
Leisure Activities Quotes

There are 525 quotes

"The vast majority of people are not doing that; they are sitting at home enjoying games and not bothering anybody."
"Find yourself a museum, whether it's an art museum or a history museum or a weird museum, whatever. Or an aquarium or a zoo."
"Would you be interested in going to the movies tonight?"
"Would you prefer to go for a walk or see a movie?"
"Hours of fun, honestly, hours of entertainment."
"In our leisure, we reveal what kind of people we are."
"Within the confines of life, we all find ways to entertain ourselves, from sports to video games, TV shows, movies, or even as simple as grabbing a rock and throwing it into the ocean."
"The trap is do nothing; you could do Netflix, but have there be a goal."
"Active leisure is better than passive leisure."
"Science makes me happy. Snuggling in and watching videos makes me feel all cozy. So, let’s explore the science of happiness."
"Being able to run around in South Park and play in the snow is very fun."
"This looks like a pretty good looking laser tag arena. Yeah, this looks sick."
"Find healthy escapes like exercising or reading... even watching videos... especially in times like this... they're kind of a nice shining ray of sunshine."
"The average person can finish the average book in six hours, and we have 40 hours a week of free time."
"It's been the best day I've probably ever had in a theme park."
"You can get high and do actually. That's covered. Whatever, we're good, we're chilling."
"It's not about what you catch, it's about who you're here with and what you're doing."
"Hey man, video games are like the only thing we can do, sheesh!"
"I wouldn't do it for the money, I'd do it just for fun."
"The benefits of trees also extend to aquatic animals, keeping water cool and protecting them from the heat of the summer Sun."
"You'll have a much more relaxed time in the process."
"People do have more money to spend, they are bored, they are interested, and they are seeing legitimate trends."
"I'm gonna go eat some food and have a good time."
"My son now, I'll be like, 'Hey dude, you wanna miss school and go to SeaWorld?' He's like, 'SeaWorld with Brendan Schaub?'"
"Standing by itself like without worrying about dying increases your quality of fishing exponentially."
"Disc golf is one of the greatest activities."
"Even though you don't care so much about league, you should still think this is pretty cool."
"It's the best feeling ever to spend all day playing a video game and not think that you wasted your time."
"We're catching big vibes out here catching catching big get big vibes big waves."
"I don't care how many times I've done that ride, I will still wait for it."
"One of the best things about this right now, you can take your time."
"I'm not going to play any games I don't like playing. I'm not going to do anything I don't like doing."
"Our understanding of physics needs to be reconsidered... a change in the way that we understood our known physics."
"Movie days in the summer, especially when it's hot and humid or when it's raining, are some of the best days."
"Getting back into the groove of reading feels good."
"Having an excuse to go get together with my friends and hang out."
"Get your treats ready, get your popcorn ready, get your everything ready because it's good."
"Sit this year out if you're too old for games."
"If I'm not playing or if I'm not working on Roblox, I'm usually like driving somewhere."
"They lived the dream, catching fresh fish and drinking cocktails."
"Once you do [have a couple sneaky mimosas], then you just set your mentality like dude, I don't give a [ __ ]."
"I think we all need to play way more video games."
"Play what you enjoy... just kind of play what you like."
"I'm definitely gonna start playing a lot more random games."
"Take the family to a nice lunch today. You'll be getting that money on Cash App."
"Friday the 13th is my favorite day and I can't think of a better way to spend it than watching you guys."
"I gotta be honest I'm glad I wasn't sure if I was gonna stream today I wasn't sure if I was gonna have time I'm really glad I decided to straight this has been fun."
"So football's nearly finished Liverpool or winning I'm not very hungry the boys aren't either really but I'm just gonna cut some watermelons refreshing beautiful hydration to end the day."
"Sports this fall is gonna be unbelievable...just guzzling down sports beer bongs."
"Last night, you know, I was on social media a lot, had a few drinks, was very happy."
"Triple manifesting power for creative hobbies, for fun experiences, holidays, festivities."
"That last night had ended like so many with us sitting outside at the pool happy and content, drinking wine, talking."
"Just chill out and don't have to go for that adrenaline rush every time you play poker."
"It comes with some fun random gameplay ideas... like cross-stitching."
"You'd think you'd get bored of Mario Kart, but there's nothing else to do."
"You need some time apart, you know? Like I love my kiddos, but I need to watch some Netflix during the summer."
"Getting more seed packets for the star fruit is going to be a very welcome treat."
"The big stuff is great, you know, going to Disney maybe this weekend and then being able to actually enjoy it."
"I didn't play it at all until the break and I've done nothing but since the break so it's great."
"That's the dream, dude. Why am I focused on losing weight when I could pound some pints and throw some darts?"
"Unplug and go to the pub and play some darts. You could be the next World Champion."
"It seems like it's going to be a fun alternative to pass the time."
"You don't have to be a great singer to excel at karaoke."
"Sometimes I go picking with my boyfriend, sometimes it's my best friend Sue, and sometimes it's my kids."
"There is really a common denominator which is this notion of pleasure and fun."
