
Banking Sector Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Ultimately, what this is, folks, it's a sign that the commercial property crash, which I've been talking about over the last 3 to six months, is now finally starting to take hold and impact the banking sector."
"If the banks start losing money and have to cut their lending, and a credit crisis unfolds, that's the recipe for a big, big recession."
"The CEO of Silicon Valley Bank was one of the directors at the San Francisco Federal Reserve and he was promptly fired after this disaster."
"It's not just about the private sector...the actual responsibility for something like this is with the regulators."
"Bankers always get out of the criminal charges."
"China's local government debt and credit portfolio losses increased posing a risk to bank profitability."
"Let us take a gander of what the bis and major central banks and Commercial banks have been planning."
"I've been trying to buy my own bank for the longest."
"The greed in the banking sector can be rampant. If certain banks go down, it could bankrupt the government itself."
"The gang was said to have gained control of several village banks – including the four that had frozen up - by illicit means, sold financial products through their platform, and set up shell companies to hide where the money had gone."
"The big money is collecting physical metals. The big money, the banks, the profits, the nations, they're all collecting it and they're trying to convince you not to."
"JPMorgan stock is not just going to be a dividend beast for the next five, 10 years, but it's also gonna well over double up over the next five years or so."
"Canadian bank stocks for their consistent and increasing dividends."
"XRP is going to be used primarily as a liquidity token, especially among the banks."
"Bitcoin will directly affect stable currencies and the banks."
"Banks and insurance companies lost trillions of won from Daewoo debt."
"After one year of consolidation, Jamie Dimon officially becomes the CEO of JP Morgan Chase - then the second largest bank in America, second to Citigroup."
"This crash in the regional Banks right now that's been going on for about what seven eight weeks and that the public by and large has no idea put down the confidence if you think that 95 of the nation has no concept."
"The European Union no longer protects the people within it; it protects the banks."
"The future: Banks appealing for emergency liquidity assistance as counterparties withdraw their funds."
"What happened last month is literally like an atomic bomb went off in our banking sector as compared to the 2008 Great Recession."
"What is in process here, unlike 2008, which basically was a failure at the top, this is basically a bottom up failure, where it's going to be the regional banks and the community banks that are under massive pressure."
"I think it's a really interesting one because it's always kind of been us versus them when it comes to banks and crypto."
"We could have a serious banking collapse which would lead to financial collapse all over the world."
"The idea that allowing these Banks to fail is even an option is ridiculous."
"There are different types of sanctions, and the most impactful ones... imposed on Russian banks."
"These commercial Banks are losing money hand over fist now."
"There's really no reason that banking can't just function like any other business."
"Goldman Sachs approves the first bitcoin-backed loan facility."
"We're going into a time when the senior loan officer surveyed that the FED produces whether you're talking about commercial and industrial commercial real estate residential real estate auto loans credit card loans all that's Frozen right now."
"Markets are definitely prepared for these smaller Community Banks... it's much more pertinent to discuss the market shrugging that one off."
"Banks should be scared of cryptocurrency-based DeFi."
"This is not a crypto problem, this is a good old-fashioned Bank Run."
"If the banks are sounding the alarms, it's generally not what you want."
"Crypto may have killed the banks... what an incredible irony that is."
"Jerome Powell testified in Congress that he expects some banks to fail."
"Ultimately what's going to happen is banks are going to either be forced to adopt this or their competitors are going to get the bank's business."
"When smaller Banks fail it means looser lending goes away and you end up with net net tighter lending."
"If JPMorgan Chase yields above three and a half percent, I'll probably be adding to this position."
"I'm not surprised that a lot of these super investors have been buying into Wells Fargo."
"The banks are behind all this... manipulating everything right now."
"The news of the financial conversion... comes at the height of several banking failures."
"Let me be clear that during the financial crisis there were investors and owners of systemic large banks that were bailed out."
"Cracks emerge in the developed market central banks."
"The Regulators who were trained in a benign period and some of the bankers who were trained in benign periods aren't psychologically attuned to the demands of the next decade."
"All this fear about Banks, Banks and Banks... we are heading in that direction again due to Greed and leverage of the banks."
"There's about two to three trillion dollars of uninsured deposits."
"What happens to the banks if interest rates go NEGATIVE? It's TOXIC."
"We're setting the stage for more bank failures and a potential economic depression."
"The Fed announced that it's gonna supply banks with trillions of dollars."
"Nationalize the banks. They should be public property."
"If people start losing confidence then even the healthy banks can be adversely impacted."
"Banking is one of the major segments or sectors in the Indian markets."
"About half of the jobs in banking today will be made redundant or disrupted by artificial intelligence."
"So based on the last 13 periods of data, the average is 170,000 and they're actually above that. Yes, that's correct. So what does that tell you? That means the momentum at which the banks are accumulating long positions is pretty aggressive."
"...generally over a long period of time the share market goes up and companies like banks would generally go up over time."
"Trouble in the banking sector can send shock waves throughout the broader economy."
"It's got some runway to go, obviously the banks and you can look at an ETF, they're doing great."
"The single biggest threat to the United States banking system is concentration."
"The business of banking in Dublin was especially booming; the city had to respond with better infrastructure."
"One of the most essential functions of the financial system is to share risk, which is mainly handled by the banking sector."
"How great would it be if every bank in the United States issued a stable coin on a blockchain?"
"The difficulty for policymakers is to tighten enough, but without breaking the banks."