
Media Comparison Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"Gaming is a new form of media in such a way that television was, in such a way that film was, in such a way that books are."
"Games have the potential and the ability to allow the player to experience an emotional range beyond what other forms of non-interactive media can actually achieve."
"This news cycle is just insane. It's basically the movie 'Twister' except with news."
"Fox now has three times as many viewers for the day than CNN."
"It's fairly cinematic I would say like it lends itself well to like a TV show or a film."
"And given the chance would you rather experience Akihito Tsukushi's wonderful terrible world as an anime or a game?"
"Surprise win of round one: I actually think that the 2020 version is better."
"Mobile games make money to such a staggering degree that it makes all other media look like chump change."
"This is the best story on either the big or the small screen that I've ever seen."
"It's almost like the OJ trial," drew a comparison to the famous case.
"I think there's a very real chance that this could be better than the MCU if done correctly."
"This is literally Black Mirror but webcomic version, I love it!"
"It's more fun than a TV commercial, I'll tell you that."
"You can't do that with music, you can't do that with film, but you can do it with games."
"Like is Blair Witch Project quality? Is a Casey Neistat video, like what is subjective quality?"
"Not all media are created equal... even within video games... different video games have a different effect on your brains."
"The anime changed my mind. It's a lot better than the manga."
"The distinction between games and movies has never been more clear."
"Let's talk about the differences of real communication and social media."
"It's just the reality, and our channel is a lot like a TV network in a lot of ways."
"Gaming isn't like other mediums. It's honestly the most unique."
"But what makes this worse, than say, watching Nightmare on Elm Street?"
"SpongeBob offers children something more robust than Disney's bland vision of childhood."
"CBC vs PBS: differences in funding, content, and cultural influence."
"The most emotionally accurate and resonant stories I've ever come across, regardless of medium."
"Narrative and thematic consistency that is unparalleled in most other media."
"But you are a content machine. This house is a content machine. You produce about as much daily content as a network does."
"I love it, we're not as fancy as the BBC but what we lack in funding I think we make up for with honesty."
"Last of Us, that is like Elite level storytelling regardless of which medium or which genre you're talking about."
"It's a little bit different than where The Washington Post or New York Times are."
"The predator and alien comparisons are so apt."
"I'm torn on when dick because they're not the same thing. When dick was actively telling people to go and do things, that's very different from what Roseanne was doing."
"TV can't do so much that YouTube can, but there seems to be a massive and relatively untapped market for actual conversation."
"It made me emotionally invested in Avatar in a way the movie didn't."
"He makes educational programming for children that is very, I think, a net positive overall. It's way better than that like crazy Russian content farming [__] that was going out there, even Coco Melon sits wrong with me."
"Narrative and characters as expertly crafted and impactful as these don't come along often be it in film or television or books or games."
"I can't believe this is an actual show. Is this really what I'm missing out on? I watch Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, and the History Channel, and that's all I get and I never seen nothing like that."
"It's just fascinating, it's like the show on Netflix right now."
"A picture is worth a thousand words, but a video is worth a thousand pictures."
"Tesla is more like watching Starship Troopers. It's like where grit meets science."
"I think this is the brand new way to really I think it is gonna eclipse the storytelling in film."
"Being president is different than being an MSNBC commentator."
"What if the medical community was as corrupt as the American Media? That should shock you because that's where we're going and we're going there real fast."
"That was a freaking awesome teaser, better than some trailers we get for some effing movies."
"If you love the movie or if you didn't see the hype around the movie, read the manga then go back and watch the movie, you'll be able to appreciate it leaps and bounds."
"Never gone from a book to a show or a movie where it's so so on point."
"The manga does a lot of things better, but the emotional scenes with kayo strike a much more powerful blow when given music and voice acting."
"The English voice acting in FMA was tremendous and has really divided the community. Many of the subtitle purists can even admit that the dubbed version is higher quality than many other dubbed anime."
"I'm not going to be the guy that tells you chainsaw man's manga is better than the anime which was a lie because it is."
"Can we just stop and appreciate for a second the fact that Peter Popoff the faith healer and Keemstar used the exact same intro music?"
"It looks a lot better in the anime when it does stuff like that."
"If anything this mu visited crash course on understanding the advantages of cartoon characters versus live-action ones how they express how they communicate and so on."
"I just think you know, the Big Bang is real competitive. Listen, I'll say it, God's the audio listener."
"How is Harry and Megan's Oprah interview in any way re bears the slightest resemblance to Martin Bashir tricking Diana into an interview that she lived to regret?"