"Sit back, relax, get a cup of coffee, enjoy yourself."
"Literally surfing around New York City is such a vibe."
"Bad days fishing is better than a good day in the office."
"People go on vacation to read a book by the pool."
"I want to go out and meet with my friends. I want to watch movies. I want to have some fun for once."
"I could watch this all day bro, I could watch this all day."
"I am religiously chilling out playing Civilization 5 or 6 on my PC while I listen to you guys each week."
"We're doing this for the hobby, the enjoyment, the passion."
"It's really just having fun with your mates driving cool cars in a really fun part of the world, it's very Horizon."
"After putting in 70 hours, I'm still finding more and more fun things to do."
"They're doing a face mask together! Oh my gosh, I love that."
"Incredible - taking a cookie and Rhythm of War break - everyone, amazing."
"I've just been hanging out, playing Sims all week."
"You've got to find those moments where you are having fun."
"We headed down to the Metropole Marketplace where there were arcade games, good food, and live music."
"We ordered some food from a restaurant called the Lobster Trap, got some drinks, and headed back to the room."
"What now? Well, now I can finally play the game."
"This is nice for sandbars and I already told, like, floating docks."
"Back home after a day of Pokémon adventures—until the next hunt!"
"I feel like I'm just having a lot of fun watching this."
"As long as you're having fun, that's all that matters."
"I often find myself absorbed in hobbies such as video games, coding, or nail painting."
"I've done nothing at work today, all I've done is play table tennis."
"Ultimately, as long as you're having fun, I couldn't care less."
"Part of playing a game is kind of a healing process."
"So what are your non-work related hobbies? What are you doing for fun and for free that is just for play, just for your inner child?"
"Let's just have fun, all right? Not too terrible, all right?"
"This isn't about story or art or cinema or competitive PVP or loot systems or whatever. It's just fun."
"Not a single treat. Yeah, it's kind of good because I can't be at the spot and run out of treats and he's not skating there."
"There's a feeling that comes with Saturday mornings, something that signifies the beginning of the weekend, I'm off now it's a fresh new day what do you want to do."
"Screw this, I'm just going to enjoy football."
"Your fun is the most important, so do what is fun for you."
"Damn, that was just a good day with the boys. We didn't do much but we did everything we wanted to."
"Running and jumping through Jellyfish Fields, missing the bus out of Rock Bottom... that's just a simple pleasure in life."
"Fishing isn't the most engaging of activities, it needs to make it up by being relaxing as fuck."
"If you're buying the game today and playing it, really have a great time, have some fun. I know it's something where you can't wait to either get home from work or you took the weekend off and you're just excited to get lost in that world."
"The more difficult you make it, the less fun you end up having."
"After all the Sims is a great tool for escapism, not accountancy."
"The tower is just a shit ton of fun. It really, really is."
"Crocheting has been my favorite hobby since I was like 15."
"Not all blasters have to be performance powerhouses. It's okay for blasters to just be fun and cool."
"We imagine Winston Churchill with his signature cane, drinking scotch whiskey, and puffing on a Cuban cigar."
"Playing text-based games in Google Chrome console can pass the time."
"You're going to have a sleepover with your best friend Marlo."
"This was a blast, definitely had a good time."
"We were big time weekend warriors... it was our decompression time, our stress relief. We just did that all the time."
"It's very lightly challenging for your brain, so it's helping up there, but it's also just really fun."
"The game is not MLG, it's not competitive. If you don't enjoy it, go do something else."
"We really enjoy... hanging out with our cats."
"We would do everything like, I'd be doing her hair, we'd be baking pies, do a hand game, playing double dutch. 'Girl, whatchu talking 'bout? Michelle? Just drinking Chardonnay.'"
"Remember if you pick up any flair gear between now and September first you get entered a win a fishing trip with myself and we can even go for a nebraska brew tour go down to Texas and the googans rathaus."
"Find things that you enjoy doing, effortlessly."
"The Dolphin also provides really easy access to Fantasia Gardens miniature golf which is my favorite of the two mini-golf courses here in Disney World."
"It's about enjoyment, it's about involvement."
"Can I do anything with them? Oh, I'm just making him play the drums."
"Gengar: Energetic, sentimental pranksters who love hot air balloon rides."
"I find sheet masks so easy with my lifestyle, especially if I'm reading a book or watching Netflix."
"Having fun, that is what it's all about, my friends."
"Focus on what you really enjoy and what you have fun doing and try to do that."
"Take a moment to thank yourself for investing the last 20 minutes in your health your mind body connection your well-being and having a little bit of fun for a change."
"Honestly, not going to complain, that was pretty fun."
"Taking a shot here in the 11th round, I will willingly bet on talent."
"If you have some spare time to kill and want a unique shiny that hardly any people have then go right ahead and do this method."
"If I'm not gonna drink on Sundays, I'm gambling all day, but you gotta up the action, you know? It's gotta hurt."
"It's relaxing, kind of like treasure hunting."
"I just think that there's something kind of fun about taking sailing under the bridges."
"More fire tables here... perfect s'mores opportunity."
