
Banking Crisis Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Perhaps most importantly, looming banking crisis which could already be underway."
"Ladies and gentlemen, it is happening. We just witnessed the biggest banking failure since 2008."
"Do they bail out the banks yet again and create surging inflation, or do they let a few banks fail and rebuild from a more sustainable base, but we're going to have a full-on global depression?"
"While Credit Suisse is certainly facing some serious problems, it's important to realize that there are major differences compared to Silicon Valley Bank."
"RBS had assets of in excess of two trillion pounds and the relentless ambition of its boss, Fred Goodwin, who drove it to the top."
"The financial world has been rocked over the past few days as Silicon Valley Bank, the nation's 16th largest bank, which had 209 billion in assets and 175 billion in deposits just as of this December, failed with little warning. This is the second largest bank failure in U.S. history."
"By the way the banking crisis drove more than a hundred million people back into poverty."
"When I see the next run on the shadow banking system... that'll be the sign that this cycle is over and that a disaster lies on the horizon."
"Is it possible that the loss of deposits by consumers at the Silicon Valley Bank could affect the entire sector?"
"Silicon Valley Investment Bank is the second largest bank collapse in U.S history and if you care about Ukraine you need to care about this." - Paul US
"Iceland pursued criminal charges against a lot of the bankers at the tops of these institutions, and they succeeded, and these people went to jail."
"If one of these things actually failed in the sense that they had to shut their doors and depositors were not protected if that were the outcome you would see a banking crisis worse than 1931 I mean it would be uh be horrendous."
"It's the real estate exposure that's going to take down the entire banking sector."
"It was out-and-out incompetence the banks were using their reserves to back up investment tools they themselves had created but did not understand."
"Bitcoin is increasingly being used as a store of value in response to the banking crisis."
"I think Bitcoin is here to stay in fact I think the recent issues with the banks has even put it more kind of in the DNA of the financial system now."
"The world changed in 2009 that existential risk of the collapse of the global banking system in developed countries does not exist."
"What is left is what the big banks have been doing since 2008."
"What happened last month is literally like an atomic bomb went off in our banking sector as compared to the 2008 Great Recession."
"President Biden has promised to make depositors at the bank whole."
"If any bank fails, it's as big of a disaster as a big bank failing."
"There's never been a time in my lifetime where at least I and I don't think I'm alone in this as we've talked with many of the people here in studio have seen more question marks about the survivability of banks right now."
"The idea that allowing these Banks to fail is even an option is ridiculous."
"The collapse of SVB meant that 40,000 Tech CEOs got the message that the U.S banking system is unsafe."
"Despite his assurances, First Republic Bank dropped 60 in its stock value in a single day."
"The banking industry is insolvent, and that's a scary thing to say out loud."
"A bail-in is intended to rescue a failing bank by making its creditors and shareholders bear the cost of recapitalizing the bank."
"Germany is preparing for a total banking blackout. They are worried that there's going to be a run on banks."
"Our banks collapsing and it's a slow rolling train wreck."
"Bail-in laws allow your deposits, CDs, bonds, and the bank itself to be converted into shares of stock in a failing bank."
"I think there's most likely next month we're going to see an emerging banking crisis."
"Our banking system's health is in jeopardy and with it, the stability of our personal finances."
"The American banks, I think ever since the repo crisis back in September 2019, have been short of balance sheet space."
"There are banks who are short who are getting into trouble on this."
"We are at the beginning of the next round of bank failures."
"Banks have no money right now and you're going to see major major changes to the banking system."
"Financial instability following the March banking turmoil remains contained thanks to forceful actions by the U.S. and Swiss authorities."
"Trouble in the banking sector can send shock waves throughout the broader economy."
"The iconic image that has remained in the collective memory has been that of groups of people gathered in front of bank branches and headquarters, banging pots and pans and demanding the full return of their deposits."
"If you had equity markets sell off and central banks do nothing... you would have widespread bank defaults."
"Bitcoin was created for this, you know, for this banking crisis."