and what better way of a bill that than to talk about Salah."
"Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life."
"Eating meat strangled or improperly processed is strictly forbidden."
"Is it not on brand for the dynasty? All of them worship God in somewhere another."
"The Church made the assumption a holy day of obligation and a dogma, showing its importance."
"Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. Repent for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand."
"The seventh-day Sabbath does not just mimic creation... it talks about the millennial reign of Christ."
"We welcome you most warmly to the first presidency's Christmas devotional."
"These prophetic timings are ordered of the Lord... we're out of sync with His kingdom if we don't observe the Jewish feasts."
"Teach you to observe everything that the Lord says, that you may Prosper and have good success."
"It's almost been a blessing in disguise. A lot of people thought, 'Okay, we're stuck at home, it can be very, very difficult. Subhanallah, a lot of people I talked to, it was their best Ramadan they've had..."
"Even in the season of Lent, we are always called to rejoice."
"God bless you, come back tomorrow for pre-55 Holy Week."
"Let communion also be a way of reminding yourself what He's done in your life."
"The Sabbath is an anchor of stability in an uncertain world."
"The Sabbath is the antidote for worry, fear, and anxiety."
"The Sabbath is intensely personal; it invites us to a deep, abiding, lasting relationship with Christ and one another in worship."
"The Sabbath is a foretaste of paradise; it prepares us for the experience of eternity."
"Each Sabbath reminds us of a Creator's care, a Savior's love, and our Redeemer's return."
"May our Sabbath experience be in anticipation of resting in Christ until that day."
"Passover would eventually slip into winter, then fall, then back to the spring."
"Yom Kippur for me personally is a day where I can achieve some form of purification."
"We have to return to law statutes and commandments of the Most High Yah."
"The Sabbath is a sign and seal of creation and redemption."
"Isn't it wonderful that once a year God invites us to come and bend the knee and worship in the stable at the manger, the newborn King?"
"We're living in exciting times. As you've been saying for years Gary and we take to heart when you see these things you know, keep watching, keep looking up because our redemption draws near."
"What will make my Ramadan the best? Your relationship with Allah."
"External observance does not equate to piety, intention must be pure."
"Hanukkah is a good time to reconnect to the light of God and come back to the human beings."
"God's people at this time will be faithful to Him, loyal to Him, and keep His commandments."
"This is the year of the Lord's favor, the Year of Jubilee."
"May Allah allow us to observe it and count us amongst the forgiven."
"We're taking care of widows during holy feast days, but that's only because of the Father."
"There's a call to worship the Creator and keep His commandments, including the Sabbath."
"The seventh day Sabbath is a special time to ask God for more miracles in your life."
"It's okay to help someone when they're in need, even on the Sabbath."
"The Sabbath is a day to cease our creating work and to appreciate what God has done."
"Sisters, Ramadan is the month of taqwa. Fast to attain taqwa, and Allah will provide for you, including a spouse."
"Let's keep it simple, let's try and make it our best Ramadan."
"As we enter into Holy Week, I pray all of us will strive to make Christ the King of our own lives."
"The feasts are not just Jewish feasts, our Jewish brothers and sisters are the stewards of these feasts but they're actually the Lord's feasts."
"Ramadan is literally the biggest event of the year."
"Ramadan is almost like a spiritual reset... realize all the things that we've had and we've taken for granted."
"I choose to wear the hijab so I follow the command of God. They hope to dispel what they call negative stereotypes about Muslim women. Hijab is 100 percent my choice."
"Baptism in the Lord's Supper are ordinances, things that we do to obey God, their memorials or symbols."
"If you attend the traditional Latin Mass, it is God-centered more than it is man-centered"
"This is a gift for Ramadan, Ramadan Mubarak!"
"There's a global pressure to turn away from the commands of God."
"God is instituting this memorial in a sacramental so that it could assist us in our sanctification and our call to be holy."
"I fast every Yom Kippur for real, now Yom Kippur means you don't work at all."
"This Lent will be a different Lent, it's going to be grace-filled, a time where you really are united in a closer way to Jesus and to the mystery of Jesus in the desert."
"We ought to worship God in the manner that he is due."
"On the day of Arafah, Allah will boast about my servants who choose obedience over disobedience."
"Human beings have never fallen so low as on Good Friday."