"Amusement parks are supposed to be amusing, right? Well, not always. Sometimes even the places designed to be the happiest on earth can go wrong."
"Take some time and spend it with your loved ones, with your pets, doing or reading something or doing a hobby."
"Yeah, it's so nice being able to zip line just back and forth and back and forth and not have to climb trees."
"Shooting dinosaurs is really fun if you happen to like shooting dinosaurs."
"He would show me fishing tips, or if I was cooking, him and Mrs. Halderson would be in the kitchen, and we would have game nights quite often. We would also play Mario Kart together a lot."
"Just building things on your own time... that's what this is all about. No rush, just building things on your own time."
"There's nothing quite like Animal Crossing where doing nothing still feels like something."
"That's what that was my getaway, it's my happy space."
"This was heart racing, we did a lot of fun stuff."
"And after the show's over today we'll be sitting around talking who knows perhaps arguing maybe laughing telling jokes eating pasta and doing fun stuff it's it's what we do"
"You could pretty well spend all day playing with some of these examples."
"I'm doing pretty decent with reading. I've read 300 pages."
"Nothing ever goes to plan, so let's go up and have a look outside."
"That's fine, and then uh, after you do that, you gotta try the peach cobbler."
"I spent my free time in silly ways, feeding pigeons off the balcony."
"If you have that golden combination of your with your friends that you like spend time with and you're playing something that's fun."
"Magic is entertainment, competing with movie theaters, Netflix, and recreational activities."
"It's just a breath of fresh air to think about just shooting stuff."
"Your history is why you are how you are but it is not who you are."
"Power washing is like a video game activity in real life honestly."
"Grab your chaturang board, get something to drink, get some cold cuts and let's do this thing."
"Catch up with some movies, Britney runs a marathon got great reviews."
"The bigger the smile, the bigger the indication that you're doing it right."
"Gambling is fun if you're responsible with it, right? If you know how much you're gonna lose."
"How about parasailing now this is totally an exhilarating Adrenaline Rush kind of experience."
"Video games were supposed to be fun, so whenever you have a chance to have a little fun, you should."
"My favorite thing to do on a bike is to float sideways."
"Have you had fun playing battle or? Enjoyment, escapism after everything else."
"Gaming is not a game if you're not having fun."
"This my friends is a glorious waste of time."
"First lockdown? It felt like you couldn't do anything, but it was a time to relax and find out what we enjoy."
"One of my favorite things... is this outdoor picnic table."
"I just want to sit there and mow down stuff in a game."
"It's really fun to do these things as mark always tells me when he's not having a blast."
"Picnics are not it. I would never want to go on a picnic man, games or something. Just like a really chill but like plenty of quality time. I'm absolutely with that."
"Sit your ass on a couch and watch 'White Lotus'!"
"It's a game I regularly pop in and play when I need some quick action."
"It does not get better than this: Lake Tahoe with the family out on some jet skis. Now that's how you bring them, baby."
"An afternoon of VR might put on charge and get back on it later."
"It's like you beat the game, you don't have to keep doing reruns of the game every day."
"I had fun... and ultimately, that's what's important."
"Biking's fire. I think biking blocks here, viking walks."
"I'm going to regress to my childhood and play with my toy true infinity and beyond."
"I'm gonna go home, watch Netflix, and just relax."
"From beachcombing to stargazing, every moment counts in the pursuit of happiness."
"Think about things you may enjoy doing such as: watching a movie at the theatre, playing video games, having a good conversation, making music, doing arts and crafts, or reading."
"Focus on having fun... when you stop having fun, stop playing."
"Roller skating rinks bring back so many memories."
"You get to chill out with your friends, you get to do whatever you want."
"There's no incentive for me to go spend time in the dark zone."
"Get some supplies, get some emergency food, hang out, play some video games, you'll be alright."
"I love to listen to audiobooks on audible... I've actually listened to like six books in the last couple of months."
"I want to feel relaxed, I want it to be an escape for me."
"Play some games, get out there, have some fun!"
"That was more fun than I thought it was gonna be. Let's do it again."
"Absolutely loving this park so far. Sometimes the smaller parks can be even more fun than the big ones."
"Now I want to go to the beach, I want to go watch the Mets play. Like, I don't want to be freezing cold anymore."
"Paying to travel isn't nearly as much fun as it is to travel for free."
"If you ain't havin fun, you ain't doing it right."
"Honestly, I think the best part of this is how fun it is."
"It's been so much fun. We can't leave without first picking up some souvenirs."
"For 65 bucks, I don't think you can get more fun value than this."
"The hobby can also just be about having fun and pushing paint."
"Whatever way you need to do if you need to go watch a movie you need to go play the new Hogwarts video game you need to go clap your wife's cheeks whatever you need to do bro try to find a way to reduce stress."
"Now this is what I'm talkin' 'bout, Grace. This is how you spend overnight on the pond."
"Well yeah, me and Nate were talking earlier about how sometimes it's even almost more fun when you have slower cars."
"You know what, I probably have nothing really better to do on a Saturday afternoon if all I have to look forward to is ranking empires of the world."
"Just a little bit further... to win the mall game."