"Interwoven plot lines are the key to a fully realized tale, but this complex style of storytelling is typically confined to books, TV, and film. Kingdom Hearts is one of the rare exceptions."
"Boy, would I rather, all the brands that are running around here this weekend, pay an agency eight hundred dollars for the copy of that tweet versus the 487 thousand for a commercial."
"There's a possibility of creating a new hierarchy between handmade, mechanical, and digital objects, based on their purposes."
"We're safe we free we're not arrested but guarantee you one thing CNN MSNBC Fox they haven't done what we just did."
"If you like the movie then you'll like these books."
"Stargate is so much better as a TV series than the Kurt Russell movie"
"Baahubali has now become a very important pop culture for India... It's like 'Star Wars' to you Americans."
"Way higher production, it doesn't have to be cars, but I'm using Top Gear specials as an example."
"Small screen animation doesn't just belong to Hanna-Barbera anymore. Welcome to WatchMojo.com of the century so far."
"Frankly, the video produced by this machine is extremely close to DVD quality."
"Steve Kerr called me the Kardashians of basketball. All he had to do was call me Lavar Ball and we would have been fine."
"For channels like us and other YouTubers, we pale into insignificance compared to the BBC and the Murdoch press."
"It's been said before but 'Good Omens' and 'What We Do in the Shadows' is pretty much the new Superwholock of Tumblr."
"I think that's one of the reasons that YouTube has stood the test of time... while other platforms come and go."
"Everyone is always so quick to trash YouTubers about ads, but have you seen TV ads?"
"The television writing is so superior to movie writing now because the writer has control in the television business."
"Why are we not treating this with actual respect? This isn't a [ ] Netflix show, this is a serious heinous crime."
"Similar energy here: [referring to a comparison between a gun pointed at a head and a Thor poster]."
"One difference between the show and the game."
"And that is why I have more viewers and more people coming to this channel for real news than the legacy media."
"Boldness wasn't careless like it is with so many other beloved franchises."
"Dragon Ball might be bigger than Star Wars worldwide."
"That's the most I've opened up to somebody on recorded, it's kind of like Oprah cooking show."
"A three-minute span then rings of power did in two hours I [__] you not it's true it's crazy"
"Ninety-nine percent of the time the book is better than the show or the movie."
"In this video, we're like incredibly high, and then you just compare these shows' numbers to the ones that are airing right now, it's just not comparable."
"I finally understood what a movie can do that a book is totally incapable of doing."
"When you watch it, compare the way we interview athletes to the way that most sportscasters interview athletes. It's pretty shocking."
"Books and movies sometimes don't even need to both be and sometimes they should be left alone."
"I found this interesting. By comparison, Fox News, the most popular Cable News Network, averages about 1.5 million viewers a day. Take a look at Joe Rogan Experience: 14.5 million followers! Wow."
"Short form video without premium music videos is like fast food."
"I feel bad for kids growing up in this generation because when I was a kid I had really good cartoons like Scooby-Doo."
"Channel 4 has always been the thinking man's BBC if the man in question was thinking."
"The Remake is having to compete against the idea of the original in people’s hearts, that childhood memory. And there’s just no way to compete with that."
"That single paragraph has given me more information about the Venom symbiote than every movie, cartoon, and TV show I've ever watched."
"People on YouTube, more people are watching this right now than would be watching a CNN live stream."
"It's worth saying right off the bat that the Death Note 2017 movie has absolutely nothing to do with the original manga or anime."
"It's funny to watch this one compared to this one because... they're both from CNBC."
"If you're familiar with Dan Patrick or Joe Rogan, that's what you'll see on this second channel."
"This is good, man. The equivalent of YouTube would be like a hundred years ago."
"None of a four-kid Saturday morning cartoon paid more attention to how a titular hero could be a dick to people than the big-budget live-action romps."
"Nothing will ever beat Midnight Mass in any medium or film or TV show."
"It's just like being on Oprah. This is awesome!"
"Alternative media has a huge advantage over legacy media right now because legacy media is out of touch and totally humorless."
"The medium tends to not be celebrated as much as film."
"See, this is the difference between Black Star Network and Black-owned media and something like CNN."
"History will look at Biden more highly than the news does."
"You're holding me to a higher standard than the BBC."
"I played your game for two hours and now I understand the Middle East conflict better than watching the news for two years."
"A book and a movie are two very different things."
"It's like eye-opening to go from coloring on cardstock to coloring on watercolor paper with water-based media."
"It does a lot of good things that the best animated or book or movie version of your favorite properties does."
"We are more likely to have an honest discussion here than on Fox."
"I'm more worried about the loss of things like nature and science than I am the New York Times."