"During Holy Week with the coronavirus and everything... I watched those... started doing these things called talks with father on YouTube... I watched this father Mike Schmitz video and it just blew me away."
"On Yom Kippur, the nation comes through a standstill. ... A country stops to seek the God of the Bible."
"It's unthinkable that you spent so many years without keeping Sabbath."
"This is a day that believers observe what Jesus did over 2000 years ago on a cross in an empty tomb."
"Holy Thursday is one of the most sacred Masses in the Catholic calendar, full of ancient ritual and mysticism."
"It's almost Christmas, which is so exciting, and we get to celebrate the birth of our Savior."
"Divine Mercy Sunday is like a second baptism: never will your soul be cleaner."
"Good Friday was about the death of Jesus for our sins. It was about death. And Easter Sunday, which some people are predicting is actually the peak of the pandemic here in the U.S., it's going to be about being reborn."
"Jesus makes a big deal of the Sabbath."
"It was on the Lord's Day, the Sunday."
"As good Catholics, we continue to celebrate Christmas well into Epiphany on January 6."
"We thank you, Lord, for this special day."
"3 PM is when Jesus died. That is why every 3 PM I remember."
"Sunday laws will eventually become anti-Sabbath laws."
"...definition A says, 'the seventh day of the week observed from Friday evening to Saturday evening as a day of rest and worship by Jews and some Christians...'"
"...definition B Marian Webster says Sunday observed among Christians as a day of rest and worship..."
"What day relates to the death of Jesus Christ?... Good Friday."
"What is Good Friday? The day when Jesus Christ died."
"Can't defend myself because you know uh got to keep the Sabbath."
"If you love the Lord, you want to care about the things that are important to Him, especially these appointed times that He said are eternally important to Him."
"The best way to prepare for Easter Sunday is to trust in Jesus today to give your sins to Jesus today and on Sunday get up as he got up and go to church and worship him as your living savior."
"Good Friday, the day Christ died for our sins."
"It was Saturday, the Sabbath, and it was as though we were there to attend services."
"Don't go to work that day. Tell your boss it's a high holy day, a day of atonement, and I won't be in."
"We're going to do a series in small groups and a series on the weekends in March based on the stories of Jesus in that movie."
"This Christmas season will be full of religious activities. Jesus will get a little play, he'll get a little, they'll quote about him, talk about him, mention him, recognize him, throw out his name."
"It is especially an appropriate reading for the period of Lent."
"The Sabbath is a recognition on our part that God is the creator."
"I became Torah observant eventually."
"There will always be those who hate Christ."
"on the day after that of Saturn which is the day of the sun having appeared to his Apostles and disciples"
"on the first day of the week when we were gathered together to break bread Paul talked with them"
"We cannot honor a day that goes against God's law."
"But every Lord's Day gather yourselves together and break bread and give Thanksgiving after having confessed your transgressions that your sacrifice may be pure."
"Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ... everybody need to be in church on Sunday giving thanks."
"A novena gives us some focus, it gives us some structure."
"Our celebrations should be done in a way that honors Christ and gives thanks to God."
"Krishna is so compassionate, he has made it available twice in a month."
"Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan with faith, anticipation of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven."
"More important than DNA in determining Jewish identity is the fact that we have a continuous unbroken history of religious observance and culture."
"You and I cannot know the power of the Spirit; remember we're talking about Pentecost today."
"John has Jesus crucified on the day at the very moment the Lambs have been slaughtered for theological reasons."
"You shall have a rest, a reminder, by blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation."
"God got over 70 High holy days in the Bible that you can celebrate. We celebrate every single month. We celebrate the new moon. That's a high holy day that God told to celebrate."
"Should Christians Keep The Seventh-Day Sabbath? Is the command clear enough to require people to lose their jobs and alienate their families? No."
"I hope you all are doing well, I hope you will observe Palm Sunday tomorrow and Easter the next week, and the tomb is empty, anything is possible."
"The Blessed month of Ramadan has come to you people and it is Mubarak; it is a blessing."
"The night of Al-Qadr is a night of honor, decree, and the night where the honorable book was revealed."
"These are my appointed times, these are my holy days."
"The world will give you no help this time with carols and decorations and gifts; it will be between you and God whether you feel anything special this week."
"Which one of you who has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath will not take hold of it and lift it out? How much more value is a man than a sheep!"
"I think this is the easiest Ramadan I've been a part of by far."
"Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of the Lord your God."
"It's the holy month of Ramadan, the most important for Muslims across the globe."
"It's the holy month of Ramadan, Norman, hi little sapphire G, you know this is a great man."
"They kept the seventh-day Sabbath, observed the biblical holy days, and knew nothing of Easter or Christmas or the Trinity."
"The law of course was the very heart of Judaism; its observance, strict observance, was what kept the whole community and the idea of Judaism together."
"The news is the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God."
"This same night continues to be a night when Adonai keeps a vigil for all the people of Israel."
"You shall dwell in Sukkot seven days, so that generations will know that I caused the B'nai Israel to dwell in Sukkot when I brought them out of the land of Egypt."
"These are the Lord's appointed times; they're for all followers of God."
"The essence of Yom Kippur has to do with that atonement, right, coming into harmony, into belonging."
"Moreover, I gave them my Sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them that they might know that I am the Lord who sanctifies them."
"Those who keep the commandments of God and to them they have the testimony of Messiah."
"...this year more than any other year in recent time we have received literally hundreds of emails asking questions about Passover..."
"There shall not an hoof be left behind; for thereof must we take to serve the Lord our God."
"The Sabbath is a perpetual covenant between Israel and Him."
"It's the end of the sixth day, the sun set, and this is Shabbat Night."
"Every day is a seventh day for the believer in Christ."
"So far, Ramadan has been going very well for me."
"People who you've never seen at the mosque for a long time will always turn up for two particular nights."
"Do not perform your prayer carelessly, but do so with attention and feeling."
"God said He created the Sun and the moon to send signals on His feast days."
"Keep the festival of matzah, unleavened bread, by eating matzah as I ordered you for seven days during the month of Aviv."
"By observing these festivals, you are celebrating the very life and work of Jesus Christ."
"God retains the ownership of the Sabbath and expects men to share it with him."
"Remember to keep the Sabbath holy."
"These are the days our Creator gave us in His word, and each of them prophetically teaches us about what our Messiah did, and still must do."
"When the Sabbath rolls in, it's almost like you're getting a refreshing; just ah, you can rest in the Lord. It's wonderful."
"This should be a super easy Shabbat prep day for me."
"The reason for the Feast of Unleavened Bread is to remind us that Yahovah took us out of Egypt."
"Every Ramadan my life completely changes."
"True observance of the Sabbath is the sign of loyalty to God."
"The Sabbath was a day set apart, blessed by God, and made holy."
"Observing the Sabbath is not difficult; it's about focusing your family on God and His Word, relaxing, enjoying one another."
"What a blessing Sabbath is and how we look forward to it."
"The feasts of the Lord, which you shall proclaim are holy convocations, even these are my appointed feasts."
"The Sabbath is forever, forever, forever, forever."
"Honoring the Sabbath is a form of righteousness that will bless and strengthen families, connect us with our Creator, and increase happiness."
"The annual feasts... are teaching the history of sin on earth when Adam and Eve sinned all the way to the earth made new, the restoration and freedom from sin."
"Hear the Megillah night and day, give Tzedakah right away."
"The honor of Shabbos is worth more than 1,000 days of fasting."
"The very days of relief from work were holy days, feast days in the church's calendar."
"The tradition came from Southern Italy where it's known as the vigil, celebrating the wait until midnight, the birth of Jesus."
"It seems probable that he who fulfilled all righteousness would not have been absent from a Feast of the Passover."
"Stay with the Bible; it is called the Passover."
"Somebody says Salam, assalamo alaikum, and you see them in the Masjid and you see them praying and you see them doing the show of Islam, they are a Muslim."
"I wear the wigs because they are permitted by Jewish law."
"Shabbat is a sign between Yahweh and His people... an everlasting covenant to be observed throughout our generations."
"Peace to the Saints. Ramadan Kareem. Ramadan Mubarak to all of the Muslims practicing."
"We still keep the Commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus Christ."
"These 30 days are meant to open your eyes more and get you closer to the religion."
"The Sabbath of the Lord stands apart; it is actually a memorial of creation."
"After all, I am fasting and it's Ramadan."
"Maybe this year we can all just kind of like reflect and like look within and just connect with God more, which is what this month is all about."
"When you partake of the sacrament, you take upon you His name; if you have no intention to act like Him, you are taking His name in vain."